MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Thanks to leffen showing how it’s possible to self pick up after dirt nap at incoming height I’ve finally got a combo to kill high health teams!

Here are my notes for combos against the second character:
Post Dirt Nap meter build
830k-1mil (xfactor 1)
Hulk assist, Neck Slicer, M, H, S, SJ, M, M, H, CS-H, TA-L, ankle slicer, X-Factor, H, S, H, CS-H, TA-L, ankle slicer, CS-H, TA-H

1mil+ (X-Factor 1)
Ankle slicer, X-Factor, jump, M, M, H, S, TA-L, stM, H, S, SJ, M, M, H, CS-H, TA-L, Hulk assist, Neck Slicer, S, H, CS-H, TA-L, ankle slicer, CS-H, TA-H

900k+ (X-factor 2)
Ankle slicer, X-Factor, jump, L, M, H, TA-L, stL, M, H, S, SJ, L, M, H, CS-H, TA-L, infinite

Also, we’re all dumb. :frowning:

Except Leffen, our new shining beacon, lighting the way of the dash L. (Except that Zero/X23/Dante can’t be the best team without double dirt nap, imo. I’ll def. give it props for best non-double team, though.)

I feel like someone I respected posted that the dash L link wasn’t consistent so it became a fact in my brain and I never really took time to look at it myself but it’s totally reliable/viable in match. (Got the timing consistent enough to hit in real matches against Wandles in less than an hour in the lab…)

That said, my list of double dirt nap team requirements have changed to a 10% damage scaling character + infinite (Morrigan, Mags, IM), a reliable guarantee, and 1 extender assists (beam bounce minimum for Thor TODs post dirt nap.)

The Dash L link also gives us one of the last peices we’ve been missing. Meterless +1 kill combos on the baby-health 3 (strider, akuma, rr) so we can officially double dirt nap though anyone but phoenix in 2nd. (Huzzah!)

I have videos for those waiting to upload for Post dirtnap Thor and tiny health kills (along with a super long set between me and Wandles with tons of double dirt nap goodness where I get bodied for the first 30 minutes for still having an ass dante.)

Also, I think the dash L link could make it possible to play X23/Mags(EMD)/Dante(JS) in various orders. I couldn’t find a way to break the 1.2mil mark post dirt-nap but that only leaves 4 (and Hulk probably the only one you’ll see very often and him not on point) out of the land of double dirt nap.

If I can get the link to a reliable point I’ll probably switch IM out for Mags. (Still not crazy about X23 + EMD, but as far as overall MUs go, it’s hard to argue against Dante + EMD and Mags + JS with a Low assist.)

Can anyone check if Zero’s Sougenmu’d Ryujin can be used as a meaty like Jam Session. I was in the lab and the duration/hitboxes seemed similar to Jam Session.

Oh, and I’m starting to think Dante/Mags/X-23 could be really good. As long as Dante/Magneto can get reliable damage from each other.

Yeah, I’m back playing Dante/mags/X23. I think the team’s really gross and plan to main it now that i know the dash L link is reliable (post dirt nap pickups were my only complaint before.). I think it’s the new best double dirt nap team possible.
Still getting a handle on running X23 with emd (it’s not very derpy but it’s def.not the worst thing in the world.) This def isn’t a point X23 team since her damage is awful with those assists, but Dante and mags have great neutral and resets/unblockables with this team. Plus there’s good thc synergy with mags Dante and really dumb/strong anti assist tech (for blowing up missiles in the Morridoom mu.)

I went from losing to Wandles 60-80 with Dante/X23/im to beating him 17-9 and I don’t have a real magneto yet. still need to get his infinite and neutral game down. We’re having a crack session tonight and tomorrow and I’ll be recording matches.

Also got some short combo post dirt nap combo vids and the back half of a 5 hour set between Wandles and me converted and waiting to upload to yt.

Uhhhh, I know for a fact that a few pages ago when everyone was freaking out about the beam otg pickup, I mentioned the dash L link after dirt nap being the same sort of thing…

Not disagreeing in the least. At some point it got in my head that the dash L link at incoming height wasn’t practical. I know some of it had to do with playing rb as my guarantee instead on js (since it screws with positioning so hard.)

I like the new team a lot and I think it’s very functional and tournament worthy. But why not run Magneto anchor? Is it too weird to skip past X-23? I think the team order would be better because Magneto is a better anchor and Lvl 2 X-factor X-23 is just as effective as anchor. Also, Magneto doesn’t really benefit from X-23 assists very much whereas X-23 has a good mix-up/neutral game with disruptor. And it allows you to still have TAC infinites. And it gives you time to let your primary assist character heal incase he gets tagged.

Probably because you have to TAC twice to get to the infinite. Some people prefer to have their TAC infinite character in 2nd slot.

i thinking about running Laura with Akuma(Tatsu) assist. Any recommend pressure tools or set ups? Also i dont know who to run in the middle of that sandwich, any tips?

I run Laura with Akuma. I use Ironman, And Tasky, sometimes Ryu. Also Storm is a fun fit in the middle of that.

You can skip X-23 in the TAC order if you use her assist in your combo.

You can tac past X23 with Dante with no problem. The team works in pretty much any order, i do run Dante/X23/mags primarily but you can run X23/Dante/mags or mags/Dante /X23 just s well depending on match up.

Where’s your new match videos, Merk?

My internet blows ass. They’re slowly on their way. Only 1 or 2 ft5’s with the mags team though.

Cross posting the Match vids over here since it’s relevant to team building (I feel these are the 3 strongest double dirt nap teams atm). I have 2 more full Wandles vids on the way as well as 1 more set with the Dante/X23/Mags team (One of the Nagato matches are still uploading right this second.) The Mags vids are mostly me getting bodied, the Wandles v. Me set is the back end of a 5 hour session and it’s pretty back and forth. Lots of double dirt nap games, though.


Here’s the other 2 parts in my set with Wandles.


Out of curiosity, why that order? Seems like it might be better to play Dante, Magneto, X-23 so you can TAC infinites, still have a decent DHC, and can still set up your plan.

Tac infinite isn’t an issue at all, Dante can tac past X23 consistently on any hit confirm where you can clay pigeon > stinger within the first 10 hits (with full corner carry, too). X23 with emd and xf 2 is better than xf 3 with no assist (and I’d prefer xf 3 mags over xf 2 with no major neutral assist though there are plenty of times where I put mags in for incoming setups where I can’t dirt nap. )

The dhc from million dollars to wxp is great since no matter when it kills, you always have the full 4 seconds to hard tag back to Dante or mags and set up acid rain or any other incoming you want. I agree about the safe dhc issue, but Dante has plenty of tools to set up safe hard tags so it hasn’t been a huge deal. Also, on the dhc front, the team is more built around the Dante+ X23 unlockable reset and tac infinites anyways.

Past that, it’s all still in flux and I only started seriously labbing the team last week and one of the things i like so much about the team is how flexible the order is depending on the match up.

I do plan to run Dante/mags or mags/Dante orders for matches where missiles or some other assist has to die at any cost since the shockwave > dt > thunderbolt assist kill option is hard to ignore.

Hello guy, I am rather new to UMVC3 and currently trying to build around X-23 as she is one of my favorites. I currently run X-23/ankle slice Storm/whirlwind and Strider/ vajra. I am open to and tip/pointers you might have.