MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

The best extension I know of with Strange is S+bolts sj.HxxCS LxxTA L > beam bounce. At low HSD (post throw and dirt nap, for sure) you can do: Super early bolts call > late OTG so they hit the last frames on the first bolt, juggle on the second > whatever. Works for midscreen and corner dirt nap pickups, too.

It’s def. the best beam bounce extension damage-wise (compared to PB, UB, Tasky Arrows, etc.) If you haven’t reached max damage scaling it actually does a little more damage than if you did HxxCS HxxTA L ( like ~3k more, at max scaling it does like ~9k less.)

The problem with Strange’s TACs, at least when I would do them, is that they never built more than 3 meters after a kill and wouldn’t exceed 900k in damage without spending more than one meter. Which itself was a problem since Strange can’t DHC to Laura well. With you it might be different since you have Jam Session though, that’s one of those assists that always gives Strange some extra FoF loops.

For reference this is the down TAC I used to do. Pretty sure it was optimal as of six months ago, dunno if any better has come out since.

fly -> j.m -> j.m -> j.h -> j.IP -> j.FoF -> j.l -> j.IP -> j.FoF -> j.IP -> IP -> FoF -> IP -> S -> j.IP -> j.FoF -> j.IP -> j.FoF -> j.IP -> FoF -> j.IP -> IP -> FoF -> IP -> FoF -> IP -> Mystic Sword -> Vishanti.

That was after some longer combos with X-23. If you TAC as early as possible you can get more FoF reps but IIRC the damage and meter gain wasn’t very different.

PS. Strange with Crescent Scythe is hilarious. If you’re quick you can confirm every anti-air into a FoF loop.

Cool, I was hoping he was fast enough for CS. Do you know if you can extend with CS to get an extra FoF loop? Seems like you should be able to.

Not sure if it’s character specific, but apparently Bolts can give X23 a full basic relaunch. Check the combo at 2:45

Huh, I don’t think I ever knew about that. I knew she could get conversions off of throw and Dirt Nap by calling Bolts then dashing up before the OTG, but I can’t figure out how he’s getting that one.

I wonder why Tenboss dropped Dormammu on that team. I mean, I know dropping almost anyone for Vergil tends to lead to a better team, but I think Dormammu would have more synergy. The Dorm/Strange shell is just so powerful and so underexplored. Does he still post here?

X-23, Dante and Strange on the same team sounds amazing.

I only ever saw him post one time after finding the CSxxTA leniency.

I def. didn’t know about it. I guess it might be a character specific thing. There are times where he’ll use it to relaunch like that in xf 1. When I get a chance tonight I’ll try to take a look at it. I’m not sure how you get them to bounce late into the second bolt, it didn’t look like he delayed the otg or dashed or anything.

Dormamu is interesting characeter in as far as using, but too weak, he has no potential.
Vergil is too cheap and spoled game character, but x23/vergil/Dr.Strange synergy is interesting more than make up for it.

It is necessary for Bolts+ancle relaunch that fast Bolts call and delay ancle.

The bolts relaunch is interesting. I’ve long ago discarded the notion of running Strange with X23 because I want that relaunch possibility after a HKD. Now that I’ve seen with my own eyes that it is possible, I might start looking into it, see if I can get it to connect and how reliable it is for me.

I personally think Dormammu and X-23 have amazing synergy, but that might be personal opinion. I’ve come to the belief that Dante is in fact Dormammu’s best assist and I love the pairing to the point where I consider it to be my main shell. I might consider X-23/Strange/Dante as a counterpick alt in matchups where I feel a lack of beam assist makes the matchup unwinnable.

I’m planning on learning Magneto in the foreseeable future, so that gives me permutations of X-23/Dorm/Dante, X-23/Strange/Dante, Magneto/Dorm/Dante, Magneto/Strange/Dante and Dorm/Strange/Dante. Those are some good teams to pocket methinks.

I’m not fond of a Dorm/Strange shell myself, my gut tells me that bolts assist is too fragile for Dormammu to consistently protect and leaves too many vulnerabilities in Dorms gameplan.

Yeah, If Dante/Strange gets to a point where I’m comfortable with it, I’m gonna try to pick up Strider for shits and giggles. Since I play hitbox, it’s too tempting to not learn him with his broken ass instant dash jump float half-screen overhead crossups, especially if there’s a consistent way to go into FoF Loops afterwards.

I was playing some matches last night in various orders and Strange/Dante/X23(CS) is actually pretty fun. Zone Zone Zone Whoops Alpha Counter Lulz. SoV punish > DT is pretty gross, too.

Those 3 really work well in just about any freaking order. I feel pretty good about the team even at a low level and dropping combos all over the place.

A friend of mine plays Strange/Dante (Correzzio from the vid I posted). The pair is pretty damn good. Though they struggle to force mistakes out of the opponent, the punishes for those mistakes are brutal and they’re pretty decent as a cleanup crew. Strange with xf2 is nothing to scoff at.

So looked into the Bolts relaunch after ankle slicer and it seems like the trick is making sure you’re below the opponent as far as possible so you land early enough to do the required delay.

It works corner and midscreen and works after CS L or H. If you drop it and your opponent neutral techs you probably just HBD’d yourself though…

hey guys, long time forum reader but never really post,

i was thinking of playing x-23 (unsure of which assist), RR (log), Strange (bolts or eye).

what do you think of this team? and would you suggest to keep bolts or use eye?

If you’re wanting to run RR 2nd, I would personally recommend a hori/lockdown assist that people can’t duck under so you can abuse his teleport game more easily but I think he could get away with bolts. (Cold Star***/Unibeam/Plasma Beam/Cart)

As far as Dr. strange assists go, Log is AMAZING but doesn’t hit full screen so I would recommend bolts to give you a little more range on your pressure. RR already has issues with short limbs and his RS tri-dash pressure crosses up really well and sets up really great follow-up mixups so I don’t think he’ll mind people ducking the beams, he just won’t be able to use it to teleport in on people. (You could probabaly do Bolts + TK spitfire > teleport for your teleport pressure outside of sj. tri-dash pressure, though.) I don’t think he would be able to abuse Eye outside of reset situations since it’s hard for him to get in on people without assists, meters, or XF.

If you have FoF loops down, I can see that team doing decently since RR can DHC into them easily and it would help with his damage issues. You should be able to get ~1 mil off a clean hit from X23 with 2 extensions, probably 1.1/1.2 with the DHC. Having RR behind X23 lets you get full combos off WXP punishes with WXP > Mad Hopper > hard tag back to X23 s.S > combo (or I assume you could probably hard tag to strange and FoF loop, too.)

There’s probably a lot that team could get away with and tech to build. Optimal X23 has an infinite character with her, IMO, but she’s still effective without it if she has double relaunch assists so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

Been doing some more research on optimal Double Dirt Nap teams with my recent understanding of how meter gain works during infinites.

I was looking at through the characters that have 10% damage scaling and an infinite. Everyone in that group should get 5 meters during an infinite on all but the baby health characters. (120k scaled damage/meter as opposed to 240k/meter on the 20%ers.)

That list is a bit underwhelming. A few of these have 20% scaling on their specials, and I think the SRK wiki may have been wrong on a few.

Iron Man, Mags, Nemesis, Phoenix, Spencer, Storm, Tasky, Thor, Sent, V.Joe, Morrigan, Ammy, Chun.

Nemmy seems like he should be at least a 20% since he’s a heavy (didn’t actually check though, and I think he makes more sense as a point which means wierd hard tag setups or double TACs to use his infinite) and Thor only gains 2 meters during his infinite doing 1mil damage, though most of his damage comes from spark on his infinite and he’s supposed to have 20% scaling on his specials (Decent, albeit slow assists and a ton of health, but I have trouble seeing him as anything but a point character, too).

A few of those don’t have reliable or multi-way infinites or their loops are too short to be useful in long matches. (Spencer, Task, Nem.)

Phoenix’s is too short in it’s current version and she’s too much of a liability to have along-side X23, IMO. Plus you can’t really call her in neutral safely. If you’re insane, I could see there being some fun stuff here. Just not easy or reasonable. I think you have to use TK Trap to OTG after a dirt nap, but I didn’t look at doing the late assist call trick with her psycho crusher assist.

Sent is worse than IM imo. After a dirt nap, you might be able to work some way to have drones work, but you’re stuck with rocket punch otherwise. I haven’t spent much time looking into it, but if you can do a super early drones call and use it to OTG after a dirt nap, Dante/X23/Sent might be worth looking into.

Storm and Mags don’t have an assist that helps neutral AND picks up after a dirt nap (I tried everything I could think of to get EMD to work and the closest I got was maybe 2 or 3 frames away from being able to use it if you get the OTG to hit once. I wish that worked, though. Dante/Mags/X23 or Dante/Mags/X23 would be so good if it did… T.T) I haven’t gone back and checked whirlwind with the late assist call trick so it might work, I’m just not crazy about Storm, in general.

Joe might get a pass with shocking pink, but it’s one of those assists that takes a lot of work in neutral and he’s def. more of a point character so it would be hard to infinite with him often (possible delayed bomb hard tag setups might make it possible, though.)

Chun has Legs, which can pick up after a dirt nap, but it’s pretty short range, and Ideally you would need to pair it with JS or CS and X23/Chun/(Ammy or Dante) seems like it would be a hard sell in my book. Might be worth looking into other synergy options, though. It seems like there’s probably some tech worth exploiting with her somewhere. Might be able to abuse THC stuff with Chun/Ammy or Chun/Dante?

Ammy might be a solid possibility, her infinite isn’t as reliable as the flight ones, but if you can get it down, X23/RR/Ammy (assuming there’s a good combo to TAC past RR from X23) would be a really solid team.

That leaves Morrigan with Soul Fist (meh, though it does pick up after a dirt nap if you call it late) or DH, but to make DH work, you would have to have a team that can just stall and run away while gaining meter, then have some persistent attack that sets up a free dirt nap (Round Harvest, Stalking Flare, Round Trips, Hailstorm, etc.) Vergil(RS)/Morrigan(DH)/X23(LowTG) seems like it could have some promise if you could find some way to use round trip to set up a dirt nap or maybe switch the order so you can abuse dimension slash > dirt nap. I assume Vergil can probably DHC past X23 easily enough and I’m sure there’s a Sword Belt unblockable with X23 somewhere.

IM looks to be the ideal character for the situation. Either running Dante(JS)/X23(LowTG/CS)/IM(Unibeam) (DapVip’s team), Strong-point-with-post-dirt-nap-pick-up-assist/X23(LowTG/CS)/IM(RB), or X23(CS)/IM(RB)/RR(log) or other strong anchor with a neutral assist that picks up after a dirt nap and helps IM. (Not sure who that is. Maybe drones?)

What about:


The Vergil team could use a Round Trip based setup to ensure a Dirtnap or Dimension Slash xx DHC like you mentioned.

Zero has such strong neutral that you could probably get away with just using Repulser Blast as an assist and then use Ankle Slice to create very reliable unblockable situations using Zero’s air normals. Similar to Meep’s old Zero/X-23/Dante team but with a character that has access to an infinite.

I know you don’t like Trish but how are her infinites?

I also have about of faith in Ironman after seeing Jeopardy play him as anchor recently.

Are you looking at this because the 10% has lower damage? I know that meter gain is unaffected by damage scaling (always gives the base of the move’s damage) so this is about keeping the opponent alive as long as possible?

Yeah. 10% max scaling character gains 2x as much meter as a 20% character. Gaining 4 meters with doom means your opponent has to take 960k worth of fully scaled damage (plus the extra damage at the start of the combo where you hadn’t capped scaling yet.) So if your opponent isn’t playing someone with 1.1 mil health, you won’t end the combo with 5 meters and you most likely won’t get a double dirt nap. On the flip side, IM builds 4 meters after doing 480k + whatever damage happened before scaling. Gives you a much bigger window and you don’t have to worry about chip or dropped combos/TAC breaks as often.

Yeah, IM isn’t awful. You have to respect him in xf3 and most people don’t.

Trish has 20% scaling so she has the same doom problem of not building enough meter.

I think vergil/IM/X23 has the possibility of being a really solid team. I’m sure there’s a som unblockables setup using her lowtg and sword belt+ teleport which means you just have to get the tac to win the match. Ideally you would have rb, but I think vergil would handle neutral with unibeam really well and you can always do the CS method of forcing them into rapid slash for dirt nap and otg ing with unibeam.

Merk a player that is as dedicated as yourself should try and get as much help as you can tier wise.

So you explained how Vergil (a Rapid Slash), X-23 (Ankle Slice) and Ironman (Unibeam) work team wise.

How would you theory-craft Zero (Dunno), X-23 (Crescent Sycthe) and Ironman (Repulsor Blast)?

I’m playing Dante/X23/IM at the moment. I think Dante could be replaced by Vergil and technically be a bit higher tier-wise, but Vergils limited movement doesn’t mesh well with my personal playstyle. I could see maybe switching over to Viper/Morrigan/Dante at some point, but that won’t be until I’m finally not enjoing playing X23.

Dante/X23/IM is really fun, great unblockable resets, easy combos to TAC into IM, true double dirt nap, IM does great with JS and does 950k in the corner with both assists (and JS does well at pushing people to the corner if you have play him for some reason.) X23 pressure with JS and Unibeam is pretty lul-worthy. Unless new tech comes out, I think this is as high tier as you can get with true double dirt nap teams.

You could probably do Dante/X23/Mags and have it be decent. I need to go and look at XF1 X23 combos and double check my damage post dirt nap. Just too many holes and EMD isn’t great for X23. :confused: Unfortunate since that would be such an amazing team if they gave mags EMD M instead of L as the assist.

As far as Zero/X23/IM, I could see it being decent if you have a really strong Zero. RB doesn’t have the startup that JS has and I don’t know how it does on extensions. Zero has the dash TAC tech that would be awesome to have and when he’s in sougenmu, his DP can pick up after a dirt nap to technically it is a double dirt nap team, it just has some specific requirements. Honestly, though, I would probably put Unibeam with Zero before I put RB. I seem to recall some decently skilled player running the zero/unibeam pairing and doing well with it. I’m not sure if Zero gets any extensions from CS (pretty much true for everyone in the cast, too fast for most people to set up) but you can probably use that or the LowTG to the same effect. IM can double repulsar blast ender off of the LowTG in the corner and unblockables decently off it on incoming, CS is just the normal insurance policy.

Personally, I don’t think it would be a great team for zero so he’d be picking up a lot of slack. I’m sure he could make it work and if you could find some way to reliably set up RB lockdown > sougenmu unblockable the team would probably be pretty solid. I did mess around with the idea of running that team and I want to say there was a vid or two of zero with RB. This is the only one I could find again, though.

**I have definitely been thinking of picking up Ironman.

Also due to inconsistencies with Skrull online I am going back to my Akuma anchor on pretty much all my teams. Akuma is still my favorite anchor character and my comfort level with him is still the highest.

I am also thinking of giving Tasky a 2nd chance.

So my Next X-23 team is going to be either
X-23, Ironman, Akuma or
X-23, Taskmaster, Akuma.

I just have to get in the lab with Ironman and figure himout… picking up new characters is fun.**