MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

I’m not really sold on Nova/Skrull synergy together. It’s a good team for X23 the character, but if she dies Nova won’t have the same options as to having a beam and if you burn XF early Skrull isn’t as good.

Played the team in casuals yesterday and getting the Double Dirtnap off is extremely simple with this team. Tenderizer works well enough for X-23’s lockdown and is actually pretty good at dealing with airdashers and their rushdown. More than a few times I caught my friend’s Dante boxdashing into it and I was able to convert. Centurion Rush is of course pretty nasty for crossup/unblockable shenanigans. Either way, didn’t matter how I got the hit, once I got the hit Nova’s infinites worked flawlessly. Easily the most practical infinites I’ve tried so far. I literally only had about two hour’s practice with them and I was landing them in real matches on the same night. Didn’t find they took too long to get the job done either.

In the matches where X-23 died things were definitely trickier. Nova without a get-in assist is a tough character to play for sure, and it’s definitely the weak link. Still, it worked well enough and as long as I managed to corner people then Tenderizer ensured they weren’t getting out of Nova’s mixups easily. What I’d like to focus on now is finding a way to break 1 million with Nova; right now a bnb into Inferno DHC only does about 920k and that leaves several problem characters still alive.

I’m also waiting for a chance to play the team with Orbital Grudge assist for Skrull. That would give X-23 and Nova more complete neutral game assist and dramatically improve the team as a whole. I think it would be a good option to go to if I find I can’t get the Double Dirtnap strategy going.

Here’s what I do.

Midscreen: Launch+assist, sj.MMHxxH-CSxxL-Talon (Do this quickly), Charged Neck Slice (1-2 missiles hit OTG)

Corner carry: Do your combo normally. When you land in the corner, call assist, and M-Feint into the corner. Push their body into the missiles on their way up, launch, etc.

I used X-23/Nova/Doom awhile ago. I used the Centurion Rush assist to get a relaunch after otg. but I remember having issues with it mid screen. I switched to using Nova in my Cap team for corner relaunches since Cap can relaunch mid screen by himself but cannot in the corner without an assist. Plus I couldn’t stop playing Nova, he is so much fun.

So after about a hundred teams I’m just playing the Laura/Doom shell. What do you guys think, Ammy third or Sentinel third? Doom/Ammy is obviously strong but I’m wondering if Drones is a better assist for the team. They used to be a popular choice for her but I haven’t seen them used much lately just because Sentinel dropped off most players’ teams in general.

**You could play Skrull 3rd. He is more fun than sent and better comeback than Ammy. Tenderizer for dirt nap. **

Ammy for sure if your brain actually works for her (I can’t do her combos for beans). She is able to stack odds in her favor better than Sent can, plus you get ammy bomb and the really good 2 meter non-dhc doom ender, and stupidly fast XF3 kills from any touch or any full screen punish if you haven’t popped yet (and then her stupidly good incoming mixups.)

Sent just has cha-cha and his incoming grab stuff without assists. Plus, he burns meter killing people in a lot of situations which wastes time.

Skrull is pretty yolo in XF3. Not bad by any means, but you pretty much get one (practically) free meteor smash > XF > command grab > Kill and then you just have to hope that you’re playing someone either stupid that will get hit by meteor smashes, or stupid and lets you command grab them. Smart players will kill you for whiffing a meteor smash, or be unpredictable enough that command grabs are a gamble and kill you when you miss your coin flip.

you don’t have to resort to just those tactics. Skrull has a great low hitting light. And good pokes. You don’t have to “yolo” meteor Smash. You can play a great patient Skrull and only meteor smash against someone shooting projectiles or flying away or trying to get in on you with a maneuver. Meteor smash works best against stuff like Doom air finger lasers or Magneto magnetic blast in air, Dante’s air lighting ball. Just get smashed. No real gamble there. Also you get huge damage off of air throws. And Skrull has wicked resets. I would rather fight against an XF3 Ammy than Skrull any day.

For synergy purposes Ammy is the clear choice. The derp THC, incoming chokepoints, quality anchor with intense knowledge of the character, really is a no brainer but pretty much every character in the game can use drones and Sentinel won’t have to guess incoming so long as he has meter. I don’t feel Doom makes the most with Drones other than going HAM with his Trijumps, but since people are still getting footdived in 2013 it might not even matter.

Dark Skrull randoms out a lot of people, but he’s nowhere near threatening without XF2/3 so if you are put into a predicament where you have to burn XF early he becomes more of a liability rather than an asset. Also, missing out on the inferno DHC for the anchor slot just seems like wasted potential.

Go check out P0tat0_5alad (a lot of his matches go up as Potato_Salad, too) on youtube sometime. He plays an absolutely incredible anchor Skrull. Not saying Skrull is bad, just that he’s clearly not better than anchor Ammy. Plus Doom kill > Veil > Paper > hard tag Doom is practically a dead character trying to deal with that stupid hi/low game.

I wasn’t meaning that the only option skrull has is crazy repetitive meteor smashes, I was meaning that the only safe options he has without assist are his normals (and his s.L is obnoxiously good) and his throws. Once you’ve popped XF, meteor smash and command grab pretty much get taken out of the match (outside of punish situations, but that’s lack of matchup knowledge if someone is trying to get away with that kind of zoning against skrull.)

Ammy is much safer, has better meter usage, and has a better hi/low game.

As far as Sent, I feel like it’s to easy to bait and punish hard drive if you let it rip in incoming.

**Ok I am seeing your points. You are right about Ammy having more options. But, I do believe Class Real enjoys playing Skrull. Look at his second to last post and games come down to what you enjoy. So as a Skrull player I was reinforcing this.

Is Ammy’s Cold Star Better than Skrull’s Tenderizer for Dirt Nap? **

No, CS doesn’t actually hit meaty because of the angle. That’s probably the only place where Tenderizer is better, though.

Well then I rest my case. Lol!

Thanks for the feedback guys, I think I’ll stick with Ammy for the reasons listed and because I’ve already been playing her for a year anyway. Quasidomo’s shown us that Skrull/Doom can work pretty damn well for Laura though. I’m assuming Beam/Cold Star is the shell I should be running?

Anyway, I got Doom’s infinites down pretty quickly and they feel perfectly match practical, but the ones I’m doing are actually killing people too fast in the corner. I can only ever get about 3 meters before killing a 900k health character. So I’m gonna have to do some digging and see if I can a longer infinite for Dirt Naps.

**Are there any good videos of some one pulling off a Tac Infinite for 5 bars and doing a double Dirt Nap to decimate a whole team? I was trying to study this more but cannot find any footage. **

Here’s one of my friends doing it in a local tournament -

Def Beam/CS it’s basically Marlinpie minus Viper.

Good ole’ IM infinites.

Hey guys!

I’m practicing a new team concept and trying to perfect the ToD.

X23 lands hit, TAC, Infinite, kill with 5 meters active.
Dual Dirt Nap (perfect gameplan)
Have to get near corner.
2 characters who can come back would be nice.

Since the Infinite with Magneto in the corner is pretty braindead, I’m looking for some input.

I need a good third character on this team.

a) I’m thinking about running RR in the back, fishing for the one hit.
b) Wesker on 2nd. After OTG straight TAC into third Slot Magneto. Lots of forward momentum to get to the corner (using Magneto as the favoured neutral assist). Got a relaunch assist after Dirt Nap if needed. Got no lockdown.
c) Dormammu on 3rd. Good anchor too. Relaunch Assist, can help locking down and confirm Dirt Nap.
d) Amaterasu on 3rd: The same. Is a good friend of Magneto too.
e) Vergil: Corner Lockdown, Combo extender (maybe? haven’t tested yet), brainless Anchor.
f) Dante: Inescapable lockdown, easy to get hit, very bad scaling after hit. Mag/Dante and Dante/Mag are also good together. Maybe Dante 2nd and using Mag Assist as main assist, going straight into TAC after relaunch (is a relaunch possible with JS?)

To save time, read back on p.27. I did a huge wall on double dirt nap team theory.

cliff notes. Have a dirtnap guarantee (I recommend RB because it’s useful in neutral and combo extends and IM has easy infinites, JS and Tenderizer are the only other options, but they have little value outside of dirtnap guarantees) and have a 2nd relaunch assist (either otg, wall bounce/ground bounce.) This maximizes damage and lets you corner carry while still being able to TAC to your infinite.

I’ve read that post. I’m purely talking about X23/Mag/xx - thats why I asked for opinions :slight_smile: