MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

**would Mags hyper gravitation assist hold them long enough for a dirt nap? **

nah, it doesn’t hit meaty on incoming. It might be possible to do otg+HG > dirt nap early on, but it would probably be a waste of meter to do that.

My main argument against doing X23/Mags is that Mags is a much much better point character and I think it’s a bit of a waste of potential putting X23 on point in that situation.

if you want to do a mags team. My recommendation is either Mags(hypergrav)/X23(CS would be best, OTG is passable)/IM(RB) or X23(CS/OTG)/Mags(Hypergrav)/Dante(JS). The main issue is what assists are useful in neutral, what the easiest route to getting to your infinite is, and what combo extensions/dhcs/thcs you have available. Mags gets a ton off of JS, but Dante has to have EMD to be scary and If you’re going for double dirt naps then you pretty much have to have hypergrav with Mags so you can get the meter back on the wider range of health (Better control of when you want to pop xf.) It’s a lot to juggle.

Mags on point remedies the fact that you should be using hypergrav so you’re not dealing with a subpar neutral assist (though it’s still passable.) Plus you get alpha counter into huge damage/TAC, good hypergrav loop extenders with CS and RB. Mags incoming with RB is stupid and he’s mobile enough to make use of it really well in neutral. If you have Mags/X23/IM then you can easily TAC through to IM without worrying about X23 losing her optimal spot.

There’s also this, which works with X23.

The only other option I could see recommending is Dante(JS)/X23(OTG)/Mags(EMD) and just focus on TACing through to MAGs asap and rely on teleport/stinger derp/OS throws to get your hits.

Pulled off the double dirt nap endgame on somebody the other day, Merkyl team is fun to play lol. I might just start playing X23 in casuals, I’m tired of stressing out getting her to work in tourneys. Plus, I like how my scene has 0 experience vs X23.

Frame traps for days lol.

i was trying to come up with a decent team and i came up with Dante/x-23/Taskmaster thats the current order does anyone think that’s the optimal order for that team? or should i change it up because i seems that team can be played in almost any order but i wanna find the order that will benefit each character, any advice would be appreciated.

I think the most optimal way to play that team would be Tasky/X23/Dante.

Dante builds more meter at point, but Tasky provides more stability and gains Jam Session. More importantly, this guarantees Laura a sure Dirt Nap so that a character doesn’t get play.

Though Tasky is a capable anchor, Dante has better specific tools for opening you up.

x23/Taskmaster/Dante is best from the stand point of a former x23/Task player and a current Task player. To be honest, x23 doesnt offer anything outside of unblockables and combo extension…and her OTG assist is not even that good for extending Task combos. x23 gets a lot from Dante and Taskmaster assists and Taskmaster’s DHC is one of the best in the game because you can DHC into 3 different angles to basically always guarantee good damage. Dante is one of Task AND x23’s best friends because Jam Session helps them both out. Jam gives Task a little more space control, up close lock down, and combo extension at the end of any combo. On the other hand, Jam gives x23 the incoming lock down which is crucial for a lot of x23 players. Most importantly (imo), putting x23 second forces you to guess on incoming if Task dies and her health isn’t the best while Task has 1.1M AND you will have to play x23 with no assist to get in.

On another note, here is a post I wrote in the other thread and hopefully it can help people out in the future:

Anyone wanna share their thoughts on: X/Vergil/Doom (missiles)

I’m thinking of Picking this up as my main team

It’s ok. You can kind of use both assists as crappy dirt nap guarantees. Don’t have max damage X23 combos but you do get the vergil dhc. As long as you can tac to doom consistently you should be fine.

Just make sure you’re dhcing to vergil rather than having to deal with his shitty incoming. If you want to use xf2/3 Vergil then I would put him in the back since doom has a much better incoming situation.

Missiles let’s X23 pick up off midscreen throws if you do tick throw+ missiles.

I usually end my combos in reset situations so the optimal extenders aren’t really a problem. 700k with a super + 2 assists + sub par bnb and 500k without super both equal 2hko’s. It also saves meter for dirt nap or vergil swords.

Are there any other vertical assists that work for X besides jam session?

To be honest, I dont like that team much. I was going to play it but it didnt even really feel like I was playing x23. Felt like just another ____ Doom Vergil fraud team. That team should have beam on it and if that is the case you are literally better off playing Wolverine Doom Vergil.

I’m not a very big fan of missiles with X-23. She’s too close to the opponent to get good use of it, IMO. What do you guys think of missiles?

I feel the same way, but I’ve always felt an X-23 team should be her paired With a solid dorm / doom anyone /doom Vergil / Dante etc. Saying your better off playing wolv over laura is pretty much applicable for any team. I play x-23 because I want to.

@FOBio yeah I hate missiles. I played a game with that team earlier and just found my self using rapid slash rather than missiles.

Check out some b-list or under-appreciated shells.

Rocket/Ammy is incredible, and Japan streams, as well as a few Cali players, have proven that point.

Apparently IM/Rocket is good by itself, but I don’t buy it :stuck_out_tongue:
Works wonders for X-23, though.

Or just slap May Cry on it if you want the shell of shells, jam is a bit better than missiles for her, I think so anyway, and she can actually protect the calls, and has limited extension potential with both, so one assist for mixups, one for extension, DHC to Vergil and kill things, an old classic.

Of course, if you don’t play the characters, this is a moot point. Don’t mind me, just throwing my two cents into the shell vs. synergy debate. It seems to be eternal, but I think there is definitely an elusive middle ground, just populated by a few characters people have trouble picking up out of nowhere.

Oh, and X-23/Dorm/Doom (plasma or missiles) is a bit better than X-23/Vergil/Doom, I think, just because of the mileage she gets with Dark Hole, the DHCs, the meter Dorm gains from TACing in and otging into two dark matters and a dark hole, all that jazz.

Actually I was thinking about that just as you posted. Looking for characters less used to put on. So far I’m looking into teams with sentinel I like how she can get a bunch of mixups after a combo in the corner.

I haven’t decided whether or not I’m keeping Vergil. I’ve spent most of my playtime today creating block strings and mixups with rapidslash that take the opponent straight to the corner.

23/Vergil/Doom is an ok team. I prefer Vergil in front of 23 so that he gets extensions off helm breaker, instead of having to burn XF. I would even argue 23/Doom/Ammy as a better shell than 23/Vergil/Doom.

X23’s evasion is good enough for her to get use from missiles. You just have to be willing to go full screen to use it (which isn’t a bad thing considering how you can do that with a backdash for free whenever you want.) Get full screen, walljump + missiles, puts him offscreen, lets you mixup while you wait for missiles to start, or go in for free since missiles are coming in as a combo breaker, and if they’re respecting the missiles, then you get the free pressure > mixup before missiles hit > fuzzie while they’re blocking missiles > tick throw with missiles call after the fact to round out the pressure string (just be sure to buffer in a CS or MF M so they can’t punish the assist call.) Also gives a full damage relaunch. Works ok as a dirt nap guarantee if you hit them with the missiles on the way up, too.

It’s missiles, it works fine for her like it does for anyone in this game, it’s just not a straight-forward assist.

If someone looks into X23/Doom/Ammy, rocks will pick up after a dirt nap so it might be worth looking into what kind of use she can get off that, too. It might be slow enough to use for tick throws, too.

Every few months I go back and look into the X23/Doom pairing again…I feel like it should be a lot stronger than the tech that we’ve found for it so far…

As far as other teams, I did a write-up on how X23/RR/IM meets all of dougie’s team requirements, so if you’re looking for a team that doesn’t have 8 million people playing it already, it’s def. worth checking out. IM and RR do take some work to bring up to match level though. It’s probably the most fun I’ve had playing this game and just know that you really can’t take that team online.


My problem with missiles is that i usually play X-23 while saving meter for Dirt Nap so i’m almost always either in their face or getting combo-ed. Dont get me wrong, I do think missiles + X23 is good, especially the way it helps extend her combos, it just doesnt fit my playstyle. If i were to pick up Doom again I would probably pick rocks. It can et up for combos, give good pressure, and its safer to call rocks while moving all over the screen than to call missiles of plasma because of the rocks protecting him.

X23 / IM /RR ? low tier hero lol. Yeah I’ve seen your channel (I think, they played the same team as you) but Iron Man’s normals just dont make any sense to me. I might pick that up when im more willing to learn another character. For now im going to be trying X23 / Dante / Sentinel or X/S/D. Dirt Naps. 2 neutral and lockdown assists. I get Dante Devil Trigger swag combos for DHC and safe DHC outs. TAC infinite. Just have to figure out combo extension with Jam Session and i should be good to go.

JS is awful for X23 in ult. It’s going to kill your damage potential. Only useful for the fact that it hits meaty on incoming, really.

You can only extend a combo with JS if do something super super short like s.S sj.HxxTA L, otg + JS. Might be possible to TAC past JS if you do something like combo > s.S + JS sj.combo that stalls long enough for Dante to leave.

I joke about them being low tier but all them of them are high-mid tier (top 20ish) and the synergy with them is amazing (they’re all just super super underplayed.) Really all you have to do to understand IM is think of him like a tank. You keep your space and use your long range normals/RB/UB to poke at your opponent and let Log swoop in and give you the free conversion.

No I understand i have a good RR player in my group. After fighting through log trap assist just to get to RR anchor is just… ugh.

Damn, I was hoping Dante was gunna help more. Turns out a lot if setups i used to do with other assists dont work with JS. And I dont see any ability to combo off stray JS hits. Im gonna try random teams until i find something else. Im starting to think the best X-23 team may be similar to your team, underutilized characters being the perfect fit for her.

I guess ill edit this post later if i think of anything