MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

I’m really liking some of these team ideas, but I’m a little surprised at absolutely no mention of Strange or Dorm. Are those combinations just not that good anymore?

I mentioned Strange but didn’t mention Dorm. At first, I didn’t think he was too good for an X-23, but after thinking about it for a minute, I changed my mind. Slap him with Doom at the back and you’re probably going to have a fun time. Hidden Missiles/Plasma Beam, whatever you fancy. Dark Hole extends and allows for TACing past into Doom, who’s got a more feasible TAC infinite. Dorm’s got great DHC options and Stalking Flare after Rage Triggers allows for extensions that deal out MASSIVE damage:

(terrible quality btw, sorry lol. You also don’t need to use an assist after the meteors, you can just hyper if you’ve got the meter. Depending on how the meteors hit the opponent, you can end up with the meter you need. Damage ranges from 1.0something to 1.1mil before the hyper)

EDIT: You could even do X-23/Dorm/Mags.

Strange is a good partner for her, but it’s tricky. X-23 is a character with a lot of bad matchups and she takes a lot of work to get the most out of. Doctor Strange is exactly the same. Having them both on the same team presents a lot of opportunities but it’s also a huge challenge and things can go wrong VERY quickly. You have to be absolutely on point with both characters to make it work.

Tenboss is the guy to look at. He runs X-23/Strange/Vergil.

I left both of them off my list purely because I was only listing potential double dirt nap teams and in those circumstances you have to pair them with IM(repulsar blast) or commit to always having air tight incoming guard bread setups that let you use them.

I’m pleased with how many top tier pairings you can squeeze and still have double dirt naps. Originally my brain overlooked some of them.

If we’re just talking teams that give her double relaunches or lots of neutral tools while ignoring 100% guaranteed double dirt naps.

X23/Strange/RR (or vergil for the Tenboss)

X23/Dorm/Morrigan (The Lintlikr)

X23/Doom/Vergil (the obvious choice)

X23/RR/Ammy (Team Petstore)

X23’s pretty easy to build teams around at this point in the meta. You just have to have 3 characters that you’re actually good with.

Dorm’s really only notable for his assist and his DHC. The meta has started to shift away from that a bit and more heavily into TAC infinites and Dorm just isn’t reliable enough to fill that niche when there are other characters that do. Kind of the same with strange except that he’s also a character with specific needs and has a hard time knowing if he wants to be a point character or an XF2 runback character, which is pretty much exactly what X23 is.

I still play Dorm, he and Laura have excellent synergy together but there is still a problem: both are meter eaters, and both don’t have any practical infinite combinations to utilize. But in terms of pairing her up with somebody that is also up the tier ladder, then I feel like X23 and Dorm is one of the best combinations around. Dorm’s DHCs and assist synergy with Laura is more than enough to combat the impractical infinite, which can still be mastered depending if the player has a solid foundation of execution principles.

About Strange, he grants very good options for Laura too (bolts is a top 3 assist for her in my book). My biggest issue with Strange is his need for a ‘get off me’ assist, which doesn’t actually suits Laura’s specific needs. If it came down to me either having Dorm or Strange going against HAM, then I’d take my chances with Dorm.

You can TAC past Dorm into a character with an easier infinite. Call Dark Hole during a simplified combo (because X-23’s hitscaling gets murdered to the point where her TAC will whiff during lengthier combos) and then TAC, which will call out your last character. Though, if you’re using the last char’s assist frequently, you won’t get that chance as often.

Speaking of hitscaling, if this game ever gets patched (which it won’t), I’d like them to do something about X-23’s strict hitscaling please. It’s really stupid right now IMO.

Someone besides me runs X23/Ryu? :slight_smile: hit me up anytime you want and i’ll show you all my X23/Ryu tech and we can trade secrets. You guys have no idea what it means to have a dead forum until you visit the Ryu section lol.

**I would like that very much good sir.

Yea, I like them together. And If things get mixed up, Ryu has a nasty XF3.**

Random idea while I was in the lab…x23, Dante (jam session, Magneto (Disrupter)…basic idea is most touches may not kill but mixups for days…by the time x23 dies, hopefully she has built at least 2 meters for Dante…by the time Dante dies he hopefully built at least 1 and a half for Magneto to clean up.

I don’t like that team for her. Both assist lead to sub-par conversions and EMD doesn’t have enough hitstun for X23 to convert as well as the other assists in the game. I would just say run that X23/Mags/Dante so you can rely on the infinite and then you might be able to go for double dirt naps depending on character health. There’s a lot to be said for not HAVING to rely on infinites for X23 to be scary. (note: I’m back playing X23/IM/RR)

**Is repulsor really that good? **

It’s much easier to pick up a decent combo from (compared to JS), it picks up off throws, it guarantees dirt naps (and lets you combo into them if you feel like styling at the end of a match), it works as a first combo extension, it syncs up well with X23s command grab so you can use it for reset attempts, and IM has easy infinites midscreen and corner in all directions. The only thing it doesn’t do well is HBDs.

The problem is making it so that IM isn’t dead weight. Luckily, he’s a decent XF3 character and X23 is easy to TAC past (if you want to run xxx/X23/IM) or you can run missiles, drones, or log (log being one of X23s best assists in the game hands down.)

It’s not amazing in neutral, but for the HUGE list of everything else it gives X23, it’s hard to say you shouldn’t be using it.

oh I see. then you just have to get good with Ironman… I cannot imagine it being easy. You run XF3 RR?

I wouldnt know…there’s time when I’m labbing with my team (Nova Task Spencer) and random ideas come to mind lol

for anyone playing Dante and Laura, couldn’t you hypothetically just do a lengthy combo to build meter, use grapple and ubnblockable using ankle slice until the opponent dies? that sounds like a ton of meter early on and you can still dirt nap 2nd or 3rd character.

Yeah, but if something happens and Dante dies your stuck without you guaranteed dirt nap which is pretty much the only reason you put him with X23 anyways. And your 3rd character has to be a good extender or the resets aren’t really going to be worth it.

Plus the timing on setting up the unblockable with X23 takes a lot more finagling since it doesn’t sync up as easily as Weskers. You can still use it and have it be nearly airtight, but you have to use a cr.H on their wake up but make them only block the multi-stabs and cancel than into a teleport (or something close to that.)

And yeah, I run XF3 RR except on the rare cases where I popped XF and goofed. He’s not super derpy, but he’s still good. He can do TODs with one meter, he has unblockable incoming setups, he has safe teleports, and an absolutely ridiculous air throw range (with a great OS that doubles for a crossup overhead into low and lets you combo into full damage.) There are def. better XF anchors and he’s not easy to use, but he’s still really good.

IMs all about space control and it just works out that Log converts all of his space control options into full combos. He can be really frustrating to get in on if you play him correctly. (The flipside is that it’s awful if you’ve goofed and are trying to get some space.)

Hey, I’m wondering if Wolverine and X-23 have any synergy together. I’m helping a friend who wants to get into Marvel and he likes those two. What would be a good 3rd character and assist choice for X-23? Wolverine/X-23(low assist)/Doom(plasma beam)? He says he also likes Magneto. Any ideas would help thanks.

Help your friend by telling him don’t put them on the same team lmao…it’s either 1 or the other. Putting them together is kind of a waste of a slot

Not necc. Wolvie/X23/(Akuma, Doom, RR, IM) is pretty good (any of the great hori assists). Wolvie/X23/Dante(JS) is probably the only pairing that lets you run with a dirt nap guarantee, but it’s a bit sub-par for X23 unless you have XF. Since Wolvie IOHs so well, you might be able to run IM with RB but you’d have to be really comfortable with his neutral game without a hori assist to do that. I haven’t looked at wolvie in a long time, but I’m pretty sure none of his assists actually help anyone.

Wolvie can use X23 to relaunch, he just has to use the dive kick > jump loop + assist > Relaunch option instead of the normal easy OTG combo. Also, you would want to try to use one of the options that have some kind of chance on counterzoning for your 3rd or zoning teams will be terrible to play.

I don’t think you should run 2 characters with useless assists on the same team.