MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

She does okay with XF2/3 (pretty sure Trish’s j.L IOH combos into her 2H in XF2+ and of course ammy does great with XF3) Trish gets really good pressure off cold star. Might be able to do something like combo > RH > Slow > ammy ground bounce > Sword loop? (assuming you didn’t start the combo with CS I think that would work?) or maybe combo > RH > Slow > Glaive charge ground bounce loops if you can’t get to the ground fast enough?

Also, even if you don’t have X23, you can still set up fuzzy guard situations during RH lockdown and Ammy’s IOH is really good for that.

Outside of that you’d probably be looking at TAC stuff. That’s why I decided on running Trish/Dante instead of Trish/RR since I wanted to have combo options instead of always having to rely on hard-to-blockable reset options. (People hard tagging into RH to stop RR from being able to reset, etc.)

I just finished making this combo video of X-23 doing 816,400 damage with just one meter using Ryu’s Hadoken assist and Skrull’s Stone Smite assist. It is a very simple combo, but simple with Laura is the most damage imo. I actually found out how to make it do more damage than before. Before it was doing 789k. And if you DHC into either Inferno or Shinku Hadoken it can do a bit over One Million Damage with just 2 meters. Here you guys go, tell me what ya’ll think.

Solo CS H loops do 800k.

Middle ground on that team is probably s.HxxMF HxxCS LxxTA L x2 s.S+Hadoken sj.HxxTA L (beam bounce) dash s.S sj.HdHxxCS HxxTA L land OTG+Stone Smite Dash s.S sj.HxxCS HxxTA L land OTGxxRT

Does 919.6k or just under 1.1mil with the DHC. Beam bounce only works midscreen, but it’s a pretty minor portion of the damage anyways.

EDIT: Had a typo. Accidently put in sj.SxxCS H at the end, should have been sj.HxxCS H.

**having trouble deciphering that whole thing. sorry I’m new to these forums and it’s short hand. like s.S+hadoken kinda lost me because sj after is super jump so when does the hadoken hit after the standing special??? but i appreciate the effort to share with me. I really wish I knew what you were trying to tell me lol. maybe a translation please. I actually only joined here to post on these X-23 threads lol.

As far as Heavy cresent scythe goes it damage scales more than light cresent scythe and eventually causes combos to do less damage overall than light cresent scythe. this is true for most multi hitting moves. **

Heavy CS is good as soon as there’s decent damage in the combo, once things start getting scaled it does a lot more than CS+L.

How “beam bouncing”, which I first heard here, works, is when you s.S and Hadoken at the same time, you do your air series, then when you launch them back down, they fall on the assist, then you can relaunch without having that super-specific otg relaunchy assisty thingy.

Especially useful for Taskmaster and Strange, Ryu’s Hadoken should work fine too. Find what air sequence keeps them in the air for the right amount of time, and you get two relaunches with those assists, where you were before getting 1. Good stuff, I’d try it out.

Sorry, ‘beam bouncing’ is a term that got created here and I kind of forget that sometimes since it gets thrown around so much.

The idea is to call the assist at the same time you’re launching them with s.S then to spike them back down on top of it after a short air combo so that you can relaunch again. It’s usually a pretty small damage boost (Ryu’s Hado only giving you an extra sj.HxxTalon Attack L) but with a lot of the horizontal assists it’s the best you can do. Only works midscreen with Hado since you have to spike it directly onto it and it’s not possible to do that in the corner.

TA L - Talon Attack L (QCF L)
CS L/H - Crescent Scythe L/H (DP L/H)
MF H - Mirage Feight H (QCB H)
dH - Falling Claw (down + H)
xx - cancel (e.g.: MF HxxCS LxxTA L: Mirage Feint H cancelled directly into Crescent Scythe L cancelled into Talon Attack L)
s. - standing
sj. - superjump

Hopefully that help, if not, I can do a little video to show you what I mean.

As far as the CS H goes, After the first few hits, the damage scaling isn’t that big of a deal anyways and CS H is one of her main meter gain moves so I would never leave it out unless you have to for some specific assist extension.

x23 using Task for beam bounce

Pretty much it’s ^ combo but with a more optimal ground portion.

**Thanks fellas. I see now you were talking about the cs loops… lol! You do those online? I usually stick to simpler stuff online. I kinda gave up on the cs loops while online. So I stopped practicing them. Maybe I’ll give’em another shot. But, really the only difference is more meter gain huh? **

Don’t try any loops online, lag will ruin them every time. Especially Luis loops.

Nah, Luis loops are easy now with the input leniency. I can do them decently consistent on 2 bar training mode and have managed them a few times in real online matches (haven’t played online a whole lot since I learned about the new input since I’ve been working on trish/dante.)

If I’m playing my X23/IM/RR team combo options become pretty negligible since double relaunch > Proton cannon kills 95% of the cast regardless of starter.

Has anyone else done any significant lab time with X23 and Jam Session? I’m having a hard time converting hits off of it in way too many match situations. Not to mention my dante is still a joke…I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing with him in neutral…

wait what? New inputs for cs loops? Tell me about that.

In my experience…anything other than ground/regular jump height=forget about it. X-23 just can rarely (if ever) convert well from Jam Session at SJ-height, unless you’re in the corner…maybe. Her air normals aren’t good enough to even reach the opponent sometimes, and hitstun deterioration hits her way too hard. At regular jump height, you might be able to bring them down with an air series>Talon L. I just use Jam Session as a tool to snipe people with/pin people down during offence and don’t necessarily expect to convert anything meaningful from it when it hits.

I’ll see what I can come up with, hopefully I can find something, but I’ve never been able to convert Jam Session from high heights into anything with X-23 since Vanilla.

I’m just wondering, what do each of you guys think the top 5 absolute best x23 teams are?

**Nice question, I was wondering about this as well. I feel like X-23,Skrull,Frank or X-23,Nova,Frank have a pretty good chance of being ranked high. I see a lot of potential but, I’m still learning Frank’s ins and outs.

Idk if she has any good stuff with characters like Vergil or Spencer. I’m sure Dr. Doom plays a role in her top tier teams.
probablly need a list of the best X-23 shells. **

Sadly, most likely X-23/Doom/Vergil, but that’s Doomgil.

I think the top ‘X23’ teams are going to be her 1 touch > double dirt nap teams. X23 has great start of match IMO so you just need a reliable infinite character and an assist that can pick up after a guaranteed dirtnap. Being able to otg without popping XF immediately means you can build the extra meter on everyone except RR, Akuma, Strider, Jean, Ammy easily (Some can manage to get the meter on the hit that kills ammy, though.) Popping XF isn’t as big of a deal in XF 1 since you can still manage to get the meter back on people ~900k and that’s still a decent portion of the cast.


X23(OTG)/Morrigan(DH)/Dante(JS) Meter gain assist in lieu of OTG. Forces you to pop XF to kill, but you still hit the extra meter @~800k in XF1. Plus you can run away and spam meter build to get the meter instead of having to land an infinite.

Hulk(Gamma Wave)/X23(OTG)/IM(RB)

X23(CS)/IM(RB)/RR(Log) (one of the strongest X23 neutral games IMO, hard shell to runback against other high tiers though.)


X23(OTG)/Trish(Low Voltage)/Dante(JS)

X23(CS)/Doom(Rocks)/Dante(JS) (just tested rocks in the lab, it picks up after an OTG, lets you build back the meter @~800k. A bit inconsistent during testing, but I’m not sure if it’s just timing specific.)

X23/Nova(Cent Rush)/Dante(JS)

Sent(Rocket Punch) can work as your infinite/otg character…bit of a waste, but you can get back the bar @~816 before even popping XF. Don’t know if there’s any wierd team where rocket punch has magic hidden synergy, though.

Oh? Sweet, I seriously can’t do them if there are lag spikes. I don’t play online much nowadays, but I think on a 5 bar good connection I should be able to nail them.

I’ve seen a lot of Dante players bold cancel their stinger as their neutral, like I said bold cancel is Dante’s whole game in a nutshell. Hammer is good too, but nowhere near good like it was in vaniila.

There are too many strengths and weaknesses by having X23 on your team. A good team is normally structured around her ability to kill two characters for free, but people as of late have transitioned into not even letting the opponent play. However, I feel like that has not implemented well thanks to the evolving game of flooding tactics, and most of Laura’s best assist being connected to characters who simply do not have top tier muscle behind them.

Ideally, we could form a possible list of successful X23 teams that went on to win tourneys, but I would like to think that is more credited toward the players abilities rather than team structure.

So to keep it short, here’s my list in no particular order:

  1. X23/xxx/Raccoon - An emerging team formation here on the X23 boards. Log+plus Laura’s movement is absolutely derp, the second spot could be a variety of things. Characters with practical infinites can go here, or you play it safe by putting something top tier there and go HAM.

  2. X23/Doom/Ammy or Dante - Early ultimate AG Felix had this team as one of Laura’s best, and with the way the game has shaped out it’s looking pretty strong again. Doom is an important character in the game right now, he grants structure and friendly (but time investing) infinites. Ammy and Dante support the team with lock-down moves, sure dirt naps, and other stuff.

  3. Hulk/X23/IM - Hard hitting team that can still utilize Laura’s assets well, it also places her in her most optimal position. And, you still get easy TAC infinites with IM and a sure dirt nap

  4. Zero/X23/Dante - Team Meep. Strong point, places Laura in an optimal place, and JS to boot. Doesn’t need infinites to wreak havoc.

  5. Not sure about a 5th, have something with Vergil or Sentinel I guess lol

Can’t say really, but I believe it’ll come down to the characters below.

If you’re using point X-23 and want high tiers characters picking up after her mess, it’s a combination of these characters: Doom, Vergil, Magneto, Sentinel, Ammy and Dante.


  1. X-23/Vergil/Magneto, or X-23/Magneto/Vergil. Access to TAC infinites (regardless of what position Magneto’s in since Rapid Slash will allow X-23 to TAC past Vergil), relauncher (but doesn’t extend lengthier combos), Vergil is Vergil nothing more to be said really. Safe DHCs, TOD potential thanks to Spiral Swords which also doubles up as way for Vergil to bypass things, strong projectile assist for both characters. (Disruptor). Mix and match positions (X-23 in 2nd or even 3rd if you want X-23 to play a supporting role and just sit in the back feeding on TAC infinites and extending Vergil’s combos. Shockwave might get X-23 in safely if you quickly DHC from it into Weapon X Prime.

  2. X-23/Doom/Dante. The basics of what X-23 needs; a strong AA assist that locks down, a strong projectile assist and strong TAC options/infinites. THC options are pretty good. If Hidden Missiles is your thing, you can pick that too, though I don’t think X-23’s the absolute best character to use it with. But that’s just me.

  3. X-23/Doom/Ammy. Similar to the team above, but with no AAing assist. Strong THC options. Cold Star can be used as a relauncher on characters, but some are more finicky than others.

  4. X-23/Sent/Dante. Again, the basics of what X-23 needs, except Drones pins people down but suffers from counter-projectiles. Sent offers safe DHCs (I think) and Hard Drive provides escapes from incoming set ups. TAC infinites with Sent.

And it pretty much goes on. If you’re a fan of Magneto with Drones, you can fit X-23 in there somewhere as well. I think you’re bound to get top 5 X-23 teams out of some of those combinations.

If you want specific areas strengthened/want to counter specific opponents , but don’t mind using lower tier characters, then add Strange, Akuma, Ironman, Taskmaster, Storm and RR. Strange allows X-23 to score TOD damage off air throws as well as regular combos, I believe. Merkyl had a video about it on his page and he was hitting massive damage, can’t remember the details. Strange has two good enough assists as well (EoA for extension and some pinning, Bolts for a projectile assist). Ironman’s projectile assist is very good and has a TAC infinite too. Storm has a TAC infinite (but I dunno about the practicality of it) and her DHC is excellent. Not a very good selection of assists unfortunately, pair her up with someone who’s got better assist options, but you can at least use Whirlwind as an projectile assist somewhat, as well as a ghetto extender.

Akuma is a serviceable anchor. Tatsu is quick, making it great for throw option selects (very handy at the beginning of matches) and left-rights and X-23 can convert hits from it well.

Morrigan has some potential with her TAC infinites (which are supposedly easy, no idea) and you can toss in whatever assist you like, but I don’t know enough about Morrigan. You could even do Morrigan/Doom (Hidden Missiles)/X-23(Ankle Slice or Crescent Scythe for crossover counters if you wanna get X-23 in with an assist at some point).

And it goes on. I think a good amount of these combinations will make the top 5 X-23 teams and at the very least, they could be popular teams in the future.

So I’ve been messing with the 0-frame THC tech that was discovered awhile ago, and I’m finding it absurdly useful with my team, since luckily X-23 and Wesker are one of the few pairs of characters that can do it no matter what assist they’re both using. It’s pretty much solved the Vergil problem entirely since all I have to do is react to sword activations and I can punish from fullscreen, x-factor, pick up and kill. Characters like Doom, Wolverine, Trish, Frank West, Dante, Skrull, etc are also pretty easy to nail if they do any of their dive moves. Morrigan is a trickier, the setup works against her but since she’s bound to always have fireballs and missiles onscreen I get knocked out of it pretty quickly. The solution to that though, is having three meters so that my 0 frame THC involves the Amaterasu element hyper to clean the screen. It’s a lot of meter, but I’m experimenting with running Ammy’s meter assist against Morrigan teams since I don’t get that many chances to lock down Morrigan with Cold Star anyway, and even when I do she crouches my best mixups.

In theory if I can get 4 meters before I do the setup and I catch both Morrigan and her assist, I can build two meters in the post-pickup combo and dirtnap the third, but it’s pretty impractical to assume I can get that much meter even with the assist. I’m going to work on it some more.