MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Yeah, peekaboo has a random reset or 2 going for it and comes with the RH THC, otherwise it doesn’t bring much to X23’s gameplan.

Log def. gives you so much more freedom in your mixups. It’s wierd playing random teams without it because I feel like I’m doing something wrong when I’m being forced to run directly at them…

Come to think of it, I don’t have a set combo to corner carry after a log hit…I have one that carries corner to corner with log and still lets me TAC, though…something to slam out in the lab, tomorrow.

I was under the impression that Trish had 3 way infinites mid and corner, is that not the case?

Your right my bad, I just checked and it’s 3 exact. I dunno where I got 4 but as I mentioned it’s been a while since I played Trish, but I DO remember her infinites being semi-easy.

Well, I just meant the game only reads up/down/side so there’s not really 4 directions. But I found vid proof of all directions mid and corner. I wasn’t disagreeing with you or anything, lol.

Dougiie, i wouldn’t mind playing you on xbox or anyone else in here. GT is Luis1Luis1

As soon as I saw the characters you play, you already said what I was going to say. x23 Dorm Taskmaster. That’s probably the best order you can play with those characters. Task arrows are so good with her and allows for midscreen relaunch and Dorm ball is good for combos and lockdown…go for it.

Saw you guys talking about X-23 and Trish. :slight_smile:

When it comes to X-23/Trish/Dante, IMO, the problem is the lack of spectacular assists. I’ve never liked Voltage, way too slow to activate, which makes running somewhat Jam Session difficult. So then your other choice is Dante’s Weasel Shot, but it doesn’t go far enough for my liking and doesn’t have the durability or size of other projectile assists like Plasma Beam. It does pin people down for quite some time and comes out quickly. I was finding that against the likes of Taskmaster and Magneto paired up with Hidden Missiles, I couldn’t get anything done and had to let X-23 die so Trish and Dante could try and gain some momentum. At the time though, nobody knew of Trish’s infinite, so if I’d known about it, it’d have helped me a lot more. And yeah, Trish has infinites from all positions.

Maybe you can use Peekaboo to pin people down on incoming for Silent Kill, but people with double jumps could possibly escape it. But you can combine it with Talon/j.S to make it less likely for people to escape. I suppose if you really wanted to be sure, toss a Round Harvest on the opponent’s incoming, tag in X-23 and Silent Kill them, but that’s a lot of meter.

This team can do 1.05-1.1mil if you tag in Dante after a good combo>Rage Trigger>Round Harvest DHC and do two (or more if you can, but it’s very unlikely) Acid Rains and bring them down into a typical Dante ender. The problem is, certain chars like Deadpool and Taskmaster will shift positions during Round Harvest, making it difficult to follow up. You can sort of alleviate this by DHCing into Harvest early so their hitbox is less likely to shift around high up in the air.

Round Harvest unblockables are great. You won’t be scoring much damage from it due to hitscaling, unless you time your unblockables so they hit just as Harvest ends. You can also use Round Harvest to easily set up other mix-ups and get characters in easily and safely.

At the start of rounds, especially against chars like Magneto and Wolverine, I’d probably just stay far away from them, they’re much better than X-23 in that regard due to them being able to follow up all of their throws easily. None of Dante’s and Trish’s assists allow X-23 to follow up airthrows into combos. Well, tell a lie, maybe Jam Session and Weasel Shot can. But the damage will be terrible due to hitscaling.

At least with Tatsu in the back, I can option select throws at the start of the round with it because it comes out fast and has good priority, which is why I made the switch to Akuma, but I dislike using Akuma quite a bit. I was going to try out Trish/Dante out again but I utterly, utterly despise UMVC3 for many reasons. For me, playing this game is torture and I only play this game because X-23 is such a fun and cool character and I love trying to contribute to the forums and talking with you guys. Otherwise, you wouldn’t catch me dead playing UMVC3. In fact, once everything with X-23’s been discovered and people master the character, I’ll quit this game forever lol.

Oh yeah, I never knew Tenboss posted on these forums! I tried out his special input leniency for Talons, but I can’t get it to work often for the life of me. TKing Talons guarantees quick Scythe cancels for me.

People can def. jump/dash out of peekaboo incoming setups. That’s why I thought she wasn’t very good initially. Low Voltage didn’t look like the kind of assist that would have a ton of hitstun so I assumed it was only good for beam bouncing. Never even crossed my mind to look and see if it would pick up off anything else.

JS (don’t know about WS, though) can def. pick up off air throws. Low voltage being able to pick up off throws and dirt naps is pretty huge though. That means you can run X23/Trish/Dante and get double dirt naps running LV (JS guarantee > LV pickup > s.MHS sj.LLMMHdHxxCS HxxTA L otg XF s.S sj.HxxCS HxxTA L otg CS HxxTA L will give you the meter back on everyone except the super baby health characters) or you can get reliable non-XF kills by running with a second relaunch behind her and using RH instead. You should still be able to build 1+ meter with the double relaunch after easily and use that to set up a RH unblockable on the third character

Messing around with log it has some promise. I think it will let you do combo > wall bounce > rdk followup > otg > rdk if you have trish/X23/RR. It might be possible for Trish to combo off CS in neutral which would make me happy since I’ve grown used to have the alpha counter in my game. (plus being able to do a RH unblockable setup, bait their alpha counter, then alpha counter into X23 for the kill would just make my life complete, lol.)

So while it doesn’t have much going for it as far as non-dirt nap plans go, X23(OTG)/Trish(LV)/Dante(JS) is actually a really solid option as far as guaranteed double dirt nap teams without a lousy shell backing it up. Infinite character / post dirt nap pickup / dirt nap guarantee is all covered here.

The X23/Trish/RR is still on the fence as far as whether or not it’s going to be good for Trish in situations where X23 dies, but you still get the option to TAC infinite > RH > Dirt Nap > non-XF 1 meter kill > RH unblockable or MH unblockables. You don’t have a great way to combo off RH if they take the hit in the air which is where dante might get the boost, but you don’t need X23 for RH unblockables either, so it’s a bit of a toss-up on whether or not the guy you’re playing likes to take the hit to get out of the setup.

So I think X23(OTG)/Trish(LV)/Dante(JS) is going to be my new team. (At least until someone finds a true 1 touch > Double dirt nap team with higher tier characters with great synergy.)

Originally, I ran X23/IM/RR purely for the double dirt nap synergy (due to the fact that I couldn’t find someone else to do the same that actually had synergy on the shell.) It’s weird not having double relaunches, but I think it’s forcing me to play smarter since Log kind of transformed my game into derp derp walljump log derp derp crossup dash up log cr.M cross up derp derp walljump. While amazingly effective, it made me really flowcharty and after X23 died, IM is hard to get the breathing room you need to actually set up shop so I was usually going for a 2 or 3v1 runback with anchor coon, which is doable, but really rough. :confused:

Ran my first long set with X23/Trish/Dante and not having Log made me actually do some MFCs and confirm into optimal combos as opposed to still getting close to 1 mil for going almost straight to s.S since the double relaunch was making up the difference for me. Low Voltage is actually seeming like a really solid assist for X23. It’s a weird speed to get used to (maybe a tad bit slower than Log) but it’s really easy to hide it of screen with a wall jump and have it protect your next pressure string. Even without Trish infinites on deck yet, I was still getting a fair amount of dirt naps and being able to pick up after the hit without XF is a huge plus. Also, I think this team will force me to play to infinites more than IM/RR since I can’t lie to myself and say ‘oh, this character needs to die, I don’t want to risk dropping the infinite since I can kill anyways.’ and on the off chance that I do drop it, Trish with JS and an OTG backing her up is much more capable than IM, where I was usually just waiting to alpha counter X23 back in.

I have absolutely NO IDEA how to play dante, though…I know the little executional bits you need for his tech and combos, but dear god he has so many buttons… O.o

If you can bold cancel with Dante, then you are already ahead of a lot of people. His whole game pretty much revolves around that. I don’t think his learning curve is difficult per say, he just takes a week or two to get down.

A basic run down of Dante’s gameplan from Mecurial, a Dante player who’s put a lot of research into the character. Since you’re using XF3 Dante, this applies.

*XF3 Dante is an entirely different character than Non-XF Dante.

Non-XF Solo Dante is difficult to use well. His safer solo tools vary by matchup, but basic options like jS xx Hammer / Stinger( xx BC Specials) / Reverb xx Fireworks / Hysteric / Airplay / jM / jH / sM are all good. Dante’s basic gameplan is to play safely, with mid-ranged pokes and projectiles from midscreen, until he can put the enemy in blockstun/hitstun and safely go in closer for things like teleports and airdash normals. The hits you should be going for as Non-XF Dante to start a combo most often, are jM / jH on grounded opponents(often as a crossup after an airdash over them or teleport), Stinger from ~mid range, jS from anywhere you can hit them with it safely, Hammer(if they block jS or you think the positioning is right), and sometimes sM/sH as anti-airs. Vortex makes an appearance here too, now and then

XF3 Dante is about all those things, done twice as fast, with a lot more usage of Devil Trigger and air mobility. He’s free to do things in Devil trigger much more often, because he can kill without meter and he can build a lot more meter during combos. XF3 Dante’s neutral game uses a lot more projectiles, like Hysteric and Drive and Multi Lock, because the opponent is usually trying to get away, and they make it safer to teleport in on them. XF3 Dante’s neutral game uses a lot more air normals, because while it’s always comparatively easy to land a hit with them, in XF3 Dante has a much easier time of turning them into a combo, by chaining into jS. jMHS works, jM xx Doublejump.jHS works, jH xx Airplay -> Airdash jHS works, etc. The focus should almost always be getting into the right position to hit the jHS link and get them to the ground, for his touch of death combos. Likewise, you need to be good with your mixups on incoming characters, and movement, with XF3 Dante, because once you touch a character and kill them, you want that to lead into killing their other characters before they can jump away and make you catch them again.

Dante is definitely one of the more difficult characters to use very well. Yipes is a good example of a character to look at for how to play non-XF Dante.*

Said Dante player also came up with these XF3 combos:

I’d strongly recommend Weasel Shot in certain cases where you’re desperate for a get-in/pinning assist when using Trish and Dante together. You’ll sacrifice your Jam Session lockdown, but I really dislike Low Voltage, especially against chars with strong projectiles that can negate Low Voltage’s start-up. Then again, Weasel’s shot’s not much better in that regard either, it just starts up way faster (but has other issues).

For those who want to pair up RR and Ammy with X-23 together (which isn’t many lol), you can TAC past RR in 2nd to Ammy in 3rd when extending combos with Log Trap (Pendulum) and hit people with Ammy’s TAC infinite. When X-23 dies, RR will have a good assist to back him up, if he doesn’t get nailed by an incoming set up that is. Not sure if you can do Ammy’s infinite midscreen, but if it’s corner only, that’s one other reason to TAC past RR to her with Log Trap, as the combo will corner carry them from anywhere. Your combo has to be very short however, which is annoying. I heard RR and Cold Star work fantastically, and Cold Star is a great assist for X-23 too, as people know.

I’ll try and do some more research into RR+Ammy with X-23. An interesting idea could be to do an X-23 version of the "tech-community challenge thread, post up teams and research into them for a month (a new thread wouldn’t be necessary though, just post the info here.

Also, at some point, I’ll have to go and filter all the information in this thread. BTW, does anyone know how to fix your avatar image quality haha? Do most/all avatars have to be at 100x100 and under to avoid them looking like vomit, or use premium? Or do you just have to get lucky?

X23/RR/Ammy would work pretty well. You’d be able to do double relaunch > corner > RT > Mad Hopper > Ammy Slow > Glaive loops (not sure how much damage that would do, but it would look badass.)

Yeah, I was wondering about Glaive Loops during Slow actually. Double relaunches are a pain though unfortunately because if you do a lengthy combo beforehand Cold Star likes to drop certain chars out (like Spencer) or at times, you have to delay calling out Cold Star on certain chars, quick calls on others) , so again, you’ll probably have to simplify X-23’s combos for consistent results.

I need to test out the viability of Ammy’s infinite. I’ve heard people say it’s both tough and easy. Dunno who to believe, I’ll test it out myself tomorrow. I also need to learn how to play Ammy lol. I’ve spent time on RR since the beginning of UMVC3, so luckily, I don’t have to do as much work with him.

**X-23 has been my main on point for abit over a year now. It took me a while to figure out how to structure a team around her on point for great synergy. There were 3 requirements I found that I needed from the other two characters.

  1. An assist to help X-23 get in and or cross up.
  2. An assist that bounces to connect after her ankle slice otg for the relaunch.
  3. A good damaging DHC that will connect after a fully mashed Rage Trigger.

While looking for this I went threw a few team transitions. I think at first I tried out Doom-Wesker. Doom’s Plasma Beam had its use and he had an ok DHC and Wesker let me otg for a relaunch. Wesker also had an ok DHC, I could play them in any order. But both Flame Sphere and Maximum Wesker were weak DHC when Rage Trigger leaves the opponent so high.

Then I realized it is better to relaunch with X-23 after a ground bounce or wall bounce. So I picked up Akuma for his dive kick assist. It causes a ground bounce and it never misses after ankle slice for the relaunch. The ground bounce makes it so easy to relaunch, but Akuma lacked in the DHC department. So I picked up Storm for the DHC and the Whirlwind assist to some what replace plasma beam. I was playing X-23, Storm, Akuma for a long time and also felt it paid tribute to JWong. However my weakness kept coming down to Storm. I wasn’t that good with her and Whirlwind did too much damage scaling on X-23’s combos.

So I switch to Ryu from Strom. His Hadoken assist adds 100,000 damage to her combos and doesn’t really scale at all. It was perfect and his angled Shinku Hadoken was a great DHC too. So I ran X-23, Ryu, Akuma for a bit. Until I realized that the perfect partner for X-23 is Super Skrull, They are like peas & carrots LOL! This was the same time that Shell Tier lists came out. I realized that my shell is X-23/Skrull. It was pretty good.

Skrull provides the Wall bounce assist in Stone Smite after ankle slice for the relaunch and Skrull also offers a great DHC that ends up doing more damage than Storm’s Hail Storm and more than Ryu’s Shinku Hadoken. That is two synergy requirements with just Skrull. And with Ryu as anchor with Hadoken assist I was getting 100,000 added to a combo on jump in and with Stone Smite adding 120,000 to my simple relaunch combos with 2 assists into Rage Trigger DHC into Inferno did a little bit over 950,000 damage while building the 2nd meter for the DHC. Landing a Talon attack right before the hadou hits allows X-23 to follow up with standing heavy right after the hadou hits. From there launch and uses mostly just heavys for maximum damage output as lights cause too much scaling. Or call in hadou and follow it in with a fully charged neck Slice which you can follow up with a standing heavy as well. It was the perfect team for X-23. My team has the potential to do a touch of death combo at the start of the fight on most of the cast doing 950,000 damage.

However recently I have been having trouble making XF3 comebacks with Ryu who is rough to use with no assists. I was doing well for awhile but I felt something was lacking. At this time Apology Man was wrecking fools with his Skrull-Frank shell. I immediately become an Apology Man fan. So I decided to work with two shells. X-23/Skrull and Skrull/Frank West.
I am working on shopping cart mixups with Mirage Feint to get 3 meters with X-23 before the relaunch into Rage Trigger, DHC into Inferno and then DHC into Frank and snap that pic after the Hard Knock down which gives me immediate lv5. That is my current game plan. X-23, Skrull, Frank is a fun team and it is powerful.

I hope you guys enjoyed the read.**

Very interesting read. Laura and Skrull are very good friends, but I like to run his orbital grudge simply for the hint of armor and quick neutral. I guess with the upgrade to cart then stone smite is the idea choice.

With finals being over I’ve had a few solid days in the lab with my new team and here’s what I’ve got so far. I’m sure most people will are familiar with the X-23/Wesker pairing so I’'ll just stick with what I think is new/fairly uncommon.

After talking with Traumatisch I’ve decided that Jaguar Dash is DEFINITELY my assist of choice for the pairing. It gives me extensions in all of the same places that Gunshot does, but it has the added benefit of additional pressure. I start by calling Jaguar Dash during my blockstrings and then Mirage Feinting; If they’ve blocked that, Jaguar Dash leaves them in enough blockstun to do another 50/50 Feint call. If they block that I run the same setup with Cold Star, if they block that, Jaguar Dash has now recovered and I can call it again. This combined with baiting out advancing guard calls makes it really difficult to get rid of Laura once she gets going. I can also do the Falling Claw or fuzzy guard setups if I want to, but in general feints keep it going better. If anyone remembers DevilJin’s old assist chaining videos from vanilla using Jam Session and Tatsu, it’s the same concept.

Another reason I like Jaguar Dash is because its followups are fairly plentiful. I can go for all the same resets that gunshot -> Neck Slice would grant, I can TAC early so it bypasses Wesker and goes straight into the Ammy infinite, I can try to bait out a TAC-counter, or I can just continue my combo. I like this because before when Cold Star was my only relaunch option, it was always fairly obvious what I was going to do after it since it caused WAY too much hitstun. If I used it after a long combo everyone knew they would tech out pretty much instantly, so they were always ready for a reset and I couldn’t even go for TACs because they’d fall out before it, which by extensions made TAC-counter baits useless.

But speaking of old tech I remembered seeing this video last year demonstrating landing her command throw through Cold Star. I don’t know about you guys, but before now I never found a way to reliably set this up and I don’t remember seeing it in action again. Now though, I’ve figured out that against an incoming character you call Cold Star, jump up, hit them with a meaty Talon Attack L, and as soon as you land do the command throw. If everything was spaced/timed correctly it works every time. Wesker also sets it up by doing a meaty air gunshot into a ground teleport, waiting half a second, and then command throwing. Again it works every time and even if it doesn’t, Cold Star is still there to protect you. It’s also possible to do both of these setups in the neutral game against an airborne opponent, but it’s a lot trickier to set it up since on incoming they’re always at the right height.

It’s a lot of fun, but I do think it’s pretty obvious that this isn’t an extremely competitive team though since Wesker’s time has kind of come and gone and it’s all very gimmick heavy in general; relying on both X-23 and Wesker to land a few resets to get the job done. I feel like I’ll have fun with this team for awhile and then be back in a character crisis as soon as I play it in tournament :frowning:

I can’t really think of anyone else for the team though. Playing Strange just felt like too much could go wrong at any time, and playing Doom made me not want to play the game at all. I’m not sure who else could offer me a good assist, would take advantage of Cold Star, and wouldn’t be a detriment to the team if X-23 dies early. I kind of want to put Thor on the team since he’s got relaunches, TAC infinites, a decent DHC, and a command throw to do the Cold Star setup with…But I really don’t know if Thor is exactly a trustworthy character.

The only issue with Thor infinites is that fact that he does so much freaking damage. You barely get a bar before he’s killed them. Otherwise Thor/Ammy is one of his better pairings.

Deadpool/Ammy has the hitstun glitch going for it which helps DP get decent damage/pressure, RR/Ammy has some of the better unblockable pressure strings, Trish/Ammy has really good rushdown pressure with RH unblockables with X23 (plus infinites/post throw pickups.) RR and DP can also do janky follow my lead setups.

I think Morrigan/Ammy has some really good soul drain loops.

Ammy’s a pretty easy character to pair with, IMO.

Yeah I know there’s a lot of characters who can use Cold Star, it’s just a matter of finding the ones who can use it, benefit X-23, and can stand on their own if they need to. I’m hesitant to use Thor or Rocky because I’m not sure they can save me if Laura gets killed early. How does Deadpool’s synnergy go? I know Tatsu used them back in vanilla but I don’t remember him getting much outside of the OTG extensions, do they have anything else?

Trish is an interesting idea. I’d be worried about her assists but I like everything else about her.

I don’t have much to add, and it’s not for X-23 at all, but for the jaguar dash idea. I have decided I really liked it prior to this talk, but not for X-23, for Dorm.

Jaguar dash is incredible for Dormammu, much better than the otg assist. Full throw conversions, grounded and aerial, TAC followups, two free charges early in a combo, and pressure off a blocked flame carpet, also it covers some space and pushes back, so think knockoff rapid slash.

X-23/Dorm/Wesker might actually be a really nice dose of strong solo characters that she needs. No practical infinites, but a lot of meter gain regardless gets crazy off a TAC, as well as an alpha counter into CS for Dorm that helps with some matchups.

RR with Cold Star is really dumb. All you have to do is make CS touch them and you get a free combo. Plus you get log. RR/Ammy pairing is one of his best shells, IMO.

If you’re going to play thor, I’d just put him on point. Even if he dies, you’ll have ~3+ meters. If you run CS on X23 you get TOD Alpha counters. Plus you get invincible alpha counters from Thor, too.

DP is another character you might want to see about running point. He has a good zoning/batter game and CS + Teleport + overhead crossups is pretty stupid to deal with.

With Trish, I think Low Voltage is the way to go so you can use it for throws/post dirt nap pickups. It’s also not a terrible hori assist. (Takes some getting used to though.) It’s so slow that it’s easy for people to forget to expect it after pressure/crossups.

Traumatisch actually plays that team with a lot of success.

Might look into RR/Ammy, but I like the sounds of Trish. I know I can get unblockables if X-23 is alive, but if she isn’t what kind of damage can Trish get with just Cold Star? Everyone always says her big problem is she doesn’t do damage.