MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

The best advice I can give you is to post some of your matches (preferably offline) as to why you think anchor X23 is legit.

Then the jackass replaces all his posts with a period -___-…anyway, thanks to all of you with the insight…as of now the team is doing really good…x23’s wall jump with Task arrows is so OD =O


Guhhhhhh…What a waste of time…

Douglie, do you know of any Nova > X23 hard tag tech? I think that would be a big boost if you could get the hit with nova > hardtag X23 > TAC infinite. If if you didn’t want to do the infinite, you could probably do nova > hardtag > S ~ TK CS HxxTA L > nova extension > S~TK CS HxxTA L > Super super.

For anyone interested in the pairing (that hasn’t already explored it.)

I just went into the lab to corfirm and Low voltage does pick up after dirt naps and works as a midscreen otg+assist extend at low HSD. So I think that makes trish a really solid TAC infinite option since you can just chuck up a meaty round harvest.

I’m gonna look at X23/Trish/Rocket in the lab. Totally nerdgasming at the possibilities. Who was it here that ran trish for a while? Ryuga, Eren?

fuck you

Na I don’t think i can do a nything with Nova x23 without Spencer assist which would be a waste of a slot really…both x23 and Nova need a horizontal assist

Soup, The X23 forums are are a really chill place. Everyone here is helpful and we all like to share tech and knowledge and just do our best to make X23 play as good as everyone here thinks she is. We’re all character loyalists and almost everyone one of us has been playing her since early vanilla.

We are all for having another person that focuses on her anchor potential (most of us focus on Point and 2nd position) but please don’t sit here and try to start stuff. If you’re gonna stay on the forums try to chill out a bit. If you’re just going to erase your posts, or change them if someone disagrees with you, or just troll and flame then you’re not going to find a good reception here (or literally anywhere with that kind of attitude/behavior.)

That blows. :confused: A lot of characters are able to get mid combo hard tags if you can get them to wall bounce over your head and I always kind of assume Nova would have something similar.

not really chill when ass douglie talks shit. I’m trying to delete my account.

^^LMAOOOOO…“talking shit”…I mean, you did a jackass move, you were called a jackass…that’s about it. But anyway on a serious note, what’s your xbl again? When I get gold i actually wouldnt mind playing you.

hmmmmmm…now that I think about it…I JUST MIGHT be able to do something…I gotta see now.

how is it a jackass move if my post don’t mean shit. keep scrolling bitch, fuck off i won’t play you.

Off Topic: LMFAOO…someone’s feelings got hurt.
On Topic: Has anyone tried messing with wall jump while calling an assist? That shit is OD

your a Dick dude

Wall jumping with assists is probably 75% of my gameplay, lol. There’s that beautiful range where you can walljump + assist and right as you cross over them, do dHxxTA L or straight TA L in the opposite direction to cross them back up. Plus with log it all combos on it.

I think her wall jump is one of the things that makes her as good as she is.

Also, stop egging him on, it’s pointless.

I’m still trying to optimize my team’s damage…that H xx M MF xx L CS xx L TD loop is od

did you see the tidbit TENBOSS found about the input leniency on CSxxTA? you can just do 623L~6L and the game will give you the dp, then read the 6L as the end of the QCF…makes that shit hilariously easy…

It’s always the stupid stuff you miss…I didn’t expect the input leniency to go THAT far, lol.

Whoa wait WHAT? O_O can you rewrite that with the directions instead of the #s so I can make sure I’m not missing something


Wow. Glad I missed most of this drama.

Also, in reference to the previous few posts, what dougiie said. Holy crap, I might actually learn swag X-23 combos now, I’ve just been sticking with jumploops because my execution is meh.

Actually, all this talk makes me wanna start using an X-23 team again, she’s just been a fun lab project at the moment. Problem is, I don’t use characters that benefit X-23 enough for her to be on second, which is where I like playing her.

Currently I like using Taskmaster, Strange, Dormammu, and Deadpool, also Nemesis, and all of those decently benefit X-23 (Nemmy does have the strongest relaunch assist for her in the game, but is otherwise a bit hard to use with her), but I’d probably need to go X-23/Dorm/Strange or X-23/Dorm/Task to really utilize her well, with ankle slice assist for the TAC followups and extra meterbuild. What do people here think? I’d prefer to use her second, and have tried, but Taskmaster’s conversions with ankle slice are worse than you’d expect, and Deadpool’s quick work assist benefits Task/Dorm/??? and Task/???/Dorm a lot more.

Thoughts on what would make the stronger team?

Actually both of us did. Much like Iron Man I utilized Trish solely for the infinite though, while Ryuga ran something like X23/Dante/Trish for RH setups.

I actually talked about X23/Trish/Rocket Raccoon as my theory monster team. Any hit from log can usually lead to a corner carry combo where Trish gets 4-way infinites, but what I didn’t like about it was that it had no real specifications for reaching the double dirt nap endgame. Chucking up a RH costs an extra meter, so for a while I thought maybe it was just better to have Dante/Iron Man in spot of Trish so that Laura can get 2 dirtnaps=opponent doesn’t play. I still think if somebody out there can just master this discipline, we will see a lot of people cater to X23.

As for the team itself, I think it’s a rather pesky team that brings a lot of synergy to the table. Low health aside, you essentially have two dive kick characters backed up with a top 5 assist in Log. I knew about Low Voltage midscreen relaunch, but I didn’t know it could be used for dirt naps. As a neutral tool, I think it’s kinda slow and it doesn’t seem to have much durability, so Log is pretty much your go to assist throughout the match. The synergy between Trish/Rocket would probably cater to more traditional Japanese play-style of marvel, but it would be interesting on getting those two to work because I think they fit well together.

I feel like you can take more risk with X23/Dorm/Tasky because it has better dmg potential and ways of creating offense better than X23/Dorm/Strange. Strange gets mauled if he is by himself and he has no XF3.

For Laura at second, I generally feel like Ammy is a decent choice that can hold down the fort at anchor and assist Laura’s XF2 dirt naps. Sentinel gets a free escape card from incoming mixups, but you would have to be on some RyRy level shit for him to be beneficial. Dante is a good point battery and Laura loves sitting on heavy meter, there are a multitude of ways of getting second Laura to work you just have to have a good grasp on the matchups and creating offense when needed.

Powerful anchors for second slot Laura:


I feel like the above should be OK in a match where you have already burned your XF and you need an anchor that can create for him/herself. Dorm, Skrull, Vergil, Nemesis, characters like those have more powerful XF’s but they NEED XF3 as opposed to still being good without help or XF available.

When I originally looked into Trish I just assumed that low voltage would behave like other hori assists and be generally useless, but the fact that it’s a hitstun monster for some wierd reason really changes how I feel about her. In the worst case I’m pretty sure you could rock a X23/Trish/Dante team and still do really well since you would have access to guaranteed dirt naps with a post dirt nap pickup, the whole Trish/Dante meter burning synergy, easy anywhere infinites, general versatility.

I would be interested to see how much meter I could squeeze out of a post dirt nap with those 2 but even if you can’t run a dirt nap, as long as you have 1 meter you can either run RR hi/low incoming unblockable or RH unblockables (or hell, go for both.) I like the options this team brings. I feel like Log could probably give Trish as much goodness as it does to IM (but she’s a much much stronger character to start.)

I think RR would like having a slowish hori assist to back up his teleport > hi/low game and I don’t think X23 needs anything but a raccoon in her life, anyways.

Haha yeah the raccoon assist is really pinnacle to my game now. We both agreed that playing without it seems odd lol.

For X23/Trish/Dante def talk to Ryuga though he’s been running that team forever, but he claimed to have dropped it off and on because he had mixed feelings about putting either Akuma or Dante at anchor (he really likes Akuma). I’m not even sure if he was running Low Voltage over Peekaboo, but I feel like Peekaboo doesn’t help X23 much :confused: