MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

If you’re going to be stuck playing Taskmaster without an assist anyways, why make X23 play without one, too?

There’s no reason to play X23 anchor. If you’re going to pop XF anyways, just XFGC and loop to death. That saves you 2 meters that it would have cost you otherwise.


I think X-23 anchor is okay when the first two members of a team don’t really need assists as much to dominate, but both Tasky and Nova are the kinds of characters who benefit so much from assists, and not as much with X-23’s assists, I don’t see it working on that team. And I used to play only X-23 anchor as well, so I agree that she’s underrated and a lot of fun.

That raises a good question: Some all-around strong X-23 anchor teams, what do people think? Gimmick with TAC or just plain team synergy, I’ve always been curious what people thought.

As far as unusual theory teams, I like the sound of Vergil/Mags/X-23 and Hulk/RR/X-23. They sound kinda dumb, but let me elaborate.

The Vergil team is self-explanatory. This is totally a TAC gimmick team. Vergil is still good point. Conversions with ankle slice, mixups with disruptor, TAC infinite, tag X-23, gg. Magneto can fight by himself okay and zone with rapid slash, has a safe DHC. Every anchor on this team is decent, so snapping would only hurt the opponent. And you don’t deal with Vergil’s limited options against incoming mixups. Vergil or Dante would be the people to use here, I think. Rapid slash kindasorta guarantees a dirt nap, jam session totally does. Jam also gives magneto dirty dirty mixups…hrm…Dante might be better here, depends. Others would probly be okay, though. This one’s probly the least front-heavy, and swords access early game wins some otherwise-annoying matchups.

Hulk gets some easier conversions to death with the otg, X-23 gets two extension assists, and Hulk builds meter like crazy, safe DHC in trap, X-23, when she comes in, gets great assists, and as long as Hulk stays midscreenish (which he should really be doing on any Hulk team or he essentially dies), he is scary with log, and can zone adequately with it too. Rocket can zone decently, and I’m just assuming Hulk and rocket can do some dirty stuff between gamma rocks, trap, command throw and a low assist, but I haven’t really checked that out. This one may fall apart if Hulk dies, but he’s beefy and good on defense, so that’ll help. Except against Morrigan.

And I guess Disruptor/Missiles/X-23…yawn. Gimmicky, but you can actually use meter to kill, unlike with phoenix. Snapins may be good against this team, still sounds decent.

On that DIsruptor/Missiles/X23 team, I would go with Hypergrav/Missiles/CS that way you have the alpha counter into 1 mil damage on top of the rest of the derp. Of course, you can just as easily do Mags/X23/Doom and TAC past X23 for infinites so that X23 can at least do snap > Missiles Dirt nap or Sphere Flame > Dirt Nap. You do get the bonus of having a stronger DHC behind X23 for alpha counter enders if you have doom second, though.

On Anchor X23:
As far as X23 anchor, I just don’t see any reason to. I agree that it’s passable, but you’re forcing yourself to play without a dirt nap guarantee and all of her kill loops work in XF2. Why not just put her 2nd and blow your XF then and have a neutral and a guarantee for her strongest gimmick? She doesn’t have any safe dhcs outside of dirt nap so you’re committed to playing your 2nd character with no XF and effectively no useful neutral assist until they die, so why not put them in the back, where they’ll have the exact same gameplan, but X23 might get a little more out of the deal (unless you were doing some crazy alpha counter reset team, which sounds fun, thinking about it now.)

On well built gimmick teams:
One thing a lot of you don’t seem to be taking into consideration is how much damage X23 does if she has to pop XF to pick up after a dirt nap, rather than having an assist available. If you’re building around TAC infinites and double dirt naps, you have to be as meter positive as possible (that goes double, and maybe impossibly so, if you’re running a team that has to snap or uses a super for dirt nap guarantees), and her damage/meter ratio is horrible in any level of XF, which is great if you’re just trying to kill, but if you’re trying to build back an extra meter before they die, it’s annoying.

Match Example:
For example, Vergil/Mags/X23. (In a perfectly ideal dirt nap game) you get a hit > TAC to mags > kill with 5 meters > Hard tag X23 > dirt nap with half coverage from vergil > get the hit.

At this point, Mags is effectively worthless, your only options are OTG snap, super>super, or XF relaunch. If you pop XF, you won’t be able to build back a bar on any characters that are under the 900~1mil and since you’re in XF1, you can’t even kill some high health characters without using a super (again, defeating the whole purpose.) Not to mention the fact that even if your opponents 2nd character is right in that sweet spot where you can gain a meter > half-coverage dirt nap (your opponent doesn’t get lucky and XF grab you with his anchor) AND you get lucky and you still have enough XF left to get the solo relaunch. Your XF is going to be over in a few seconds and unless they have anchor strider/akuma (who probably got a HBD spamming beam on incoming since you don’t have meaty pressure) or someone else under the ~800k health range you probably wont kill them and you’re probably not even gaining the bar to super afterwards.

So here’s the aftermath of all of this. You have 3 characters with less than 1 meter and no XF against your opponents anchor character stocked with 5 meter and XF3 and 50~70 seconds on the clock. You have 2 neutral assist but you honestly shouldn’t be calling them because a HBD at this point will most likely lose you the match. X23 has low enough life that any anchor that can link supers or a decent level 3 can kill her without XF. You can’t pressure at risk of XF cancelling (though at least Vergil comes in with ~1.5 meters if X23 dies, but your opponents anchor gains back most of his red health and is probably back to ~3/4ths life) and if that happens, vergil has no safe way to land so you have to hope you block correctly. Personally, against a smart player and most of the scary runback anchors, I’m not comfortable with this situation when it can be avoided by proper team building.

There’s some fiddly bits where maybe you’re good enough to run a 100% consistent meaty j.S, or run a guard break setup to force them to the ground blocking RS so you can get a solo relaunch, but that’s adding a whole extra group of things to worry about because it might be better for someone to just eat the guard break, forcing you to burn most of your meter killing with sword loops, or TACing again, or forcing you to go for some other reset attempts.

TL;DR: Your opponent has way more outs than you should be giving them when you don’t have a meaty dirt nap guarantee and and a way to pick up after the dirt nap without XF and it’s what you should striving for if you’re wanting to build an effective X23 dirt nap team.


What’s your team, out of curiosity?


Ehh…I’d rather not. Having her in the back doesn’t contribute anything to my team besides a headache and a wasted spot. If that was the case, I would just play my Nova Task Spencer team. x23 gets toooo much from Centurian Rush and Horizontal arrows to give up for anchor gimmicks…ima leave that for Vergil players lmao


Fact of the matter is the synergy in that order is lacking. Like I said, if i want an anchor gimmick, i’d go with Vergil but to put x23 in the back with the characters I have just isn’t ideal. x23 get’s mileage off of Nova and Taskmaster assists…Nova get’s ToD with Taskmaster in the back and push comes to shove, I can do okay with anchor Taskmaster.



Soup, if you’re just going to do posts with practically no information for 2 months…why even post at all? You said your peice about Douglie’s team, he disagreed (rightly so, I feel.) X23 is so much stronger with almost any assist and XF2 compared to going ham with ‘plink dashes and mfc’ in XF3. Anchor Tasky is fine, he does ridiculous damage and has so many stupid OSs to get him the damage for free. Tasky arrows is one of X23s better hori. assists and Tasky gets next to nothing from X23’s assists.

Also, what was the point of posting your team and then editing it out?

X: anchor = no

x23xf3+5meters < MorriDoom, VergiDoom, WolviDoom, Vergil with meter, Vergilxf12or3, ZeroDante, Flame Carpet, TeleporterBeam, UpBack, 3 characters…

If people know tech inside and out, doesn’t mean they can fight it in matches. Usually someone’s secret tech involves mixups and stuff, and that’s a guess for them to begin with, so usually good tech, by design, is good enough that if shared it doesn’t matter.

Internet! Free exchange of information! All that stuff!

Also, a bit tired right now to respond piece-by-piece to the text wall, but Merkyll, good points on my team ideas. I literally came up with them on the spot, just trying to think of teams where she would work. But to keep it way more simple than necessary, a superduperoptimal gimmick X-23 anchor team has to have a TAC infinite guy on second, dirt nap assist, extension assist, and the assist on the TAC infinite person has to allow the point to get in real easily.

That’s a tall order. I see why there are very few superduperoptimal X-23 anchor gimmick teams. Either way, I still have had a ton of comebacks with her anchor earlier in ultimate, I just wish her assists were better, and I’d use her behind Taskmaster (she doesn’t really help him much with ground throws when using ankle slice, and Tasky’s just too fun point to stop). But even I play her second when I use an X-23 team (on hiatus at the moment), so I getcha.

Souuuuppppp…Please stop drastically editing all of your postssssss…Makes it hard to know what’s a new post.

Ok…so I’m trying to make sense of this post.

You say she can be played second slot, then say for example: Invincible(?) super > dhc X23 > XF gain meter for dirt nap but then say that your point character is dead, which means X23 has to be in 3rd slot to DHC into her?

Assuming that you were saying your point was dead and you had Somebody/X23 left and you’re looking to XF, why not save the meter and just XF with your second character > gain meter. Or just have X23 in the 2nd position, because she has 2 of the best invincible supers in the game, then she can XF herself and go into her own loops and have 1 less meter to gain to dirt nap on incoming?

Going from the other side where you meant have your point character do an invincible super. That means X23 is in XF 1 and just burnt 2 meters. Outside of her XF2/3 loops she can’t reliably build more than a tad over 2 meter and that’s with optimal combos. If you’re DHCing off of 2 supers, even if you have 2 assists behind her that let her relaunch at max hitstun, I would be suprised if you even build 1 meter after that, honestly. So unless you started this with 4 meters, you’re blowing XF for 1 character and not even getting a dirt nap on the next character.

Why would you waste an unblockable level 3 super as a combo ender? I can’t think of a battery character in the game doesn’t have a kill combo off their own level 3.

You can’t THC if you used 1 meter from your point character > 3 meters for dirt nap > you have 1 meter left.

To combo off a level 3 after a full combo > Super > DHC > Dirt nap you’re only going to be able to do OTG+ High hitstun ignoring assist > TK CS HxxTA L > OTG > Super and thats going to cost 5 bars and X23 is only going to do maybe 500~600k tops.

If you’re going to burn 5 meters and you only have 2 characters left, why not just do combo > Snap > some meaty super > Dirt nap > combo (you’ll have a full combo available with a relaunch assist which means more damage and meter and even double this if you have some super that forces then to block on the ground) > OTG > Super. you spend the same 5 bars, but most likely kill a character of your choice on top of having a less than half health character about to come back in and lose all their red life.

The whole point of X23’s super is that it’s an unblockable that has a follow up combo. The only time you will ever see me use it as a combo ender is if it’s the last character and I’m messing around.

Its not really that bad. First, don’t forget that you can TAC past characters, so you don’t HAVE to have your infinite character in 2nd position (opens up team DHC/THC synergy options). If you’re a gutsy kind of guy you can even have your TAC infinite character on point and TAC to your anchor, then back to your point. Little riskier, but def. an option.

Also, Most of the infinite characters have a useful assist for X23’s gimmick game:

Nova with Cent. Rush(post dirt nap pickup, hi/low setups, and late combo extensions)
Mags with Hypergrav(psuedo-guarantee, post dirt nap pickup, late combo extension, lousy neutral, though)
Doom with missiles (guaranteed dirt nap on snap and early combo extension)
IM with RB(meaty guarantee, decent neutral, and post dirt nap pickup/early combo extension)
Trish with Low Voltage (I want to say I saw someone use this for post-throw pickup so it might work for post dirt nap, decent neutral at worst plus she sets up unblockable resets and has great synergy with Dante so you can have JS for your guarantee.)
Sentinel with Rocket punch(post dirt nap pickup and late combo extensions, pretty worthless neutral, though.)

In most situations where you have X23 there, since her assists are usually pretty lackluster you can also make it an alpha counter kill team, too. I think alpha counters are going to get more important as the game goes on so it’s not a bad thing to get used to anyways.

