MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Quick question:

Is it necessary for Laura to have a horizontal assist like Hawkeye / beams / etc?

I’m running Morrigan / Strider right now and aside from Morrigan, X23 is my favorite character in the game…I’d love to use her but I think she may run into a lot of the same problems Jill on point runs into. My Morrigan is running Shadowblade because its a fantastic Gtfo assist and I get a free combo from an alpha counter.


Can I run X23 with only Vajra to help her? I’m planning on using Morrigan with Shadowblade.

Eh…You can do some lousy extensions with vajra, but in general is a bad assist for her. You can’t really get any reliable conversions off it.

Also, it’s not necc. to have a hori assist as long as you’re comfortable getting around the screen. The hori assist is usually just there to make that easier. You do want to have some assist to enforce her left/right game, though. That can be just about anything, though.

So, for some reason, I stuck with X23/Ryu/[Strider at first, then Doom] for a long time. Then last week, I decided that team was too cheap and unfair to other players, so I added Vergil on point, then X23, then Doom (yes, kidding about the fairness.)

This new team kinda woke me up and got me a lot more interested in UMVC3. I want to keep her in because she’s awesome instead of adding another “top tier,” but I’m wondering about the order. X23/Doom/Vergil gives me dark Vergil, but point X23 is about 1/10th as fun as 2nd spot. Vergil/X23/Doom has this, but I’m not a huge fan of anchor doom. however, Vergil with that OTG is amazing. I’m thinking maybe I should drop Doom for another anchor with a beam assist, but it can’t be Iron Man. Magneto maybe?

any thoughts, advice?

Edit: lol just saw the post above discussing that exact team, haha. Glad other people see the strength in this team.

edit 2: also, is dirt nap a little overrated or do I just need to come up with better traps to pull it off.

opinions on X23 on point? How does she fare vs other common point characters? (Mags, Logan, Nova, etc).

I know im missing out on her dirt nap / xfac lvl2 setups by running her on point. Im just curious about her matchups for the most part and her meter build.

You’re not really missing out on those by running her point, you’re just playing for them differently. Scroll up though, we actually just had a pretty good talk about X-23 point vs. second. Personally I prefer her point. She doesn’t exactly beat Magneto, Wolverine, or Nova right out the gate but the way I see it she won’t beat them if she has to fall into their incoming mixups either.

Hey guys and gals, new Laura players her and I’d like to know what your opinions are on my team with her. Beware: I have reasons to back up my choices, but, since I figure you guys are all more experienced that you can help me out some. Here I go!

X-23(Ankle), Storm(Whirlwind), Trish (peekaboo)

This girl is fast and wonderful. Storm covers her with whirlwind and provides a way for her to set up mix ups with commands grabs and such. Trish’ trap nullifies on hit of quite a few attacks over her head and makes for great incoming mix-ups with teleport or dirt napping things. The DHC from Laura into Ice Storm is pretty amazing as far as I’ve seen with my playing people here. If I have spare meter I can go all the way through to Trish and Round Harvest, switch right back into Laura and continue the madness. If somehow I get another character on point she is marvelous as an assist (even if I haven’t gotten it right with Storm yet).

Does anyone play this team and if so, what pointers can you give me? Any pointers you can give me with her in general?

AE is my main game BTW

I’m not crazy about the team. Peekaboo doesn’t hit meaty on incoming so anyone with air mobility can get away from it if you try to use it for dirt naps. Being able to TAC into storm, kill with an infinite, do hailstorm > Dirt nap would probably be your best bet (or the same from trish and round harvest.) I don’t remember if Whirlwind can pick up after an air throw and, if not, it’s a really big hole in X23’s offense. There’s been a few guys here and there that have tried to run the X23/Storm pairing and I’ve never seen anything that blew me away as far as mixups/resets.

In general, I don’t feel like Storm is a strong enough character except when it comes to her THC. Her infinite takes forever because of terrible damage scaling minimums and her solo damage isn’t amazing and her solo mixup is really just built around her float overhead, but you don’t have a great assist to keep them grounded so you can abuse it.

I would say switch out storm for someone that has good solo damage and can combo after round harvest on DHC through hard tags (and preferably gives X23 combo extensions.) Playing X23/Trish/xxx would give you neutral DHCs into round harvest > hard tag to your 3rd > setup hi/low unblockable with a better payoff and less startup cost having trish on 2nd. You would still have a TAC infinite to abuse and a super that could guarantee dirt naps. Doom(Hidden Missiles) would be the derpy boring option, Strange(Bolts) would probably be the less used option (might be really strong if there’s a round trip hard tag combo similar to vergil’s so you can go into FoF loops).

If you’re going for an all female team, maybe X23(AS/CS)/Trish(Low Voltage)/Felicia(sand splash) could give you what you’re looking for (you’d probably want to switch Trish to Low Voltage for some horizontal pressure and I’m not 100% sure that Felicia can combo off of Round Harvest on hit consistently with Air Delta Kick.) With Felicia, even if X23 dies, with Trish, you’d still be able to do combo > hard knockdown > round harvest > Kitty helper > self unblockable > full combo. Sand splash would let you pick up after air throws with X23 and do the RDK extender with Trish and she’s a really strong anchor. Might want to see about running CS for X23 with this option for the invincible Alpha counter since having AS and sand splash would be a bit redundant (though you lose the meterless unblockable option with Round harvest, but having the kitty helper option makes up for that a bit.)

I played X-23/Storm/Ammy for half a year and can agree that Laura and Storm don’t really go together. It’s not the worst pairing in the world because you can get some combo extensions, Hailstorm is a great DHC, and you have access to a TAC infinite; but it’s not very ideal. With X-23 you kind of need an assist that will either get you in or help you stay in and Whrilwind does neither particularly well. My team sort of rectified that by having Cold Star as my “stay in” assist but Trish doesn’t offer the same. Then there’s the fact that it’s a super meter heavy team. X-23 will always want meter for Dirt Naps, Storm will always want meter for assist sniping, and Trish will always want meter for Round Harvest. Storm can be played as a low-meter reset character the same way Magneto and Doom could, but you will literally need three times as many resets because Storm’s damage is so low. Unfortunately X-23/Storm is the kind of pairing that can only be optimized by having Doom or Vergil in the back.

I also spent the better part of vanilla and early Ultimate trying to make X-23/Trish work as a team and while I think they have a lot more to offer each other than Laura and Storm do, it’s still an uphill climb because they both kind of like having two strong assists helping them. X-23/Trish/Felicia’s not a bad option if you’re looking to do all girls, probably the only team like that that X-23 can be on and still be effective in fact. But otherwise you could try Amaterasu (Technically still female), the usual suspects of Doom or Vergil, Dormammu, or Nova. Nova doesn’t really offer the best assist or anchor capabilities, but I ran X-23/Trish/Nova for a time and they actually had a lot of synnergy.

Crud. :frowning: I thought it might work. I know it is heavily meter dependent so for a while I had Morrigan there in the middle. She gave a ton of meter. Ugh. How about Iron Man and Chun? X-23/Iron Man/Chun-Li? I can pull that off I suppose.

If you’re playing IM, I would say it’s almost a requirement (for X23) to play repulsor blast since it extends and guarantee’s dirt naps so you’d probably want to put a different hori assist with him.

You can play really well with IM’s beam, but there’s not as much synergy with it and X23 past it being a great neutral tool.

Seperately, Legs is a good assist, but it would fill the same role as RB aside from not being able to guarantee dirt naps.

IM doesn’t get a whole lot from X23, but he brings a whole whole lot to the table for her with a useful assist, TAC infinites, Great DHCs.

Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I sadly want to further make a case for X-23 on anchor, primarily because of Silent Kill and TAC infinites, but not necessarily XF3. I know people have mentioned this idea before though.

X-23 is in there, purely for utility. The first two characters can be anyone, preferably top tier with a dumb assist and, of course, TAC infinites. X-23 can be moved to a better position with her crossover counter, which is invincible and can lead to a combo if it connects. Other means of getting her out safely into a better position are through hypers like Round Harvest, or Stalking Flare, which can also lead to unblockables if the opponent blocks on the ground like Merkyl said. Both of said hypers belong to characters that have TAC infs, so there’s some incentive, though Trish’s is probably far, far more practical.

X-23 is protected from immediately getting sparked from opening gambits, incoming mix-ups for at least 1 time unless the opponent goes for a snapback, and can set up Silent Kill without having to engage with characters. The front two do the work for her. The team begins to fall apart once the point dies off though.

If X-23 is on her own because you didn’t manage to successfully get her in, well, you’re probably finished. The two front chars can be the usual scumbags like Doom, Mags, Magneto, Vergil, Zero, and so on.

Lemme know what you think please.

If she’s not on point, it probably doesn’t matter all that much. It’s probably better to get her in with an alpha counter, anyways. The only downside I would say is that you’re most likely playing your 2nd character without a neutral assist, free meter, strong TAC/Infinite, or DHC.

Lol…kinda changed my mind mid-post…considering how easy it is to TAC past X23 it’s probably better to have her 2nd with a TAC infinite character in the back (preferably with a dirt nap guarantee assist/super) so you have twice as many chances to TAC infinite > double dirt nap.

I think Mags(hypergrav)/X23(CS)/IM(RB) or Mags(hypergrav)/X23(CS)/Doom(Missiles) is probably the best you’ll get honestly. 2 infinite characters, a really strong point, double relaunches, strong DHC for X23, alpha counter threat. Jump > tempest > dirt nap, Sphere Flame > Dirt nap (depending on how well those works, this might be really strong, actually. You’ll get a double relaunch after the dirt nap so you should be able to kill pretty much anyone without XF and might even be able to find a way to be 2 meter positive…might have to look into that…) On the doom team, kill with infinite >bait an Alpha counter > combo back to 5 > snap > dash into corner > call missiles + Dirt nap.

Being able to get a guaranteed dirt nap from a super on a double relaunch team might be pretty powerful actually and would open up synergy quite a bit to boot…

Thanks for that! Remind me please, what are the conditions to TAC past X-23 again? I bet there’s a video about it as well, but can’t remember…

You have to use X23s assist and then TAC after she’s off the screen, but before she’s available and you’ll go through to your anchor (if you TAC again, it will go back to your point, also). Most of the cast can do it really easily if you run her OTG, Mags can do it off her CS with hypergrav loops (might not be ablet to at max HSD since you have to wait for X23 to leave after the CS before you can TAC).

There’s an example of mags TACing past Dr. Strange here. I don’t know of any X23 specific videos, though.

Thanks a lot! I thought Temps made a video, but can’t remember. Doesn’t matter anyway haha.

He may have, but it’s typically character and combo specific that it probably wouldn’t help your specific situation anyways.

Hey everyone…I’m new to the x23 forums but I used to run x23 in Vanilla and I recently picked her back up for Ultimate and I’m rocking x23 Nova (M.Rush) and Taskmaster (H.arrows) and I MUST SAY, this is OD. Nova Task is my trademark shell so I couldn’t get rid of it. I may decide to run x23 Spencer Task (my vanilla team) also. But yeah, for the most part all I have to say at the moment is x23…and arrows…IS DIRTY. I found a reset set up that basically allows her H.MF to catch all techs and cross up on neutral…it’s pretty crazy.


