MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Going to experiment with a Laura/Wesker/Ammy team for certain matchups. Hoping I can get all the same setups you guys do with Wesker/Dorm, but Cold Star’s damn scaling is making it tricky.

EoA is meh. Flashy corner stuff, but inferior to Bolts’ coverage in almost every way. I would like to think Laura/Vergil could be best friends, but she only gains midstun combos off RS and both are heavy meter eaters. X23 should always be coming in with at least one bar so you can XF2 loops/Dirt Nap strats, but if I were you I would run X23(CS)/Doom(HM)/Strange(Bolts). Two assist that cover everything and Doom infinite to boot, it’s fairly practical but once you get it to work you will be all smiles. Strange anchor sucks, but once you learn the infinite it won’t matter much.

I feel like CS is a dumb-down version of JS when it comes to hurting Laura’s combos. It does hitstun and scale stuff mad, but not on the level of JS. Great assist for her in vanilla, not so much in ultimate.

I agree its not that great anymore, but at this point I’m kind of only using Cold Star because I feel like I have to. I don’t really want to play Dorm, Dante, or Tony so meh. It’s either play Cold Star or drop the Strange/Ammy shell and make another new team.

If you want to play CS, check out X23/RR/CS. RR/Ammy shell is absolutely ridiculous compared to Strange/Ammy (aside from THC shenanigans). Check out Neorussell (I think that’s his name, runs DP/RR/Ammy) for some video proof. It’s pretty much a free combo if CS ever touches and a free unblockable reset if you’re close enough for corner carry. There’s some great slow combos DHC combos and log gives her another charged j.H > glaive loop. Plus Log is as derp if not more so than bolts and actually gives Ammy the ability to zone into combos in bead mode (practical? no. Trolly as fuck? yes.)

SoV is probably a bit better for a raw damage DHC (though I think a double extend CS + Log combo > RT > R&R super probably does the same or more as the optimal combo for X23+Bolts+CS > RT > SOV.) You can do a DHC into Mad Hopper before the 3rd rep of RT (Mad Hopper is always a soft knockdown) into a CS unblockable which should give you pretty brainless meter positive TODs on anyone you can’t kill with the meter neutral options.

That’s the team I wanted to play before I found this one but Ammy just doesn’t click with me for some reason. Tons and tons and tons of great synergy and a really good spread MU-wise between the 3 of them.

I actually did play that team in the early days of Ultimate and had a lot of fun with it for basically all the reasons you listed. I remember feeling like Rocky needed more than Cold Star to play his game, but I only stuck with it for a month so I could be wrong about that. I’m probably gonna end up sticking with Strange/Ammy at least until Final Round since it won’t do me any good to change teams a month before the tournament. If you guys bop me too badly in casuals I might have to take another look at Repulsor.

yeah i’ve been messing with X-23/RR. It’s fun to use both characters but the synergy is only with the log trap assist but i still love both characters. My best X-23 team is X-23/Sent/Haggar X-23 with lariat is just a great and Sentinel is just awesome with haggar, but it sucks hard when i’m left with haggar. Nigga can’t do shit against strong top tier users and i just love RR the character more, mostly because of him being a raccoon talking trash.<div><br></div><div>What’s a good set up for X-23/RR? I’ve been thinking of wesker, having a average vitality character who can somewhat anchor but there has got to be better choices. </div>

In neutral, the main idea is that you gain the ability to get mix up from her air mobility rather than just her ground mobility since you can convert from a log hit after getting an ambiguous mixup from almost anything up to SJ height TA Hs.  At ground level, you do left/rights like any other hori assist or use the wall jump and use CS/TA to set up multiple cross/uncross right over their heads.<br><br>As far as extensions, Log works with the basic charged AS + log pick up.  If you’re in XF then you need to make sure you’re using dash back AS + Log since the AS comes out faster and the 2nd hit negates the wall bounce if you don’t.<br><br>For incoming, Dash into the corner, call log, dash back, 50/50 MF L/M mixup since log hits meaty when started from the corner.<br><br>For start of match: OS fH + LogxxCS H for point blank and Log + Decap. slice against people that don’t like to press buttons at the start of a match.<br><br>As far as DHCs, you have to cut RT off before that last flip to get the soft knockdown to link into any of RRs supers.  RT > RnR, RT > RR’s level 3,  or RT > Mad Hopper > RnR are the only practical ones I use, but there’s plenty of room for trolling with stuff like RT > MH > MH >MH > RnR or RT > MH > RT > WxP > MH.  You can use Log to link into WXP and then link that into either supers.  If you have a 3rd character with hitstun ignoring combos, you can do stuff like WXP > MH > Hard tag > Combos.<br><br>The other way around is less impressive, I use CS so that any block can turn into a full combo.  Otherwise it doesn’t have much use in neutral (and is pretty unsafe, anyways.)  The DHCs are pretty straight forward too.<br>

Just to input, X-23/Sent/Haggar is a very good team. I know it’s likely unknown because of consisting of non-tops but the synergy is just overwhelming. Haggar’s assist just works so damn good with X-23 and Sent. With X-23, Haggar can actually give you a free hit to level 3 plus various combos and great protection. Then she has drowns. <div><br></div><div>The problem of this team is of course being a bit handicapped since Haggar gets shitted on with out assists. </div>

opinions on X23 / Vajra ? <br><br>

Lack of assistless OTG makes it very hard to utilize reliably.  There are a few combo extensions possible with it, but nothing of real substance.  Being able to reset people at SJ height is nice, but you have to get lucky or pop XF to actually get reliable conversions.  Strider is only really scary with XF3 or on point (but doesn’t get much from any of X23’s assists) and if you play X23 2nd, I feel like she’s a much stronger XF abuser than he his since you get a guaranteed 2 kills rather than banking on his derp mixups.<br><br>All in all, I consider it a very poor pairing, personally.<br>

Ok I was wondering if X-23 and Nova were a good enough shell to put Phoenix in there with them? IMO they both have LOTS of synergy in the little bit of time playing them I know they have great THC options , nice resets, they both benefit from each others assists (nova gets an otg and x-23 gets a ground bounce), and nice mix ups (feint cancel m + call centurion rush).<br>Just don’t know what order to put them in… Was thinking X-23 gets more from Nova because Nova is decent solo even though Jeans tk overdrive is the perfect “beam” for both of them imo (just wont be using it alot for obvious reasons). Plus from X-23 I can go into Novas infinite (wish Laura had one ;( ) Suggestions anyone work with this pairing before?<br>

<font face=“Arial, Verdana” size=“2”><span style=“line-height: normal;”>It can work, but competitively I’m not sure how far you will go. One issue is that X23 dies very quick off ToD’s so her death won’t contribute any significant meter build for Jean. You have essentially two characters who are absolutely meter dependent, so if one plan fails you don’t really have much to hold your hat on. Nova’s CR gives X23 hefty extensions, but I’m not sure how much neutral overdrive can cover without exposing Jean to HB’s or projectile hell. If you are willing to go that far for a perfect “beam” assist, then I would take a look at Bolts or Plasma Beam.</span></font>

I have a hard time putting phoenix and X23 on the same team since on of X23’s biggest strengths is dirt nap and it’s hard to justify doing that with Phoenix in the back.  If you can get 5 meters and pop her early I could see it being possible, but that’s a whoooole lot of setup imo.<br>

I’ll say right off the bat that I don’t recommend this, but I mess around sometimes online with Phoenix on Point and X23/Vergil behind her. There’s a couple of fun things with it. I use Crescent Slash for Alpha Counters because so many people try just throwing big things to chip Phoenix out and X23 can hit them a lot of times. Also Phoenix Teleport + Rapid Slash is a nasty crossup. Finally, if you ever catch an assist and the point character with Phoenix Rage > X-Factor > X23 hard tag. You can catch them off the wallbounce and the resulting combo will build 2 meters and should kill them both unless one is like Thor or Nemesis maybe. Then you just dirtnap the 3rd It’s not a great team, but that doesn’t mean it’s not fun!

I’ll play point IM for the free AC combo on some matchups.  Nobody respects him and its so easy to get them to take the bait, lol.<br>

Thanks for the input guys.  I posted this on the Nova and Phoenix forums
too and I have heard Strange and Doom mostly so I’ll try Strange out
because I feel Doom’s kinda stale <span class=“Emoticon Emoticon7”></span>
(Already have him on 3 of my teams). Definitely loving the Nova/X-23 I
just didn’t think they need that much but now I see they are both
rushdown and need coverage. So is it a general consensus that both need a
beam assist or a lockdown assist? But I think the Boltz last long
enough to do both jobs so ya… Might try a point Phoenix team though to see how that works out haha ^.^ It’s always nice to win when people underestimate you.<br>

I had a troll team of Deadpool/X23/Phoenix that work surprisingly okay - just played hit and run like normal, and use Phoenix overdrive as a GTFO assist (it nullifies projectiles, and tracks!).<div><br></div><div>Deadpool’s sole purpose was to get a meter-efficient kill (usually with a lot of zoning + a reset), and then die. When X23 came in, I would xfactor guard cancel, and kill with the xf2 loop - no one saw it coming the first time, because, hey, I’m playing Phoenix.<br></div><div><br></div><div>The meterless loop, gets you to 5 bars, at which you can derp around until Phoenix comes, or kill them with dirt nap (for total confusion, use Phoenix Rage DHC to Dirtnap as an unavoidable setup.)</div><div><br></div><div>yeaaaaaah.</div>

hey guys was helping out a friend the other day and was wondering what you guys think of x23/???/hawkeye or x23/hawkeye/???. i feel x23 with triple arrow assist is godlike for pressure mix up and hawkeye with an otg isn’t bad either. your thoughts?

Good assist for her neutral but it’s a it fast for my tastes and lousy DHC options so I wouldn’t put him 2nd.  I wouldn’t worry too much about her assist working for him since his combos aren’t that great anyways.  Personally, If you want some arrows, I’d just put Tasky behind her since the speed on his arrows allows for a little more wiggle room and his DHC is one of the best in the game for her.<br><br>You could probably get away with something like X23(CS)/Deadpool(katanarama)/Hawkeye, X23(AS)/Dante(JS)/Hawkeye.  Personally, I would say get at least one extension for X23 so you can pick up off air throws (or missiles/jamming bomb/eye of agamotta to pick up off ground throws depending on your preference.)  X23(CS or OTG)/Tasky(H.Arrows)/Doom(Missiles) would probably be my other suggestion.  I’m pretty sure you can do ground extensions with Tasky’s arrows to TAC through to doom for infinites, Missiles gives Tasky great extensions and neutral options and extends for X23.  I’m think Tasky arrows might be able to pick up off throws, too…I know it can relaunch at low hitstun.<br>

Yeap, no reason to pick Clint over Taskmaster. Better dmg, better left/right, better DHC, better character (though arguable). I think Vergil/X23/Clint can be good though.