MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Yeah, Hawkeye’s DHC options are so bad in terms of damage, I don’t even like putting him in 3rd on an X-23 team unless your second character can kill by themselves. So maaaaaybe X-23/Vergil/Hawkeye or something like that, but I dislike Vergil on X-23 teams for similar reasons Merkyl mentioned somewhere in the tier thread. He just doesn’t really work out that well. Plus no TAC infinite (I think.) If you’re confident about your X-23 going the distance and don’t mind your 2nd character being hurt by poor DHC damage (or they dish out bad damage anyway, like Storm), he could work decently. Just make sure you reserve XF for him if things go pear-shaped, otherwise it’ll be rough. 

I have just discovered the true potential of Rocket Racoon, Viewtiful Joe and Zero and a team with a good mix of projectiles and the ability to all  be able to walk under most projectile attacks.

So I’m mostly an AE2012/Smash player, but a lot of my friends happen to play Marvel, and I see it a lot on the streams, I’ve just been super busy so I haven’t really bothered to pick it up. Welp, I have time now, so I figured I’d pick it up and I wanted to play my favorite character, X-23 xD. So I’ve done some investigating, and I know a bit of Marvel just from watching people play and tournament streams, and I think I found a team that works for me but I wanted some assistance. I’m gonna be playing VJoe/X-23/Rocket Raccoon. It’s not high tier but there’s a lot of jank I’ve seen VJoe/X-23 pull off with one of my friends that plays her and HowToRead, and obviously VJoe/Rocket Raccoon is lame-tier, and I know some people posting on here said Log Trap was probably her best neutral assist. I’m just curious mainly what assists I should be running and if there are any videos or other players I should be looking for. Any help would be great, obviously I’m gonna be looking for myself and thanks in advance!<div><br></div><div>Main concerns with assists:</div><div>- Obviously running Log Trap with Coon, no big problem there</div><div>- Not to sure if I should run Shocking Pink or Groovy Uppercut M for VJoe. I think I can use Groovy Uppercut M for combo extensions off of Ankle Slice, but then I also lose Desperado Cannon for THC’s (it OTGs, Mach Speed doesn’t).</div><div>- Crescent Scythe vs. Ankle Slice assist for X-23. Not sure how useful the OTG or the possibility of unblockables with Ankle Slice is vs. Crescent Scythe Alpha Counter.</div>

I wouldn’t bother using Ankle Slice with Joe, it’s not the fastest low assist in the game and I don’t know that Joe can really make use of it the way someone like Trish or Nova could. I’d stick to Crescent Scythe since people are naturally going to want to rush down Joe and it’ll give you an easy out.

I am thinking in put Strider Hiryu in the place of Deadpool because Deadpool doesnt have neutral assist to help Ammy. My team as it is now (Ammy (beta)/X-23 (gamma)/Deadpool (beta)) doesnt have any assist to help Ammy on neutral game.
So I guess I will put Hiryu with Gram assist to extend Ammy combos and give her a neutral assist, and I will change X-23’s assist to Ankle Slice to be the OTG of Ammy’s combos (former Deadpool’s job). But if I do that, I guess X-23 will lose her combo extension on the team.
There is some way the Gram assist can extend X-23 combos, started with Cold Star, after her ankle slice OTG for example? If its not possible, does X-23 can do a good damage with combos without extension starting with Cold Star assist?

So I tried getting into marvel a while back but i never stuck to it. Anyway I want to give it another shot and start fresh with a new team I wanna base a team around X-23 and dont know what characters have good chemistry with her. I’m wondering what anyone thinks about Zero Akuma Dante or Spencer as potential team mates?

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/79430/MrCam">MrCam</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>So I tried getting into marvel a while back but i never stuck to it. Anyway I want to give it another shot and start fresh with a new team I wanna base a team around X-23 and dont know what characters have good chemistry with her. I’m wondering what anyone thinks about Zero Akuma Dante or Spencer as potential team mates? </div>

Personally I wouldn’t run her with any of those, but if I had to choose from that list specfically. Strong Battery/X23(CS/OTG)/Dante(JS) or Dante(JS)/X23(OTG)/Infinite character.

You could probably run something like Wolv/X23(OTG)/Akuma(Tatsu) but X23 doesn’t get a whole lot outside of neutral with Tatsu so she would be weak if snapped to point.

Her synergy with Zero is pretty nonexistant and his meterless options are about as good as dirt nap anyways.

Spencer’s slant shot had some theory work done with it early on that seemed promising, but it was built around resets and she has great TODs now with recent tech so I don’t think there’s anything worth bothering with at this point.

Ideally, I think she belongs on point now with double relaunch assists, a dirt nap guarantee, and an infinite character. Alternatively, run her 2nd with a super strong point character and a TAC infinite character in anchor and a dirt nap guarantee (JS or RB).

For point X-23 teams, I think X23+IM(RB) pairings are the way to go since he covers 1 relaunch, dirt nap guarantee, infinites, and a decent neutral assist. Doom(Missiles) is a close second since you can occasionally use missiles for dirt nap guarantee, but it’s a good neutral, extenders, and easy infinites. For the 2nd relaunch character, I feel RR(Log Trap) is the ideal option since it can hit meaty incoming (still work as a situational dirt nap assist) and is an absolute monster assist for neutral and extends for HBDs and 2nd relaunches. (He’s also got a ton of synergy with IM.) If you don’t like RR, then look for a character that can OTG/Wall bounce/Ground bounce and still be used as a quick neutral assist to make up for RB or Missiles startup.

For X23 2nd teams, the absolute ideal is probably Mags(Hypergrav)/X23(OTG)/IM(RB). I haven’t taken it to hypergrav to the lab yet (has anyone checked to see if you can use it as a meaty dirt nap assist?), but I’m pretty sure it can 2nd extend for X23, but it can def. pick up after a corner dirt nap and this team is just about getting the hit with Mags, TACing to IM, and double dirt napping with X23. Alternatively, you can run something like Dante(JS)/X23(OTG)/Mags(EMD) or Doom(Missiles/Beam). Same gameplan and Dante gets so many throws because of derpy teleport OS nonsense that the first hit shouldn’t be a huge issue, but you need to have a way to TAC through X23 and I’m not sure how well he manages that.

Sorry if that last post is showing up as a huge block…forums aren’t taking any of my formatting attempts atm. :confused:

I dont think I’d play her second but I’m not sure about IM and RR since if X dies then I’m left with 2 lower tier characters are there any other assists that help her kill in one combo or a good neutral assist that can help her with mix ups?

I think the highest tier you can get is running one of the X23 2nd teams and going from there. For tourney play, I feel like running X23 without a dirt nap guarantee assist (JS or RB) isn’t a good idea since you want to make that as guaranteed as possible.

Probably the best you can do without running an IM team is X23/Dorm/Wesker. It does meter neutral TODs, but you have to get your dirt nap hits in neutral or gamble on incoming since you don’t have a dirt nap guarantee, you also don’t get a hori assist so Dorm/Wesker play a bit gimped (though passable), and you don’t have reliable infinites (Unless someone comes up with a new Dorm inf. using the input null glitch rather than his current one), so you won’t be able to abuse double dirt naps.

Past that X23/Doom(missiles)/2nd relaunch assist is probably your best bet.

As far as point X23 + assists, you want to shoot for double relaunch teams since that gives her optimal damage on clean hits, starting from either assist, off from throws with any assist available, and off dirt naps. The list here isn’t complete since I’m just pulling stuff off the top of my head since I’m at work, but you should be able to get the idea of what works based on the list.

Optimal 1st relaunch assist options:
Dorm(Dark hole), Strange(EoA), IM(RB), Ammy(CS), Chun(Legs), Doom(Missiles) etc. Look for high hitstun options that can hit after X23s otg. Typically lockdown assists with varying degrees of usefulness in neutral.

Sub-optimal 1st relaunch options:
Doom(Beam), Strange(Bolts), Vergil(RS), Tasky(H. arrows), Trish(Low Voltage), IM(Beam), Sent(Drones), etc. Most hori assists work for this and a few others. You’re either trying to do assist + S > short combo > TA L or S to hit them into the assist > relaunch or really low HSD combo > otg + hori assist. You usually can’t get a CS H out for any of these so you lose a lot of damage, but some of these can also pick up off throws. Vergil works off the OTG, but you can’t do a full combo or they’ll flip out after the hit.

2nd relaunch assists:
Wesker(OTG), Nova(Cent. Rush), RR(Log), Hulk(OTG), Felicia(OTG), Akuma(Ground bounce), Viper(OTG) etc. It’s a pretty limited list that can fill the 2nd extender slot. You need either an OTG that syncs up with X23’s Charged NS (spinning knockdown) or an assist that has guaranteed hitstun and syncs up with X23s OTG (wall/ground bounce.)

I personally like x/ammy/dorm from your list. Dark hole lets me blindly and stupidly jump foward call dorm while still letting me keep ammy for lockdowns and set ups. Also, because of the whole eats beams thing, dark hole lets me counter all other projectile assists (not morrigan on point or anything crazy like that) except for doom PB… combine that with the ability to put dorm first and keep CS assist for lame play with a 1meter get out of jail card or play dorm aggressive with AS and set up unblockables with ammy to keep kills cheap for the big dirt nap play in the back. Don’t forget the x/dorm triple team punish. I think out of all the options you put up that is her best high tier team, but you know… (PB)…

CS and Dark Hole might as well be the same assist, it’s a bit redundant to run both of them.

If I put ammy as my anchor any idea what a good second character would be?

RR (for synergy) or Doom (for derp).

RR has synergy with X, Ammy or both?
Also if I do put her in the second slot what the best assist to use

Log is probably the best assist in the game for X23 and RR/Ammy is a really great shell. The DHC is a bit lacking, but you’ll still be doing ~900k-1mil for 1 meter and you get a lot of utility for the trade-off. Plus you get a way to combo off WXP punishes and lots and lots of hardtag and meter options.

As far as 2nd, if your point needs an otg or a low, go with the LowTG, if your other characters have decent extensions, go with CS for the invincible alpha counter.

I’m currently playing X-23/Doom/Ammy and it’s pretty fun, but maybe I’ll give Rocket Raccoon a shot. He seems fun but I just haven’t practiced at all with him.

I also just started about a couple months ago and have trouble with Iron Man combos otherwise I’d give X-23/IM/RR a shot haha.

Honestly the only 2 characters in this game I’ve had tons of fun with are X-23 and Ammy, I’m having a very hard time finding a 3rd that I like and is also effective.

As far as teams go, this is what I’ve tried so far:


Hahah yeah I can’t really imagine playing X23 without log now. But, I have been considering trying something like X23/Nova/Strange as of late. There might be some potential there.

I still love X23/Dorm/RR. Swap Merkyls team if I want to try the infinite on someone.

I disagree with you on that one. CS might seem like a better dark hole, but it’s pretty slow and gets beat out pretty often in neutral. DH on the other hand is pretty abusive when paired with aggressive characters. Try it yourself online, or watch youtube matches. CS will get you blown up more consistently in neutral than DH. CS is mostly for set ups and DH is mostly for neutral.

What makes you think that they might as well be the same assist anyway?

I’ve ran both of them for a few months each. I feel like they essentially serve the same purpose in X23’s gameplan except I like DH a little better for X23s neutral because of it’s properties and startup. They’re both first relaunches and they both cover roughly the same angle (though of course CS has a bit more range and is longer for the tradeoff on startup). DH gets a slight leg up since you can do it as a second OTG > WXP but that’s a pretty minor thing and CS gets the leg up on setting up better fuzzy guards.

Aside from adjusting for timing the assists are pretty much called in the exact same places and are pretty interchangeable.