MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

It was kind of the same way for me (which is why I’m not playing that particular team anymore.)

Dorm/X23/Strange is a nice option as long as you’re not going against some point that will wreck Dorm. I’m of the opinion that X23 should be on point without a team that can double relaunch.

For the X23/Strange/Dorm option, It’s always easy enough to stalking flare and go into his zoning game that I didn’t really mind not having him second. Still left you with the initial problem, though.

If you like Dorm + bolts, my recommendation would be the X23/Dorm/Mags (or Dorm/X23/Mags) you get one of the strongest dorm incoming/neutral teleport mixups in the game and a reliable comeback character. You don’t get the sexy crouch for 3 seconds that bolts gives you, but you don’t run into the stupid issue of bolts getting sniped or staying out for 2 years. It’s more of a Dorm team than an X23 team which is why I eventually swapped out Mags for RR. It makes more sense to play this team Dorm/X23/Mags and just use XF2 loops to avoid having to reset people. The Chaotic Flame > RT DHC is really solid, you just have to DHC right before the part of flame that launches them up.

That’s why I prefer Dante/X23/Strange. Dorm gets more dmg, but Dante is better at building meter and dealing with rushdown even better with bolts backing him up. It gives the team a bonus if Dante manages to kill something because more than likely you won’t even need to use Anchor Strange, which should be the whole idea in the first place. If you have to use Strange Anchor then more than likely you made an error somewhere in the match.

I like the idea of Haggar getting two assist to do stuff (especially get in!!), and we all know how pimp XF3 23 is. But, I feel like Hawkeye’s potential role on the team is wasted for somebody that “fits everywhere”. Once Haggar goes down, things get a bit gimmicky. Hawkeye has answers for a lot of other anchors in the game, and X23 can do pretty much the same things with XF2. You basically trade 5 more seconds of XF time (which will probably be lamed out anyway from chasing people with XF3 23) for a chance to be supported by Greyhound.

Let me know if you find anything new with it, I haven’t been able to hit the lab lately due to finals, but it’s an awesome team; and Ammy’s sword infinite is really easy to learn, so is her TAC infinite if you ever need it.

just simple HC’s off NS and Talon, I’m preparing for finals this way also.



I want a gimmick team, just something for shits and giggles. I thought about 23/Trish/RR where any touch corner carries them to 4 way TAC infinites with Trish, even off log. Trish’s infinite is the only one I can do consistently well from all directions, but my RR is ass and my Trish is suspect to bodiness.

Not really sure if it’s a gimmick team or not yet since I’m still working the kinks out on IM, but try out X23(CS)/IM(RB)/RR(log). Corner to Corner to Corner (and you could probably still go half screen in the other direction if not to a 3rd corner) carry on combos plus all way infinites midscreen and corner that are easy, comparitively. Some really great troll DHCs with RT > PC > Mad Hopper x3. (Or you can do stupid stuff like proton cannon > WPX > Mad Hopper > hard tag IM > Repulsor wall bounce repulsor > PC > Mad Hopper.)

IMs corner down TAC infinite took me 2 days to get going and it’s almost rediculously easy once you actually get to the infinite loops. (and only 1 spot that’s a bit of a pain before that.)

Still get double assist combos, guaranteed dirt naps, stupid log lulz, decent DHCs. 1 meter ToDs from the alpha counter.

RR gets a lot from the lockdown assist, IM gets even better screen control with log.

Only one thing I’m not crazy about with RB and that’s the fact that it doesn’t work well with HBDs at all. (Which is a pretty minor thing, honestly.)

A lot of fun tho, all said and done.

Trish gets good screen control and good mileage off of ankle slice and log, X-23 likes log, Rocket’s a passable anchor. I could see that as totally not a gimmick team with Trish in front. All three are decent with XF3, and Rocket with most trish assists can have some pretty solid neutral, so snaps don’t seem too disruptive either.

I beg you, please give me the notation for Ironman’s corner TAC infinites. If you have the midscreen ones as well, I’ll beg you for those as well.

Speaking of Trish, if you have gain meter for her infinite, you could potentially abuse Round Harvest, but it’s probably not worth it. What is worth doing is learning the TAC infinite with Trish, Silent Killing the next character, comboing them into Rage Trigger>Round Harvest DHC, then getting a character to combo off Round Harvest and build the meter back up. You could even XF during the pick-up after X-23, spend less meter and go for a sweep kill. Someone like Dante takes big advantage off Round Harvest combos…but then assist management becomes a problem.

@Ryuga: Wandles hooked me up the other day and I posted what he gave me in the House of Ribs IM thread. It has midscreen and corner notations for 2 of the full infinite vids and Bloodabeast updated the OP with it so you shouldn’t even have to try hard to find it. So be sure to send Wandles a Christmas pie or something. I think he accepts tech as payment, too. (Says a lot about IM’s players that they didn’t actually have the notations anywhere, already…)

With X23/Trish/RR, you can just use RR’s self-unblockables with round harvest, too, not sure if you can beat what X23 could do with 3 meters easily with RR, though. Plus you don’t have to worry about not having a dirt nap assist if you always have 4+ meter on hand with Trish/X23 since you can just use round harvest on incoming and still have time to hard tag > Dirt nap if the team orders out of whack.

With that team, if you did boulder loops > RnR > Round Harvest, it might even be possible to tag to X23 and follow-up since you should still have the hard knockdown from TA L or S since they should never actually hit the ground. Plus as long as you still had your wall-bounce you could get even more extensions if you’re looking to troll with 5 bars. (Would be suprised if there was enough hitstun to actually do more than just supers after that.)

I had no idea you could relaunch off Trish’s Low Voltage, that’s nifty. I like this team, not enough to use it day to day but it’s slowing becoming a favorite of mine.

The meter spend off RH to DHC dirt nap doesn’t bother me if it results to killing another character for free (which it usually does). Free kills are very, very sexy…

Ooh, that sounds fun. Is it a beam bounce relaunch, or a legitimate charged ankle slice plus assist relaunch?

You can do it from charged AS, it works similar to Tasky’s hori arrow relaunching. With this, I can save my wall-bounce off log into further +730k bar extensions or resets kills. This team is looking bonkers right now, but I really need to lab RR because I suck with him.

And how does that work? I just assumed you couldn’t relaunch with Tasky’s horizontal arrows, I got me some vertical relaunches. Forgive me if I sound dumb, but I never tried.

I got to look at some of the older posts in here…


this should give you an idea, it involves you being far away as possible so that S connects. I haven’t found a way to relaunch of low voltage in corners but anywhere else seems like fair game.

Finally done with finals and got to put some serious lab time in. I’m absolutely loving Strange’s TACs, each one leads to the Flames of Faltine loops so you get basically the same damage no matter which direction you go for and any TAC conversion (Even off of Cold Stars of aigrabs) becomes a clean kill, and if you don’t even up using level 3 to kill them then you’ll always have enough meter to get Laura back in for a Dirt Nap. My favorite setup right now is killing off of a TAC, setting up the Eye for cover, hardtagging back to X-23, locking them down with Cold Star, then nailing them with Dirt Nap. Quick and dirty.

And any person randomly chucking beams at Laura is going to end up dead. Weapon X Prime DHCs into Seven Rings and gives Strange enough time to Impact Palm them as they’re falling down, which of course leads into a longass Flame loop and a ton of meter. I’m also getting a lot of mileage out of alpha counters. People just love rushing down Strange and it’s become a get out of jail free card to just alpha counter X-23 back in off of Crescent Scythe, confirm into CS loops, and get a kill.

Yeah, I like the synergy between those 2. Wish she had a legit hard tag setup tho. :confused: TACs make my heart ache, lol.

Week 3~4 follow-up on X23/IM/RR…I actually feel really good about this team. IM takes some getting used to, but I’m actually killing people with him now which is kinda bananas (came close to my first IM OCV before I dropped SB > level 3 last night :frowning: ). Only have a down TAC infinite atm since IM neutral has been taking up most of my time, but I absolutely love having X23 on point again. Doesn’t have TODs unless you can get the right starter (Luis Loops, mostly) but 1~1.1mil/2meters isn’t too hard to manage consistently and IM’s infinites are ridiculously easy to take care of the few you can’t TOD (and the oki options from RB and Log are pretty fantastic, anyways). X23 + Log is probably one of the most broken things in the game and you can actually use it for incoming dirtnaps since the log starts directly above your heads (I use CS H for my confirm which sucks if they let log hit them, I’m pretty sure you can just TA L or M to combo off that, I just haven’t had a chance to go to the lab yet). Also if you’re hard into the corner, Meaty log + MF L/M is so pretty. Enjoy that 50/50 with no visual tell that leads into 800k before DHCing. Nice having CS for the alpha counter again since neither IM nor RR needs the OTG, so hilarious seeing an incoming vergil helm breaking on IM since you can TOD him off CS. :3

IM + Log is surprisingly powerful too. Double RB enders means 850k/1meter for combos ending in the corner, 750k midscreen. Log gives you full combos off both beam and RB from 3/4ths screen. I feel like IM actually has a pretty solid matchup against some of the more popular assist pairings and has the tools to force the other player to play his game. (Looking at you, MoriDoom, Vajra, Missiles, Drones) He’s just another one of those characters that doesn’t play like the rest of the cast, but once you get a handle on his spacing and hit confirms, you don’t really HAVE to go in anymore. Let them try to get in and take the free 600-700k when they mess up then go back to his game.

RR + RB is really solid too since he has easy/free unblockables as soon as they get touched by repulsor (which is pretty much free if they get in range of his fH). If they try to come in on your head, RB gives you a great way to either evade the situation entirely and get full screen if they’re blocking in the air, get a full conversion with corner carry if they get hit (which leads to near unblockable oki), or unblockable if they get stuck blocking on the ground. XF3 with him is actually becoming an occasional threat thanks to his Grenade Roms and oil bomb loop combos. You get to control the match with Mad Hoppers as long as you have a few meters and as long as you’re placing them correctly it makes it hard to evade him for too long. If they try to land on one and block, you get a free unblockable as long as you preempt it with a teleport and in XF he has easy 1.1mil combos on top of an even harder to block oki game thanks to the speed.

So, my question to you guys. The only think I think needs some more work is I don’t have any great setups during IMs lockdown. What have you guys been using during lockdown strings? I feel like I can easily get them blocking it, but the best I can hope for is dash over dH (which is pretty solid) but I feel like our girl should have more going for her. Has anyone revisited her fuzzy guard setups lately? Against people that know the X23 matchup in regards to MF L/M, I’ve been mixing MF H + Log when I’m not in a great spot to set up the L/R. It’s really only a threat of Single/Double Hi or empty low with the occasional fuzzy setup, but I’m working at not being so flow-charty with her OP tools to keep people on their toes. (Against someone that doesn’t know how to block her L/R game, take the free kill, lol.)

2 nice things that I’m sure aren’t going to be new to anyone else cause I’m a hell of a scrub. (and 1 thing that I have to try to recreate in the lab)
[]The game actually lets you know what assists are available during combos with the A1/A2 being lit up or not (hate, hate, hate when the game feels like you used an assist in a blockstring and you don’t get the assist relaunch you though you had…) Not sure how I’ve played the game this long without noticing this. Putting it out there just for sake of sharing info/my scrubbiness.
]after you do a full combo ending in super, You can watch for the assist to become available to help with meaty timing. (This is how I set up Dirt Nap + log now and it seems really solid. Much easier than following audio clues or waiting to see their health bar slide, IMO.)
[*]I managed to use log to get a wall bounce (maybe wall bounce > dirt nap) last night and was able to call him again during the combo for some reason. Vergil had just come in and was expecting a crossup and got hit by my brilliant non-mixup I converted and auto-piloted into OTG + assist and RR came back in and graced me with a 2nd log. (!!??!?!) Has anyone else seen this happen?

All depends on the assists you have really, but here’s what I do.

  1. Cross-up D+H if they’re crouching.

  2. After lockdown ends, Mirage Feint M~Talon Attack L for a cross-up.

  3. During a tight lockdown(like Cold Star/Hyakuretsu Kyaku/Drones), Mirage Feint H to set up for a fuzzy low, or empty jump into a low, or empty jump into a Mirage Feint M~Talon Attack L cross-up and finally, you can not do a fuzzy guard when your jump-in connects and simply go low or cross them up with Mirage Feint M~Talon L.

If those get blocked, I try to switch to pressure/blockstrings/advancing guard baiting and negation until I have my assists back and then start again. Keeping up the offence when not assisted is the difficult part.

I’ve been on and off with X23 but I’m ready to fully commit to her. As for a team composed around her I don’t know who else to assist her in battle… I play doom and will stick him with her with either plasma beam or missiles depending on the other assist type. Can I get your thoughts on a team

I’d take a hard look at ammy, dorm, or tasky for an X23/Doom pairing.

X-23/Doom/Ammy, X-23/Dorm/Doom

She is kinda awesome with some of the more popular 2-dude shells.