MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Thanks for the feedback I’ll check out the The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread

I’m going through The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread and see Super Skrull partner section so I might give Kl’rt a try instead of ammy as I play him too. Will try ammy to keep my options open

@Ryuga: What were you meaning with fuzzy low? My understanding of fuzzy guards is that it’s a trick to get IOH on almost everyone in the game by hitting with a blocked overhead and then hitting with a second jump overhead when they anticipate the incoming low. The game gives them a wonky tall hitbox while they’re in the blockstun from the overhead even after crouching which lets you hit IOH on almost everyone in the cast.

@PurpleRain: If you’re running X23/Doom/xxx, I would recommend running Missiles. Gives X23 the option to convert off her ground front throw which closes up a huge hole in her pressure game, plus you get relaunches at higher hitstun than with beam. Unless you want to go for Infinites every time, I would say make your 3rd character someone that gives her a fast neutral/oki option that also works as a 2nd relaunch (ground bounce/wall bounce/otg). The only character I could find that filled that particular niche was RR’s and Log Trap, but maybe Nova’s overhead,…umm…maybe Ghost Rider (lulz, tho he does work well with missiles but I have no idea how to get him in safely and he’s probably a terrible anchor.) You can always just run Cold Star or Morridoom. You only lose out on like 200k free damage but the trade-off of having a scary shell makes up for it anyways.

Ninja Edit: Check out Quasidomo, he plays X23/Doom(missiles)/Skrull(OG). Might be able to get away with his wall bounce as a 2nd extender, but I don’t know if it has much/any use in her neutral.

WHOOPS, that was supposed to be fuzzy high haha, sorry about that.

Super Skrull Stone Smite assist does otg and wallbounce but doesn’t come out fast enough, might be possible to hit it off an charged ankle slice I’ll try it out. I shall go on youtube for Quasidomo matches to see what I can do with X23 Doom Skrull.

Nova Centurion Rush assist I’ll check it out and give it a try

Thought of another team to try out: Claws and Paws X23/Felicia(sand splash)/Ammy(cold star) on paper i think this team sounds good as cold star will lock down the enemy and Felicia there to otg for more damage. Is it possible to use cold star in combo extension and to otg? You used X23 with Felicia how was them on a team, did her otg work well?

Also how is the paring of X23 and Hulk?

Here’s a really good recent one.

Go to 41:26, a really good showcase of Quasi’s team.

Her OTG works fine from pretty much any range you might end up at in a match. It’s pretty much Wesker gunshot minus the low. Kitty helper’s a great DHC and you can do some shenanigans by DHCing into it from WXP.

Cold star is one of the more decent assists, you have to learn the timing for the relaunch, but it’s not too awful.

Not really in the realm of optimal or anything, but I’m pretty sure you could do some swag stuff with Stone Smite if you do S+assist fast SJ S or add in a hit or 2 to match the assist timing. I think it MIGHT work off ankle slice and I would only put it in a real team if that was the case. Orbital Grudge is pretty solid for her tho, essentially it’s Tatsu with a hit of super armor but slightly less range.

Hulk(Gamma Wave)/X23(AS)/IM(RB) is a really solid team.


You can relaunch Stone Smite from charged AS, but OG does much more for her neutral game and is generally the preferred assist. With a little practice, you can just learn to relaunch off missiles. Although Skrull is nuts with XF3 he really enjoys the solid support from missiles and can do some of the same XF3 combos in his XF2 form. Plus, having Skrull second gives you the Inferno DHC (but be careful because it isn’t safe on block, it does some amazing chip though).

Nova’s another good character to pair with X23. CR gives you a groundbounce and unblockables, and his DHC is fantastically good. I still think Nova’s TAC infinite is one of the more practical ones that can be mastered over time.

Ammy/Felicia are both good pairings, but on the same team you may run into problems not having a netural enough assist to get X23 going. I think Merkyl’s old team would do better X23/Cart/SS, especially now that Frank has a TAC infinite he can use for instant LV5 setups.

What do you guys think?

X-23/Taskmaster/Dorm, X-23/Dorm/Taskmaster, Taskmaster/Dorm/X-23, or Taskmaster/X-23/Dorm?

The third might be my current idea, because of dirt nap and Taskmaster/Dark Hole shenanigans.

You can pretty much run that however you want it. X23 would like the arrows and get a relaunch from Dorm. Both DHCs are great (though Dorm’s is slightly better.) Both of those guys have enough life to be a good meter building punching bag.

The easiest team would probably be Tasky/X23/Dorm. You just have to get used to getting your dirt naps in neutral from dark hole rather than on incoming.

Today I labbed the team like crazy and did a ft15 against my housemate. I learned a few fun things.

Actually, I have come up with something pretty fun for Task/Dorm/X-23 tonight. First, hit with Taskmaster, this is not hard with a low assist and amazing normals. Second, kill the opponent with a DHC to stalking flare (I am learning Dorm’s infinite, I only have the down TAC corner, and barely, I got 3 reps of it in battle once tonight, which is actually all that particular combo requires for killing Tron). Then lay a flame carpet and tag to X-23. You can mirage medium after they block the ball and before they block the flame carpet, basically Tenboss’s incoming trick with his X-23/Dorm/Strange team. If they block it, string into dark hole into dH crossup, taskmaster arrows plus teleport or command throw, there’s a lot of options. As soon as you land a hit, pop XF1 and kill the bastard, DHCing to Task if you must (this’ll mess up the next part). If you ever used a down TAC or infinite or reset or any of that, this’ll leave X-23 in with 3 meter and dark hole assist available. Yay.

Other benefits of learning the team as Task/Dorm/X-23 is that I can occasionally go Legion Arrow into chaotic flame to catch assists better, and for safety/chip, Legion arrow into Dark Hole is beautiful. And I like anchor X-23 if it actually comes to that.

I thought of the other order, but this has the cheap stuff, if I do it right, which I often don’t. Whatever, that’s why I’m learning the team. I REALLY recommend others pick it up. I’m changing my alts immediately to this team.

EDIT: Other reason, I am not used to getting neutral dirt naps at all. Like, would st.M cr.H plus dorm QCF+L (uncharged) Dirt Nap, hit 'em work? That string leaves them locked down for a dH crossup unless they advancing guard the first hit of the M, or any hit + advancing guarding the neck slice.

Yup, that was my preferred blockstring into dirtnap. Just cancel out of the Neck slicer as soon as you know you have them locked down. (Make sure you do dash>S right after activating, though, just in case you got AG’d or spacing was wierd. Nothing worse than thinking you’re right next to them and then whiffing the actual hit :/)

Other option would be jump back TA L + dark hole on an advancing opponent.

If they’re on the ground, you should always be able to follow up with an OTG AS, you just have to make sure you’re getting the dash as soon as you touch the ground (I Think there’s some input leniency so you can hit it a bit early) and let the dash go as far as you can before cancelling into AS. I know that I can always pick up the combo with log, so I have to assume you can do it with XF (and maybe even arrows if you’re lucky, tho I’ve never tested it.)

I spent months trying to get dorms TAC infinite to a match consistent point and eventually gave up on it. I know I would never rely on it but more power to you if you can manage that, lol. At the very worst, check out LintLikr1 on youtube if you haven’t already, he’s my goto for Dorm/X23 TAC and synergy tech.

Personally, I wouldn’t put X23 on anchor since she doesn’t really get anything from XF3 that she didn’t already get in XF2 and both Dorm (especially dorm) and Tasky can both manage runbacks in XF3. X23 is one of those characters I don’t want to play without some kind of assist (goes double for once XF runs out.)

Ooh, I gotta do some of that.

Yeah, well, I only have 1 of six infinite starters learned, and the consistency is garbage, so all in all, I’m nowhere near close enough. However, this is day 3 of learning any infinites for me, so maybe there’s hope. That shit’s never ever showing up online, though, that thing is hard as hell. My thoughts are, Tasky has stupid-good meter build, if I figure out some dirty reset or something I might be able to bypass infinites all together. There’s always regular TAC sequences, which for Dorm are quite easy.

I like Lint’s stuff too, it is where I learned Dormammu’s more advanced combos, though I have some ridiculous trouble hitting any of it online.

I agree with all of that. Dorm anchor is godlike, and Tasky anchor is really damaging. And XF2 X-23, meter gain plus the inevitable dirt nap, is the main reason she’s better on certain teams than Wesker, I think so anyway. I like Dorm second too much, though, for the easy TAC and the amazing DHC. I’m thinking once Dorm’s out there, if I DHC from stalking flare into one of her supers while they’re airborne, I can get her in safely. Have not tried it once, but if it works I get to use airdashes to avoid incoming setups twice instead of once. Anyone tried this?

At closer ranges, I’m pretty sure Stalking Flare > WXP is safe enough. Though you still have to look out for counter supers or XF. If anything, it should be a terrible punish with the ball chasing them. Alpha counter into AS is safe enough from full screen which isn’t hard to get to with Dorm anyways.

The dorm infinite is just awful. There are too many variables to make anything but Down TAC even remotely possible IMO. If you’re just now starting with TAC infinites, go take a look at Doom or IM and you’ll see what a huge difference there is between a reasonable TAC inf and Dorm’s. I would recommend just working on some of the Non-inf. dorm options since those are the ones you’ll actually have a realistic chance to use in a match.

Sounds like a plan. The real bitch with a lot of the other Dorm infinite thingies I’ve noticed is that the starter for the loops has a different timing for the j.H than the j.H that ends each jumploop. TAC combos work fine for meter gain anyway, and this team honestly doesn’t need that much meter considering how easy it is to pop XF1 or 2 and go absolutely ham.

I don’t really play any characters with easier TAC infinites, and I have made a solemn vow never to throw missiles onto one of my teams. And there’s no way I’m learning infinites for my other characters (Taskmaster, X-23, Nemesis, Haggar, Strange has a different kind of TAC combo that’ll take a while).

Even without infinites, Taskmaster combo, TAC to Dorm in the corner because Tasky always carries to the corner, fun easy TAC combo (instead of the infinite), ankle slice, dark matter x 2, dark hole Chaotic Flame (or Stalking Flare if you just wanna 1touch someone like Wolvy instead and get incoming stuff) is seriously godlike damage and meter gain. I think this team sets up Dirt Nap way faster than something like Kubo’s team, which seems to use up a lot of meter in neutral.

Talking about TAC infinites, has anyone further developed X23s infinite? I figured out how to consistently start it on all characters easy but the loop is the hard part. The dam H doesnt have a lot of frames to stop the standing animation so it has to be done late and on top of that, you cant activate the H too late because of the starting frames so its some frame perfect shit
|| Too early, will not have enough frames to cancel standing animation
O <- has to be done here lol
|| Too late, H will not come out

Thanks for all the info, I didn’t think I would get this much feedback. I shall start cracking on with it and will check out the X23 Compilation thread

How do you consistently start it? I’ve been working on it on and off without too much success

It looks too hard for it to ever be practical or implemented in a match. There are other characters who have much easier setups that I can consistently do without dropping.

down tac > wait a split second > down H > delay Talon attack M > M > H > jump > M > H Down H… The M > H after Talon M is the hard part. Works on the whole cast except the small characters ie. Ammy, RR