MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

23/Strange/Ammy is…unfair lol. I can do Strange’s palm loops which build pretty good meter alone, but my Ammy is terrible. I think that’s kinda odd though because I use to run a lot of X23/Ammy in vanilla. Time to level her up in the lab again!

Also, I think I really like 23/Skrull/Doom. X23 doesn’t protect HM very well, but it opens up her options on the screen very well. With her deadly reset game I can see why this team can be a force to reckon with because players aren’t use to fighting X23 and Skrull is random. I’m stealing Skrull tech through Nastyy’s vids, a very suitable choice imo.

hey guys, i have never really looked into the x 23 forums before, but i was wondering how she would be with nova, n doom. Going through character crisis atm and looking for the last member of my team.

As long as you’re not looking to put her on anchor, I say go for it. She’s fine with Beam or Missiles and loves centurion rush if you can get used to the timing for the unblockables. I’m actually looking to run X23/Doom/Nova or something similar at some point. Any touch > pretty brainless TAC infinite > toss up some missiles, hard tag, dirt nap, if it’s a bigger guy, XF to build another meter/kill > dirt nap the last guy.

Relaunch with beam: S+assist sj.(maybe M based on the specific timing)HxxTA L into the beam, S relaunch
Relaunch with missiles: S + assist, sj.HxxCS HxxTA L land, when missiles hits, j.TA L, land, S relaunch
Tick throw combo with missiles: s./cr.L+missiles, s./cr.L, small pause, ground forward or back throw, Missiles OTG, j.MHSxxTA L into whatever combo you want. (I think there’s only 3 or 4 assists that let her combo off her forward ground throw and this might be the only one that lets her combo off her back throw so this is a pretty huge plus IMO.)

Also with missiles, it’s spacing specific, but after a kill you can sometimes do Missiles + MF M to crossup the body to use them for a dirt nap lockdown. Most times this won’t put you in the corner so you either won’t be able to follow up or you’ll have to pop XF. I haven’t found a consistent way to kill in the corner, cross up the body, call missiles, get back to the other side, activate dirt nap. Might be able to do something like MF after kill, wall jump+assist, dH to land…(gonna have to check the lab again for that.)

Relaunch with Centurion Rush is just Charged Ankle Slicer + assist. I have had issues where the 2nd hit of AS will cancel the ground bounce, but other people seem to do it with no problem. Seems to be just an issues with me somehow, though. His wall bounce works as well, the only thing that’s not amazing is that you don’t have time to dash behind them and keep them in the corner.

X23 has TAC fake resets using the SJ height confirm or an air throw (otg with Nova and probably still relaunch with missiles after), Nova and Doom both have easy infinites and great DHC options (Nova inferno and sphere flame) in any order. Safe(ish) DHC in finger lasers or Speed Taco.

If you don’t want to run her on point, you can always have her 2nd with CS for the invincible alpha counter which turns any block into a TOD since she can get double relaunches > DHC for only 1 meter negative. Nova can probably convert off of a CS hit with javelin (probably save your ground bounce too.) or just stick with the LowTG options and work some hi/lows into blockstrings. Doom runs a country and doesn’t need anything from X23 (or hardly anyone else for that matter.)

ill put in some lab work with her and give her a shot

The TAC resets are real resets if you shorten your initial combo. If I can’t 1-touch the character I’ve hit, I’ll usually do the short combo, since I’ll have to reset anyways.

I’m trying to get back into X-23, and decided I like her a ton on anchor. Trying out Haggar/Hawkeye/X-23, which is nice and all, but I get to thinking. Who do you think benefits best from from X-23’s assists, namely ankle slice?

Guessing, one of the stronger combinations before X-23 would be Vergil/Taskmaster/X-23. At least among the guys I play.

UPDATE: BOOOOLTS! I fucking love this assist for X23, and I hate to bandwagon CR’s team but I love everything about it. I can do palm loops blindfolded which build very good meter, and hitconfirms into at least 730k or reset kills are fabulous for my X23. I’m still spending time in the lab to get my Ammy’s bearings back and learn her sword infinite I saw on a stream I think…

Another team (yeah I know I just cycle through stuff weekly now) I’m keeping a close eye on is Dante/X23/Strange. I ran a few ranked games and this team actually displayed great results. It’s a pretty simple strategy but what I like about it over Dorm/X23/Strange is that Dante is an incredibly versatile point character that can deal with situations better than Dorm would. The Strange anchor is suspect, but the whole idea is the kill the opponent before Strange even gets used.

It’s been a while since I got a vid up but hopefully I can get one up soon (school finals coming).

Currently deciding between Trish/RR/Dante on point. with X and strange in either 2nd/3rd.

Bolts give great overheads, which these 3 have in spades.
RR can raw tag to strange after early oil bomb to build real good meter. Sets up his own unblockables too although it won’t work with bolts. Log is a great assist if he’s not on point. Mad Hopper is awesome if you can spare the meter.
Dante is Dante.
Trish gives Peekaboo and RH resets/unblockables into a bunch of meter with Strange. RH also DHCs nicely into Silent Kill.


I say Trish/X-23/Rocket, strangely enough. RR anchor is meh, but on hit with trish you can possibly get a knockdown into scythe super, raw tag the dewd, have fun with unblockables. And that switching around can leave you with X-23 anchor and Trish anchor, who are deadly in the right hands. If things are going great, X-23 can dirt nap with peekaboo, use it well in neutral against a lot of divekickers+shieldfolk. Trish and X-23 get some awesome coverage with Log, and the extensions with it are easymode and extremely damaging. Mad hopper with X-23’s dashing around at 5 billion piles per hour would be fun too. And Scythe+Dirt Nap for pure trollin’.

Ankle slice hits low. Haggar’s Air Pipe or really-quick-for-a-heavy-attack Headbutt. Good game

i want to play laura tony dante!!! =[ … but i want unibeam and jam session … theres no way to relaunch using jam session right!?

It’s possible, just not very practical. You will have to shorten Laura’s combos because JS causes an incredible amount of HSD.

OK, Firebrand in general is pissing me off big time. Is there an assist I can use to put him down? I’m thinking maybe Vajra or something like that. Tried using Jam Session/Tatsu, it’s not going so well.

I have to find a new team. Magneto and Firebrand are extremely painful to deal with right now. Ironman feels like a must-have right now vs the people I fight. I have to learn him…

How is Iron Man’s RB with containing Firebrand? I know Laura has some really good combinations with RB, but I just can’t stand Iron Man as a character. I hate his XF, his combos are too hard, it just seems like putting too much work in a character that doesn’t bring much to the table outside his assist.

I know your pain with Magneto, this guy is an X23 players worst nightmare (ok Zero is really bad, but magneto is right up there)

I hope it’s good enough to contain Firebrand, because that fucking character pisses me off big-time lol. I don’t particularly want to learn Ironman either, X-23’s difficult enough to use and using him’s just gonna make me more pissed off at this game, but his assists(Repulsor and Unibeam) are pretty much perfect, plus he’s got a TAC infinite.

Right now, I’m struggling to create an offence where I can mix them up and keep them pinned because I have to use my assists just to reach at them and get in; Jam Session to snipe them out of the sky, to gain little damage 'cause X-23’s not good at confirming at SJ-heights, and Tatsu+wall jump to get in, only to get blown away by Disruptor and having to spend time running from Magneto when Drones is out, plus it doesn’t reach full screen. By the time I’ve gotten in, I’ve gotta wait for my assists to recharge and X-23’s offence is lessened because she needs assists for almost everything offensively. I need assists to keep those kind of chars in check whilst allowing me to keep momentum offensively/allow me to run consecutive mix-ups.

I’m literally flailing about at times trying to hit chars with high mobility and good normals. Fuck Firebrand especially.

Too bad X-23 isn’t the best at protecting drones/missiles, or at least that’s my experience. That’s how most other characters do it.

Something nice to reset the situation, especially on something like Mag/Drones would be the threat of a DHC to something punishy, like Bionic Arm or Chaotic Flame. That’ll either scare them into slowing down their offense for fear of losing two characters (I bet there’s a ton of DHCs that’ll work, but Dorm and Spencer have kills on a ton of dudes, birthday-included, once they pop their XF). Maybe storm would work too, but two hailstorms won’t always get the job done.

For Firebrand and other rushdowny characters who can crazy-stuff in the air, I don’t think she has much to stop them from getting in or from zoning up on top of the screen, unless she runs some sort of AA assist. But she doesn’t get much extension out of the good ones, lariat’s inconsistent as hell for relaunching unless you are in any level XF (then it’s godlike). Taskmaster up arrows may be interesting, they get extensions, as I think Merkyll made a vid of, and if you can keep them safe, the delay would allow you to move close or stay close very well. But still, not sure. However, Taskmaster is the guy I usually fight firebrand with, among most of my characters, so he’s better equipped for the matchup, because shield, anti-air st.M, and footsies. So even if his assist doesn’t help, he might be iuseful for that fight anyway. Possibly orbital grudge would be good for the FB matchup, I would need to test that, and that would mean I’d have to use skrull, which I sadly do not.

So, guys, I’m getting back into X-23. I’ve been around a whole bunch of other characters, I actually learned a not-shit dormammu, which is nice and all, but I realized no matter how hard I try to learn other characters, Laura’s the one I’m comfortable with (and Nemesis…I should’ve started this game playing topper tiers :()
Two teams I’m liking, one is a bit more obvious, and it needs help. The other is just a blast. I put them in spoilers because I tend to rant.

  1. X-23/Dorm/Strange (this one I have a question about assist extension): [details=Spoiler] The one flaw I can find in this team is that X-23 cannot do the easymode crossup of normal+assist, mirage M, because Dark Hole scales and is funky with spacing, and Bolts can be ducked. But TK Talon M stuff is fun with bolts, same with dH crossups, and decapitating slice can actually get some use without being the crappiest move ever. Dorm Stalking Flare DHC to meteors and Chaotic Flame is easy as hell to do, and gives X-23 even more damage than she had before. Dark Hole for Derp Nap, Dorm with bolts for Derp Zoning. Anyone can pop XF for a kill most times off almost any confirm, as long as their team is not Thor/Thor/Thor. Dorm gets extension with ankle slice, and occasionally gets unblockables, Strange gets some safe/spooky strings/mixups with Dark Hole, though my Strange is too garbage still to do them on reflex out of Training mode.

This is the team I need help with. I’m doing a pretty standard combo of ground thing, st.H Mirage H, j.MMH j.MMHS TA+L, st.HS+Strange, j.H CS+L TA+L, land, st.H S, H CS+H TA+L, and there’s no Dormammu. I realize the assist is in recharge, but adding more normals onto that second relaunch is weird. They’re usually too high to go with j.M’s after the relaunch, same with j.HdH CS+H. Anyone care to help me out on this? I’d prefer two assist extensions to one when I have the opportunity to do so, ya know? [/details]

  1. Haggar/Hawkeye/X-23: [details=Spoiler] I just started using this team in my last post, but now that it’s seen some play, I LOVE IT. Haggar gets the snipey-ist of assists, dem arrows, which means it’s just them and the pipe a lot of the time. X-23 extend with cr.H into DP+L in the corner for Haggar, and is useful as a regular otg midscreen. And the low quality of the assist plus headbutt/pipe/whatever can get bitchy for them. Corner drop kick into ankle slice into DP+H is a pretty scary reset, allows me to do mean reset infinites on non-air-mobile guys after having used a groundbounce. Hawkeye is a safe DHC in body press to scatter shot (good for birthdays midscreen, really really good for that), and his lack of damage in most corner DHCs matters a lot less for Haggar, who gets bizarre damage anyway. Hawkeye is there to fight zoners who stay up and away, like Doom and Trish, and has lariat to thwart rushdown and the occasional scrubby meteor smash/helm breaker. Hawkeye could conceivably get unblockables with ankle slice, but I’ve never seen them sit still enough to foolishly get smacked by one. X-23 anchor is pimp, we all know it. And, though neither assist relaunches well with ankle slice otg, she can relaunch with Haggar in level 1-3 XF, crossup/get in with triple arrow, and Lariat works for Dirt Nap cheese pretty well. And Lariat crossup sets up easy jumploops, and I barely have to think. Not thinking is my favorite part. If the order ever gets jumbled, Haggar can be good assist-tier in back, and Hawkeye is great in the rear. I just picked up hawkeye after 6 months of not playing him at all(it’s literally just him, Dante, Mags or Task who work well in second spot on that team, and Dante I never learned, Task doesn’t handle superjump zoners well, which is a shame becuase I like my Taskmaster, Mags I’ve also never learned), so he’s still bleh, but this team is still really fun. [/details]

Seems like fair trade for me. You will lose either Tatsu assist or JS but gain better synergy with Iron Man, tackling your biggest issues. RB puts a lot of hitboxes that can surround X23 from Firebrand, and Drones get destroyed by Unibeam allowing X23 to keep pressuring EMD spammers with WJ (I always Wall Jump a lot vs. Magento because he can cancel EMD to Shockwave making talons unsafe).

Thanks for the help guys, and yeah, I definitely want to wall-jump vs Magneto, it helps tons. The main problem was Tatsu wasn’t the best at dealing with Disruptor+Drones when I wall-jumped, which is part of the reason why I wanna use Ironman. His Unibeam leaves them standing as well.

Adding more normals onto the relaunch’s tricky, because the opponent will be too high up and you can’t super-jump your way up there, due to hit deterioration. But, when you launch them, do j.MH>TA+L instead. It should make it easier to add more hits onto it. For example, even if I do a full Crescent Scythe Loop before launching(the combo jacks up the hitstun deterioration too), I can add on: jM>TA+L, land, st.H S+Strange, j.H>down+H>CS+H>TA+L and that combo . Though, I don’t think this combo’ll work on smaller characters, so you’ll have to skip out the down+H on some chars probably, but the combo’s guaranteed to work anywhere.

It’s been a couple of months since I played my X23/Dorm/Strange team, but I don’t think you can get a full combo and still use dark hole as a 2nd relaunch. If you want to do a regular double relaunch, you’ll probably have to shorten the starting combo a bit more. I’m pretty sure it is possible to use bolts relaunch and then call a second assist, though. For the most part, both Dorm and Strange are 1st relaunch characters, though.

IIRC, I’m pretty sure you can front-load some damage by using bolts during the ground string, do a stair relaunch into dark hole extender. When I get home I’ll pop in the lab and see if I can remember the specifics.

I would recommend just wall-jumping rather than using bolts + TA M since you’ll cover the same amount of screen, but people can’t jump inbetween the bolts and get a free air grab, you don’t blow all your air options right off the bat, and don’t have to worry about Shockwave and other dumb super punishes. If you TA M, you can only do dH or another falling normal assuming your opponent isn’t smart enough to air throw you. If you wall jump, you can delay your assist call, you can block, throw out normals, set up fuzzy guards with certain assists, do CSxxTA (if you do this right over someones head so the CS crosses up in one direction and the TA crosses back in the other, good luck not getting hit by bolts), dH to land early or use her other air mobility options to punish/avoid bad assist punishes on their part. All that, plus wall jump + assist almost always leaves the assist off the screen which pretty much assures they won’t get caught by a major punish as long as you’re not all the way in their corner. It’s easily the most powerful neutral tool that too many X23 players aren’t utilizing.

On the team itself, I’m not super crazy about it solely because of anchor Strange, there are way too many matchups that he can’t do anything but try to get random SoVs when he doesn’t have assist coverage to keep him safe (if you don’t have 5 meters and XF there’s a good chance you’ve already lost, especially if your opponent still has XF or more than 1 character). Plus Strange doesn’t have any safe DHCs unless you catch someone with the super counter so you don’t have options to get Dorm out of a bad situation. Even TENBOSS (who I consider to be THE Strange when it comes to actual match play) was floundering with anchor strange.

IMO, the only way those 3 are going to be a viable team is if you run X23/Strange/Dorm. It’s a tight link but it is possible to do WXP > 7Rings > flame loops, you’ll have to keep the X23 relaunches to a minimum to save the HSD for the loops, though (also takes care of your combo problem). If you have consitent flame loops then it’s def. the better way to go since it’s such rediculous meter build. Plus, if you’re playing Strange/Dorm he has THC loops with Chaotic Flame and Dark Hole is a really strong assist for keeping Strange safe. Not to mention the fact that you can actually win matches with anchor Dorm since he actually has some safe options. You really only lose out on the gdlk stalking flare DHC by switching the order but the pros def. outweigh the cons in this case.

I know anchor strange is kinda bleh, but I love Dorm with bolts far too much to play Strange second.

Also, how I play with ???/Dorm/Strange, a ton of points work witrh those two, is hopefully the DHC kills, then incoming gives me essentially a free combo to kill their next dude. I like dorm’s incoming mixups too much, usually that’s why I run him second. That, and Dorm with bolts is really silly, it’s good enough to risk an assist-tier strange in my eyes.