MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

watch some of felax’s recent vids, I stole tons of stuff from him :stuck_out_tongue: I’m still a noob at utilizing DH assist the correct way.

@Arvelous Yeah, I use my vita to dick around with lab stuff (my execution isn’t anywhere as tight compared to hitbox so I usually limit it to looking at specific assists and stuff and slack off at work.) and then PS3 for most everything else. I do have a 360 now and eventually plan to get another copy of marvel and see if the internet on that is actually better or if people are just full of it.

I think we did a few matches way back when on PSN. I’m Ashilde on there. IIRC, our connection was too lousy for actually X23 play, though. :confused:

quick edit: Oh yeah. Pretty sure everyone already knows this, but after a Net trap, you can hard tag X23 and scaling will reset and allow for a full TOD combo. At the furthest range you’ll have to use one assist to OTG them since you won’t have time to dash in before the fall. If you catch them around midscreen you have time to catch them with a normal as they fall, though.

Waugh… I was trying to figure out who Ashilde was on PSN. I’m so sorry… gonna re add now. @w@ What coast are you, again? (I’m around the carolinas, NC/SC) It could of just been that one day…

Nettrap: (lol netplay trap) I had a early team with Rocket Racooon. His log trap is really good. But, for mixups. I’m not sure how to use it properly.

At the moment I’m just doing the Kusoru thing where I’m getting up at sj height with wall jumps and calling it while crossing up and being an evasive dick. Works really good so far.

I’m North Alabama, so maybe we can actually get a good connection one day, lol.

What kind of synnergy does Laura have with Ryu? I never really looked at him as an option, but I assume he’d do okay with Cold Star assist to go for fuzzies. How does his tatsu compare to Akuma’s?

Ryu has great synergy with Laura. His Tatsu is not as strong as Akuma’s, but you can still use it for mixups and can even follow it up for relaunching. Ryu’s DHCs are fantastic for X23, particularly speaking Shinkuu Hadoken. I wouldn’t point Ryu for the reasons of him being too much of a generic character, unless you’re RayRay who is just godlike with him. It’s actually funny because I was in the lab with X23/Ryu/Felicia the other day, that whole team supports each other very well.

After some quick lab time he definitely seems like a good fit on paper. I like the assist, I like the relaunches, and I think he takes advantage of Cold Star really well. I am worried that he’s just too ordinary a guy though. I’ve only ever seen Rayray put in work with him, and since I’d be playing him just with Ammy assist I’m not sure how much damage I can get out of him. All of the combo videos I’ve found use OTG assists and I could only get those if X-23 is still alive.

Still tempted to give it a shot though, just because I haven’t yet. I feel like sooner or later I’ll have paired up Laura with every character on the roster. Shoutouts to having a character crisis since the launch of vanilla :confused:

It’s quite disturbing how many teams I have labbed for her. I have tried literally everything to move away from X23/Doom/Wesker and I keep going back to it when things get rough. Hell, I even tried Haggar lmao.

I think the closes time I’ve been successful in formatting a new team was X23/Frank/Dante. The option to LVup Frank through TACs or the Dante THC is very sexy, it almost gurantees Frank will get at the very least LV4 off touch. I prefer getting it through TACs though because it will basically give me a powerful point character in LV4 Frank, XF2 Laura+Sure Dirt Nap, and a capable anchor in Dante if he’s needed. That setup right there is nuts lmao, I’m not sure why I gave up on it so easily.

I’m in the exact same boat. She is the only character I have never swapped out, but I have swapped in virtually the rest of the roster trying to find a team that worked. At this point I don’t even have a safe team to go to when tournaments turn nasty. It’s just X-23/whoever I feel like I can make work that month/Amaterasu. The worst part is I keep having to learn new characters so my X-23 gets rusty and I barely know how to play Ammy in the first place.

I think the closest I came to being completely satisfied was X-23/Ghost Rider/Nova for the first month of Ultimate, then it turned out Ghost Rider had no lasting power and Nova was a shaky anchor. I still like the idea of X-23/Nova, but I couldn’t zero in on a good third for it so I stopped trying to use him.

A few pages back you said you had TODs for X-23/Nova/Ammy, can you tell me what they were? I can’t seem to relaunch with both assists without doing shorter combos and lowering the damage.

Lol, same here. Lets go X23 loyalists!! (I get scoffed at by the local guys here cause I haven’t had a whole team for more than a month or two at this point.)

Sadly, since Ammy’s CS adds to hitstun you won’t be killing anything over 900k unless you go for reset somewhere in between. I got 980k off CS loop but the dmg is extremely tight. My training usually involves characters with size variations, so I’m commonly practicing against the likes of Cap/Sentinel/RR to see what works. For what it’s worth though, you can still ToD a good chunk of the cast with Nova’s DHC but I don’t know how you feel about shorting combos in order to manipulate HSD.

On lighter note, I can net about 930k with X23/Ryu/Felicia from pretty much anywhere on the screen. 820k for one bar.

What RayRay does with those fuzzy guards is something to be amazed at but unfortunately, my team does not allow for it so i just have to resort to tatsu gimmicks but once he starts a combo, he hits heavy. and because i have two otg assists, he can do big damage from a grab but he totally gets zoned out easily especially on my team with the lack of neutral assists and not having mastered plink dashing.

The DHC options between those two is very good though. With Ryu’s HadoShoryu being practically instant(dont quote me on that), he can HadoShoryu into instant Tatsu super and DHC into Laura’s Weapon X to punish full screen supers and having Ryu be able to control the direction of his beam super, his is one of those rare supers that can be DHC’d after a full Rage trigger and still do full damage.

His tatsu in my opinion is ass lol. Thats why i use Fireball and use it for ambiguous crossups by calling assist and jumping Talon Attack-M but, his tatsu assist overall might be better.

You can hit, but the hitstun makes it annoying and you need to have a strong DHC.

(sorry for the poor quality.)


Tiny screen of death! j/k.

I couldn’t break 1 mi with two relanuches because they would pop out unless I shortened everything. I guess that’s the reason I gave up on the dog (and dante) because unlike vanilla their assist tightens everything up.

I wonder if Storm’s the only DHC that can break 1m with Ammy assist’s scaling of the combo. I’m actually starting to wonder if Ammy’s a good for on an X-23 team at this point. The lockdown is great, but I don’t know about the other stuff. Seems like unless you play Doom you’re not getting your money’s worth out of it.

Yeah, I’m quite ashamed of my TV. Unfortunately, it’s the only TV I can use due to the way things are set up inside the house(LONG story lol.)

@Class Real, you can break with DHCs like Shinku Hadouken, Taskmaster’s Arrow Hyper, Proton Cannon, and so on. Any DHC that has around 330+ base damage(give or take) and connects properly should do the trick. But you have to use the combo below to guarantee death when using stuff like Shinkuu or Arrows(from midscreen anyway .)


I’ve been putting in some heavy lab time with Spencer, it’s just too bad his synergy with Laura is very not strong. He doesn’t need Laura’s OTG/DHC :confused:

Spent the rest of the day running Quasidomo’s X23 team (X23/Skrull/Doom). My Skrull is ass, but if I can manage to get him down I can really see myself working with this format further.

Been messing around with Cold Star assist. Has anyone played with standing resets yet?

If you do s.L + assist, s.M cr.MxxCharged(might not have to be charged to force the reset) AS or NS the next hit after that will be a reset with the opponent left standing with no tech options. What I’m hoping is this might be used to give you a really strong resets spot for IOH/Dash over dH/MF MxxTA L. (It would essentially be Jacobs Wire but done with Cold Star and resetting at the ~200k mark instead of the 300k mark and still having a strong neutral assist.) You can also force standing resets with most of the assists (Bolts, cart, unibeam, maybe missiles with the right setup, maybe hori arrows) that leave your opponent grounded since X23 can front load the HSD so well.

I’m hoping this can lead to some nice resets so the scaling from Cold Star is no longer a factor. (Trying to lab up the X23/RR/Ammy). As a secondary point, if it is possible to get the reset there you’ll can do 1mil after the reset for 1 meter TODs that should be something like 1.5-2 meter positive. Gotta check how much meter gets built with the 200k portion.

Hit me up with some feedback, thought, critiques, whatever.

I decided to play X-23/Strange/Ammy in tournament last night and I am now convinced that Bolts is the best overall assist for Laura’s game plan. It gives me everything. Standard projectile left/right mixups, fullscreen lockdown enabling me to plink dash my way over and instantly start pressure, fullscreen hitconfirms into full unscaled combos, relaunches midscreen and off of corner air throws, cover for corner Decapitating Slice/Ankle Slice option selects, protects the space above Laura’s head long enough to approach tridashers safely, and if they try to duck the beams they are subject to left/right talon dive cancels, falling claw mixups, and Decapitating Slice. The only flaw is it’s out there for a really long time and Laura doesn’t protect her assists well, but that can be overcome with selective assist calling.

My Strange is ass at the moment, but I like Bolts way too much to ever go back. It’s like a better Drones assist… I won so many matches just because Bolts is a free ticket to do whatever I want and as soon as I get in I can use Cold Star to stay there. It’s perfect.

As soon as I get his TAC combos down I’ll be building enough meters for Dirt Nap in no time.

Using Dante/X/Morrigan Dante/Strange/X
Dante builds 5, X comes in, SK into combo into kill, repeat.

Dante builds meter faster. Debating Morrigan for assist or strange.

With morrigan dante builds meter faster. Also X builds meter after SK faster too. Of course it means dante has to go at it alone. Only good thing about X assist is grapple reset high low really.

With Strange you get bolts. However I don’t know if the amount of meter you build is enough to get that 3rd bar. Also its gets harder for dante to get five killing the first character unless you TAC.

Please advise.