MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

I couldn’t get the ground bounce in the corner which is a deal breaker if there’s no consistent option. Is it midscreen only our is there a trick to it?

funny note for anyone playing around. Akuma’s ground bounce/high assist is slow enough for her to relaunch mid screen and corner and doing s.M+ assist, Hxx ankle slicer will combo on hit and unblockable on block (push blockable and it’s a pretty garbage assist…shits and giggles though.) not to mention it’s a rare situation that you don’t want tatsu.

Nova’s wall bounce leaves a lot to be desired since it takes you out of the corner and the startup is meh.

In the meantime I’m gonna lab up x23 / RR. Wish log trap was a tad faster but it seems like a solid option between horizontal coverage and wall bounce so I have two relaunches without sacrificing a neutral option. Anyone already looked into that pairing that can share?

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I looked into X-23/RR, the DHC options in terms of damage are too lackluster IMO and I don’t have the balls to put RR in 3rd. :frowning: Log(Pendulum)'s too slow, but like you said, it’s a decent medium between ground and air cover, but at top SJ-height, it doesn’t hit. It can keep people in check and cover your aerial advances, but against people with quick projectile assists/DHC options, or characters with quick projectiles(Magneto), it gets interrupted. But then again, people still get nailed by the assist haha, so…

On the Dark Hole talk, I don’t like Dark Hole for cover personally, I’d prefer a solid beam projectile, and to a lesser extent, Akuma’s Tatsu. Dark Hole’s more of an extender, but honestly, I’m through with extenders because before, I was struggling to get ground going against the likes of Magneto and others(especially with top tier assists backing them) and I felt I needed more cover. I rely on XF1 to score a meterless kill, then kill or maim the next char with Silent Kill. Has its problems though.

Slightly off-topic, can anyone get the TAC infinite going with Dante? I’ve no clue how to nail the correct height in order to get it to work, none of my attempts work.

HOLY FUCK RYUGA. X23(AS)/Dorm(Dark Hole)/RR(Log Trap) ALL DAY ALL NIGHT. WHY DIDN’T YOU LET US KNOW LOG TRAP WAS SO AMAZING. (I saw all your posts on the RR board…you’ve been holding out.)

(This hype will probably wear off eventually, but I just got a chance to play a set with it and I am blown away on first impressions.)

Works as her 2nd relauncher(THAT’S ALSO AN AMAZING NEUTRAL ASSIST!??!), so midscreen meter neutral Thor TODs (better than other wall bounce options because it’s a heavy wall bounce+ that lets you dash back to keep them in the corner so the dorm DHC isn’t fucked up.) Hits at incoming height so it can be used at a dirt nap guarantee (plus invisible 50/50s are hilarious). It can clear mid SJ height and let you combo into a 1mil dhc. It sets up so many GDLK tick resets and even some sick SJ height stuff. On trade X23 can still confirm into full combos. It’s hard to find something wrong with this assist aside from the minor speed issue, but even that is good because if it was faster, X23 wouldn’t be able to use it to relaunch.

I might eventually see about doing something like X23/Doom/RR and just doing a safe DHC after X23 dies so RR is actually scary. Still have scary TODs thanks to Doom TACs, blah blah. In the meantime, having hella fun with my current team.

On Dark Hole:
It’s def. not an assist that you use to get it, but once you get there I feel like it helps to get you the actual hit. I would still say you need a decent get-in assist to contend with some of the more problematic characters. It’s hard to say no to his DHC tho. It’s just sooo good. If you’re outside of uncharged NS range you really can’t be calling him.

Haha, thanks, honestly, I was trying to find ways for RR to deal good damage outside of the corner/put him on point, but I completely failed and I forgot about learning him until now. I even forgot I used to post in the RR section LOL.

Apparently, you can do some stuff like RR starting a combo then hard tagging someone else to finish it, but I need to find out what that is.

And actually…though I still Log’s iffy, you’ve convinced me lol. With RR being in 3rd, you avoid his weak DHC enders, and you’re absolutely right that RR can be swapped out with a DHC to put him in the 2nd slot. With Dormammu, if you’ve got an opponent pinned with Stalking Flare on the ground, you can DHC into RR’s Trap Hyper into a possible unblockable. Both Dark Hole and Log extend like you said. I like RR as a char so now I’m got an excuse to start using him, thanks!

I’ve been thinking about running Laura with Iron Man lately (I know…) and on-paper I really like it. X-23/Iron Man/Amaterasu is what I’ve been experimenting with. Unibeam gives me much better damage confirms than Plasma Beam did, and I can use it and Cold Star to extend her air throws in the corner for some pretty high damage. The DHC to diagonal Proton Cannon is pretty good too. TACs aren’t as good as Doom’s but they get the job done, especially it I learn infinites.

My only real problem is I can’t extend Iron Man’s combos with my assists, and I can’t abuse Ammy’s THC like I could with Doom.

Iron Man gives X23 a lot of options, but I value X23/Nova/Ammy slightly better. Access to ToDs, Nova TAC infinite stupid easy, good anchor, plus you can abuse Nova/Ammy THC (not in the same way Doom can though). I’m sure you can do some stuff with Slow Down DHC off Nova Force’s hard knockdown.

Another thing I want to add is X23/Dorm, I love both of them and I really want to get this combination down. I thought about X23(CS),Dorm(DH),Viper(BK) (you can do some cheesy stuff with BK, but Viper is an unexplored anchor).

I used X-23/Nova/Ammy for awhile, but since Centurion Rush and Cold Star cover the same angle I was finding myself needing a horizontal assist. Found way to get about 100k extra on Iron Man’s combos using Cold Star as an extender, so that’s one problem solved.

Iron Mans infinite isn’t bad at all, it just looks harder (and much cooler) than the other guys. Personally I would say go with Repulsor Blast and pick up a different hori assist since RB is so great for incoming mixups (will literally hit with the top right tip on incoming) and guarantees dirt naps and will pick up after air throws and work as an extender. Beam is ok, but RB is the only assist of it’s kind in the game and X23 does a great job of abusing it and you can spam the hell out of it without too much to worry about because it does a great job of covering itself for the most part and X23 can convert off it 95% of the time with no problem.

I still feel really good about X23/Dorm/RR but I’m gonna try going full team low tier heros with X23/Strange(Bolts)/RR since I know that the RR/Strange synergy is much better than the Dorm/RR synergy, plus I think I’ll get a lot more pressure with RR with bolts then fussing with getting range and using Dark hole.

@Ryuga I found the stuff on hard tagging in and I doubt X23 can abuse that since she doesn’t have any way to scam HSD aside from maybe 1 charges NS > S > CS Loop…though saying that now if you still have access to your assists maybe you can manage to add 2-300k with a meter if you treat it like it’s the first relaunch already…

I like Repulsor, but I don’t really want to drop Ammy as my anchor and there isn’t another hori assist character I like playing as much as Tony. From what I understand I basically have to play him with either Drones, Missiles, or Cold Star to get any mileage anyway.

Yeah, you’re definitely right upon it covering the same angle–I dunno why that never occurred to me until just now lol. I labbed X23/IM/Ammy yesterday and was trying to relaunch off beam (since I heard you can do it with Doom’s) but I couldn’t get it to work. I actually miss using Cold Star lol, such a nice pin assist. Laura gets so many free mixups off of it.

I’m still looking through the X23/RR options. X23/RR/Ammy looks to have a lot going for it, too. Double relaunches on clean hits, strong screen clear and lockdown with multiple incoming options. Only weak spot seems to be the X23>RR DHC. Past that, everyone is in a decent spot and RR can wreck house pretty well with Cold Star for free unblockables and their sick DHC/tag options.

Anyone have any strong oki setups with Cold Star already labbed up?

To relaunch with Unibeam you need to be max distance before OTGing so you don’t get all the hits on Ankle Slicer and recover faster.

I’m interested in this too; I’ve been using Cold Star for months and I’m still super basic with it. The only mixup I do is on incoming characters: backdash, call it, then jump up and H Talon Attack into Falling Claw for a tricky crossup.

Merkly1999x: DHC with RR should be pretty good. You can do Weapon X-Prime into Mad Hopper into Raw tag shenanigans
or loops. But, better yet setup a strong mixup.

Guys, I need a little help . I’m still running my team of X-23, H-ko, Taskmaster.(I really like x-23 & H-ko) It’s just lately I just can’t seem to get in. It’s seeming to be a big problem. Zero’s neutral + assists. Kinda kills me getting in close and his strong normals. Especially w/ Dante/Zero supporting him. My H-ko does a good job keeping Zero’s out with Gong and 6H , High weapon tosses, etc… But, Strider destroys that completly by coming in on top of her. So I’m often left with just TM. X-23 can get around 900-1 mill (depending on the starter) using both assists and 2 meters. So damage wise the team isn’t bad. It’s just maybe Neutral wise against characters with better mobility? Any tips or suggestions?

Zero is a rough character for Laura to deal with in general. He’s always in the air so horizontal assists just temporarily knock him down, and unless you’re already on top of him I don’t like risking getting in his face for oki setups. So I find you need to have a strong lockdown assist and just run away until you can catch him with it while he bullshits around screen, then capitalize while he’s safely taking it. I’m assuming you’re using Pendulum assist? I’m not sure how well it can can do that, but if all else fails you can just armor her up and solve the problem that way.

What assist is Taskmaster running?

I’m running Pendulm and Taskmaster’s horizontal arrows.

If you’re in range for Cold Star to hit it might be faster to do CS HxxTA L to cross up and depending on the exact range, you can cancel out of the H early to mess with the timing if you TK it.

I’m not super crazy about Cold Star’s relaunch with how high it puts them. Hard to tell if I’m at a range to connect a sj.H or just need to go straight to CS H.

I can really only see that working if you’re using WXP to go through something since you have to use 1 of your assists to get into WXP (aside from a few characters) and if you’re going into loops, you may as well just keep X23 on point and loop then since you’ll probably do more damage anyways.

You might be able to get a near guaranteed reset if you did something like WXP>Mad Hopper towards corner, Rocket skate into corner xxNet Trap, Boulder + cold star which wouldn’t be that terrible and I think X23 could probably hard tag at the end of his combo then do 2 CS H loops with the Log Trap relaunch.

Just checked on the vita and apparently even if you use RRs wall bounce and just WXP out of the corner, you can mad hopper them back into the corner so I might lab that up and see where that goes.

On the same note…I wonder if you can catch Decap. Slice, hard tag RR, combo through to Mad Hopper hard tag and the get assisted loops…

Meryll, you’re playing on vita and Ps3?

CR: Oh I see, it seems like similar process in relaunching with Tasky’s Hori Arrows from being as far away as possible. Whelp, if you find some amazing stuff let us know. I’ve always tried to get Tony to work with Laura, but I couldn’t bare the character in general once my Laura bit the dust.

With that said, I’ve ran a few matches with modified trauma today (X23/Dorm/Wesker). After watching recent vids, I’m stealing technology upon when I should utilize DH so I can guard break people (since I’m so use to playing with beam for hit confirmation). The dmg from this setup is quite ridiculous too (800k for one bar brightens my day)

I feel the exact same way…

that looks interesting , what’s the guard break setup?