MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

I’ve been abusing the crap out of X-23/Projectile Super THCs. 1-frame projectile punishes into full combo, yes please.

No problem, and here are some more(plus the same combo above) with (slightly?) better notation:

I am thinking of the following:

X-23, Hawkeye, Strider

X-23, Magneto, Hawkeye

I really like the idea of Hawkeye and Strider together together. What you guys thinks?

On the first team, I would say it could probably work if you run up arrows and gram. Vajra is pretty garbage for X23 and only allows some minor extensions but she doesn’t have any way to consistently convert off the hits. Assuming I’m remembering the hitbox on gram correctly you should be able to use that as a decent hori/crossup/extender and then up arrows for full screen coverage and some combo extension. You can always run hori arrows but where’s the fun in that. :confused: I have no idea if there are any decent wall bounce extensions for Hawkeye tho.

My only beef with that team is X23 really shines when she can spend XF2, otherwise you’ll most likely have to run her very reset heavy which just isn’t as powerful in a game like Marvel and anchor strider is really only scary with XF, too. So it really depends if you want to have a strider team or an X23 team. If you want an X23 team, you could probably get some nice stuff going with Strider(gram)/x23(OTG)/Hawkeye(HoriArrows). If you want it to be an xf3 strider team then there’s probably better point and mids for that setup.

On the second one I would say try running hypergrav and gram if you can swing it. If you can’t get any momentum going without a hori assist then use EMD. EMD is decent as a crossup pressure tool, but it doesn’t offer much of anything else aside from basic pressure. Hypergrav is a tough one to get used to but if you can manage it you should be able to do some fun stuff with it.

this is very informative. i will look more into this. thank you.

I’m trying to get my basic bnb down with x23 but I’m running into problems.
My team is x23 Vergil Deadpool

Combo starter > M > H > 214H > j.MH > 236L > M > H > S > sjc > j.MMH > j.623H > j.236L > A1 (Rapid Slash) > 236M > H > S > j.MMH > j.623H > j.236L > A2 (Katanarama) > 623AA

Now I know it’s prorating too much but I’m curious if you guys could help me tweak this currently failing combo idea into something that works, OR give me something entirely new to play around with.

I’ll keep working in the lab but as a newbie x23 user I’m having trouble trying to maximize her what appears to be very little damage output.


My recommended learner combo

MHxxMF H j.MMH land j.MMHS land j.M2HxxTA L land s.HS, sj.MMH2HxxCS HxxTA L land katanrama + charged Neck Slicer s.S sj.HxxCS HxxTA L land charged Ankle Slicer xx Rage Trigger DHC vergil belt loops. If you don’t want to burn the meter, leave off the supers altogether and just go for a left/right wake-up mixup with MF and rapid slash.

You might be able to squeeze a tiny bit more damage out using rapid slash to extend in the combo but it doesn’t work at higher hitstun so you have to find a shorter combo you like to open with. Personally, I would bother with it and just use it mostly for her neutral game. Since you’ll still have your ground and wall bounce you should be able to get 900k with one loop and most likely kill with a second loop.

I remember when i first started, i could not get the MF-H > j.MMH consistently so i would go for j.LMH so you could do that instead of j.MMH. Also, if you do the j.LMH instead of j.MMH, for the third rep, you could do j.MHS and if its a meaty S, you can do down H > TA-L but if not in the corner then i suggest just go S > TA-L

My current combo Caps at 589k, its L M A1 236M dc M H S j.MMH j.623H j.236L A2 623AA, does 493k before super.

I’m not an execution newbie, just a x23 newb, I dropped Viper for her and Viper I found to be easy.

I’ll try that combo but the notation isn’t familiar, I’m used to GG, am I juggling the character with a launch in the beginning? For some reason that combo looks like it way over prorates.

Right back at ya. whats A1 mean?

anyways “MHxxMF H j.MMH land j.MMHS land j.M2HxxTA L land s.HS, sj.MMH2HxxCS HxxTA L land katanrama + charged Neck Slicer s.S sj.HxxCS HxxTA L land charged Ankle Slicer xx Rage Trigger”

translates to MH cancel the H into Mirage Faint H(quarter circle back+H) and what the H does is it puts him in a juggle state above the ground and the Faint H causes you to follow him and lets you continue the combo just above the ground. so then when you jump with the Mirage Faint H, you do MMH land and then jump again and continue the combo for a maximum of 2 more loops. TA is Talon Attack, her dive kick.

also, whats GG mean?

Assist 1
Guilty Gear

Whats the damage it does pre-super?

Current best combo damage with L as a starter and 1 bar is 672k, assuming her 236AA isn’t a mashable super.

x23 is fun :slight_smile:

236AA (Rage Trigger or RT) is mashable. Her other 2 are not, though.



So what is it you need help with? Your assist relaunches? A certain part of the combo they’re dropping out from? Etc. For now I’d recommend doing j.h after your rapid slash relaunch, it might make the combo easier. And can’t you relaunch a second time after katanarama? A2 > 236M > S > j.H > 623H > 236L > land > 236M > 236 Atk Atk. I’d have to test it later but on my old team I used to get 2 relaunches with x23 for about 730k with 1 bar (builds about a meter and a half) or iirc 550 - 600k meter less.

Also its cool seeing keypad notations. Ever since I switched from BB to marvel I don’t see them anymore.

Love BB.

The combo I use atm is 5l > 2m > a1 > 5h > 236m > dash > 5m > 5h > s > j.MMH > j.623h > j.236l > land > a2 > 5h > S > j.H > j.623h > j.236l > land > lvl3~236M oki/236AA ender.

Yeah I hate sf and marvel notation, GG/BB is where it’s at, it’s universal.

Oh right, so basically the final relaunch the combo wants to break so I was able to tack in a j.H cancel into special, but I’m experimenting with j.H j.2H j.623h etc

i think good games

not in that context in which he used it.

hey guys. been messing around in the lab with x23 and sentinel to find out that with the team order i have of mag/x23/sent isn’t too bright. i tried using drones with laura but those only work to help her control the neutral and almost no combo extensions (there’s a way for her to do so but the timing for her otg into drones isn’t worth the effort). so i’ve been working with rocket punch and it works pretty well with her neutral as well as combo extension.

then with magneto on point building meter, the silent kill setups become that much easier. by the way the assist i’m using are (in order) emd, crescent scythe, rocket punch. in a way it kind of feels like i’m using mag and psylocke again with that aaa from x-23, but i’ve yet to use this team in an actual match so that remains to be seen. although, i will try to get some footage today if not this weekend for you guys to critique.

again thanks to all the guys who’ve helped me with info on mfc etc