MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Hrm, shame X-23 won’t be able to extend off both assists (X-23 doing ankle slice relaunches with Vergil’s otg is so shite, any larger amount of hitstun messes it up for me, though he does have a worse version of beam bounce extension, corner only. Yeah, I don’t like that assist), but yeah, that was exactly the character I thought of. Seriously, Tasky works on like every team, it’s silly. And, good news for X-23, he doesn’t require X-factor to be a boss, so X-23 can go nuts with XF kills. I’ll need to learn to do more meter-efficient swordloops, though, or I’ll never get my dirt nap on.

Curious, though, I managed to get a relaunch for X-23 by doing S + call Tasky, H Talon+L, st.HS, but that only hit midscreen. Any corner extension between X-23 and Task assist, or will I be XFCing a lot?

Labbed a lot since my last post. Wow, Vergil with an otg gets a ton of damage, and apparently my X-23 BnB scales so much more than a much easier combo, so that’s good for me. In Vergil/X-23/??? news, tried Arthur and found meter was really scarce, and he sometimes needed X-factor and didn’t have it, Modok has some crazy extensions on that team (I used balloon bomb), but unfortunately no one would get decent neutral game assists, so that’s a bust (but holy crap, there’s a lot of random synergy between Modok and Vergil). Doc Strange’s bolts assist is godlike, good extension, but I dislike that the X-23 and Vergil beam crossups can be ducked and subsequently ignored. Akuma works perfectly on the team, decent neutral game and some occasional extension, but I love Taskmaster as a character much more. And Task is good, but seems to be a beam assist looking pretty in the background, he doesn’t have much crazy stuff with the team other than arrows DHCs having good damage.

I run Hsienko (A), X-23 (Whatever ankle slice is) Nemesis (Clothesline rocket)

My general plan is to start with Hsienko and to golden when safe like canceling from the gong. While the projectile’s frames are still active raw tag into x-23 and she will land right on it. Projectiles will be reflecteded (well most), and the rest nullified. I haven’t crossed anyone who was capable of punishing it with a normal without getting hit but it may be because they aren’t use to it yet. If it still seems Unsafe I wait until a hard knockdown to golden and escape. Once Golden Both x-23 and Nemesis are able to stay in and dominate. I mostly do x-23’s bnb’s into Otg hsienko assist to either reset Or do Zed super. In the corner golden is a complete hassle to deal with and all it takes is the correct spacing from a hard knock down to force your opponent to block X-23’s difficult mix-ups sense hsienko pretty much pins you down. Calling in Nemesis and then wave dashing forward to ensure he stays off screen throws the opponent by surprise sometimes because of the speed of the rocket but overall isn’t a very helpful tool for her to get in with. Honestly I choose him because golden makes his command grab resets pretty free. Considering a lot of people don’t trust the abilities of hsienko outside of golden I would really like to film some of the team synergy, tech, and combos that I have but in the meantime if you would like to play me add GT: Kidigital :slight_smile:

P.S. I’ll have numbers for my team bnb damage up soon too if this at all interests anyone.

If you’re ok with struggling with Dr. Strange, bolts are amazing for X-23. If they want to be dumb and crouch the beams all you have to do is command grab or her dash over falling claw mixup. The main issue for me is that X23 is most dangerous in 2nd and Strange really needs that spot to shine and he def. needs some kind of assist to create some space because he cannot do ANYTHING once they get in your face except press buttons and pray.

I played Dorm/X23/Strange for a bit and did really well (9th place in our local tourney, which was my highest finish so far.) Once Strange comes out tho you are so screwed unless you get a lucky super and didn’t blow xfactor earlier.

I dunno why I don’t play Dorm+X23 more because I played A LOT of Dorm in vanilla. I think it’s because I got discouraged from losing with him early on in Ultimate’s lifespan. But, I recently picked him back up and now I’m running Dorm/Doom/Morrigan as a side team. I plan on pairing him back with X23 once I get him back to the I played him in vanilla.

My X23/Tasky/Strange team isn’t doin super hot, but I think it’s because I haven’t mastered Strange’s Palm Loops in XF so I end up dropping stuff.

Any basic strategies for the X-23/Dorm pairing? For example, what’s a good third teammate? Would you use Dorm anchor, or put in him the second character slot with 23 starting? I used to run Dorm last in Vanilla, but I don’t think he shines on anchor. Mainly, he needs assists for left/right mixups as well as leveling up.

I really don’t like how i cant give advice in this thread because my team is Ryu-X23-Wesker and no one runs X23/Ryu

Dorm is a terrific anchor, easily top 5 in the game. Insane chip, teleport mixup, but he needs a littile bit of meter to truly shine. With Missiles though he becomes SS tier, and X23 can work with Missiles depending on how good the player is (I run beam because I’m lazy). With Dorm backing up X23 you get some very nice DHC and TAC synergy, and I was going to say Wesker for the third guy but it’s pretty clear that anchor Wesker isn’t cutting it anymore.

I’ve been messing around with Dorm/X23/Doom to abuse infinites. From any touch with Dorm, otg with X23 (have to use a fly combo after a corner OTG or do OTG, wait, SJ tri-dash H, land, s.MHS midscreen. X23 takes a bit to leave the screen after her OTG so if you launch directly from her you won’t be able to TAC in time) and then TAC through to Doom infinites. Builds at least 3 meters for a dirtnap on everyone except for the super-pixie characters. Kill, throw some missiles, hard tag into dirt nap or, if you have the meter, sphere flamexxdirt nap to lock down incoming. Plus, running it this way always leaves X23 in her most effective spot. Also, don’t forget that after you dirtnap, you get the otg from dark hole and then the relaunch from missiles so you should have the meter to kill and most likely DHC to sphere flame if you need it.

(Same for Dorm/X23/Mags and you get that dirty MastaCJ teleport mixup but Mags’ infinite is nowhere as easy as Dooms. Mags is a million times better than doom and gets a lot from X23.)

As far as cheap, fucked up, amazing teams this one ranks pretty high in my book. X23 always has a strong DHC and relaunch from both sides and pressures really well with both assists. (I wish X23/Mags was a better pairing because he is sooo fun to play. EMD is such a lousy assist for her tho.)

I still think the X23/Dorm/Wesker is an amazing team, you just have to be really good with Wesker now since everyone knows his game now. Meter positive TODs are a sexy sexy thing.

Thanks for the input - I’ll try out that team. The order of the characters, not sure though. Haha. My doom is ass, but Dorm is only slightly better. Not sure who should go where for me.

The only reason I would do this specific order is for doom infinites, which are laughably easy. Personally, I like dorm behind X23 for the AMAZING DHC but he’s a strong point and is a great counter for a lot of other point BS in this game.

I think this weekend is ‘learn a mags infinite’ weekend. I don’t like playing doom hardly at all. Especially solo.

Hi, I want to make a “Dirt nap team” but I dont wich characters are the best for this team. I was thinking X23/??/Sentinel or maybe x23 second?
Also wondering if this “dirt nap” thing is a good gameplan (it seems to work for KUBO but I dont see anyone else using it)
P.D: I refuse to use vergil :slight_smile:

That’s because it’s too gimmicky to solely rely on (kubo’s whole X23 game is ToDXF+DN). But, if you really want to do it then master your feint combos so that every combo takes them into a corner then use a lockdown assist after you take somebody out (jam session, tenderizer, etc.) If you don’t want to use those characters you can just practice up d+h w/assist or TK CS H.

lately I’ve really been enjoying magneto (disrupter)/x-23 (ankle)/sentinel (drones)

mags/drones is so good you can pair a slightly weaker character in the 2nd spot no problem so there’s Lara. OTG assist helps Mags confirm off some of his more difficult spacings and angles because you can just fly combo to the corner then OTG into grav. “beam bounce” (I like that term!) combos with drones for extra damage w/X-23 whether you are midscreen or corner. disrupter is the best fullscreen horizontal assist and makes any grounded reset with Lara pretty good

vs more lame oriented teams or where I doubt my Mags will live past the opening exchange I’m planning on a spencer/x23/mags team. x-23+mags with mags in the back, the THC will always come out because of startup invincibility on rage trigger… XF, use the hard knockdown on shockwave, infinite chars to death. happy birthdays all day erryday. spencer just there to meatshield and do his damage

team is certainly better with missiles in the back but I hate doom as a character. my comeback rate with sentinel is respectable, with my doom it is actually zero. he is no fun to play solo whereas sentinel can still hang

Thanks Ephidel! and you think X23 should be on the first slot or the second slot?

Ideally, she should be second because if your point kills a character then you pretty much won the game if X23 gets a touch and their anchor doesn’t have an answer for unescapable dirt nap. There are no extreme negatives by putting her first though, because she can build pretty good meter by herself w/two assist backing her up. So, if you aren’t worried about their anchor you can kill the second character for free and use whatever XF time left for your best mixup.

To compensate, you can use XF1 to kill off a char meterless guaranteed and build 3 bars for Silent Kill, but…

  1. XF1 combos require more execution and you have to XFC at certain points during the combo so you can build the appropriate meter depending on the char’s health value.

  2. Assist dependent but generally, you can’t TOD the 1.2mil range without a jump-in.

  3. At the very best, you can only deal out to the incoming char with Silent Kill+assisted combo follow-up(I’ve only tried this with Tatsu and Jam Session, so you could possibly deal out more damage with other assists.)

If your 2nd char can perform the TAC infinite, you don’t have to blow XF1 and you can get your full range of assists. IMO, I’d rather have her on point since she’s so assist dependent, and she doesn’t have to worry about getting slammed with incoming mix-ups and a few other reasons.

what xf1 combos are you using?

Sorry I took so long to answer this. I’m trying to remember all of them.

Here’s one that deals 1.05mil and nets you 3 bars: M(1hit)>Mirage Feint Cancel>H>Mirage Feint H, TK Crescent Scythe>Talon Attack L, land, MH>Mirage Feint H>TK Crescent Scythe*>Talon Attack L, land, MH>XF cancel>S, super jump, j.MMH>D+H>Crescent Scythe H>Talon Attack L, land, (full charge) Ankle Slice M+Jam Session, S>super jump, j.H>Crescent Scythe H>Talon Attack L, land, (full charge), Ankle Slice>Crescent Scythe H>Talon Attack H.

And there’s more, I need to remember the variants that give you the max meter gain for 800-1.1mil chars.

I had no idea that worked in xf1, it adds the little bit of damage and meter I needed. Thank you.