MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Who’s a better char for OTG Nemisis of Wesker?

Hands down Wesker.

New team (again and again): X23(AS)/Tasky(Hori Arrows)/Strange(EoA)

This setup still grants X23 most of her needs to be effective, she gains a “two in one” assist in being able to relaunch of arrows and be able to get in. EoA can also be relaunched and setups up dirt nap generally well in corners, but more importantly X23’s combos corner carry anyway. All the DHCs are good and she can still get 800k for one bar, so gonna toy around with this setup a little longer and see where it goes.

How do you get the relaunch with plasma beam and what dorm assist is best

For X23 the only reliable assist is Dark hole. Helps out her pressure a ton and allows her to relaunch mid and corner.

I’m sure there’s some dumb shit you can do with liberation, but that so low on the practicality scale.

For plasma beam relaunches, the most useful option is beam bouncing with S+assist, sj.HxxTA L (spiked into beam) HS relaunch (I’m pretty sure that’s all you have time for with his assist timing but you might be able to get another hit or 2 in if I’m remember wrongly). Personally I think she gets more off missiles than his beam, though.

Ephidel, have you messed around with vert. arrows on that team? You can do some really cool stuff with vert and x23. Also, I that that you might get better screen control with strange since he’s lacking somewhat in the vertical area. (I’m thinking something like bolts+vert arrow assist to allow him to go into his zoning patterns more easily.) Plus vert arrows gives X23 some options to relaunch midscreen and I’m pretty sure you don’t have to shorten the start of the combo because of how vert. arrows hitstun works.

Can u see if this team is fine? Ammy beta/Deadpool beta/X-23 gamma
The plan is to start with Ammy to see what match up I am running against, do a little fight, and than use Power Slash to make a safe crossover attack to the best character to fight in that match up.
-If it is a zoning match up like the Morrigan’s one, I plan to go with Ammy, protecting her with reflector (I saw Marlinpie doing it against ChrisG).
-If it is a flying match up like Trish’s one, I swap with Deadpool.
-If it’s any other match up, I swap with X-23 (I don’t know if I missed some match ups. I guess the only one that is absent here is the rushdown).

Deadpool have the Ammy’s assist to make his launcher unpunishable. Than I can do the safe aproach combo c.H>S with Ammy’s assist to make it unpunishable.
And he has the X-23’s assist to protect him from the air attacks, which is his weakness, I guess.

I don’t know what exactly X-23 have with Ammy, but I saw a lot of peaple saying it’s a good partnership. Does she needs a neutral assist?
And the Deadpool assist is her combo extension.

I plan to put Ammy to fight with no neutral assist. All of her two assistances is her combo extension.
I guess I can make her cover herself from the air with her Solar Flare counter, using Deadpool’s or X-23’s assist to cover her (I don’t know which one has the correct startup time for this task) if the opponent make a jump without any attack, planning to throw me or do a low attack when he lands.
Then I guess I can aproach with her rushing attacks like s.B or f.H and cancel it into the reflector if the opponent jumps in to punish my attack.

That’s all. Is this team fine? I haven’t yet tested the Ammy’s strategy, so it’s only speculation.

Is there a video or somewhere that shows how to relaunch midscreen with vert. arrows? I haven’t messed around much with it, but I would prefer that assist since it not only covers both air and ground.

You can do MHS after the plasma beam:

With X23 and Doom i do M > H > mfH > j.MH Talon L > M > H > mfH > j.MH Talon L > M > H > S + assist > j.H Talon L > M > H > S ~ etc. and i get 1 bar and iirc 750k with super. I think you can do MH crescent L (or M) Talon L on the first MF H and get more damage, i’d have to test though.

After a command grab you have to use S instead though or else scaling.

To anyone who runs or has run Viper, how do you use seismo assist in nuetral? all i get is minor mixups by calling it during a jump or MF H into Talon L. If theres really nothing, i might just switch back to burn kick. Relaunches are a little difficult but i get more in nuetral.

Ephidel, Here’s some crap I threw together for Vert. Arrows. I really like the combo options but I felt like they were kind garbage for her neutral game. They take wayyy to long to start up and he’s super vulnerable plus it doesn’t hitconfirm into anything great most of the time. I think there’s some cool potential for some dirty resets, I just haven’t labbed that up, personally.

The random TA M pass-through dH works with that and lets you relaunch, pretty decent damage. (950k with 2 relaunches and DHC to Tasky, something like 850k with just the tasky relaunch.) You can confirm this off of a MFC, but I don’t know if you can get away with more than one. However the damage is good enough with few enough hits that you don’t even have to use an untechable. I was able to relaunch a 2nd time with Dorm with no problem. This at least gives you a lot of freedom with your team picks.

The easier version is just a quick spike down then charged NS hitting when the edge of the arrow OTGs. You can confirm into that one with MFC’d MH strings so it’s pretty useful. It doesn’t look like there’s any reason to do more than the bare minimum before launching since it scales as much as it adds.

In the corner, as long as you do s.HS + assist and aren’t all the way in the corner you can actually relaunch off of the tip of the inside arrow, that ones kinda iffy, but I think it gives the best damage and you can hit confirm off practically anything.

Last option is launcher cancelling into a Charged NS just to scrape out a little more damage, only problem with this one is you have to call tasky well before the S. (in the vid I do s.L+assist s.MHS xx TK Charged NS.)


wow these will come quite in handy, thx for the vid.

Any X23 Skull users? I have been picking up Skrull for my Viper Skurll Doom team and he is a beast. I’m thinking of doing X23(Ankle Slice) possibly Dante(Crystal) Skrull(Tenderizer) Tenderizer will be the lock down for X23 lvl3 Crystal for the otg anybody use have any tips for this team

I’d say get a neutral assist that also covers the extension front. I always find X-23 likes a beam or something to open up/get close. Jam session works for extension and lockdown for the level 3, might not be a bad call. Doom missiles or beam on second wouldn’t be bad for X-23 either.

Crystal is a pretty garbage OTG for X23 (I think the midscreen S+crystal> fast HxxTA M passthrough dH can be used with certain spacings.) and tenderizer is pretty single use for X23 because of scaling and how it hits.

Personally, I don’t recommend any of Dante’s assists for X23 in ultimate since they are either worthless combowise or scale the mess out of her combos for no real payoff. X23 doesn’t really have many tricks to get around hitstun like other characters that can really abuse Jam Session (aka Zero).

Jam session is pretty much ONLY good for scaling the mess out of combos as a starter or setting up dirtnap anymore and you don’t even need an assist for that anymore (not to mention there are better assists for that in general like cold star or repulsor blast that can be used as legitimate combo extenders.)

If you want to go with Skrull, check out some of quasidomo’s matches and cop some of his orbital grudge tech. It’s pretty much Tatsu with a hit of super armor instead of projectile invincibility. Plus it covers a lot of the screen visually which makes it hard to see where X23 is during crossups/fakes (makes for some dirty oki setups with how fast it starts up).

Past that, imo, the ideal team would probably be X23(OTG)/Skrull(Orbital Grudge)/Sent(Drones) or Doom(Missiles). Drones and Missiles makes Skrulls meteor smash game so freaking annoying and safe that it’s hard to recommend playing skrull without them, really. (I’m pretty sure Quasidomo plays X23/Skrull/Doom and he took 1st at the runback a little while back.)

Drones and Missiles both have ways to relaunch. Missiles can be used for Dirt Naps but Drones can be used for much much better resets. Neither of them are amazing as anchors, but personally I feel like Sent has better space control and when played well is a better anchor.

Might just go for X23(Ankle Slice) Dante(Jam Sessions) Doom (Missiles) see what happens and if i like it

Edit: Anybody use Doom rocks? What assists does she benefit from ?

Thanks for info I’ll check it out and see what I like

She gets a lot more off missiles and beam than rocks imo. Rocks kinda acts like drones minus the multi-hit for the most part.

I think her ideal assists are ones that give her ANY kind of pressure in neutral and allow for relaunches. With teams that give her 2 relaunches she can do 1mil+ meter neutral (Thor TODs with a Dorm Stalking Flare > meteors follow up.)

Once you get used to her movement and start abusing her wall jump you don’t really need a beam anymore. You only need a hori assist if you want to focus on her ground game more than her overall mobility.

I think Dark Hole is one of THE best assists (and partners) in the game for her since it covers all of those bases.

If you want to play dante, I would play him on point since X23s OTG lets him pick up off air throws and gives him some grapple > dash over unblockables. Plus he’s a great battery and you don’t have to worry about his assists at that point. I would say put an assist that helps X23 get a hit 3rd and go into her XF2 loops then just use her TK CS H dirtnap setups so you don’t have to use an assist. Dante likes full screen hori assists to make his teleport game safe so go with Doom, IM, or Taskmaster (they all have great DHCs for X23, too.)

I do like the sound of X23 Dorm Doom better than X23 Dante Doom, she is pretty damn fast I completely forgot about her wall jump I will brush up my X23 with the thread you did thanks for info

Yeah, my 2 teams atm are Dorm/X23/Doom and Dorm/X23/Mags. They’re both pretty awesome. Also gives you the chance to play team FChamp if you want.

Dorm and X-23 are soulmates, X-23/Dorm/Doom sounds just fine as a team.

Oh, and peoplez, X-23’s not currently on my teams, and it makes me sad, and I’m trying to change that. But my old team, Nemesis/X-23/Ammy, though good, I no longer play Ammy, so I might wanna try some other people out . I was curious what people thought of X-23/Task/Hawk, team arrows and eye candy. I feel like I won’t get enough damage, but damn if I won’t be a beast in neutral.

Also, is it just me, or is X-23 with Rapid slash a LOT better in theory than in practice. I’m not a fan, and the relaunch I got feels quite awkward. Seems vergil’s way better in front with X-23 backup. So, I really have the option to play quite a few anchors on that team, what sounds best with Vergil/X-23/???, and don’t say Dante or Doom, I’m ass with them.

Oh wow this stupid site deleted both of my post :confused:

Anyway, I think Tasky could work well with Vergil/X23. You can relaunch off Hawkeye’s poison arrow assist but I haven’t gotten it to work in corners.