MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

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Haha all signs point that I should roll with that team. But, for a while I wasn’t sure how incredible Doom was at anchor. What I like about that team though is X23 can build good meter for Viper to use if she dies early on, and Viper can use Doom’s beam to relaunch without wasting any EX meter. Plasma Beam also helps both characters stay in–it’s one of my favorite assist for Laura.

I really need to work on my Viper, I got some combos down but I don’t think mines is ready for high level or even online. In fact, I don’t like playing her online. Today I’m going to lab so I play around with this team for a bit.

Does anybody have a good point character for, xx/X-23/Iron Man

hulk or tron imo

having a hard time figuring out how to combo extend with shuma-gorath beam, anyone have any ideas?

or rapid slash too XD

Ryu…dunno about him on anchor to be honest. I’d prefer him with assists. IMO, if you wanna use Ryu on this team, I think Ryu/X-23/Mags would be the best set-up. Ryu gets Disruptor and an OTG assist to help him combo off air-throws, X-23 benefits from Disruptor and you can run the XF2 game(with no pinning assist unfortunately) and I feel Magneto’s the best anchor out of them all. But again, it’s all down to how you feel really. Go with your heart.

Have to really shorten your combos I’m afraid, at least with Rapid Slash. After a short combo, you can do the usual Ankle Slice OTG+assist into launcher.

Shuma Gorath’s…couldn’t get it to work. Could be the same deal as Rapid Slash, but stricter possibly.

Well I only really put Ryu in there for Tatsu assist but I guess if I want to use a shoto on anchor it would be Akuma. What are some other good anchors for an X-23 team? Or even point characters, I’d be fine with using a Mags anchor.

Good chars on point…I’d say Mags(you might like Mags/X-23/Akuma or X-23/Mags/Akuma), maybe Zero and Vergil(Vergil benefits from an OTG highly.)

For anchors, I’d recommend Akuma too. Then you have chars like Ammy(self-sufficient, XF infinite, nice assist in Cold Star), Vergil(with meter for Spiral Swords+XF, he becomes dumb), Magneto, maybe Strider(but X-23 doesn’t benefit from Vajra as much as others), maybe Arthur(nice projectile assist and strong in XF) and so on. You might like Sentinel on anchor since even though he’s kinda whack without assists, Drones helps X-23 and Mags(especially Mags) and people still get nailed by Sentinel anyway.

There’s a good amount of chars you can potentially use on point or anchor in an X-23 team, I should get back to you on this with some more chars you might/might not like.

Damn I hadn’t even thought of using Vergil with X-23’s OTG assist. My only concern would be spiral swords loops eating up too much meter and then not being able to do dirt nap stuff with X-23. I get enough of Sentinel on anchor when I play MSS lol. I might go Mags/X-23/Akuma just to try it out. Or maybe even try X-23 on point…maybe.

What do you think of Mags/X-23/Dante(jamsesh)?

Also what would you recommend as far as x23’s assist when playing second to a magnus on point?

Hello everyone. I’ve been using Laura since Vanilla, though I did drop her for awhile in Ultimate until recently. Anyway, in Ultimate I run X-23(Ankle Slice)/Deadpool(Katanarama)/Taskmaster(H.Arrows) and just wanted some feed back on the team. I’ve been playing around with it for awhile and it seems to have a decent amount of synergy(besides trying to DHC from Rage Trigger XD). Anyway, is this a good team? I usually play Laura on point so she’s backed up by two assists, but I find myself getting blown up by Zero’s and Nova’s(that damn airgrab) all the time. I was thinking about playing Deadpool on point, but I figured Laura needs that OTG assist and that she’s better with one.

I was thinking about replacing Taxmaster with Doom(Missiles or Beam, not sure which is better for X-23), but I don’t like Doom very much, lol. Would Doom help Laura more than Tasky?

Any kind of feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Well IMO, Jam Session’s good for X-23, but unfortunately, you need something to help X-23 get in as well. You’ll be banking on Magneto killing off the first two chars and keeping meter for Silent Kill for the guaranteed, similar to how Japanese player Kubo was doing. But things can get really flaky if Magneto goes down since X-23 lacks an assist to get in(Jam Session doesn’t cut it in terms of getting in.) If you’re okay with that, then yeah, go and run Jam Session, but if you want something to help you get in, Weasel Shot’s your best option.

I’d recommend either Ankle Slice or Crescent Scythe for X-23 in 2nd. Ankle Slice because it’s a low OTG assist that can be used for assists, and you may be able to score unblockables off it on wake-up using Magneto’s Attraction to pull the opponent towards you, call the assist and do a jumping attack.

Crescent Scythe because X-23’s DHC options are unsafe if you want to get Magneto out of there, and Crescent Scythe is an invincible cross-over counter.

IMO, if you want a better DHC ender, put Taskmaster 2nd and Deadpool 3rd. Deadpool’s an alright anchor and Taskmaster benefits from an OTG assist. For annoying air-based chars(Zero), you may find things a bit easier if you use Taskmaster’s Vertical Arrow to cover the air. Also helps X-23 get in too, but doesn’t do much for her Mirage Feint game. It’s a solid team IMO.

Doom would probably be better overall for X-23, but I’d replace Deadpool with Doom instead. I don’t like Doom either btw lol, so I personally don’t use him.

X23/Mags/Dante has better DHC synergy, disruptor won’t do much for X23’s mixup game but it does put something on the screen quickly for her to get in.

Both Taskmaster and Doom help X23 in about the same way (Doom has much better TACs though), and Deadpool has XF3 infinites he can use.

Oh yeah, kinda forgot to mention, I think Taskmaster does better with Hidden Missiles, which is why I said possibly remove Deadpool for Taskmaster.

I also think X-23/Mags/Dante’s a better team. Magneto’s TAC infinite will cause havoc as well, since it gives X-23 free Silent Kills. Speaking of the TAC infinite, been goofing around with X-23/Chun/Akuma. Chun’s Hyakuretsu assist pin downs and allow X-23 to relaunch. Her TAC infinite’s easier than most, plus you don’t have to finish the infinite, when you feel they’re coming down too low for you to continue, you can simply spike them down and OTG with X-23’s Ankle Slice into her Kikousho.

Unfortunately, once X-23 goes down, Chun’s left to pick up the pieces, and she’s more ideal as a point with two assists backing her.

If you are going to put Chun solo with any assist, then Akuma assist is pretty good for her. You will have problems with Hulk, Morrigan, Hawkeye, Nova, and depending on how the person plays… Vergil, Dante, Trish, and Taskmaster. Other than that I think it’s a good combination. Akuma assist gives Chun some pretty nasty corner options too. When trying to open someone up you can keep attacking then airdashing back in and if they pushblock you can call Akuma assist and go back to mixing them up. You can condition people to not push buttons when they are entering with a new character in the corner by calling Akuma assist and EX SBK. Then after that you can go for throw mixups, call Akuma assist then superjump, airdash, crossup headstomp into SBK into a full combo, etc. Plus with Akuma assist Chun gets a corner combo that does around 700k for one meter. So I think it’s a pretty viable team. The bad part is that you will have no safe DHCs from X-23 into Chun so if you mess up with a super, you’re dead.

Basically, I think this team will be all about getting your opponent to the corner. Neutral game will be pretty hard.

I feel Chun’s dependent on specific assists to extend combos for extra damage, and half the time, I’ll be using Tatsu to get in instead of extending unfortunately. And yeah, unsafe DHCs are something I dislike (though I guess I could CC Chun in to save X-23, given the chance), plus the bad MUs and not have the specific assists to cover them all for both X-23 and Chun(Zero, Taskmaster, Vergil and so on.)

Ultimately, Chun can be replaced with another 2nd with a TAC infinite that’s more versatile(though Chun’s assist’s great for X-23.) I also think Chun needs two assists to be effective, and if she wants to initiate the TAC infinite, she can simply Kikoanken crumple somebody, hard tag the 2nd char, combo off the crumple and TAC back into Chun for the infinite.

I’m running X23(Ankle Slice) C.Viper(Burn Kick) Dr. Doom(Plasma Beam) Is Seismic Hammer a good otg assist?

I would say it is. Depending on the range it might launch the character too high for CNS to connect, but it’s a lot easier to setup for X23.


What are some things X-23 can do with Akuma’s tatsu assist? Can I relaunch with it after an ankle slice or will they pop out?

Also these aren’t team-building questions but I figure I should ask them here since I’m posting anyway.

  1. How come when I hold down S and try to do MFC, sometimes mirage feint comes out anyway, isn’t holding down S supposed to cancel it instantly?

  2. Is there a shortcut for doing d+H into crescent scythe? I’m having some problems with it. I mean I was only in the lab for like a half hour earlier but it’s still hard to get consistently. Oh and TKing crescent scythes is also obnoxiously difficult for some reason, I think it may have something to do with how loose my stick is, I keep it loose for SF but it seems like it is better when it is tighter for Marvel and now I’m rambling.

I found that X-23(Ankle Slice)/ Dante (Jam Session)/ and Dr. Doom (Plasma Beam) work well in terms of giving me characters I can combo with so that I don’t have to rely on just X-23 for building meter and TOD combos, I can mix things up a lot better and use OTG’s like there’s no tomorrow