MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

What do you guys think of x23(?)/task(horizontal)/wesker(otg) or x23(?)/deadpool(katanarama)/akuma(tatsu)

Also considering x23(?)/deadpool(katanarama)/skrull(tenderizer)

Trish is a baller too but not sure of decent comps with her and x23.

Thanks in advance.

X-23/Task/Wesker’s good. Wesker’s low hitting OTG will benefit them both and Arrows will give X-23 cover. Task also has a good DHC ender in terms of damage and X-23 can hit X-23/Deadpool/Akuma’s nice too and I’d prefer that team over the previous one, but Taskmaster has a semi-AAing projectile assist in Vertical Arrows(very helpful for X-23) and Deadpool’s DHC enders don’t mesh well with X-23’s Rage Trigger in combos(you have to cut Rage Trigger and lose out on damage for Deadpool’s DHC to connect.) I like Akuma over Wesker and Tatsu assist’s really good.

As for Trish, my old team was X-23(Ankle Slice)/Trish(Peekaboo)/Dante(Weasel Shot.) Weasel Shot covers X-23 and Trish and pins opponents down, allowing the two access to more mix-ups. Peekaboo is a decent trap assist that keeps people on their toes. After a Mirage Feint Loop combo into Rage Trigger, you can DHC into Round Harvest, hard-tag Dante and Acid Rain Loop them into a combo ending with his hyper(only need 1 bar, the combo builds the meter it needs for all 3 hypers) and you can deal 1.1mil damage max. And if they block Round Trip on the ground, you can hard tag in Dante and set up an unblockable with X-23’s Ankle Slice, or hard-tag in X-23 and set-up some nasty mix-ups. Another plus is that Trish and Dante can both perform the TAC infinite.

This team has some nasty options, but it’s flawed in ways, so I stopped using it. Though, I might start using it again however. Trish/X-23/Dante might be a more effective order.

I’ve been in a character crisis pretty much since Vanilla came out and I think I’m finally settling on Ryuga’s earlier proposed team of X-23/Storm/Amaterasu. After a month of using it non-stop here’s my take on it:

Whirlwind’s not an ideal projectile assist for Laura but it does give her some combos that link into a fully charged Neck Slicer and it’s VERY useful for nullifying other projectiles. Cold Star is possibly my favorite assist to use with X-23 now and I’ve found it to be even more useful than Drones when it comes to that option select Tatsu posted on youtube. It opens up some ridiculously ambiguous incoming character mixups when combined with H Talon Attack and it even offers combo relaunches under the right circumstances. X-23’s DHCs with Storm are, of course, absolutely fantastic. Rage Trigger goes right into Hailstorm. If I’ve done a good combo most characters will die after that point, but Rage Trigger into Hailstorm puts them high enough to then link into Elemental Rage to finish off the more sturdier characters. As a little bonus: Elemental Rage can then go into Weapon X Prime which then goes into Okami Shuffle. I haven’t been in a situation where I needed to waste 5 bars DHCing, but I guess it’s a nice to have the option? The best thing about X-23 and Storm’s DHC synnergy though is that it completely eliminates the need to DHC into Amaterasu, so I never have to bring my anchor out early and mess up my team order.

As for Ororo, Storm/Ammy have some really slick setups with Foul Wind + Cold Star. I don’t see a lot of other Storms doing it, but it’s fantastic. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sucked an airdash happy Zero or Magneto right into it. Plus even if they block the setup Cold Star will still leave them locked down long enough to go for trijump and instant overhead shenanigans. Meter’s a bit of an issue with Storm, but often I won’t even bother spending any with her in the first place. I just end my combos with hard knockdown, then backdash -> Cold Star + Foul Wind to force the tech roll into the Cold Star and keep my offense going. Rarely has this backfired and I’m pretty sure it was only because I mistimed it. I’ve got a feeling Cold Star can be also used to extend Storm’s combos somehow but I haven’t found any significant way to do so. The most I’ve gotten out of it was an extra 20k. Unfortunately I haven’t found much use for X-23’s assists either. I can end Storm’s combos with Ankle Slicer assist -> Relaunch -> J.H then airdash to chase their tech, but it’s riskier than the Cold Star mixup. Sometimes I can connect the OTG off of Storm’s ground forward throw and get a full combo, but the timing seems very strange. Half of the time it just doesn’t work and I’m not sure why; I’ve tested it by setting my assist button to turbo and the results had no noticeable pattern. The only real use I’ve been able to get out of Ankle Slicer is calling when my opponent has been conditioned to expect Cold Star, and then going for an unblockable. It’s worked a few times.

I’m a total scrub with Ammy so I don’t really know what she can get off of the assists, but I almost never find myself in a situation where I have Ammy out before last anyway. Mostly I just use her for Cold Star and her X-Factor infinites.

THC-wise there’s a lot these three can get out of each other. Storm+X-23 has Hailstorm recover before Rage Trigger, which gives Storm enough time to tridash over and either go for an airgrab or an attack depending on what you think your opponent is doing. Storm+Amaterasu opens up the chance to link Typhoon into another Hailstorm for some good damage, And X-23+Storm/X-23+Amaterasu both give you a chance to run sneaky mixups if you X-Factor.

Overall I think they have a lot of synnergy and I’m sure I’ll only find more as I keep using them. There are definitely some problems with damage and meter management, but X-23 and Storm get so much reset potential with Cold Star that I really don’t think it’s a big deal. My only complaint thus far is that I don’t think anchor Ammy is that powerful, but Cold Star arguably makes up for that as well. I like these three a lot more than any other X-23 team I’ve played up to this point and I’ve played a ridiculous amount. Thanks for idea, Ryuga.

Ammy is a really strong anchor, she’s just deceptively hard to use at a high level. I find it interesting for a character to have such a ridiculously low entry bar and such a high bar for high level stuff. I’m gonna give X-23/Dorm/Frank a few good shakes in the lab and if that doesn’t end up working out I’m gonna look into Firebrand and Lei-Lei for the hell of it.

My biggest problem with her as anchor is I have a lot of trouble catching some characters, even with XF3 + Slowdown hyper. Characters with good aerial movement or teleports are really hard for me to corner if they decide to run down my X-Factor, but I could just be playing her wrong.

Been training with X-23 since I got the game, like two weeks ago. Got her on point with Hulk at Mid, looking at using Hawkeye for Anchor. I was just testing assists and saw that Gamma Wave would OTG in corners and when doing it from far Laura can barely be seen when wavedashing along with it, haha. Anyone use/d Laura and Hulk? I’ve seen some videos of people using Hulk on point with her at mid but she’s my favorite character along with Arthur and I can’t use him at all.

I still don’t even have her basics down but I know a couple combos. I have a two meter 930k one, but it only builds one meter.

No problem, good luck with the team!

Hulk’s a good mid char for X-23. People use Hulk on point and X-23 2nd 'cause Hulk benefits from having an OTG assist. DHCing from an X-23 combo into Gamma Crush does big damage and yeah, Hawkeye’s a good choice.

So I’m possibly trying to pick up X-23 and want to use her with Hawkeye. Who else would be a good fit. I want is X-23 (point) and Hawkeye (anchor) so who would be a good middle character?

Lots of middle chars you could use, but it all depends really.

For good/decent DHC options: Dorm(very good, since he allows X-23 to kill anyone off a solid touch), Storm(Hail Storm will wash away annoying assists and is an excellent DHC ender too), maybe Sent(Hard Drive CC, strong DHC and TAC options), Doom(great TAC options, plus great assists) and other chars.

Dante’s pretty good too, Jam Session AAs and pins people down, plus there’s some nasty stuff she can do with it. Good safety DHC option in the form of Devil Trigger if X-23’s getting hurt. But Million Dollars after Rage Trigger as a DHC ender’s not very good.

Has anyone tried Doctor Doom or Dante with her yet? I’m thinking about adding those two into the mix since I generally do well with those two

Hmmm think I’ll use Storm was already trying to learn her too so that works lol

IMO, I’d say Dante and Doom go well with X-23. Reasons why: X-23’s max damage output without a jump-in(midscreen at least) is in the 700K+ range and normally, you’d need combo extenders to increase your damage, but TACing into Doom will grant big damage and extra meter building anyway. Plasma Beam will help X-23 get in. You can hard-tag in both Dante and Doom and combo off the knockdown from Decapitating Slice(but the hitstun decay ramps up, still trying to find a decent combo off it.)

Jam Session is an AA and a lockdown assist, good X-23 as she can have trouble dealing with people at super-jump height and the lockdown properties help X-23 set up her offence/mix-ups as well as lock down incoming chars for Silent Kill if you have it. Dante and Doom are strong chars in their own right too, not sure how effective Jam Session is for Doom since I don’t use him. But yeah, go for it.

Awesome, I’ll be sure to mention how it goes!

X-23/Dante/Doom was actually one of the more popular teams with her in vanilla and is still good in Ultimate. Look up DevilJin’s videos on youtube to see the team in action.

I need some suggestions for point characters for my ???/X-23/Hawkeye team, i was thinking Dormamu, Dante or Spencer. But I can’t make up my mind.
Running tripple arrow assist on Hawkeye currently.

After getting exposed at Evo I’m really hurting to shake up my current team more than ever. I still want to keep her at point so she can have as many assist options as possible. If my Taskmaster didn’t suck so much I would easily run X23/Viper/Tasky, or maybe X23/Hulk/Viper with Hulk at Gamma Wave so X23 can get in. I’ve been playing with Doom’s beam for so long, it feels weird playing X23 without it for me.

what do you guys think of X-23/Storm/Skrull?

using stone smite for relaunch which gives wall bounce

only problem is not much lockdown for x23 as stone smite is kinda slow

What about X-23/Viper/Doom?

This team could work, but I’m iffy about Super Skrull on anchor. I know people think he’s a good anchor due to Meteor Smash+XF, but I feel he benefits greatly from assists that help him get in and make his command grab attempts safe. I’d switch the order to X-23/Skrull/Storm, but it’s up to you really.

you mentioned earlier x23 had a relaunch option with sentinel drones? how do you do that

Thinking about using X-23 with Magneto (Magneto is on all of my teams. I love Magneto) but I’m not sure who to use as a third on this team. In addition I’m not sure whether I should use X-23 on point or use her second for cute dirt nap setups and whatnot.

The first team that pops into my head is Mags/X-23/Ryu but I’ve never really used Ryu in this game so I’d be learning two new characters with this team, and idk how good Ryu is as an anchor.