MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

With some assists and specific timing, Tatsu’s corner DS/H-feint OS will result in a “guard break” (the assist and throw will hit at the same time). I use Tron assist, but I’m sure other assists will work as well. The timing is pretty tight, though, and I think it’s character specific.

I’ll try haha.

X-23 2nd, XF2 usual stuff. Drones does a lot of X-23, pins/locks down, provides cover, extend combos(but you’ll mostly be using Drones to get in.) As you probably already know, Drones will lose to beams/projectiles and whatnot.

What you kinda have to consider is, is it worth burning XF2 for X-23 with Sent at the back as an anchor? IMO, never be too quick to burn your XF with X-23 if your Mags goes down early without a kill, unless the opponent has two chars left, because if something goes wrong and X-23 dies, Sent will have no XF and that’s gonna suck for you, especially if you’re up against two strong chars or a top tier anchor and it gets worse if they have XF.

X-23 with Drones: once you get Drones on a grounded opponent, you have free reign to do whatever mix-up you want really.

Left-right mix-ups, and of course, instant overheads(copy-pasta from Traumatisch:

(For people who don’t know what fuzzy guard is, it’s a hitbox issue where characters that go from standing block to crouching block often still have a standing hitbox for a number of frames (the duration of blockstun imparted by the high/overhead move), even though the game recognizes the character in “crouching” status.

Now what this does is essentialy give a lot of character a Sentinel sized hitbox in this situation.

The easiest way to do it is using qcb + H and then use her j.B as late as possible to get as much blockstun as possible. Then do an instant jump forward B cancelled into Talon dive (j.d+H) and then cancelled into L Talon dive. When performed correctly, the fuzzy guard will make the jump forward B connect as an overhead, which lets you combo into the Talon attacks for a 3 hit combo, and any desired B&B aftwards.

This tech only works on characters with average or above average height, and then there are a couple exceptions (plus I havent tested on everyone)

Notable characters that it works on are ; Dante, Wesker, Dormammu, Trish, Magneto, Dr Doom, She Hulk, Phoenix, Thor, Viper, Hulk, Haggar, Taskmaster, Spencer, Akuma (not sure about the last two)

Notable characters that it (obviously) doesn’t work on ; Ammy, V. Joe, Wolverine, Felicia, Morrigan.")

And then there’s this: [details=Spoiler][media=youtube]RwZvqu8B-iQ[/media][/details]

Personally, I’m iffy about the option select, since the opponent could probably punish that command grab either through jumping or pressing a button/doing something with invul on wake-up. However, you can simply wavedash on people’s wake-up, and that will track the opponent wherever they go and lock them down. Working on a way to make it tighter though.

IMO, I wouldn’t use Mags/X-23/Sent, because X-23 has poor and unsafe DHCs in 2nd, against teams with strong projectiles Drones isn’t something I’d like to use, and I personally dislike Sentinel on anchor. However, this is your team, so you should whatever feels comfortable for you.

you know to be honest with you i was thinking of doing x23 then mag & sent so that way i’d have a better comeback factor. plus the fact that she benefits so well from beam and drones assist.

obviously i’m going to try out both forms of this team

Yeah, definitely see which team order works for you.

I noticed you use Ironman as well, X-23/Ironman/Sent’s not a bad team either. Repulsor Blast locks down(great for Silent Kill), AAs(I think), helps X-23 relaunch and Proton Cannon’s a very nice DHC ender for combos.

Been messing around with more stuff. Managed to bump up Merkly’s Drones extension combo from 710 to 779(mid-screen Scythe Loops, plus taking away some hits to compensate for hitstun decay.) So, if anyone’s interested in Hulk, you can have a team like X-23/Hulk/Sent. Hulk goes well with Drones, and Gamma Crush’s such a damaging hyper for DHCs. Gamma Wave’s alright as a projectile assist too I guess.

Gamma Wave can be relaunched in the corner, personally though I think Hulk/X23/Sent would be better. Drones will be focused on getting Hulk in and X23’s OTG can work off Hulk airthrows and corner ToDs.

Edit: Also Ryuga sorry bro but I’m liking 23/Viper/Dorm too much lol, more notably the DHC synergy from everyone. I’m not really serious about this team yet, and I can’t imagine playing without Doom beam very long. However, I’ve seen so much synergy that I want to toy around with it in some casuals. Now if I can just learn to spam Viper’s seismo…

Haha, no need to apologise to me! It’s your team and you should go with whatever you want really.

Lately, X-23’s neutral’s been annoying me greatly, as always. The hitboxes just aren’t there, and MFC only does so much to compensate for this. I think Talon L, especially low-to-the-ground Talon Ls are really good though(though people with large, long hitboxes like Vergil can snipe you from afar, nobody’s really beating that anyway.)

Loads of people knows how good Tatsu assist is for X-23. I think it’s probably the perfect assist for her neutral due to its speed, invul, slight pinning and it launches on hit.

Uncharged Neck Slice becomes better when backed up with Tatsu, since if Neck Slice connects, Tatsu will too and launches them, allowing you to dash up and follow up with a combo. On hit or block, you get in anyway. In general, if Tatsu connects, X-23 can dash up and follow-up with a combo.

Obviously, Tatsu does wonders for Mirage Feint left-right mix-ups. If your left-right gets blocked, since Tatsu drags the opponent towards X-23 during Mirage Feint M, that pretty much gives you a free fuzzy-guard mix-up as well more opportunities for mix-ups.

Another thing that might throw people off(isn’t exclusive to Tatsu assist but I think it’s more effective with Tatsu) is to call the assist, Mirage Feint, but hold your Mirage Feint slightly before releasing. You can switch between the L and M version to make them guess which way they should block and you delaying Mirage Feint could make them second-guess themselves.

Combining X-23’s normals with Tatsu assist’ll help with her hitbox troubles, and Tatsu’s also pretty good for incoming mix-ups as well.

I’m hoping to build a team using X-23 and Morrigan. Since Morrigan’s assists aren’t all that great, the third character needs an assist that can help X-23 get in. At the same time, though, I want a nice combo extender assist for X-23 but the only I’ve seen are OTGs. I just started X-23, and my BnB nets up 547k damage…So, should I go for damage or rushdown assistance?

Some projectile assists can be used for extending(Drones, Unibeam) but yeah, more often than not, you’ll be using them outside of combos and almost all of them wouldn’t allow X-23 to break IMO, X-23 definitely needs something to get in and that should take priority over damage if you wanna have Morrigan in your team.

I was hoping trish’s projectile assist could work. She comes out behind my character, but im worried its a bit too slow. X-23 can get behind the opponent from nearly full screen with one dash and a medium mirage feint, so maybe trish’s assist can be useful. She wont be seen if im far back enough and the combination of a slow startup but fast moving projectile could make the mirage feint mixup work pretty well.

Like you said, Trish’s Low Voltage is very, very slow. If you’re dead set on Trish, then yeah, you can go for it. Otherwise, I wouldn’t recommend it.

So, which characters would you recommend, besides sentinel and iron man?

Doom(Plasma Beam/maybe Hidden Missiles)/Akuma(Tatsu)/Hawkeye(GreyHound) and similar assists. If you don’t like these chars and still wanna go with Trish, then you should go for it.

You can go with Hawkeye’s Greyhound like this (though the dmg is tight)–I didn’t have him at anchor but you get the idea.


Ephidel, try the CSxxTA M BnB with Greyhound. I think you can squeeze an extra 50k minimum using greyhound as a similar extender. You just have to play with what part of the jump loop followup you call it with.

what are optimal teams with x23 second? never touched her before in my life

One of the best I’ve seen. Hulk(gamma wave)/X23(Ankle Slicer)/IM(Repulsor Blast). Hulk + repulsor absolutely destroys rushdown and he can almost always follow up off of a repulsor hit. He can set up inescapable air command grab resets against most everone in the cast if you otg with X-23, s.L command grab. Which he can then follow up with dash + X23 otg into combo (he can use IM to extend the combo after a gamma wave in those combos). Any air throw leads into full combo and TOD against most of the cast. Hi-Lo unblockables with X23 assist. You can DHC into WXP off of either Gamma Crush or Gamma Tsunami and from WXP or RT you can go into Angled Proton Cannon (This also is a brutal THC.) Once X-23 finally has to come in, you’ll almost always have the meter you need to get 3 meters (even if hulk just died since he has so much health) if you pop XF2 and loop a character to death. IM gives you a 98% guaranteed Dirt Nap on the next incoming with hulk able to relaunch (IM can relaunch for her too in other situations). The only downside to this team is that IM takes a lot of work to use well, but you have to have fucked up pretty bad multiple times for him to be on the field anyways. IM is still perfectly capable of runbacks with or without XF, it’s just not easy.

no way in hell am i playing iron man again lol, awful character. almost unplayable without drones, which come attached to someone even worse

lol, you asked. I answered. :smiley:

I’ve seen really strong players have major problems with that team. Wandles 0-2’d Clockwork with it at FR this year and sent him to losers. IM is definitely an assist character on that team since most of the time you’re wrecking shit with Hulk backed with RB or XF X-23. People that have been playing against his team since vanilla started still don’t have any strong answers/counters for it. The only teams it has problems with is really intelligent hardcore zoning. Tridashers, Rushdown and other derp strats get wrecked by it.

You have a mess ton of flexibility on X23 2nd teams tho. Put a strong point+meat shield in front/X-23 with OTG/Strong hori assist. Usually you’ll want your point to die so you have at least 1.5 meters (and Ideally kill 1 character). Then when X-23 comes in, either work for a hit, or xf guard cancel into her xf2 loops to kill the character, then dirt nap and kill the 3rd with whats left of you XF and you’ve won.

Slightly random but a trick with Hulk’s gamma wave assist, normally it doesn’t otg midscreen since Hulk is too far away, but if you call the assist and then do a medium MF to the other side just after you land Hulk comes out closer and you can launch them as he knocks them over your head. Timing is a bit annoying though.

There really isn’t any. Put any strong point(if they like OTGs for extension, that’s a bonus), X-23 2nd, and like Merkly said, insert assist at the back. I’d recommend a strong horizontal assist, otherwise X-23 can’t get it. Ideally, X-23 should be using two assists, but I guess XF2 makes up for it.

I’d personally use Magneto/X-23/Akuma. Mags is great on point and I think he can use Ankle Slice for extensions and possible Attraction unblockables on people’s wake-up. X-23, yeah, everyone knows why she’s 2nd and Akuma 3rd because he’s still serviceable in 3rd without XF damage-wise and his assist’s great for X-23.

Oooh, thank for this, was wondering how you’d relaunch with Gamma Wave midscreen.