MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Dorm, Ammy, or Vergil would probably fill that teams anchor problem.

what are your thoughts on x23/dorm/magneto?

Hmmm…while Disruptor isn’t as effective with X-23 as it is for other chars, it’s still a quick and nasty projectile assist. Magneto’s filthy as an anchor. Dorm’s nasty with Disruptor and Dark Holes does all kinds of things for X-23. Overall, yeah, I’d go for this team.

Really Ryuga…‘Dark holes do everything for X-23?’…Fer shame…

Has anyone tried to use x23/frank/anyone? I have been thinking about getting into UMVC3 and I really like both Laura and Frank. I know she needs a good horizontal assist, and frank needs an easy way to level up. I know she has the dhc trick, so would a standard x23 bnb dhc to franks survival tech super lead to him getting a picture+assist+picture?

and I just read the post above mine. nevermind how n00b I am.

I did run something like X23/Frank/Dante briefly and found a meterless LV4 Frank Combo…she doesn’t have a whole lot of options to lvup frank as well as some of the other characters in this game. Also, the whole point to DHC trick was hitstun and dmg reset–which they removed sadly (though the spinning animation effect does still remain).



X-23 backed with cart is amazing. I was never able to find a good way to level up frank that didn’t involve a TAC or 2 meters so I eventually weened myself off of him. Here’s my vids on how I ran them tho.

using X-23/Vergil/RR-Pendulum. I Love it!

I’m thinkin about using X-23 / Dante (Crystal) / Vergil as my team but I can’t decide if I want to use crystal or weasel shot for dante, anyone got any suggestions?
Not even sure if i want dante in the second position but he seems like a solid choise.

Why not put Dante first? He can build incredible meter for X23/Vergil shenanigans and he covers a lot of matchups on point better than X23. Crystal is a bit slow for X23, but Vergil can use it well. Weasel Shot isn’t as good as it was in vanilla but you can still do some stuff with it for both characters. But to be frank, I’d really consider Dante/X23/Vergil.

Hmm, you’re right. The reason I chose crystal was for the OTG effect but putting him first might be better.
Need to spend some time in the lab.

X-23/Dormammu is amazing! That was part of my original team. I have some hidden X-23 Dorm tech I’m gonna post soon when I get my PvR back that makes me want to play him again. @_@

Magneto disruptor + Dark hole gives her all she needs for potent offense, IMO. Good choice!

what do you guys think of X23/Viper/Dorm?

btw, are X23/Dorm the new best friends or something? I’m really looking to replace wesker on my team because everyone is so prone to fighting him now.

I think, if you’re looking for pure TODing ability, Dormammu is her best buddy thanks to Dark Hole extending combos and Stalking Flare>Meteor>Chaotic Flame flattening everyone after insert-combo-here into Rage Trigger. Without ending the combo with Chaotic Flame, you can also do 1.1mil+ damage(suck it Taskmaster) with Stalking Flare extensions and remain meter positive, it’s actually quite hilarious. He’s also a really good 2nd with a good set of hypers for DHCing and is a strong char.

As for X-23/Viper/Dorm…nah IMO, sorry. Dark Hole isn’t good enough as a neutral assist so X-23’s gonna be struggling. IMO, if you want to have Viper on an X-23 team, I’d say X-23/Viper(either Burning Kick or Seismo)/Doom(Plasma Beam.) Plasma Beam can help extend Viper’s combos(with advanced combos, seems she can do horrifying damage with just Plasma Beam alone) and helps X-23 get in as well. Seismo’s there for an OTG and relauncher. BK can also be used as a relauncher, but it’s more difficult.

But you can tech chase people on wake-up and possibly abuse meaty unblockables with Burning Kick on chars without invincible moves/hypers to wake-up with.

Now that you mention it I thought about X23/Viper/Doom as well. I still love Doom and all of his meter building TACs and assist, but my Viper is horrible and I don’t think I will be able to learn her in time for Evo. I prefer Seismo relaunch but sometimes it sends the character too high and I can’t link it with a charged neck slicer (I often find that this is the case when I forward airthrow somebody out of the air). I mentioned that team because I was finding 1.2 million stuff for 3 bars, and X23 can get 800k for one bar.

EDIT: what about X23/VIper/Ammy?

after doing some research on x23, i’ve finally gotten used to the mfc in combos. very versatile.

how you all feel about mag(beam) x23(ankle slice) sentinel(drones)? i think it’s pretty solid since mag can get in on his own plus drones and a nice otg assist. opinions are the shit

I’m thinking of subbing in Dante on a counterpick basis, making my team X-23/Dorm/Dante.

I feel like my X-23/Wesker/Dorm is good enough to stand on its own in a lot of situations simply because Wesker as a character needs little help and is very versatile. The team basically functions as 2 points + 1 assist (not counting shenanigans) even though Wesker assist is actually amazing for her to stay in and keep people grounded.

I’m still in the process of figuring out Dorm + Jam Session, but I feel like it makes Dorm that much more powerful and gives the team good zoning options and more all-round synergy. It gives X-23 2 neutral game assists, and Jam Session can still be used for the initial relaunch off throws, saving dark hole for the late-combo relaunch.

Overall I really like both teams, and see no reason to not run both in tandem :). Now I just need to level up my Dante…

Same problem really, Cold Star’s not good enough as a neutral assist IMO. I feel X-23 should have a projectile assist to help her from a distance, something Dark Hole and Cold Star don’t really do well. But if you wanna use this team, then you should go for it.

Taking a look back at X-23’s oki…as people know, X-23 can chase tech rolls so no matter where they roll, X-23 can always be up-close(unless they call a strong invincible assist), and Mirage Feint M+Jam Session or another suitable pinning assist will pin people down on wake-up which can branch off into many guesses for the opponent. Mirage Feint M+Jam Session also drags the opponent towards X-23 so she’s in range for a mix-up. With Jam Session locking them down, here’s some options.

  1. Mirage Feint M>Talon Attack L the minute Jam Session wears off for a cross-up.

  2. Mirage Feint H>j.M, then instant overhead fuzzy(will not work on some chars.)

  3. Mirage Feint H>j.M, go low.

After 3), it gets a bit more gimmicky.

  1. Mirage Feint H>j.M, throw.

  2. Mirage Feint H>empty jump into low or throw.

I’ve never been fond of sacrificing damage for resets/mix-ups in general, because I feel in a game like this and with a char with X-23, unless you can create airtight resets that end up in your favour even if you screw up, it’s not worth doing them. However, if I can make this airtight, it could be a more favourable way for X-23 to utilize resets and you can focus on buffing up X-23’s neutral with suitable assists rather than dedicate 1 assist for extension. Then, X-23 can make a strong battery for Silent Kill or for your other chars, and you can play more to her unique strengths on point.

@Bloodabeast: I think I and others already talked about your team in another thread. I’ll expand on a few things about that team later on actually. I like making lengthy posts that can be summed up really quickly haha.

Also, has anyone looked into making Decapitating Slice inescapable(aside from on incoming unblockable grab set-ups)?

EDIT: I messed up, can’t use Jam Session like how I described on wake-up. Drones sort of works, but haven’t gotten a handle of it.

i thought so but i just needed a “thorough analysis” on the team from one of you guys lol