MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Yeah, that person was me haha. I was planning on using this team until I found out about X-23/Dorm.

-No AAing, assist, yeah, nothing much you can do about that unfortunately.
-Though Whirlwind puts Storm out in front and doesn’t travel completely full-screen, it’s still good as a projectile assist. It also travels across the ground, destroying things like Flame Carpet. When combined with Mirage Feint M, due to Storm’s Whirlwind dragging the opponent along, X-23 ends up dragged alongside it, making her stick close to the opponent for offence.
-When calling Cold Star, make sure you’re either up-close, or buffering a normal with the assist safely as far as neutral’s concerned. You can use Cold Star for relaunching too.

  • Meter can be an issue. Luckily, X-23 can reach high amounts of damage with the right combos+Storm DHC. X-23 also builds up a good amount of meter.

IMO, one fault of the team is that X-23’s the main damage-dealer of the team without XF. If she goes down without doing much, you hit a bit of a slump in the middle with Storm, since she builds little meter and deals little damage. Though, this might not matter too much if you excel at opening people up/performing mix-ups with her, and Cold Star definitely helps out there. IMO, there’s potential in Storm’s Foul/Fair Winds for mix-ups on wake-up and other stuff. Plus Ammy’s in the back anyway.

One of this team’s strengths are its DHC/THC abilities. Hail Storm’s so good and THCing with Storm/Ammy’s pretty cool too. IMO, this team’s solid and would’ve been my main team. I think I’ll learn the team anyway.

Thanks for the reply! Just wondering, who are you using Dorm to replace? I tried doing relaunch combos with Dorm and X-23 but I couldn’t get them to work in the corner because his assist would go offscreen. If you have a solution for that then I might give him a try in anchor position.

And I’m not too worried about Storm damage because she’s my best character and I’m usually pretty good at opening people up. Plus there is that Storm blowup on bad assist calls. I live for those moments. Anyways, my only concern about Storm in this team is that Ammy’s assist isn’t really optimal for Storm’s neutral game. But it does help opening people up.

I’m using Dorm as a 2nd to replace Storm, and Akuma to replace Ammy. Dorm’s just really nasty for X-23 and the two of them get to deal insane amounts of damage(like, kill-everyone-in-the-game kind of damage lol) thanks to being able to follow up a DHC’d Stalking Flare after Rage Trigger. Akuma’s assist’s great in general, and X-23 makes great use of it, especially on incoming chars. Otherwise, I’d be using X-23/Storm/Ammy as my main team.

And I LOVE Hail Storm for blowing up assists haha, especially Hidden Missiles, that’s why I really liked X-23/Storm/Ammy, Storm and Ammy have good options for punishing assist calls. Plus, I genuinely like Storm as a char. I see what you mean about Cold Star when concerning Storm. Maybe some like tri-dash j+L+Cold Star might help in neutral I guess.

Oh yeah, backdash and call Dark Hole when relaunching with Dorm in the corner

What Dorm DHC follow up do you do? I was trying charge 1D 1C and then after the meteors call ankle slicer into dark matter -> dark hole and possibly chaotic flame if you have the bar. Is there more you can do than that?

Also X-23 Storm Akuma sounds good, like J Wong’s team but with second best wolvie. Bit short on damage though.

You’ve pretty much got it.

  1. Do an advanced combo with X-23, relaunch with Dark Hole and end the combo with Rage Trigger( this is important for meter building and damage.)

  2. DHC into Stalking Flare, charge up meteors and after that, you’ve got multiple enders. For one, you can do Flame Carpet+Tatsu>Chaotic Flame.

I’m not being very clear unfortunately. Here’s a demonstration, but the quality’s terrible, sorry: [media=youtube]6B-Ssq1-oKA[/media]

Before the Chaotic Flame, depending on your X-23 combo starter, you can deal 1.1mil without Tatsu. You can add a hyper without an assist, but it’s much harder. I’ll type up the notation soon.

Cool, thanks for the vid!

I labbed a bit of Storm play and I can honestly say that Whirlwind is not a bad assist at all for X23. It’s no beam or anything, but it can still be served for greater purposes in helping X23 achieve her goal in staying in. But more importantly, the Hailstorm DHC is one of the best DHCs in the game and Ammy has great tools from preventing other anchors from laming out or derp. Yeah, without a AA assist Zero is free to do pretty much whatever he wants in the air and land on X23’s head leading to a ToD combo (unless you catch him in Hailstorm DHC). Not just him either, other characters that like to fill the screen with hitboxes could strike Ammy in her animation frames too and kill her because of her low health.

Speaking of Dorm, I wonder how well X23/Storm/Dorm would work. X23 gets the relaunch to boost her dmg and get in-assist, powerful DHCs, good anchor, chip, seems like it has pretty good potential. To the lab!

No prob Twisted Prune. :slight_smile:

And IMO, X-23/Storm/Dorm or X-23/Dorm/Storm could be some beastly stuff! DHCs/THCs up the wazoo(Storm/Dorm will blow up assist calls like no tomorrow!), strong anchors(Dorm’s stronger though), both assists serve X-23 well and X-23 can deal a high amount of damage too. Storm’s Whirlwind could be very effective for Dorm, since it pushes the opponent all the way back and keeps them away from Dorm, helping his zoning. Dark Hole should be good for Storm too as a pinning assist.

Against incoming chars, you’ll have to use Dark Hole though, which scales a bit and isn’t as good as Tatsu, but if you’ve got Silent Kill ready, it doesn’t matter really.

So after a running a bit of X23/Storm/Dorm sessions with a friend this squad is very legit and can definitely can be used for casuals or something. This team is indeed heavy meter depended though, and X23 is probably the only character from the 3 that can build some decent meter. Which means, if she dies early Storm won’t have many opportunities for ending her combos with hailstorm or punishing assist. Another thing is that the use of hailstorm abuse will only resort to Dorm not having much meter by the time he gets in. Generally speaking on my part, I like to have Dorm coming in with at least 3 meters with XF3 ready to go.

As for X23/Dorm/Storm, I think a combination like that might be better served for a meter building assist like anchor morrigan or ammy (with X23 out). I still think it can blow up stuff just not as efficient from the team above.

ok so ive been interested in laura for a while now…my best character is hands down spencer…i also play tasky very well, akuma, captain america, and doom (but i hate running doom anchor) …does she do well with spencer? aside from 50/50 incoming mixups…can his assist extend her combos or anything? what team would be good with those characters listed?

I don’t think any of his grapples can do much for extension, I’m pretty sure you can use armor piercer for wall bounce extensions. There was some really interesting tech using slant grapple for 4-way reset mixups but I haven’t seen anyone do much with it. (It requires you to reset the combo really early to use it but it has a lot of potential.)

If you try searching the X-23 forums for ‘Jacob’s Wire’ you might be able to find the posts for that. it was a good few months back.

@Ephidel: I feel like Dorm can do well as a battery since some of his liberation options build a ton of meter.

Sup guys. Ive come to a decision of sorts that I would like some help with, and If yall would be kind enough to give some input, that would be amazing. Im having a pretty hard time deciding between X23, Jill, and Felicia for my point character slot. I feel that all three characters play similarly, yet Im not sure of the exact comparison and contrasts between them, so Im coming to each of the characters respective boards to get some help. If anyone would like to take on the task and help me, I would appreciate it a ton. Im basically looking for a comparison and contrast list for the three characters. What do you feel makes ______ similar to the other 2, what do you feel said character does better, what do you feel said character struggles more with as opposed to the other two. Comparing DHC ability, their assists, THC’s, relative tech, etc would all be very helpful as well. Again, thank you to anyone willing to help me out with this and to help me make my decision.

Sadly, they’re all kind of the same character once you strip away the specifics. The changes are very slight and just depend on your personal taste.

Felicia is a tad more well rounded since she can solo combo off her throws and can convert SJ height hits much more easily since she has air Delta Kick. Her pressure game is a probably a tad stronger than the others since she has such a fast command grab and RBS or TK ADK plus a strong hori assist is hard to do much against. She’s built to be an air throw reset character tho there are a few assiss that will let her run decent left/right mixups with her dash-through. Kitty Helper against incoming is incredibly stupid and hard to contend with, too.
On assists, RBS is really great for hi/low unblockables but doesn’t otg (check out fecalpenance for dante/felicia ridiculous bs). IIRC, RBS is also her invinc. alpha counter and leads into a full combo (less use if you’re playing her on point, but she can easily play any position on a team since she’s so self sufficient.) Sand Splash is your general use OTG, it reaches as far as wesker does but doesn’t hit low and starts up too slowly for much use in neutral. Don’t know why you would use her other one.
She’s not amazing in THCs. You can (usually) safe DHC into Kitty Helper if you ever need to (this can also be used for DHC glitch style hard tag/combo extension or after supers that have a strong wall bounce like Shopping Cart). Dancing Flash has one hit at the start of the uppercut part that leaves them in a hard knockdown state so you can connect almost anything to that, tho not at full damage (and full damage is somewhat piddly to begin with.) PHM is a really strong counter with a shit ton of invincibility frames that allows a full combo follow up.

X-23 is much more assist dependent (which is fine if you’re playing her on point or 2nd) but paired with a strong hori assist can reset just as well as Felicia (she can air throw reset as well backed with an OTG assist…like anchor felicia maybe? :P). She is much more of a playstyle character since you can build a team to strengthen her mixup/neutral/TOD but it’s hard to have a single team that gives you all three (not impossible, but once against personal tastes and all that.) The general rule with X23 is she’s safe-ish on block, dead on whiff (unless backed by an assist 24/7) so it takes more precision to play her than felicia IMO. X23 has one of the fastest left/right mixups in the game that will be the starting point for her offense. She does have a decent-ish command grab that leads to a full combo (900k+ damage with the right assists+dhc) but it has a huge startup compared to everyone elses (8 active frames for the trade-off tho.) She also has some of the safest pressure strings in the game with her MFC and when played correctly, once you get in with her, you either make a mistake or get the hit.
For assists, AS is her LowTG can be used similar to RBS with certain hi/low setups but can OTG as well (though it’s a tad slower than other options.) CS is her invinc. alpha counter that leads into a full combo and there are characters that can combo off of it, but it requires fast reflexes or a nicely built OS since it’s so fast. NS is generally regarded as garbage, but if you don’t have any use for the other 2 it can be used for basic extension stuff.
Again, not amazing in THCs since she knocks opponents up too high for more hori supers to connect for full damage. DHCs are decent, WXP is a great super to use in DHC fights (though expect to run into a counter super against tasky/weskers) and is one of the most invincible supers in the game after startup. It still sets up DHC glitch style spins so it can be used for special case (still requires certain assists to use it in normal combos except against sent, hulk, nemesis.) Rage Trigger is the general use combo ender (can only really be DHC’d into with up or up-angled supers tho unless you want to cut it really short.) Dirt Nap is Dirt Nap, free kills on incoming, can be DHCd into in special cases (can be used at the end of combos with otgs tho it’s not the strongest use.)

I have to do super cliff notes with Jill since I don’t have time for a full write-up.
Notable mentions: Arrow Kick assist is pretty specialized and useful due to speed and wall-bounce. Somersault is her invinc. alpha counter that leads into combos. She has a few very strong THCs that allow her to combo afterwards and can be used to get in on zoners since it’s heavily invinc. Raven Spike can be used for DHC Glitch and special case DHC follow-ups. Mad Beast hasn’t really been explored and with the current tech doesn’t seem worth it (I’m sure there has to be some really broken shit with it tho.)
Somersault is her strongest tool since it can be used as an 11 frame invinc. shoryu that leads into full combo. Her strong combos are very execution heavy (I’m not a fan of down,down,atk moves in this game, personally.) Has a very strong mixup game with her teleports since it’s a very strong 4 way mixup. Def. underplayed and underdeveloped and has the toolset to be absolutely ridiculous for people that really put the time in with her.

Cons with all three of these. You mess up, you die. :confused:

Man, I was super confident in my X-23 team idea until I read this page. Why is Jam Session so bad for Laura? I thought that was key for setting up Silent Kill, plus it’s a great assist in general…

Anyway, the team I want(ed) to run is Dante (Jam Session) / X-23 (Ankle Slice) / Doom (Plasma Beam). The only thing I was debating is whether to put Dante or X-23 up front, but if Jam Session is not great for her, maybe Dante is the way to go. I assume she can help him do the Jago unblockable reset pretty well, so maybe that’s better. It’s true that their DHC options are pretty awful though.

It seems like we’ve debated Jam Session usefulness for Laura 100 times already. I personally don’t believe it’s entirely garbage for her, but others may very well disagree. It gives characters who excel at super jump height something to think about (Zero/Morrigan/etc.), eats non-hyper projectiles, and very suitable lockdown. What rubbed people the wrong way about it is how it cannot be used as a combo extender anymore, so I suppose Dante/X23/Doom would be fitting to use. There are other ways X23 can setup unescapable derp naps without the need of Jam Session, notably.

For dirt nap you just have to switch between doing the superjump down+H>S, jump TA M>S and TK CS H>S. (I would personally use the TK CS H until after the 500th time where they start getting used to xfc throw timing, then you switch to one of the other options.)

If you like dante, play him on point with X23 behind. That gives him broken ass resets, consistent combos off his air throws and the DHCs from Dante>X23 are much stronger unless you have a 3rd assists that lets you end with WXP>Devil Trigger followup. Even better, play dante til he dies, then just run XF2 X23 for the win.

Jam Session can only slightly pester people at SJ height since it adds so much hitstun that X23 can’t combo them back down when you do get them with it. It’s fast enough to be decent for mixup stuff but it leaves them in a juggle state which limits your combo options. It scales really heavily on hitstun and damage now and can’t be used for any decent extensions (most notably the fact that it can’t extend into WXP anymore). This is the reasons I feel it’s not a great option for her any more. It’s not the worst thing in the world, though and dante’s other options are slightly lacking. I haven’t bothered to lab it, but I bet you can do some decent stuff with crystal.

Jam Session combos nicely into j.MHS xx L-Talon on hit, and the pushback off of it makes for a really strong left-right mixup on block. It also locks down long enough to allow for a hit with Dirt Nap, even when not on an incoming character. I’m actually of the opinion that JS is one of the better assists for X23.

In vanilla, you could have assists that allowed for strong damage, lockdown, and defense, but those days are dead and gone. Mourn for them, and move on =P.

Random fun fact of the day: You can punish Taskmaster’s Shield Skills xx Arrows with cr.H - block the shield, and immediately hit cr.H - the arrows will whiff, and you’ll get the hit. Hitconfirm into launcher - kind of hard, but doable with practice. Watch out if Tasky switches his blockstring to Sword Sting (which is -3 on block), or launcher (which is punishable by everything, lol).

Summer is here and I’m finally done with school. I’ve never played umvc3 before and I would like to use x-23. What do you guys think about x-23/rocket racoon/virgil or x-23/doom/virgil? Any advice and which assists to use?

Doom offers a lot more synergy for X23 than Rocket Raccoon and he can build tons of meter from TACs. All 3 assist from Doom can be used cover/compliment X23’s game and the relaunch from Vergil’s rapid slash should boost X23’s dmg a bit.

Just started picking this game up again. As its the first fighting game i’ve really gotten into, i still have a lot to learn though. Been trying to use X-23/Task. Any advice on who to use on anchor?