MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Crystal is slow enough that you can do some assist spike things for small extensions. You can probably use it for ground extensions too and I think it hits high enough to be an annoyance on incoming stuff too. I still firmly believe that Jam Session is garbage for X-23, though.

Just a warning for anyone that tries out cart…It is amazing for her…She is not particularly amazing at leveling him up…you have been warned. Every other assist in the game seem ridiculously slow now that I’ve been using cart for so long. I keep trying to switch out him for some other hori. assist and It feels like I’m running all my mix-ups in molasses.

I dont think Jam Session is garbage for X-23 at all. It provides a lock down assist, guarantees dirt nap, you can combo off it, and a couple other stuff also. I used Weasel shot towards the end of Vanilla though but since the assist got nerf’d, It has no really point for X23

IMO, I think Jam Session’s still good for general use(mix-ups and sniping people out of the sky), plus Dante’s one of my fave chars to use in this game, but if you want a projectile assist to back up X-23, you lose out on damage from relaunchers. Well, unless you use TACS actually. DHCing from Rage Trigger>Million Dollars means you have to cut Rage Trigger short just be able to connect Million Dollars, so you have to lose out on a significant portion of Rage Trigger’s damage. Which is why Dante probably shouldn’t be 2nd IMO, someone like Doom should be 2nd, better TACs and DHC enders.

That reminds me, I need to find those crazy X-23 resets that Jakob created with Spencer’s assist.

It’s the same thing with frank’s cart super, you’ll have to cut RT short but I’d rather have Frank in back of X23 instead of Dante. With Dante behind Frank it makes him easier to LVup. Actually, Frank has many options to LVup with JS getting him in more snapshots:

  1. JS allows Frank to get two snapshots in one combo.
  2. X23 can TAC him in off a MFC combo into air loop, and the combo same way he did in one. LV4 meterless Frank.
  3. THC snapshots (I’d rather do this with just Frank/Dante, since RT kicks them out of Million Dollars)

Jam Session is also my only means of keeping that bastard Zero on the ground lol (or at least give him something to think about in the air). I guess I’m just biased because all my friends are Zero players and I hate the fact that I have to see his ass almost everytime I play :eek: I will say though, that JS is NOWHERE near good as it was in vanilla for X23. I miss my vanilla setups with it :frowning:

sorry for the double post, but this is what I was talking about above.


My whole beef with JS is that X-23 really can’t convert a worthwhile combo off it anymore. It used to be a way to deal with SJ spammers but with the nerf to TA it can’t really be used for that. As far a lockdown it’s ok, but there’s def. assists that do that, it can’t really be used for any legitimate combo extension anymore and with TK CS H you don’t need an assist to guarantee dirt naps. Hitstun and damage scaling what it is now with X-23 it doesn’t even lead to very good combos anymore.

When it comes to X-23/Frank/?? There are lots of other assists I’d recommend between ground bounces, lockstun, etc. before I’d recommend JS for it as far as usefulness and double snaps. Weasel Shot it much better for Frank’s neutral game IMO anyways since it shores up any gaps in his blockstrings.

On local news. Just got back from RCR, got my shit BLOWN up, lol. Made the huge mistake of playing a bunch of skullgirl casuals right before my first tourney match and my brain could not transition back fast enough (I think that one was on the recording station…so awful, lol. I’ll post a link for shits and giggles when it gets uploaded.). My 2nd match I made 2 bad assist calls into happy birthdays and just couldn’t come back from them.

In casuals I did pretty well tho. I haven’t had enough lab time with my new team yet so Frank is still being left hanging at level 1 atm but I was hitting my more advanced strange combos pretty consistently. I’m still liking Strange/X23/Frank for now, though, and hopefully the next thing I go to won’t be such a blowout, lol.


Not much different from having Sentinel at Anchor with drones. Nova will provide X23 with a relaunch, fill the sky with javelins against flyers, and powerful DHCs. Arthur has the full screen LV3, Gold Armor (though I don’t like it much), and XF3. He will also assist X23 with his Dagger Toss assist, which compliments her game very well. I played this team for 30 matches against a friend today, and I like what I’m seeing.

Can you explain some synergy between X-23 + Iron Man repulsor assist? It sounds intriguing.

I’m thinking about trying X23-Iron Man-Taskmaster horizontal.

I might end up not liking it and use Nova-X23 ankle slice-Task horizontal instead.

I just posted a tourney event with some match vids you’d want to check out in The Penultimate thread. Check out Wandles’ matches (Hulk/X23/IM(repulsor blast)) and Darius’ (Dante/X23/IM(beam)). Should give you a good overview of what they can do together.

I’m using Dante/X23/Doom unsure of what assists what to use

Edit: I normally go for Dante Weasel shot an Doom Hidden Missiles

I would switch those around to Dante Jam session and Doom Plasma beam. JS to cover the air (where x-23 is weak in), and beam to help her get in (where she can wreck shop).

You could also just run Jam session + hidden missiles as well, but you might have trouble against strong zoners in that case. Switch it up depending on the matchup!

Yipes mentioned that he was going to start labbing X23 hard along with jam session and vajra.

guhhhh…JAM SESSION IS SO GARBAGE FOR HER NOW (Am I really the only person that thinks that?) and she’s not gonna be able to do much off of vajra in her neutral game so I don’t know about that team at all, really. Though it’s about time some of the other big names turned an eye to our girl. Gives me more people to cheer for.

On the team topic. Anyone have any strong neutral game setups for X-23 and Cold Star? I’m trying my hardest to get rid of Lvl 1 Franchor and I’m trying out Ammy. I’m running the basic mixup stuff atm but I was wondering if anyone had any cool labwork done before I got too far along.

I know about relaunches, basic early combo extension, dirt nap (combo and incoming) and the broken string with the first hit and the main stream. Is there any other cool stuff that I’m missing about cold star?

That Yipes X-23 team is a mistake IMO. Unless he’s got some incredible mix-ups going on, it’s not worth running those specific assists for her I feel. Like Merkly says, she can’t convert well off any of them, Dante’s Million Dollars after Million Dollar’s too weak as a DHC ender, and he’s got two AAing assists, I’d rather have a projectile assist instead of two AAs.

Despite all that, I believe Yipes’ll be able to do really well with X-23. Yipes knows how to be mobile, he has plenty of execution skill, his offence is strong, etc, so I’m looking forward to seeing his X-23 play.

If you get them pinned down on the ground, you can run fuzzy guard mix-ups on them. It’s possible you can run grab unblockables on incoming chars. Neutral-wise, sorry, I don’t know anything notable, aside from buffering pokes+Cold Star call to get in quickly and get them pinning. Cold Star’s pretty slow to come out too, so neutral-wise, it can be risky. But yeah, if you get them pinned down, you basically get free reign to run any sort of offence you want on them.

IMO, if you’re gonna use X-23 with Ammy, don’t put X-23 2nd, put her on point. I don’t think Cold Star’s that good of a neutral assist for X-23 to run on it alone.

I’m more surprised he’s trying out Strider with X23 than Dante. It’s really hard for X23 to convert anything of Vajra assist, and I’d rather trade Jam Session’s lockdown than work with Vajra’s ground bounce.

The Strange/X23/Ammy team is intended for either of them to be on point depending on the matchup. Strange/Ammy THC is as dumb (if not more so) than doom/ammy and strange has really strong XF2 combos. If I’m playing X23 on 2nd, I have her on CS just in case I lose momentum and need a safe way to get him out.

I’ve been using Bolts a bit more with Strange and I’m actually kind of liking it. You can relaunch consistenly with it if you call it along with s.S into sj. HxxTK CS LxxTA L land s.S etc. I used to think that it was bad because people can duck under it but It gives you a lot more options between double mixups/hi/low/command grab depending on what your opponent decides to do and it leaves them grounded which means it can be used for stair relaunch starters and other strong combos. On grounded hits you have a really long time to confirm too which is a nice change.

On a side note, Dante/X23/Strider would probably work well but not as an ‘X-23 Team’ persay. It’s more like a Dante team with X-23 xf2 mop up. X23 OTG is really great for converting air throws and setting up unblockable/extensions and vajra gives dante more stupid hit confirms/resets/extensions. Plus, if X23 goes down you have derpy blue cheerios to fall back on with strider.

Hey guys, I’m trying to get back into this game. I always liked X-23 and want her to have a spot on my team. I have a few characters I wouldn’t mind learning with her, but I’d like to get some feedback on what team/assist combinations you guys think would be worthwhile.

I like Skrull, Dorm, Akuma, and Sentinel. Doesn’t matter what spot X-23 is in or what assists to use. Just wondering what suggestions you guys might have.

Thanks in advance.

IMO, X-23/Dorm/Akuma, or X-23/Dorm/Sentinel, if you want her on point. X-23 with whatever assist(either Ankle Slice or Crescent Scythe), Dorm with Dark Hole and Akuma with Tatsu.

If you want X-23 in 2nd, maybe Skrull/X-23/Sent, or Sent/X-23/Akuma.

I can speak a bit about X-23/DormAkuma. The TODing ability this X-23 shell has is super strong. Thanks to Stalking Flare follow-ups, X-23+Dorm gain meter positive kills on chars and full TODs on the entire cast(except for Nemesis unfortunately, due to his hitbox.) You can even hit meter positive off a Tatsu assist cross-up starting with 1 bar, which is pretty nuts, and Tatsu is pretty good for incoming mix-ups too. Tatsu is a great assist with invincibility and Dark Hole pins people down and relaunches. Good for incoming mix-ups as well. Dormammu’s a good 2nd char and Akuma’s a good anchor. IMO, each char is a threat in their respective positions.

Problems I see with this team.

  1. No AA assist for X-23.

  2. I don’t know how well Dorm and Akuma work together.

  3. At times, you really need a strong full-screen beam assist for specific situations.

  4. Can’t remember what Dorm’s aerial options are, but I don’t think Dorm/Akuma are the best at escaping incoming mix-ups.


Thanks for the in depth explanation, much appreciated.

Now to the lab.

I’m back again with a new team possibility. I have decided that I do like playing X-23 and she is a potential candidate for my main team. The requirement is that she has to be in the same team as Storm. So I came up with a X-23/Storm/Ammy team and I figured I would ask the opinions of those who have much much more experience with X-23 than I do (I’ve only been using her for about 2 days now) about how viable this team would be. My concerns are as follows:

  • No anti-air assist. But I’m not sure if that is too much of a serious issue because I think that Storm and Ammy can contend with characters who like to stay up in the air if it becomes a problem.
  • I’m not sure how good Storm’s assist is for X-23. Storm comes out in front of the character and I don’t think X-23 can protect assists very well. And the assist is much slower to come out that a Magneto beam or Tatsu assist leaving her more time to be hit. It also doesn’t travel as far as a full-screen beam.
  • I’m concerned about happy birthday scenarios when calling Ammy assist. Ammy is out there for a long time and like I said… I don’t see how X-23 can protect her assist calls.
  • Meter. Storm eats meter. Ammy eats meter with her slow stuff. X-23 eats meter with level 3 stuff.

Any thoughts about this team composition would be appreciated. I THINK I may have read on here somewhere that someone was playing around with this team or something but I’m not sure.