MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Tasky Arrows and Iron man Uni Beam are usually the hori assists I tend to stick with, easy to hit confirm off both, and pretty much increases meter gain from 1 bar to at least 1.5 bars with a decent BnB. The range it covers is great for getting in, and task arrows has a fair bit of mixup similar to drones (Obv not as good)

Viper’s Burning Kick assist can be used for relaunching. Difficult to get it to relaunch though, have to delay the Ankle Slice+assist call and even that’s no guarantee. If you could get it to work consistently, having Viper on your team potentially opens up some other interesting options.


Merkly went into this before I’m sure, but because X-23 can track people’s techroll options with her dashes(for example, you can just wavedash on people’s wake-up and you’ll end up wherever they roll), it’s possible you can do something similar to the video linked above.

So I’m gonna try running Dr. Strange(EoA)/X-23(CS or AS)/Frank West(Cart) for a while and see where it goes. I played strange a little early on but I didn’t want to have to lab him so I backed off to let some other people do some heavy lifting. He can pretty much outzone every other zoner in the game and he has a really fun mix-up game. Plus any touch can give you a free level 4 frank so I won’t have to burn meter to level him and he has enough dirty oki setups that I shouldn’t have to worry about meter. Also, 2+ meters build in a single combo is rediculous.

Sadly, I don’t think I’m ever going to be able get rid of Frank…I’ve been spoiled by Cart at this point…tear

Hey guys, I’m new to the boards. I’ve been trying out x23/Iron man/Sent and I can’t seem to find any assists on x23 that would really benefit Iron Man all that much. Anyone have any suggestions?

with that one I’d just use crescent scythe assist as an AA for Iron Man, helps his zoning game. makes a grounded Unibeam a bit less risky… he doesn’t need the combo extension from AS and neck slice is just overall a worthless assist

Thanks a lot! I’ll give that a go.

Man, I really want Wesker out of my teams but his gun is sooooo good for X23 to relaunching. Why did they have to mess with the hitstun from vanilla and ruin Dantes synergy with her? Goddamn! I need to solve this puzzle before evo gets here. For me, it feels weird playing X23 without an relaunch assist (probably because I’ve been playing like that since day 3 vanilla). I could run Viper’s seismo again, but sometimes I whiff my charged neck slices (she sends them too high). I still love doom but in high level play has advantages seem to drop off against fucking Vergil and shit.

Then there’s DHC off RT, and everything seems get scaled to the point where it’s like “might as well try to get 3 meters for derp nap!” The only things that seem to be good are Vertical Arrows, Gamma Crush, Diagonal Proton Cannon, few others maybe I’m messing something here…I can’t play none of those characters well enough.

Toying around with Weasel Shot in the lab, and it’s decent enough. I can’t use it for relaunching of MFC combos though, which sucks. I’m still free to Zero and Vergil–Zero must die whenever I touch him. No questions asked.

Spencer (Slant)/X-23 (Ankle)/Hawkeye (Triple Arrow)
You only need one bar with X-23 as a second slot XGC character because she kills with her xf loop and then does the Durp Nap set ups. Spencer can do about 950k with two bars in the corner works really good with arrows. Hawkeye is a really good anchor and if Spencer and X23 get stripped then you got Hawkeye lvl 3.

X-23 (CS)/Doom (Plasma)/Ammy (CS)
Thanks from advice from Marlin, this team is really good. If you like playing X-23 on point then try this team out. The way I try to play this team is mix mainly with X-23 on point since she has two really good assists at her disposal. She only does 856k with relaunch and DHC to Doom fireworks. So I try to mix up once to kill their point character with a dhc to doom so I keep Laura second. I also have Marlin’s TAC combos with do 900k with one bar after a full combo from X-23.

Speaking of Gamma Crush, since Taskmaster’s Vertical Arrows allow you to relaunch, so X-23/Hulk/Taskmaster could be a viable option since Gamma Wave acts as a ground projectile for covering X-23 and Taskmaster’s Arrows cover the two chars and AAs to a degree. If you’re lucky enough, you can convert off the Arrows if they hit aerially since they get put into a falling state until they hit the ground. Hawkeye’s Kamikaze assist does the same thing too. You have Gamma Crush as a powerful DHC option, and I think Hulk can hit really hard without extenders, especially in the corner. Taskmaster’s not bad as an anchor I guess.

Oh yeah, X-23/Taskmaster/Ammy. Oh yes, this team’s solid for point X-23 players as well IMO.

X-23’s damage with Cold Star relaunches can go up to and over in terms of midscreen damage(usually starting with ground normals) depending on your combo+DHC ender. 950K’s not so bad, but reaching requires MFCing and/or TKing, so have fun grinding those for consistency in match pressure lol.

It is awful trying to use Up Arrows for X-23’s neutral game. He takes wayyyy too long to shoot and X-23 just doesn’t have the best tools to cover that. I still like him for relaunch/DHC/incoming pressure tho.

X-23 and Dormammu, are potentially brutal. Like, really brutal.

X-23 gets a relauncher and a pinning assist with Dark Hole. Considering the way Traumatisch using Dark Hole for his mix-ups, yeah, deffo good.

Dormammu’s DHC options are very good. Chaotic Flame’s your standard beam hyper punishment. Flare Stalker pins down people and can potentially create mix-ups/unblockables if they’re on the ground and X-23’s got her Ankle Slice assist.

If you use an advanced combo+Dark Hole, you can score with DHC into Stalker Flare. But the fun doesn’t stop there. Using an advanced combo, after the Rage Trigger>Stalking Flare DHC…you can do a Zak Bennett and charge up 1 Destructor Spell and 1 Creator Spell, then Liberation(Meteor Shower)>Flame Carpet to deal 1,080,000-1,090,000mil.

**Doing this in an advanced combo leaves you meter positive against 1.05mil chars and above, because after the DHC, you’re left with around 0.75 meter and when you hit them with the Meteor Showers and the Flame Carpet, you gain your 1 bar back. And you only need 1 bar to start off with. **Also keep in mind I’m not using jump-ins in this combo as well(starting off with an MFC st.M starter), otherwise I’d probably be hitting 1.1mil damage.

If you can follow up Meteor Shower with Purification>Chaotic Flame instead of, it’s over. That’ll TOD the whole cast.

EDIT: Yup, you can follow it up with Purification Chaotic Flame. 1.3mil, starting off with 1 bar…

DOUBLE EDIT: Keep in mind for some reason, Dark Hole might not hit fully all the time, so the damage may vary. Before the Chaotic Flame, I was scoring anywhere from 1.06-1.1mil, meter positive.

Lol after watching merky’s video and those cart mixups I was impressed with the damn cart so I went to the lab! I really like X23/Frank/Dante.

X23 gains free derp nap setups with Dante if the situation calls for it, and she also gets cart for lockdown/mixuxps advantages. JS deals with annoying flyers and gives characters that excel at super jump height something to consider. Frank easily LVs up off a THC, and also gets air support. Dante’s dmg problems are solved with XF3 loops, and if he gets tagged in he can still build impressive meter for X23 to use for a derp nap. Only thing I’m sacrificing is an OTG assist, which won’t be so bad once I up my reset/MFC game.

I also ran team tatsu for a bit (23/Deadpool/Sentinel). As mentioned, crazy mixups if you make the most of drones. I don’t like how Sentinel can get snapped in though, as he has bad matchups across the board.

I use to use X-23/Dante/Dorm in vanilla. That was def my fav team still but I just think it works that well in Ultimate. X23 needs a beam or horizontal assist to get it. If Laura cant cover Dorm and get’s AAd or just plain beat out of a normal, that’s just a free Bday. But if you can keep the pressure, DH is really good for all her set ups. Too bad she can’t self OTG to a full combo off any of her throws…

How would you feel about X-23/Dorm/Akuma?

I like that a actually. Akuma is a pretty good anchor and good pin down assist with great DHC options. Didnt they nerf the length of a lot of the assists? Can you still do Ankle slicer to Tatsu and then launch? I havent tried that.

Now I really like Trauma’s team though. You have that Wesker relaunch option but if he were to go against someone like Marlin with a beam and Invc options… I think that would really tough for him.

Unfortunately nah, no more relaunching with Tatsu, not with long combos anyway. Maaaaybe with really short combos though. Dark Hole’ll relaunch though, but if you’re swapping between calling Dark Hole and Tatsu, you obviously won’t have your relauncher available all the time.

I agree about Traumatisch’s team unfortunately, no real cover/neutral assist from range and Dark Hole’s no beam assist so things get rough. :frowning: Which is why I chose Akuma at the back. Still trying to be greedy and consider having AAing assists lol, but though Vajra’s really good for swatting people out of the air, X-23 can’t capitalise off the knockdown well enough and I think Tatsu assist probably fits better for X-23.

Agreed. But I might still his team for a bit. Can you do Neck Slicer Wesker gun shot combo with Crystal assist from Dante??

You can’t I’m afraid, Crystal’s just too slow. :frowning:

DAMN IT! Lol I would want to do that

Oh yeah, BTW this is what I was talking about above. You don’t need Flame Carpet+Assist to add on Chaotic Flame, you can just Purification>Flame but that was to make it slightly easier and to make sure I remained meter positive until then. I can’t say this combo’s totally practical though lol.
