MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Yeah, like Ephidel said, it’s got a weird hitbox in general in the corner due to where Dorm puts the move. You have to backdash quite quickly and call the assist, then OTG. It’s awkward for me right now, so I’m gonna have to adjust to it.

I’d love to use Ammy’s, but it’s a total pain to get it to relaunch on certain chars, you have to delay your OTG sometimes, or do it early, or reduce the number of hits. I thought I tailored it to work on everyone, but it’s random at times.

I could run an OTG assist instead, but then Storm hasn’t got much to benefit her, aside from combo-extensions. I’m wondering how self-sufficient Storm is solo(barring XF.)

While we’re on the topic, any Nova players have tips on timing the centurion rush assist relaunch? It looks like it should be easy, but half the time I do it, the OTG and Cent. Rush hit at the same time, and I don’t get the groundbounce.

In response to Dorm assist off of ankle slice in the corner.

I’ve messed around with it (haven’t tried to relaunch since trying to land WXP off of it was my primary goal).
But it is like most of you said where you have to backdash then OTG with assist. I’ve got it to work somewhat consistently by two-button dashing back while simultaneously calling Dorm dark hole. Then into OTG super.

Some chars are really funky when it comes to relaunching with Nova’s assist. Dormammu’s one of them I believe. I’ve not tried backdashing, or delaying the Ankle Slice OTG however.

just messed around with my team a bit this weekend.

Nova/X-23/Sentinel had crazy mixups and XF2 X-23 is always really nice to have but Sentinel really is a problem… if you can’t make the assist count, you are wasting a spot on your team because even tho he is crazy fun to play (imo) Sentinel really sucks. plus it’s pretty hard to make the assist count these days. unless you play a character with a good way of keeping the other guy out while at the same time keeping their beam assist off screen, you are hardly ever going to have drones out.

so I switched it up. was also tired of running X-23 in the second spot, even tho that is the best place for her on a team, because I never had to do anything fancy. just run around, fish for a hit, XF2 relaunch til they are dead, lvl3 trap on last char. so the team I was playing was X-23/Nova/Dr. Doom (plasma beam) on anchor. my Doom is hella rusty, hardly ever play the guy, but man it feels a lot better to have him there instead of Sent. feels so good to have a beam too haha makes getting in with X-23 a lot easier. got to land a lot more fun combos. if you pay attention to their assist call you can use X-23 c.H to duck their beam and call yours a bit sooner since you won’t be going into blockstun.

nice trick is Nova’s qcb+PP super, the Human Rocket or whatever, is projectile invincible… and also starts combos. it has a lot of startup normally before it becomes projectile invincible but if you DHC into it, that is no problem. so you can use Rage Trigger, DHC to Human Rocket, then go straight towards them and then follow up with down+P so he goes right into the ground. then you can link a s.L into launch and do the usual Nova thing. was great for blowing up the other guy’s assists. you just have to get used to how Nova travels across the screen when he does it. its pretty easy to make him safe, though. you also get a perfectly safe DHC with Doom’s qcb+PP (plasma array?)

Doom is really nice too. having two fly characters behind X-23 gives you great TAC options to build tons of meter and do a lot of damage. using Nova to relaunch will bring in Doom for one of his really awesome TACs. Nova’s aren’t bad either, the Elevator Combo is pretty easy and does a nice bit of damage altho for some reason, even if you didn’t use Nova assist before the TAC you aren’t able to use X-23 to OTG so you can tack on more damage with OTG, centurion rush M, centurion rush H…? bizarre.

if you want the best possible beam to help out X-23’s and Nova’s neutral game though, Iron Man would definitely be it. maaaan that beam is so crazy! only problem is… Iron Man kinda sucks

Ok, I’ve tested relaunching off of dark-hole. It works. (tested on LeiLei and sent). In the corner you still need to dashback/assist before OTG. All i could get off the relaunch was H CS -> L TA. Seems decent enough though. Works mid-screen on these two as well.

Aw darn, I was gonna bring up the whole cr.H ducking under assist call+teleport, I’m too slow. Mirage Feint Cancelling the cr.H to make it safer like you said in the Tier thread’s a pain, the timing has to be dead on, otherwise you’re getting smacked by the projectile. You can opt not to cancel it though, and only be -2 on block, I think the opponent’ll be too far away to punish with a throw, unless they dash up perhaps? I suppose you can MFC the cr.H very late though and make yourself safe that way.

I’ve given up on seeking the perfect team for X-23, tried the other teams, there’s always something I don’t like about it. Instead, I’m just gonna use X-23/Chun/Storm. This team’s full of flaws, but Chun and Storm are the only chars in the game I like enough to use with X-23.

X-23 gets a relauncher with Hyakuretsu. Both Chun and Storm have powerful DHC options and X-23 can KO 1.05mil health chars in one go, no XF, if the player doesn’t mind awkward combos. Stuff like Hidden Missiles has been pissing me off lately, DHC Hail Storm will pwn that assist and anything else that I want to blast away. Can make use of the TAC infinite to kill any char in the game. Hyakuretsu gives X-23 a lockdown assist, perfecting for “fuzzy-guard(I know people hate this term)” overheads, Silent Kill stuff and general offence. Storm’s Whirlwind gives me a projectile assist and she can be a somewhat decent anchor.

Unfortunately, the team loses steam when X-23 goes down. Chun+Storm won’t be able to take down higher health chars without TACs. Storm’s Whirlwind pushes people back, somewhat counter-productive for offensive chars. This team will most likely die horribly to the top tiers, especially if they’re running top tier assists to aid them in their “neutral.” Speaking of neutral, I don’t have a lot of faith in X-23’s and Chun’s neutral against the likes of Zero/Vergil. I’m in for a lot of work, but at this point, I just need something to work with at the moment, then I can gradually build a level of proficiency.

Hah how funny. I came into this thread to see if X-23 would work with xx/Storm/Akuma team because I’m thinking of putting Chun-Li on a secondary team out of frustration.

I have to say that your team sounds like it will just end up frustrating because Chun and Storm alone are easily beaten out by a large majority of the cast.

I am very adamant about using Doom with X23 now. 98% of the time if I am playing X23, then I will have Doom on the team as well. He just makes a lot of shit that X23 does particularly safe to use, and benefits her game with amazing synergy overall. The only issues I have been having as of late is finding a good anchor. There’s Dorm, Ammy, Tasky, and probably Vergil that I think can work idealy. As much as I hate the Ammy changes in Ultimate, she has very solid options with XF3 and helps both characters game nicely which cannot be ignored. So I’ve been willing to re-learn her again even though I said I was done with the character.

Vergil is definitely a good anchor. Probably best anchor in the game now… well past Strider in that regard. While he won’t wipe out a team like Dark Phoenix can he doesn’t need 5 bars to do it. He is the single best anti-XF char too, with those cheap ass spiral swords and the sword crown… even Phoenix has to worry about that.

It’s been awhile since I checked my X-23 combos to see if I can still use him for a relaunch but X-23/Doom/Vergil would be one hell of a buff team and would rotate around to be very powerful in any order… Doom/X-23 unblockables, X-23 to OTG for Vergil so he can convert off Helm Breaker, Doom for Vergil teleport mixups. X-23 & Doom with one relaunch are enough to take out most of the problems in one combo from anywhere on screen. X-23 & Vergil also very nice DHC chars… to the lab!

Yeah, it’s gonna be a really hard team to use lol. Chun and Storm ideally need more support especially. Hidden Missiles has been jarring me of late, I feel like I need something to dissuade that assist getting called out, so Storm’s ideal.

Your team’s pretty solid, only thing you’ll be lacking is a relauncher for extra damage and an AAing assist.

And if Vergil’s Rapid Slash could extend longer combos, I’d consider X-23/Storm/Vergil. Honestly, if Jam Session could still extend combos…

I am a newbie to this game and series, but what do you guys think of X-23/Deadpool/Ammy?
The Tatsu X-23 Deadpool combo is incredibly strong and the Ammy seems to provide a nice projectile assist.

sounds pretty good, but hows the mixup on it, haven’t seen much of tatsu. Only thing I can think of is a blockstring into M feint for a cross up while calling Deadpool quickwork.

Deadpool’s Quick Work’s probably not suitable for X-23, but Katana-Rama will help X-23 relaunch and so can Cold Star.

IMO, Cold Star’s excellent as a pinning assist. However, as a projectile assist, it’s not brilliant as Cold Star doesn’t reach far, and Ammy stays out for a long time, which leaves her vulnerable if called improperly.

IMO, the team’s good, but you won’t get the cover you ideally need from afar like you would from a true beam/projectile assist. You can make the team work though.

:slight_smile: Thanks guys for the advice guys! I will keep that in mind.

But to ask more questions, seeing how you guys recommend a beam assist, I take it that you would prefer Magneto, Sentinel, Doom, or Hadoken shot character as my third?

Drones is great if you can actually play sentinel decently. Mags is a bit too fast to be used consistently. Don’t know if anyone in the game can go wrong with Doom behind them. X-23 can get some use out of all three of his assists. Tatsu’s work much better than Hadokens, Akuma’s better for getting in IMO, Ryu’s better for combo extension.

I wasn’t able to find it, but there was a relatively recent post where I tried to list all of the good hori assists that she could combo off of.

x-23/sent is a potent combo for sure but you will have a lot of bad matchups with that team. vs anyone with a beam or beam assist you are hardly ever going to be able to keep your drones on screen, and you can’t control missile calls with drones. imo x23 has a hard time covering drones assist… if you can get the drones out though, good stuff. she can convert off it easily, the left/right stuff is great, and it makes her reset game crazy good. it works for combo extension really well - doesn’t increase your dmg output much but builds a lot of extra meter. free relaunch in XF2. sentinel anchor of course has huge problems, you can 1 touch anybody if you learn the solo relaunch and hard drive loops. he even has everything you need to land the hit. he is soooo weak vs pressure though. he badly needs an assist to make him better. sentinel + akuma tatsu for instance is godlike.

a team like x-23/sentinel/iron man repulsor blast would be very strong as well. gives a relaunch to X-23, guaranteed lvl3 trap, dirty mixups with sent fly & iron man. but then you end up with IM anchor, sooo… its up to you if you want to do that to yourself. he’s a high effort/low reward character.

if you want to put X-23 and Sent on the same team definitely give thought to putting Sent second. you can DHC from Rage Trigger to HSF (all 9 drones hit) and link plasma storm back into X-23 for a really nice 3-4 bar DHC that kills errybody.

I really like X-23 + Plasma Beam. X-23 + Disrupter is ehh… Disrupter controls the screen quicker but zero lockdown, difficult to confirm from. best beam for X-23 is Iron Man’s though. that thing is nuts. 10 hits, leaves them standing, tons of blockstun, great priority.

I feel not a lot of people talk about Task horizontal arrows to back up X-23. I’ve been using it for awhile so I’m really comfortable with that assist. I’ve gotten the timing of call assist + M Talon Attack on normal jump opponents to hit them with the attack, juggle off arrows, and continue comboing. You can do it with Doom, but I haven’t been as consistent yet.

On point, Task is easier to use than Doom for beginners. Task can wave dash and midscreen combos are a lot easier. Higher level play, Doom would be better overall. X-23’s OTG assist is better for Task than for Doom. Doom self OTG’s multiple times on his own BnB for crying out loud.

Edit: Thanks guys for the tip with X-23+Dormamu. I don’t use this duo often, but it’s good to know how to relaunch with Dorm.

You can almost always juggle off a TA M with or without an assist (not that you should be doing very many TA Ms without assist cover). Depending on the height you can either hit with and S>jump combos or j.M>2H>ground combos of your choice.

That being said Tasky arrows are great for her neutral game and his DHC into up arrows is an extra 200k damage which turns most of her combos into TODs. Opening with arrows doesn’t scale he mess out of her combos either. My only complaint is his startup takes forever (compared to some other hori assists) so it’s harder to use it for tricky mixups.

Iron Man IMO has the best beam (assist) in the game. That being said, his normals are somewhat awkward for beginners and his XF3 gains aren’t particularly solid in the role of an anchor. It can also take a lot of work mastering his fly/unfly bnbs, yet for some reason him and laura still make a pretty good combo. X23/Iron Man/Solid Anchor that either provides a relaunch/unblockable or DHC should be fine.

Taskmaster covers a lot of X23’s unfriendly matchups. Shield Skills is amazing, and his DHC synergy doesn’t get hit with much scaling for him being very balanced all around. It takes some real Combofiend like dedication to make Taskmaster’s entire game come into work, while so many people can pick up Doom and in just 2-3 days learn his loops and ToDs.

Anything + Drones spells trouble. It’s just too bad Sentinel has so many unfavorable matchups, and is such a big target on the screen for hitboxes and full screen shit unless he harddrives.