MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Got some good sets in with X23/Lei Lei/Feilcia today, very fun team but damn it can die pretty quick if you’re unforunate sometimes (ZEERRRROOO). Main focus is to get the Gold Armor assist up ASAP, which is easily do-able off a 750-800k WXP combo. My Dark Kitty needs a little bit more work because I’ve never really played Feilcia like that, and so I’m doing nothing really fancy with her right now just simple BnBs.

My assist of choice are Cresent Slash, Senpu-bu, and Sand Splash. Are those good choices? With Sand Splash I felt that I didn’t need Ankle Slicer. Still no help for flyers other than to chase them down, dealing with their BS. But I’ve been in a "deal with it’ kind of mood lately plus for some reason I like how this team doesn’t look that intimidating on paper.

Felix doesn’t really need much fancy in XF3, just abuse kitty helper, ADK and command grabs and you’ll be on the right track.

I don’t remember where I saw it…maybe this past weds. WNF (I wanna say I was trying to find Tatsu’s matches from last week when I saw it), but there was someone else playing a really strong Lei Lei. My only beef is it’s sooo easy to run away from her but powered up senpu-bu is def. one of the best assists in the game.

The only reason I might recommend ankle slice is because lei lei has multi hit jump attacks so it shouldn’t be that hard to set up a hi-low if you can get someone to stand still against her. Most of the CS style DP assists are kinda garbage IMO. Very few characters can use them for extension and it’s very specialized in neutral games. I’m always on the fence about which assist to go with on X-23 and switch between them pretty regularly. If I’m up against a Trish team or someone else with dirty lockdown setups I’ll run CS, otherwise I’ll throw in Ankle slice as a once in a while gimmick.

I think this is what you’re referring to :3

Lol, thx Radical. That would be exactly what I was referring to. Sings Local Favorite, LLND That would explain why I saw it when I was trying to find Tatsu’s match, Lol. Pretty impressive matches from him tho and def. some nice Lei Lei combos.

Regarding horizontal assists, I remember reading that Magneto’s EM Disruptor can’t be comboed off of except at close range… I’m assuming that’s because it hits the opponent into the air and into a soft knockdown? If so, doesn’t Doom’s beam do that too?

What horizontal assists can actually be comboed off of at farther ranges? Taskmaster’s Aim Master (Horizontal), Iron Man’s Unibeam, and Hawkeye’s triple arrow assist are the only ones that come to mind… what else is there?

)Sorry for the stupid question, I’m very much still trying to learn this game.)

On EMD: In vanilla it had a soft knockdown and it was fine. I’m pretty sure (quick check in the lab should answer it for sure) they took away the soft knockdown in ult tho and that’s where the problem is now. X-23 is fast enough to make almost any hori assist work it’s just a matter of how lenient they are. More hits means slightly less damage but easier confirms. Whereas faster assist means harder to block mixups but it might be hard to confirm into combos from full screen. So…yeah…here’s a wall of text with the normal ‘grain of salt’ disclaimer, lol.

chris redfield - machine gun (works like a beam, pretty decent but I haven’t seen amazing synergy between the characters.)
arthur - daggers (slowish projectile but one of the best hori. assists in the game really. something like 15 points of durability when powered up. He’s also absolutely retarded in xf3+gold armor so he makes a good anchor and this works great for X-23’s mixup game.)
hulk - gamma wave (works as cover, makes mixups harder to see, gives X23 a ridiculously good DHC and lets her relaunch in corner)
sentinel - drones (slow projectile so it’s great for cover/lockdown/mixup but Sent is a little hard to protect with X-23 reliably)
vergil - rapid slash (decent for relaunch/pressure/mixup. gives spinning knockdown on hit so it’s pretty easy to combo off of)
trish - low voltage (I would put this in the same group as Mag’s EMD but it’s still passable and Trish is a pretty strong character.)
rocket raccoon - double shot thingums (slow projectile but good for cover/mixup)
iron fist - rising fang (fast, wallbounce, relaunch, strong DHC but he needs a hori. assist to help him get in too so you might end up doubling up on hori assists.)
storm - whirlwind (strong anti-projectile and there’s been some exploration vids on x-23/storm reset tech recently. Storm is a pretty strong character in the right hands, too.)
dr. strange - bolts of balthak (can be ducked under so it’s a bit meh and as much as I wanted to be blown away by him I don’t know how great he’s going to be in the metagame.)
modok - beam (can be ducked under by most and the synergy with x-23 isn’t there from what I’ve seen. Pretty fun character once you get a handle on his tools, though.)
thor - beam (it’s a bit slow for x-23s neutral game, you’d probably want to use his ground bounce instead but it’s passable)
zero - when powered up…whatsitcalled…lol his sword hadouken…fuck zero (works similar to tasky arrows but you might be at a slight disadvantage since you’d kind of have 2 point characters and there’s not a lot of synergy here.
frank west - cart (fast, great lockdown, amazing for resets IMO, pretty much free combo from any touch even at full range since you have time to dash up and connect with an M. You have to make it a priority to level him up tho which takes away from meter for dirt nap setups but I LOVE this assist and X-23 has the tools to level him up without TACs.)
akuma/ryu - tatsu (Not as broken as they used to be but still great. Ryu is supposed to be able to still extend combos decently)
lei lei - sempu bu (becomes brokenly good when powered up but it’s attached to lei lei and I’m not convinced that’s she’s an amazing character.)
ammy - cold star (not quite as far reaching as some of the others, but the lockdown is amazing for resets/mixups )

Wow, amazing list! Thanks! (You’re definitely the most helpful and informative person I’ve met on SRK so far!)

Correct me if I’m wrong but as far as I’m concerned none of Iron Fist’s assist enable X-23 to relaunch.
Or did I misunderstand that ‘relaunch’?

It probably goes something like Ankle Slice OTG > Iron Fist Rising Fang assist hits them into the corner > wavedash after them > relaunch while they come down from the wall bounce.

Yeah I know how to OTG with Assists =P
But I’m pretty sure you can’t do that. Rising Fang comes out way too fast even if you Ankle Slice instantly after, and you can’t call assists during/after the Ankle Slice

Oh, sorry for the egregious misunderstanding… didn’t know you couldn’t do it afterwards.

Hmm, was messing around with this reset we were talking about from before: [media=youtube]RNXuRppwH0E[/media]

  1. It’s actually very good, seeing as you can throw in a Mirage Feint H>L Talon cross-up, or alter the timing of your Mirage Feint so you can either end up in-front or behind them, as well as other stuff.

  2. Unfortunately, the opponent just has to tech roll forward(and probably backwards too) out of the set-up but…

  3. You can chase the opponent’s tech roll down with X-23’s various tech-roll chasing options. A simple one would be simply to wavedash and auto-track them, which’ll also cross them up.

That would be why I had the ‘grain of salt’ disclaimer, LOL. I’m sure you could work something similar to S+assist > H S assist hits land S, but I was really going for a list of strong hori assists that she can combo off so it’s very possible I was mistaken about the relaunch.

Can that reset be used later than the 10 hits in tho? I personally hate risking a reset at 300k damage when I can combo all the way through and reset at the end instead. I haven’t messed with it at all yet since I’ve been trying to focus on my team with FR so close.

Ah, you’re going to Final Round? Good luck!

I think you can run the reset with more hits, as long as you’re propelled into the air with Mirage Feint H before the launch. After that, no, I don’t think so.

Normally, I’d just finish the combo lol, I agree with you there. I’d only use the reset if the massive scaling from Cold Star on hit prevents me from comboing after it/ruins the damage scaling.

I just got in on this thread, on this forum, actually, so my X-23 opinions are coming in a bit late. I missed the middle of this massive thread, but I’m surprised that people have not commented on the extremely fun Nemesis/X-23 synergy. In a combo, once they’ve been knocked down, her ankle slice lifts them into nemesis’s wall bounce hit, and then they get hit by the rocket (that’s is in the corner only, if you do this otg midscreen, they’re just gonna wall bounce, and the rocket will whiff, so just dash up and launch, wave dash if necessary). By that point you can heavy and then relaunch for some nice damage. It’s like chun’s legs but scales a ton less, and I can get consistent 700+k combos when the two of them are together. And if you have meter to troll with, you can cancel her otg to dirt nap while nemesis is wall bouncing them, and that usually manages to finish off most characters. Nemesis assist also allows some easy combos off any air throw and dirt nap on incoming/resets, no difference at all from normal combos. Her ankle slice assist is great support for him too. She can help nemesis get some easy relaunches earlier in a combo, and if you’ve used up your wall bounce in really large combos, she can otg into nemesis’s heavy launcher slam for a hard knockdown and some extra damage right before the hyper. Also, I’ve found people who keep too defensive get really frustrated with the low ankle slice and nemesis’s jumping heavy coming in simultaneously.

I also love the Hawkeye triple arrow assist for her. I’ve never used them for relaunching, so I honestly don’t know if they come out too fast or not, but they’re just good locking them down for mirage cross-ups, and just keeping them from punishing X-23’s charging ground QCF moves. Hawkeye’s assist acts a lot like a beam, so pretty much everyone has already said how that works. Maggy, Doom, hell, maybe even Thor, would be fine as well, but I only talk about what I’ve tried, and I don’t use those other characters much.

As fot the earlier topic of whether X-23 can be used as an effective anchor, I don’t see why not. By that point, you probably have more meter, and you have better chances to abuse dirt nap on incoming. The damage boost from X-factor makes even her simplest combos crazy damaging, and the fact that she can relaunch with just charged ankle slice, no assist, is amazing. And if you have the right combos with characters one and two, she can be a fine otg for a lot of combos. And her XF3 damage on her invincible supers finally becomes threatening enough that she can throw them out all the time (my favorite is to bait Akuma’s hyper beam :smiley: ). I used to run X-23 as anchor, but prefer her on second, because of how much I like the Hawkeye assist. She can still pop Level 2 X-factor to turn a combo into a dead character, and she gets more chances to use dirt nap than she would on lead. She still gets most of her X-factor exclusive stuff in level 2, like her solo relaunches and her infinites.

Other assists that I know to be fun are Skrull’s Tenderizer (relaunches, I think, but it’s real use is in having some air coverage and giving you a wonderful dirt nap setup on incoming), Trish’s low voltage has been talked about a lot, so yeah, what they said, it’s good. Dormy’s Dark Hole I found to be awesome for locking them down, allowing mix-ups, cross-ups, whatever. And Wesker’s gun works with everything, in particular it lets X-23 charge up a neck slice before relaunching and adds a ton of damage. I can’t stand Wesker, though, so I don’t know too much about what combos you can do with X-23 and Wesker’s other assists.

Anyway, I’ve been looking through here, and I’m glad there’s so many interesting teams with X-23. She’s so damn good on point, middle, or anchor. I’ve been using her since I first picked up vanilla, and she’s amazing. She was always overlooked for Wolvy in Vanilla, but I always thought she had more tools, and made for more interesting teams than a bunch of Zeros and Weskers running around. Her assists are great, her mobility is as well, her damage is fine with a bit of labwork on combos, and it warms my heart to see so many X-23 players in one spot.

Sorry I’m long-winded, I had some catching up to do, and take everything I say with a grain of salt. I still suck at this game and have a lot to learn.

So unfortunately I got blown up at FR. It was my first major so it was a little hard to play through nerves and I was dropping basic shit. Wandles didn’t make it out of his pool, but he sent Clockwork to losers with his hulk/X-23/IM team. There’s supposed to be a handcam vid of it somewhere. Once we find it, I’ll put it up.

Sorry to hear that. I’d guess that big tournaments would just tear through one’s nerves. I’m also intrigued about that video, because I never thought of using Hulk/X-23/IM together. Sounds awesome.

OK, so I’m definitely dead-set on Storm being on my team, due to her DHC capabilities. Relaunching with Cold Star’s more unreliable than I thought though.

Thinking about maaaaaaybe using Dormammu in 3rd for a relauncher+plus lockdown for both chars. What do you guys reckon?

How do you relaunch with Dorm in the corner? Dorm’s assist is usually out past the wall. I don’t have enough time (unless I’m not doing it right) to dash back + call assist + do fully charged ankle slice. Because of that problem, I like using Ammy instead.

Dorm’s Dark Hole has a weird hitbox on certain characters near the corner. I found it to work on certain characters like Wolverine (who is small), Tasky, and large characters. But in some instances, I haven’t gotten it to work on characters like Super Skrull (who is bigger than Wolverine).