MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

  1. Feints can’t be cancelled unless they’re being charged - in other words, not until frame 4. If you’ve released L before frame 4, it will not cancel (practical application: hold the button down a split second longer).

  2. There are no input shortcuts in Marvel, unlike SF (the buffer window is still quite large, however). What helps me the most for doing d+H into CS is going back to neutral after d+H

Unfortunately, you can’t use Akuma’s Tatsu for relaunching in UMVC3(you could before in the previous version.) Maybe after very short and basic combos and even then, I’m not sure.

As for uses, the usual really, Mirage Feint mix-ups, left right mix-ups are really fast when used with Mirage Feint M. You can use it in conjunction with uncharged Neck Slice to get you in and juggle off the Tatsu+Neck Slice hit if it connects. It has a pinning effect, so you can run further mix-ups on the opponent. Wavedashing with it(make sure Tatsu is in range to hit though) is a decent way to get in and you can switch to a Mirage Feint M during your dashes for further confusion.

Sometimes, Mirage Feint won’t cancel because it doesn’t recognise your S input due to how fast/slow you input it I guess. I either don’t hold S when MFCing and just do qcf+L+S, or hold L+S together.

TKing Crescent Scythes were very, very annoying for me as well lol, especially when using them in mid-screen combos. While there aren’t shortcuts on the level of, say SF4, there’s definitely some lee-way(plus weird input recognitions) and tricks you can get away with. I do qcf, qcf, uf+L when TKing Crescent Scythes, I find it infinitely easier to TK them now. Keep in mind I’m a pad user, so directional motions on a stick may/probably will vary.

Its x-23 / virgil / ammy a good team?? ( yes, im a noob :,( ) like a viable team at least

I stole Trauma’s team (X-23/Dorm/Wesker) this weekend for a tourney (ReSe in NC). Only went 1-2 in the tourney but played a ton of casuals. Actually managed to land her 1.2 mil combo in a match tho.

I’m working on a new team – X-23 / C.Viper / Amaterasu, and I’m curious on your thoughts on this team. Damage wise, this team is very good as it obviously allows 2 relaunches in combos, but also due to how C.Viper’s super happens to work in THCs, while in the corner I can score ~900k damage even off a ground throw with X-23 for 2 meter.

I know X-23 + Viper works well, and X-23 + Ammy / Viper + Ammy work well, but my fear is that my lack of projectile assist is going to be my downfall. I’d love to hear your thoughts, thanks!

I’ve been spending some time with Vergil/X23/Akuma–I love this team. But, what do you guys think should I take Akuma out for a real projectile? I like the tatsu assist, but I’m more use to playing with a beam.

Tatsu not going full screen can be an issue at times. You can sort of get around this by wavedashing+Tatsu to extend its travelling distance, but yes, I think it’s worth swapping Tatsu out for a beam, depending on the opponent’s team.

X-23/Frank/Dante might be an interesting team, but I’m not sure how well Frank fares with just Jam Session if things go wrong(unless he’s levelled up.)

Scykoh: yup, that’d be my concern if that was my team as well, the lack of a projectile assist as well as Viper being in 2nd(unsafe DHCs.) Don’t think Cold Star alone can support both chars either, but it’s up to you.

Hey guys, thinking about picking up x-23 and I’ve been reading this thread and trying to figure out how to build a team around her with my characters. My 2 mains have always been Vergil/Doom and I’ve got a decent Magneto. The way I see it I can either play Vergil/X-23(otg assist)/Doom(beam) and get vergil with extended combos, mixups, and in general is a pretty solid team (similar to Kubo’s team but Vergil gets better mixups). The other way is obviously X-23/Vergil (rapidslash)/Doom(Missiles). Obviously Vergil benefits more from the beam but this way x-23 gets the classic horizontal+vertical assist screen control. I would imagine both these assists allow her to extend her combos as well. Any advice guys? I’d be willing to throw magneto in there too but I’m better with Doom and I think he does more for x-23 anyways.

If you want to play X-23/Vergil/xxx Just make sure you have some way to end the combo with WXP so you can DHC into sword loops for the kills. Missiles works fine for that, rapid slash is nice for getting in, early air combo extension, and I think you can use it for air throw resets and otgs in the corner. I’m not 100% on what tech there is for vergil+missiles but I’m sure he can make it happen. X-23’s otg works great for vergil. I’m not crazy about doom anchor, personally, but it’s not like he’s not a strong character.

If you want to play vergil/X23/xxx, might be worth trying something like Vergil(rapid slash)/X-23(otg)/Frank West(cart). That gives vergil everything he needs to be rediculously dirty (loops, resets, safe pressure) and as long as you use the lunar phase > hard tag stuff, you should be golden as far as leveling up frank. Then you can either play it out as leveled up Frank/X23/Vergil (still really strong) or however else you want to play it. My ONLY downside with this team would be that you kind of double up on hori assists, but that’s a pretty minor issue, really (and you might be able to use judgement cut instead of RS, I just haven’t labbed it up. It seems like you might be able to use it to get double snaps). Any mixup character plus cart is dirty as hell and fun to play. With X-23 in 2nd you don’t really have to worry about an otg assist (because of her XF2 loops>death>dirtnap), just a strong assist for your neutral game and cart is incredible for her.

Been using this team online for awhile and I have to say that they have some AMAZING Synergy(other than trying to DHC into Rage Trigger). X-23’s OTG assist helps Hulk off air throws and corner combos. Gamma Wave helps Laura relaunch in the corner(but I can’t seem to get the timing for the assist call right and I’m still struggling to do anything off it midscreen.) I CAN get it to work midscreen if I time a full charged Neck Slice, but my timings still iffy. Don’t know what else to do with the assist though. Saw someone earlier say Laura could Gamma Wave and hide behind, but I already have Drones, so I’m not sure about that. Oh, and Sent makes playing Hulk a LOT easier(though my Hulk is still pretty free, lol). Drones provide a lot of cover, just gotta figure out how to use them properly.

Just a few things. Gamma Wave seems fine for Laura, as it’s an OTG assist, but does it work well with Drones? Other than the OTG assist, it seems to similiar(but, worse). Would any of Hulk’s other assists help?

Hulk’s air gamma charge has armor and works pretty well as a gfto assist. And don’t forget Sentinel has an OTG assist, but it’s not as useful as rolling with drones.

Probably would be easier comboing with Sent’s OTG, but like you said, DRONES!!! lol. Sure would help Laura AND Hulk though. Just not sure if rolling with X-23(Ankle Slice)/Hulk(Gamma Charge/Wave)/Sent(Rocket Punch) would work. I could probably use Gamma Wave like ghetto Drones.

One more thing and then I’ll leave everyone alone, lol. Do you guys think Laura needs a GTFO assist?

Defensive assists are always useful for getting out of mixups, but in neutral, X-23 can avoid unfavorable positions pretty well with just her walljump and CS xx Talon attacks. It’s fun to H-CS xx H-Talon to superjump height, then drop an assist on the opponent, but I wouldn’t call it an integral part of her gameplan.

Hello there,

I am actually playing a team composed of X-23(Ankle Slice)/Deadpool(Katana-rama)/Akuma(Tatsumaki) and I was wondering if this team should be “ok” or not at all. I’m quite a noob as I started this game a few weeks ago and I’m having trouble finding a mix of characters that suits me well. The only problem is that I really hate Dr.Doom Wesker and Sentinel and I want to avoid them. If someone could give me advice about anything wrong in my setup it would be great. Thanks alot.

I think that team is fine. Tatsu to blow up shit and help X23 pressure game and deadpool relaunch to boost her dmg a bit. Akuma is still arguably a Top 10 anchor, and will provide much coverage from there.

I love Hulk and X, although I use X on point. Rage Trigger or WXP into Gamma Crush is nice. Been narrowing my potential team down to X/Hulk-Task-Doom/Task-Akuma-Doom.

Realizing my team is primarily made of glass, been trying out X/Hulk/Task but Task isn’t the best anchor and his assist isn’t the greatest for getting in. I do mix it up and use Hulk on point with X at mid sometimes when I want to dirt nap people but that almost requires me to use Doom’s beam or Sent.

Having had my teeth kicked in consistently for more than a year now by it. I can say 100% that Hulk/X23 is a rediculously strong pairing. Hulk can pick up off of his air throw and both command grabs into full combos with her, extend his normal combos into 1 mil+ combos and inescapable command grab resets. She gets full DHCs from Gamma Crush and Tsunami and his rocks one can be used to make an guaranteed dirt nap. Plus they THC well. Put a strong neutral assist behind them and you’ve pretty much won the match off the first touch.

When hulk finally dies, you’re going to have enough meter to xf2 derp loop with her and kill 2 characters. He plays that backed with Repulsor Blast and it is absolutely ridiculous how hard it is to get started against him.

How does X-23 sound with the dreaded Dorm/Doom pair?

X-23/Dorm/Doom is lethal. I prefer plasma beam to missiles for X-23, I like the relaunch with plasma better than Hidden Missiles stuff with her, but she can relaunch with Dorm all the time, and gets good damage from the DHC to stalking flare, with Zak Bennett style followups. Many of the DHCs are safe for the most part, fantastic, and dorm gets either missiles or a bitchin’ horizontal prolectile and a low otg or alpha-counter ability and AAness. Nothing wrong with that. Plus, Stalking Flare to Dirt Nap. And Dark Hole for dirt nap setups anyway.

And I have a question of my own. Following some thought, I am trying out Nemesis/X-23/Doctah Strange instead of my usual mains Nemesis/X-23/Ammy. Now before you ask why Nem/X-23, they’re great together, Nem has an otg for cool stuff and resets, X-23 builds meter from said resets and can ankle slice relaunch with both hits of Clothesline Rocket assist (most powerful unbuffed assist in the game, too), and it gives her damage. My teams big problem was that if it wasn’t in, it was hurting. Doom, Hawkeye, Trish, I had no way at all of dealing with fullscreen zoners aside from a very well-timed random WXP, and that’s not reliable at all, especially if the opponent is smart. and, my Ammy was okay, not great, and Strange I feel is less reliant on XF3 than Ammy, so I can pop XF2 with my girl. So, Strange gives fullscreen coverage, and I can relaunch with it. Shortens the combos a bit, but I get two good neutral game-ish assists that net me 800ks pre-DHC, good enough for me.

So, please give me some opinions on the team switch, especially since I am afraid of having no assists to lock down a crouching opponent, and I would like to know a few things, from those who have run X-23 with bolts.

  1. I know it’s possible to air throw, and use bolts and ankle slice to otg them and launch. How? I am trying different timings dashing this way and that, not working.

  2. For someone who’s run it before, how do I keep from being smacked in the face with Mirage Feints and bolts, or is it unable to perform well on MF crossups?

  3. Anyone got a setup with Bolts and Dirt Nap on incoming, or am I going to have to just CS on the incoming punk into some Dirt Nappyness?

If anything, I can always do X-23/Doom/Dorm. And yeah, Plasma Beam looks to be so much better for X-23 than Missiles.