MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

jay: haha figured it was you from the ultimate X23/Tron info. I’ll try to send a FR even though school has cut into my playing time, I’d love to run some sets there aren’t a lot of strong X23s online.

Eh, not really? X-23 has tools for any slot, but she’ll have the most with two assists at her back, and that’s how I would run it to focus on that, but meh. I believe Devil Jin ran Dante/X-23/Doom in vanilla, as well as a few others, so I’ll let someone else wax upon that idea.

Others that you can add to the Laura/Dante dynamic are:
Vergil, giving you a ton of DMC trenchcoat shenanigans and gives X-23 a relaunch under most circumstances.

Nova, because, well, Nova… he has tools to be a well rounded character all by himself.

Cap who gives you a relaunch with both X-23 and Dante and hits like a truck, and your DHC options are much better with Dante in lead if you can get some corner carry… which isn’t that hard with him.

Tron is the other classic X-23 partner, and totally changes the team dynamic at that point. Talk to jaytoo about this, as he has much more experience in this regard. I personally prefer X-23 in the second spot with Dante running anchor for this, but I don’t have a whole lot of hands on here.

Zero, who also changes the team dynamic. This is where you really want to run X-23 in anchor. Zero and Dante are Vanilla Best Friends, and X-23 can add a lot to that overall, almost acting like a bad Akuma Tatsu with Neck Slice assist for Zero, or giving him an OTG for super damage.

Really, X-23 and Dante have a lot of synergy by themselves, and you can kinda force anyone into a third spot. You’ll get better results from certain pairings, but it’s really up in the air.

I might try Nova out. I did originally intend to use him when UMvC3 first dropped. Been messing around with Cap as well and he seems pretty fun too. I’ll hit the lab this weekend and see what feels comfortable for me.

Thanks for the input, much appreciated!

X-23/Dante/wesker would work fine too. Use Jam session against her air matchups and weasel shot if your going against someone more ground oriented. X-23 loves OTG assists, you’d have a dark wesker in your back pocket and in the corner, almost all of her oki resets work just as well with either dante assist. If you can stand playing wesker, there’s really no reason not to have him on your team. You could probably still do some decent damage with WXP > DT even without the DHC glitch and if not you still have that rediculous DT Dante dash-over wesker unblockable on wakeup.

How does this sound? X-23 w/ Ankle Slice, Dante w/ Jam Session, Wesker w/ Samurai Edge.

Is Ankle Slice the go to assist for X-23 because it OTGs?

Since both Wesker and Dante have self-OTGs, you can actually choose a different assist if you like. Ankle slice gives you really good offensive pressure because you can set up unblockables.

With that team, Crescent Scythe assist wouldn’t be bad either. It works as a so-so anti-air assist, but it’s real value is using it as a Crossover Counter. When used as a CC, it has a ton of invincibility, and you can cancel it into Talon dives for a free escape or combos with carefully placed x-factor.

Yeah…X-23’s assists don’t offer a whole lot to much of the cast and for the most part the OTG would just be doubling up. If you run into someone that likes to snap in Wesker to avoid ‘dark’ nonsense it might be worth using ankle slicer to keep hi/low stuff with dante, but other than that I would just recommend crescent scythe as a panic button against the really ridiculous THC/round harvest un-blockable setups.
With that team, you’d most likely want to run resets with X-23 until you get touched or get 4 bars. If you get touched, DHC into DT with Dante and run him on point until he dies. You don’t have to be a scrooge with your meter, but try to make sure that when X-23 comes back in she has at least 2 - 2.5 meters since you’ll be able to kill almost anyone in the game with an x-factor 2 guard cancel and then you’ll have the meter to dirt nap the next character. As long as Dante was able to kill one person, you’ve pretty much won the match right there. If you run up against someone that ToD’s X-23 you still have Dante/Wesker with meter, so you should be fine, either way. Honestly, I would run that team if I could stand playing the other 2 characters.

OK, once again, I’m on the verge of creating my main X-23 team. I think Ammy’s sick as shit for X-23 due to her Cold Star acting as a lockdown assist and a relauncher into relatively easy damage combos. Plus she’s versatile and can fight solo.

Question is, who should be my 2nd? I’ve got Storm, Taskmaster and Ironman. Doom’s DHCs aren’t as strong as those 3, otherwise I might have picked him.

Ammy is really good for X-23 IMO.

Hello x-23 players. I am have been interested in playing x-23 since vanilla but never put time into her. But so far I was thinking of running Chris (gun assist), x-23 (ankle assist). I like having x-23 as the second slot because with a simple bnb with chris’s sweep combo into x-23 wxp does about 920k which is pretty good damage. And it allows her to have a projectile assist to help her a bit getting in. My problem is trying to find a character that helps x-23 and is a good anchor. Any suggestions that aren’t wesker? Thanks in advance ^____^

whats your guys’ opinion on an X-23/Viper duo?

I’ve seen (and knew) Cold Star being good for X-23, but never got around to trying it out. For the past few days I have though and dang, it has drastically upped my X-23.

Ryuga - FYI, I’m running 23/Task/Ammy. Didn’t mean to steal one of your potentials, but I pair 23/Task together anyways. I don’t know what to do with Task/Ammy though. Been trying to lock down with Cold Star and doing Task unblockables, but can’t get it to work.

I literally just switched over to Viper(seismo)/X-23(CS)/Ammy(CS) and I’m really liking it so far since my old team is too rushdown oriented for some matchups…freaking Trish…UGH. Plus, Marlinpie has pretty much done most of the viper/ammy legwork already so there’s a ton of match vids to sift through. As far as the execution bar most likely anyone playing X-23 at a decent level can manage Viper without much trouble but Viper has the annoying problem where if you make a mistake on some of her advanced cancel-combos you might accidentally spend a meter for the mistake.

(Here’s my current thoughts on Viper/X-23, anyone have any other thoughts?)
Viper is a strong battery when paired with a good lockdown assist and they THC well (not very amazing DHCs tho). Seismo for relaunches, TK H for invincible alpha couner, BK for the wake-up hi/low unblockable OS with X-23. Wandles is running Viper/X23/Iron-Man now (used to be Hulk on point…that set I posted a while back has his new team on there and he does a good job of showing what the team capable of) and it’s pretty scary since Viper can use lockdown+Focus Attack to get free combos, so it’s pretty much like a meterless dirt nap and probably a better option than running x-23/viper/hori assist since, at this point in the game, you kind of need a little bit of gimmick. I think X-23 does better on 2nd in the team so she can abuse guard cancel into 2 dead characters but if you have a hori assist I’m sure she could run point with no problem. It’s probably better to run CS with X-23 so you have a safe way to get X-23 in and get out of bad pressure situations since there’s not really any safe DHC options between the two of them but you can always run Ankle Slice for hi-lo setups. You need to have a lot of self-control with Viper since it’s so easy to burn through meters and, in most cases, it’ll probably be better to save a few meters for a dirt nap rather than burn a meter for combo extension (kill combos notwithstanding, of course.)

@LSlick Since Chris and X-23 don’t have great vertical options I would say go for a vertical assist (Doom missiles being the normal goto guy) or try some of the other OTG options for X-23. I really like Felicia since she’s pretty much all the good things about Anchor Wesker without actually being Wesker.

I definitely agree with you Merkyl with having x-23 in the second slot. You pretty much hit the nail on the head as to why I run her second though I didn’t elaborate on it

I’m still not very fond of Ammy with all the changes to her game now, but I love her XF3 and Cold Star for X23. I haven’t played the dog since vanilla though…

Don’t know much about X-23 but, i know she benefit from quick assist such as tatsu, dagger toss and doom’s rock.

Haha, nah FOBio, you aren’t stealing anything. If anything, I’m glad you think it’s a good pairing!

The only problem with Cold Star for relaunching’s that it’s really difficult to relaunch Doom and Spencer after extended combos, and those characters kinda need to die immediately upon touch since they’re so annoying. In Spencer’s case, I’d have to land a jump-in first to hit 1.05mil with a DHC.

Cold Star is just nasty stuff. Haven’t experimented with Taskmaster’s unblockables yet, I think Moons would be the perfect player to watch for Ammy/Task play though. Can Cold Star extend Task’s combos well?

I think it’s a good team actually. Though, I’d personally put X-23 first, but I know why you’d put her 2nd. That unblockable OS with BK is such BS lol. Really nasty stuff. Cold Star’s great for pinning down and extending, but in your team’s case, I’d personally have someone with a good projectile assist backing me up in the back, since Cold Star’s a bit slow and doesn’t reach full screen.

Well, actually, you could call Cold Star while buffering pokes into uncharged Neck Slicer to help that issue.

ok I was in the lab all night yesterday trying to find the perfect 3rd for my x-23/???/Vergil Team. All I’m asking for is someone with Vertical coverage and can OTG or be used for relaunch.
and guess what? I only found one assist that can do that, Doom Missiles. WTF? I dont wanna use Dr.Footdive, I liked him in vanilla but i dont like his mindless ultimate version =/

is there really no other assist that has vertical coverage and can be used for relaunches?

Hawkeye (maybe taskys too) up arrows can relaunch midscreen if you use S+Assist, but I don’t think there’s any way to use them in the corner. Jam Session is garbage for combos now, dorm pillar shoots them up too quickly and starts up too slowly, Doom is derp but if you play him clockw0rk or Marlinpie style he’s actually rather technical and he has really tricky pressure strings and a few passable anti-AG blockstrings. I’m really tired of seeing people doing the same 2 combos and full screen footdives tho… The only other person I can think of would be shuma’s mystic ray…but he’s shuma…


goes to lab

So many people sleep on Shuma though, and I haven’t tried his Mystic Ray for X23 but I heard it’s a bit faster than vanilla. No need for me to try him out with her though, and I’m so glad I went to the lab with Doom just at the end of vanilla’s lifespan. Better tools, carrying corner combos, ToD, shit he’s the only one I truly know that helps laura out in just about everything she can ask for [ok well Dante, but Dante/X23 aren’t BLF anymore v_v)

Jay has caught my interest in XF3 Laura, and I’ve been in the lab getting things going. I think I got like 1.5m off self-relaunches. Not something I run everyday, but willing to give it a shot.