MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

All true, and I agree that Doom’s beam is the strongest projectile assist for her.

But, what is X-23’s assist paradigm? What are the things that X-23 needs from assists to make her get the most out of her natural tools?

She’s in the average position of needing three things (As that is the number of things most people in the cast need from assists) from her assists: Cover/Projectile, Relaunch, and Height Coverage (which I’ve already said). Can she get by without these things? Yeah, there are many online that run her at anchor and work it, so that is an obvious. But she is at her strongest when she has those three things at her back.

This is an idea that has been ingrained into the game since Marvel 2, and has become a little less important in Marvel 3, but still plays it’s part. That is pretty much the reason every character has a Team Building thread.

Now, to get back to the point, I posted on the last page a list of assists that allow X-23 to relaunch non-specifically. She also works with any real projectile assist, though there are some standouts. As for height coverage, there are a ton that help her in this regard. The trick in choosing your two assists, if you want to have your major team focus on X-23, is to find in those lists names that overlap.

Captain America’s Shield Slash, Nova’s Centurion Rush, Phoenix’s TK Trap, Rocket Racoon’s Log Trap, Shuma Gorath’s Mystic Ray and Mystic Stare, and Vergil’s Rapid Slash assists are the ones that overlap in both the Relaunch and Cover/Projectile category, specifically Cover. If you want an assist that is both Cover and Projectile (to keep your assist safer, and with X-23’s low life that’s a pretty good idea) you are looking at Cap, Racoon, and Shuma.

Shuma Gorath’s Mystic Ray, Strider’s Vajra, Rocket Racoon’s Log Trap, Dormammu’s Purification, Zero’s Ryuenjin, Dante’s Jam Session, Deadpool’s Trigger Happy, Dr. Doom’s Hidden Missiles, Trish’s Trick “Hopscotch”, Storm’s Double Typhoon, Phoenix’s TK Trap, and Taskmaster’s Aim Master (Vertical Shot) are the assists that overlap in Height Coverage and Cover/Projectile for X-23.

Putting these lists together, Shuma and Racoon are the all around best people to have with X-23’s assist paradigm, as they each have an assist that takes care of all three problems in it. It’s in the other areas that they fall apart, specifically Vitality balance, moveset viability, DHC’s, etc. There’s also Nova, which is a very fine choice, but his issue is that his assist is all about the ground bounce, so hard to use as both Cover and Relaunch.

So that is why I say, overall, Cap is X-23’s strongest assist partner because, well, he actually fits.

EDIT: Before anyone thinks I’m trying to White Knight the Cap/Laura team, I’m not. I actually don’t particularly like Cap as a character (but then I don’t really like Doom either) as he feels kinda clunky. I use Cap because it’s just a balance of Pros and Cons, and those Pros and Cons heavily point towards Cap. It’s just utilitarianism.

If you cut off one or two hits (which will actually get you more overall damage with almost any DHC, vice Gamma Crush) off of Rage Trigger, you can DHC into Hyper Charging Stars.

I… I’ve never had this happen with Shield Slash? Rapid Slash, yeah, but not Shield Slash. I’ll admit that the timing is weird on it, but if you get it down you can always relaunch with Shield Slash. You just have to mash S after the Charged Ankle Slice. The only problem I’ve noticed is that you’ll often cross yourself up with the relaunch and head the opposite direction.

Cap can do a couple things with Vajra, like OTG SS->Vajra->OTG SS and similar small things, similar to the Doom beam corner shenannigans with Strider. More though, Vajra acts as great coverage for Cap, letting him get his heavy hits in by actually getting in.

EDIT: On Shield Slash relaunch, what combo are you doing? My norm is:

M->c.M->H->MFC->H->MFC->H->Crescent Scythe L->Talon Attack L->H->S->j.M->j.M->j.H->Crescent Scythe L->Talon Attack L->Charged Ankle Scythe->Shield Slash->S->j.M->j.M->j.H->Crescent Scythe H->Talon Attack L->Charged Ankle Scythe->Rage Trigger


My MFC starter’s M>H>H>Hxxqcb+H>j.MMH, land, j.MMHS>qcf+L, MHS, then ender. Or I’m going for awkward Crescent Scythe Loops. Thanks for the rest btw. :slight_smile:


Ryuga, you could always try Frank(Cart). I’m pretty sure Strider has some meterless level-up tech for him (Gram wallbounce into hardtag) and I love that assist so freaking much for X-23 (Booyah!). With Strider’s mix-up game I’m sure he would love cart shenanigans as much as X-23 does. Assuming you wouldn’t hate trying to run X-23/Strider/Frank. Can you DHC Rage Trigger > Ragnarok?

It’s possible to relaunch cart early on but he forces air techs at higher hitstun levels but he is vanilla Tatsu-level amazing for her reset game and brainless to combo off of. I’m pretty sure you could OTG+cart into combo from anywhere on the screen of a Vajra knockdown as a combo starter, too.

If you wanted to run X-23/Frank/Strider: I found that Rage Trigger > Cart Hyper > Relaunch tech to level up Frank so you might (me spitballing, here) be able to do something like combo into the corner, S + vajra then use a quick :d::h: to land and MF M behind them (X-23’s back has to be in the corner) while Vajra spikes them down. Then you OTG > Rage Trigger > etc (you might have to DHC after the first hit of the CS portion to get the relaunch). That would be an easy level 4 if it worked and Frank is easily top 8 in the game once he’s leveled up. (Even if that didn’t work, so many of X-23’s oki mixups can put her back to the corner anyways.) Even at level 1, he’s not terrible by any means at level 2+, roll + vajra would be easy to crack people with and he can always do a low jump ToS H to relauch at any level from Vajra. His ToS super causes a spinning knockdown on DHC so you could prolly do some strider post combo oreo nonsense.

You don’t need a projectile assist to play X23, but for beginner/intermediate players or people that have trouble getting in with her it begs the question. I also found it easier to hitconfirm off the beam(s) better, but that’s pretty much it really. I don’t think it comes down to what choice of beam you prefer, but rather which character you wanna go with should X23 dies. Both Iron Man and Doom have difficult learning curves, but Doom is certainly equipped with better tools at this rate.

I’ve been in the lab with Spencer as of late and I’m gonna get him and X23 to work somehow. And yes, I’ll never stop tweaking teams until I age and die.

Thanks guys, but I’ve made up my mind, and it’s to learn Ironman+good assist to help out both characters. Repulsor Blast is really, really good and is almost all purpose.

It also neutralises Zero’s Level 3 Buster and though it’s not the best AA, it can help keep him at bay, sort of. Managed to stuff out some of his aerial stuff…though you can just as easily get Ironman hit/Zero hits both chars lol. But it’s pretty good. Helps that I like Ironman too.Thanks guys.

Time to learn this awkward-arse character lol.

Guys, Cold Star relaunches after long combos!

EDIT: Oh wow haha. All you have to do after a wall carry combo is delay Ankle Slice OTG>Cold Star, and you can reliably relaunch after it.

All you need is a semi-advanced Mirage Feint combo and a good DHC hyper that should do at least 310K, and you get to deal easily with a relaunch combo into DHC. Cold Stars pins down for Silent Kill and pins down for general offence. Felax was right about Ammy lol.

Thought everyone would know that already? O= That was like the first thing I tried when I picked up Ami, never bothered to point it out. Guess i should have
But yeah, the corner carry is another reason Laura is frustrating online. I can do simple MFCs in training mode with the delay on 3bars but online is a whole different story. I usually just do a simple Combo and go for a mixup or keep them in the corner with coldstar afterwards. It’s a great assist for her either way.
Oh yeah, also the DHC into slow,put out a paper and tag back in Trick can be really nasty with X-23 tagged back in. Not sure if you can Dirtnap fast enough afterwards to get a guaranteed Silent Kill tho. Great option either way if you have the meter.

I wouldn’t even use X-23 online. Online’s just awful for her IMO. I literally can’t do anything with her, or my other chars, aside from Trish.

As for the relaunching, I thought X-23 needed to shorten her combos down drastically because I couldn’t get it to work with longer combos. Turns out, for example, you can do any combo you want with X-23 and still relaunch with it, as long as you slightly delay the OTG. But they have to be in the corner for it, but it doesn’t matter as much, since all of X-23’s combos wall carry lol.

And the assist bumps up the damage heavily, so as long as you have a decent strength DHC, that’s damage, easy. But it’s not just the damage, Cold Star’s great for pinning people down, and setting up your offence/Silent Kill hypers. Amaterasu is a good character in general too, which is a bonus.

Online is trash, if you wanna improve i suggest you look elsewhere. Its a completely different dimension where Sent is still top tier LOL.

Yeah people keep telling me that. I’m from Europe tho and I don’t know a single person playing this game around here actually trying to learn combos and such. So as much trash as online is, it’s my only option and my only reason to improve really. I got Jill’s feral cancels down pretty well even with delay so I should be able to get some X-23 stuff going too sooner or later. It’s rewarding in it’s own way and really the only fun I have playing this game…so yeah >:

PSN or Xbox Live?

^I’m on PSN.

On a more related note, does anyone know if you can relaunch with Chris’ Grenade Toss?
I’ve tried doing so in the corner, everything works fine, I call him, Ankle Slice and press S and the enemy gets launched. After that however they are always too high for the CS loop and I can’t really do anything about that. Is that just an execution error on my part or does it just not work?

Also, If Amaterasu is my third, do you think it’s even worth sacrificing Gunfire for Grenade Toss even if it works? It seems not that useful except for the relaunch, but I wouldn’t have to do MFCs =P

Getting X23 to work online is not impossible but you will need an OTG assist for her, period. There is no other option, you will drop your feints even on 5 bars and X23 will get killed off whiffs. Some good advice is to just stay offline for her like the others have mentioned, no matter how much I tried you can cannot learn the total aspects with this character in online play where input lag is too much.

90% of my play recently has been online, and it works fine - X-23 is my anchor. As long as the lag isn’t too bad, I can still xfactor cancel into a 100% kill loop, and dirt nap another character. All my other two characters need to do is kill a minimum of one character.

Yeah, doing more optimal combos is pretty futile online, but it’s fine for learning fundamentals. The hardest thing for me is to actually use my “offline combos” when I’m offline (although I’ve been thinking, maybe I should stick to easy stuff for high-stress situations like tournaments until I can enter a tournament without getting the shakes on my first match…)

Alright, need your advice X-23 board!

Been a fan of X-23’s speed/rushdown style ever since vanilla. She was on the first team I picked when I picked up the game for the first time a year ago. But I was never a fan of her low health, and sometimes, her quick attacks were too much for me to keep up with. Now that I’m more efficient with the game, I’d like to incorporate X-23 back into my team. As of right now, I’m running Wesker/Dante/Strider. I’ve put way too much time and effort into Dante to drop him, so my question is: can X-23 work with Dante? Strider will most likely be dropped because I can’t see myself running a team with 2 characters with low health. Wesker I don’t really care about because I’ve only been using him for less than a month and it doesn’t take much to learn Wesker, so it won’t feel like a waste dropping him.

Please help me fill in the team of Dante/X-23/??? and give some helpful insight. Thanks!

X-23/Dante/Doom is the classic X-23 team, giving you a MF in with Doom beam and Silent Kill shenanigans with Jam Session. I think you can run Weasel Shot/Missiles and get a rather similar effect with some really tight OTG relaunches, so that might be better in UMvC.

I don’t really play online ranked but I got curious and decided to look up the current standings and I think I saw a jaytoo with Tron and X23 at anchor around the 50s.

Lol, that’s me, jayto89. To be fair, the competition on PSN leaves something to be desired. Play me sometime.

Tron has TODs, and very few people can TOD her, so she fits my “point character/battery/meat shield” role perfectly. It also helps a bit that people grossly underestimate her. (I think I’m in the double digits for Perfects in ranked. All from Tron. This should not happen to anyone, but it does.)

If I got around to actually learning to play more characters, I would put a good offensive assist in my second slot. No one really appeals to me though… In my head I know I’m gimping myself by basically playing without assist pressure, but sigh… All the characters with beams and stuff just feel weird to play.

I’m trying Nova (centurion rush) out at the moment because he has good (combo) Assist and DHC synergy with my team. Basically, the team is great for up close offense, but has trouble getting in.

I play X-23 as my anchor, and I think it makes perfect sense. People talk about Strider being a strong anchor because he gets ridiculous mixup potential with 3 bars and level 3 x-factor. Well, X-23 with 3 bars and level 3 x-factor gets ridiculous mixup potential, and a guaranteed kill for the trouble. Sometimes Strider still needs more than one mixup for a kill when orbs are active! If this game sticks around, I’m pretty sure X-23 wil be popping up on more people’s radar - once someone high profile picks her up, they’ll all know.

Should I run it in that specific order? Also, aside from Doom, who else are good contenders for that team?