MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

yeah x23/viper don’t have any good dhcs on block, and that’s going to be a problem going forward than what I ran with x23/storm. But I’m fine with that because it will force me to play a smarter X23 game, something in which I can admittedly say I have problems with.

What do you guys think is the best of these teams? X-23/Cap/Dorm, X-23/Task/Dorm, or X-23/Dorm/Akuma? I’m trying to get a solid team to support my wife.

I’ve been playing Trish/X-23/Nova online and I’ve been doing pretty well so far, out of 100 matches I’ve won 73 (Plus 10 ragequits!) and it’s just really fun overall. I know it’s not the ideal team for any of the three characters but it still has a ton of synnergy and all sorts of gimmicky tech. I’m thinking about doing a highlight video of it.

I used X-23/Cap/Dorm for a long time and found it was really solid, but out of those I say the Task team is probably the best, but you can’t go wrong with Akuma so you’re good either way.

I use X-23/Task/Dorm, but I think 23/Dorm/Akuma would be the better team. With Akuma, the team is more fragile, but rushdown and mixups are better.

I’ve been thinking about Vergil (Rapid Slash)/X-23 (AnkleS) /Iron Man (Unibeam). How good do you guys think Tony is on anchor? I might just go back to Doom but I like how unibeam leaves them standing.

Iron Man is a pretty lousy anchor, honestly. I know people that have used him since day 1 vanilla as anchor and still agree that he’s garbage and you’ve pretty much lost the match if he has to come out. That being said. Unibeam and repulsor blast are really strong assists for x-23. Repulsor blast would probably work well for Vergil too since he has the normals to protect the start up and fast enough teleports to make it annoying. Not sure if he has reliable confirms when it hits tho.

Guess I’ll stick to Vergil/X-23/Doom then.

I think it might be worth trying X-23/Vergil/Doom since you can relaunch with Vergil for a nice damage boost plus I’m sure there’s some WXP > Sword Super DHC shenanigans to be had. Plus X-23 is a better battery than Vergil IMO, so more dirt naps and dark angels that way.

Best X-23 Team comp that I get the most results with:

X-23 (Neck Slicer)/Doom (Plasma)/Wesker (Gun) **
X-23 (Ankle)/Doom (Plasma)/Ammy (Cold Star)

These two teams, imo, are the best teams for X-23 right now. I will be posting videos soon. I don’t really need to explain em, but I play against some of the top players on the East Coast and it seems these two teams get the best results out of ALL the UMvC3 X-23 teams I have played and tried out.

x-23/Vergil is fuckin dope, try this shit:
call Rapid Slash in the air and immediately do an H Talon. while you’re in the air taking away their attention Vergil scrapes whatever’s on the ground (depending on who your opponent is and their assist). if they didnt start blocking when you flew up theyll be launched and you get a free combo by the time you land, usually u can get the assist too unless its something that always wrecks vergil like drones or frank’s cart.

it also carries them to the corner on hit or block so its very useful. But like i said it depends on who you’re facing like if its Nemesis i’d say never try this coz if he touches vergil while you’re in the air he’ll kill him with like 3 or 4 hits…

Vergil/x-23 is not bad either, ankle slice+ Lunar phase is a decent unblockable as long as the opponent isnt mashing while you do this (coz theyll get both vergil and X lol)
and you can use her assist as an OTG for extended combos which really benefits Vergil. Makes his jump d.H a bigger threat coz he gets a full combo from it this way.

They also DHC into each other pretty well (Rage trigger> Bubble Shuffle, WXP> Holla Hoop, Bubble Shuffle> Dirt Nap, Rage Trigger> DT> Dark Angel, DT>WXP to beat projectiles/Hypers etc etc).

And lastly u can use his assist to extend combos (OTG ankle slice+Rapid Slash) and as a ghetto reset (s.H MFC’d+ rapid slash then M Fient or dash under) so its a pretty sick duo.

Personally I’d say add a third with a decent assist that can benefit both (like Frank’s cart or Akuma’s Tatsu), or something with Air control (like Jam session or Vajra) and you’ll have a dope ass team.
Sadly I’m not following my own advice and have Ghost as my 3rd LOL, but i like him for relaunches, using his pillar as a Get off move and to shield my charged Neck slicer/wavedashes/Rapid Slash/Round Trip from projectiles. Just wish i had something to stop fuckers that superjump all day -_-

OK…I’m on the verge of finding my team for X-23. But I have to ask…how well do you guys think X-23 can do without a projectile assist. I can imagine the answer, but I need some reassurance lol.

My team could be X-23/insert relauncher assist here/Strider

Could see it work if you threw in something like Haggar for lockdown. Just something that can keep the enemy in the corner and someone that can take a beating because Laura and Strider both die so quickly. Of course depends on what you wanna do. Win tournaments and all? Probaby not a good idea. Play online and have fun while still getting better? I’d just go for it, why not. I’m running Iron Fist/Laura/Ami right now, really hard to get in against keepaway but once you’re in you can do whatever you want. Definitely not a super solid team but I can do against enemies my skill-level and i’m having loads of fun :3

Yeah, I agree what you’re saying actually, it’s not ideal lol. I wouldn’t even say it was ideal for online(I despise playing X-23 online with all my heart thanks to input lag) since I’m certain people’ll be running chars I need to have a projectile assist for.

It’s like, I kinda know the solutions to my X-23 team issues, but I hate the characters I have to use that would be the best for her, and the possible substitutes for them don’t really mesh well together. I just need to give it up and pick the characters that work best with her.

I wholeheartedly disagree, especially with that last statement.
I see people picking Sentinel, Doom, Strider etc. just for their assist and once they get them in they don’t know what to do. Even saw it in the last Big Two tournament where Noel commented on some Frank that had 0 idea what he was doing. Of course you could put work into them even if you don’t like them but would that actually be fun? Not for me. If you’re not having fun why are you even playing this game then? Of course losing isn’t fun either, but the satisfaction of putting work into characters you like and getting good results out of that is tons higher than just…you know…winning with XF Lv.4 Wesker =P
So yeah… of course you can still pick whatever assist suit the character and I wouldn’t blame anyone for doing it. If you’re winning and having fun even less so. But I still think you shouldn’t be picking characters just because they work well. No need to even play X-23 then when you could just play Viper or something,eh? :>

Well, it’s less the fact that I want to win, and more to do with wanting to maximise X-23 as a whole. And yeah, I sure could just pick someone else instead of X-23, that’s for sure haha. The part where you mentioned where people just use chars as an assist’s definitely not what I what(see the legion of shitty Dooms lol.) I actually wanna put the work in.

Right now, I’m pretty stuck. Still haven’t made a decision yet. Of course, I’ll still be maining X-23. I think I just have to accept the flaws my X-23 team has and work on getting better really at some point before I move on to another team that best suits X-23. At some point, I think I probably will need a back-up optimised team for X-23 to deal with certain chars. Don’t what that team would be yet though, but I’ll be looking into it.

Alright, guess I misinterpreted your ‘i just need to give up’ as some sort of ‘whatever, ill just pick what I have to’. Sorry about that then =P
I guess you have to decide whether you love X-23 enough to pick some characters for her that wouldn’t be your first-choice or if you also like/dislike other characters so much that you wanna sacrifice some of her potential. Im still leaning towards the latter tho, so idk if my opinion would help then.

I think I could reach a happy medium. X-23/Skrull/Sent or X-23/Spencer/Sent. Don’t particularly mind using/learning these characters and I think they have good synergy. Drones benefits X-23 and Skrull, especially Skrull. Good for Spencer too. Spencer’s wire gives X-23 stupid resets/mix-ups. Skrull DHCs well from Rage Trigger. Still some weaknesses, but I think it’ll work better for me in the long run.

Ryuga, your answer (if still looking at X-23/Assist/Strider) for your middle slot is Cap. I know I already said it earlier, but those three offer full on synergy to X-23, with covering a projectile, relaunch, and height coverage assist paradigm.

It doesn’t seem as if Cap is an answer that a lot of people like to hear when looking at X-23, but I’ve been seeing a major improvement from it.

fuck Cap, honestly I’ve tried at one point or another every projectile assist behind x-23, and tbh unless you’re up against someone with drones or against hawkeye its not that big of a difference from having say Akuma or Vergil or any other assist that you like.

However if you’re set on having a projectile assist Doom’s beam is still the best projectile assist for X IMO, if not Doom Ironman’s Unibeam, or Dr.Strange’s funky double laser shit (dunno what its called lol). Storm’s whirlwind works surprisingly well too (plus you get to be gay like the wesker teams and just hit A1+A2 rather than OTG into super <_<)

But yeah IMO projectile assist is not needed, only time I’ve actually wanted a projectile assist is when I fought a Hawkeye/Sentinel/Doom missiles team… once you get in though you can rip that fucker easily.

I was considering Cap actually. Unfortunately, he doesn’t DHC well after Rage Trigger and Shield Slash only relaunches with short combos, similar to Rapid Slash. :frowning: A shame really. But…does Cap benefit anything extension-wise from Vajra though? Could put him on another team.

Why did they have to fuck around with assist scaling?