MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Sorry, I actually meant Horizontal instead of Parabolic haha. I’m having issues relaunching with it in the corner though.

And yeah, you’re definitely correct about Taskmaster being more suitable in 2nd than any other position.

I had found a list of assists that will allow X-23 to re-launch from a Charged Ankle Slice both at mid and full screen a while back (EDIT: I’m pretty sure it’s meant to be non character specific, as well), don’t know if it’s completely right, but I know it’s at least mostly right.

Captain America A
Chun Li Y
Iron Man B
Nova B
Phoenix Y
Phoenix Wright A
Rocket Racoon Y
Shuma Gorath A, B
Super Skrull A, Y
Vergil Y

I’m pretty sure that Nova B can get you H->MFC->H on the bounce before the relaunch. Conversely, I’m almost positive they flip out of the first rep of the Talon loop.

Thanks! Exactly what i needed right now.
I went into training mode with Laura+Cap and tried to do the regular combo and then call Cap, charge and Ankle Slice and relaunch but for some weird reason im really bad at pulling off the qcf. motion after calling the assist using a Hori commander pad. And when i do the Ankle Slice doesn’t come out fast enough :confused:
Any tips or should I just quit the game right now? lol

I’m starting to think X-23 is significantly better than I gave her credit for (and I already thought she was pretty good) but I’m not really sure what kind of team to build around her. The problem is that it will probably only ever be a secondary team. Zero’s my main and always will be and I really don’t think they can work on a team together, they are like the same kind of character and both of them thrive on having good assists behind them which neither of them really provide each other. Anyway, the teams I’ve been playing around with are:

  1. X-23/Iron Man/Dante
  2. X-23/Sentinel/Dante
  3. X-23/Task/Wesker
  4. X-23/Wesker/Dorm

I like team 1 because I think she kinda needs something like Jam Session. All her best mixup is on the ground so if you don’t have something to scare the opponent out of the air then she never really gets a chance to get started.

Team 2 is just the same idea with Sentinel but I like Iron Man more. The problem with both of these teams is no OTG assist (Jam Session and Unibeam/Drones)

Team 3 gives me one of the best horizontal assists in the game, plus an OTG, plus a solid anchor and a really good 2nd character who can also make due as an anchor if Wesker gets picked off.

Team 4 is sort of the same as team 3 with less focus on the horizontal assist and more focused on having a ridiculous character on the team.

The problem I’m having is that although she doesn’t really need an OTG assist it really helps and adds a lot of combo damage, but she has her own low/OTG assist so it’s like she just brings redundancy with her. Then you also want something to cover your left/right mixup (arrows, beam, whatever), and you also need the aforementioned assist to keep the opponent out of the air so it’s like she needs 3 assists to be optimized… Most of the vertical assists can also be used for your left/right mixup thankfully but you can’t cover your approach from nearly as far away with them.

If she could work with Zero I would play her on my main team in a heartbeat; she’s easily my 2nd-favorite character in the game - alas…

I find I’m always calling the assist too early, there’s something about talon dive that make me think she has hit the ground when she hasn’t.

I think you can get yourself a bit more time to relaunch if you’re a bit below them when you talon dive so you hit the ground first. You can do this by doing a shorter air combo, instead of a full air series just do either H, d+H, qcf L, or H, dp L, qcf L. (Medium attacks tend not to add much damage to the combo anyway.)

Also that list is missing cold star and dark hole, not the best ones for scaling but attached to good characters.

Hey guys what do you think of X-23/Taskmaster/Dormammu?

that’s a really good team for her with a lot of DHC synergy. You can relaunch off Dark Hole, but its hitbox won’t hit all characters just inside corners.

She actually gets a whole mess of new tools just from having an otg so I don’t think it’s redundant at all. She actually has a really solid air throw that she can’t capitalize on consistently without the otg (400k damage that is just wasted otherwise). You get the a reliable way to dirt nap at the end of a combo even with really heavy HSD. You get a bunch of throw reset options and the ability to follow up after them. It gives you really late combo extension for something like 100-200k damage. Since you can follow up off air throws, it gives her another option on incoming characters.

I’m having the opposite problem after playing X23/Felicia for a while that I hate playing her without the OTG now. It would would be so absolutely broken if zero and x23 could run on the same team…sigh if only…

The trick to doing her assist call + ankle slicer is making sure you’re hitting the assist at the same time you’re hitting the down on the qcf. If you try to hit assist then qcf, most of the time ankle slicer won’t hit in time. Keep in mind that a lot of the neck slicer plus assist options will force an air tech in high hitstun combos. (Good reset spot to use if you can relaunch off of the air throws consistently.)

If you have trouble getting that down consistently enough for matches I would recommend trying a fast otg assist on your team. For almost all of them, you can just call the assist and start charging a neck slicer and connect (Viper is the main exception to the rule, at mid-screen you have to call the assist and just dash up and combo with an S because of how fast they get knocked up.) Since a charged neck slicer causes a spinning knockdown, you can use that really late in combos without them teching out. You have the option of popping them with a quick L after the assist or when they’re spinning if you wanted them to air tech though.

EDIT rather than double posting (Team question):
I’m having some trouble working out my teams and wanted to bounce some thoughts off you guys. Here’s the run down on my current team.
Right now I’ve been running X23(CS)/Felix(OTG)/Frank(Cart) and everything is working pretty well except that it’s hard to get Frank leveled up consistently.

Pros: MF M+cart is pretty broken since cart starts up almost as fast as the MF itself and it’s very easy to get hits off of. It also gives you a lot of setups on guard for command throws, dirt naps, hi/los or ambiguous Down+H cross-up. See the first paragraph for my thoughts on X23+otg.

Cons: I have decent combos into WXP > whiffed TOS (or Kitty Helper>hard tag) for level up (lvl 4 is possible, but in a real match you’re most likely gonna get lvl 3) but it takes 2 meters and then you’re left trying to get X23 back in safely. You can use CS alpha counter but that’s another meter you’re fucked out of and that much further away from a dirt nap. Aside from TAC, the only way to level up frank is to get the hit with him, then combo>TOS > Kitty helper>hard tag>snap. It’s not very fun trying to open someone up with level 1 frank tho. More often than not I’m left anchoring a level 1 frank and that’s a losing proposition.

So it’s looking like it might be better to go for 2 seperate teams.
Team 1:X-23/vergil(rapid slash)/frank(cart) seems like it would remedy the frank level up issue since vergil has meterless leveling options. It should also give x23 TOD by going WXP>vergil sword loops as well as relaunches.
Team 2: I’ve been trying to find a new 3rd for X-23/???/Felix. Ideally, I think it would be someone with a fast hori. assist for x23’s mixup game that gets a strong buff from having an otg. Alternatively, it would need to be someone that has a strong assist for x23 and felix and anchors better than xf3 felicia (that’s a pretty rough proposition tho…Dark felicia is insane.)

So now that I’ve once again put up a whole freaking wall of text…anyone have any thoughts?

So if I watch my inputs should it show Down,P1,Down/Right,Right ; the P1 before the down or actually both at the same time? Just so i can make sure to practice the timing correctly

Also I like the Cap. Shield Slash Assists alot. Apart from the fact that Captain is a very solid character online (which I mostly play) it not only gives the relaunch option but also covers alot of space. Been thinking about X-23/Chris or Hawkeye/Cap, but have yet to try the Synergy and DHCs.

Yes, ideally, it would read the down and the assist at the same time but it’s not 100% strict. Also, you need to make sure that you’re completely grounded at the end of the TA L before you start the motion or you’ll get a solo ankle slicer. I’m pretty sure the game will let you buffer the qcb in before you’ve hit the ground but it won’t let you buffer the assist call so if you start the motion too early it will leave out the assist entirely. There are still times in matches where I’ll miss the assist so make sure you’re ready to cancel into rage trigger, pop xfactor or setting up a mixup for when they tech/stand if you miss the input.

As far as the team, Cap gets much better with an assist so I think it would be better playing him mid than on anchor. Also there’s a lot of guys locally that play Cap/Doom Missiles which sets up easy double supers for cap and x23 doesn’t hate missiles at all (If you can stand playing Doom, that is.)

Merky: Vergil is good idea to go with imo. Vergil will require heavy meter should X23 gets killed by something, but his teleport mixups in combination with cart is just as scary than M feint+cart. XF3 Vergil is scary, but again he enjoys sitting on a lot of meter build prior to coming in for his shenanigans. Lving up Frank is important, but I’ve found that coming in on X23’s feint comboing options>WXP>snap will guarantee at least LV3 Frank. For just one more combo, given his self-relaunching options, I almost always achieved LV4 Frank with ease while getting some free dmg in with him. Frank in XF3 just isn’t derpy enough than XF3 Felicia (who can summon helpers and wreck havoc) even at LV4XF Frank imo, moreso coming in at LV1.

Not a whole lot of anchors can topple XF3 Felicia and her options. Well, maybe speed+ Firebrand with his own helper out or Illusion Morrigans creating Soul Labyrinths. But, both don’t seem as idealistic for what you are looking for. Shrugs My 2 cents.

Anyway, it was mentioned that X23 does gain a lot more comboing options with an OTG, which is true. The only reason I am seen using OTG assist for X23 is because online X23 feints/MFC feel like underwater motions, and they are VERY easy to drop. Getting the OTG assist into charged neck slicer relaunch doesn’t take too much practice even on online, just call the assist at the same time you input the motion once you land. The Hori Commander Pad can adjust its motion sensors for smoother inputs, but it will take time finding the one you want to work with. With that being said, it’s sad that I can’t find a stupid team for this bitch lol because I keep moving from point a to point b then point c and crap. Each time I feel like “oh that’s pretty good” somebody derps me out, and I’ve since moved away from Hulk again because I dunno man he feels too slow for my liking.

But yeah, somebody was talking about X23/Viper synergy and how it was good. Gave it a go in the lab and it feels like a winner, and I ain’t even worried about the execution scare because I thrive off that shit. But, I needed something to keep Trish/Zero/Morrigans out of the air like somebody said above. It’s too bad this game lacks good Anti-Air assisting options, shit I remember in Marvel 2 that game had sooo many good ones. Had to go with Jam Session, since it’s quick and is S tier for Dirt Napping. I sacrifice a beam assist yet again, but you know what I don’t even care anymore. I feel X23 doesn’t need help in getting in at all, she’s more than capable with certain technology. But, she will get lamed out over lack of air options and I’ll gladly trade for some help in that department. So yeah X23/Viper/Dante, hope this shit works and I’ll stick with it. Far as the synergy goes, X23 gets sure dirt naps and the OTG, Viper can ToD, and Dante loves XF3 and can handle himself. This team can oddly TAC well for meter I noticed also—Wall of text!

It’s hard to make a team especially in this game that full compliments X-23. Her combo damage without self relaunches isn’t super hot near TOD status like some of the other high tiers of the game and she generally struggles to get really scary damage off a DHC without an OTG assist unless she has like Hulk behind the DHC or something. The nerf to assists further limits the amount of assists that allow her to DHC into her Weapon X Prime super and her rage trigger super pops people up too high after the last set of hits where it screws up a lot of DHC and THC’s. Either you won’t really get that much damage or sometimes it screws up certain supers from hitting correctly period.

She also has big issues with aerial opponents since she still has no way to ground bounce or hard knockdown an opponent to the floor if she hits them from the air. Plus the only real option she has for comboing someone from the air to the ground (L talon attack) got nerfed so pretty much if the opponent is at super jump height you can’t even hit them with a real combo. You can do 3 or 4 hits to them and then they can just fly back up in the air. You really have to grind to get characters like Trish/Storm/SpiderMan/Morrigan on the ground and having an AA assist like jam session or vajra helps but it’s not necessarily going to be a be all answer. It just increases your chances of doing damage to them temporarily as you try to find ways to combo them closer to the ground.

Having a beam assist is nice for the left/rights but some characters that are higher tier now like Morrigan can just duck under any beam assist that isn’t disruptor. While disruptor is fast it doesn’t have much durability and isn’t doesn’t really do enough hit stun or block stun to really cover ground with talon attacks as well as the slower more durable beams.

Long story short I feel like there’s a few ways to make a team around X-23 although they all ultimately have their faults for Laura that she must get around through smart play.



1. X-23 on point with 2 strong neutral assists. This is the way I play her and the only way I really find her fun to play with the characters on my team. One covering aerial (that preferably sets up aerial lockdowns for easy dirt naps) and one that covers your horizontal (like a beam or fast projectile assist) for left/right mix ups and covering your ground and aerial approaches. In this game characters laming out at the top of the screen is more of an importance and they some of them can easily snipe out your assists or DHC into supers that will severely hurt or kill your assists on a bad call. In the end though X-23 does like the help of assists like jam session so that she can pester people that are airborne and help give them a reason to come to the ground. Horizontal assists with solid durability are great for covering her aerial and ground movement so she isn’t just running into stuff all day trying to get in (especially against Sent drones). Pretty much all projectile based horizontal assists lose to Akuma assist so you’ll have to learn to just have strong footsies against Akuma assist whoring players.

You’re not going to get any real strong relaunch stuff on this team unless you pick a very specific set of neutral assists and until we figure out some crazy shit…X-23’s damage before super without an assist at best reaches in the 450 to 500k range. Then on top of that you have to specific DHC’s to get big damage off of her rage trigger super since Weapon X Prime still needs an assist to pop people up for it. Without very specific supers behind X-23 rage trigger will pop the opponent up too high on the last set of hits which means you will have to DHC early and miss out on some of that important damage. Which sometimes has you struggling to kill full health lower health characters even like Storm or Zero unless they got hit by something first.

This basically forces the X-23 player to play around resets and hopefully the second character provides a safe DHC when things get bad. Which is tough to do in a game of huge hit boxes and people that just wanna be in the air all day and kill you in one combo. All while you have to work on two touching them to death consistently. If you can get this play style down though it’s strong because it allows X-23 to have an option at every situation at the cost of having to touch most of the cast more than once to kill them. You’ll just have to be very creative and put together a lot of strong mix ups that the opponent can’t simply just tech forward/back out of.

There is a small set of neutral assists that allow you to relaunch off of air throws or general hard knockdowns at least so you can try to find a 2nd neutral assist that relaunches for you if you really want the extra damage that badly. Probably the best option for this being Iron Man’s repulsor blast assist since it will set up relaunch while giving you a great AA/dirt nap set up assist (although it is wonky to hit confirm from because of how it juggles people around). It also requires you to play Iron Man who is not a walk in the park to utilize and is about as online unfriendly as it gets.

2. X-23 on point with one neutral assist and one OTG assist. This is another solid way of playing X-23 and definitely has it’s benefits and downsides over the first method. Mainly what you’re going to be gaining over a 2 neutral assist team is the ability to relaunch off forward

I would say one of the ultimate goals with any team you make is to build a team where your goal is to stack X-23 with strong neutral assist and build up meter via resets for dirt nap. The other is to create a team that will allow X-23 to get near TOD damage and not be as reliant on resets/dirt nap. This ultimately makes it easier to capitalize on that one chance you get to hit the opponent in some of her counter matches at the trade of not having as great options for convincing more aerial characters to come down to where you want to play to begin with.

That isn’t the most terrible trade though if you consider that the one time you do hit them you will maximize profit and pretty much guarantee you’ll kill off the lower health characters that do that like Trish and Storm pretty easily. This team also has a bit better of a team building up meter for dirt naps since longer combos ultimately mean more meter for dirt nap. Turning on XF1 against a solid health character after you land a hit on them (especially if you already landed a small combo or set of hits on them before) will help you build the meter to XF1 kill the next character. This is because even XF1 gives you a boost in meter build and still lasts just long enough where you can kill one character and then use meaty d+H talon dive or meaty H crescent scythe to dirt nap kill the next person coming in.

Especially if you were able to kill the first character via resets this can give you opportunity to XF1 kill the next character and still have 3 meters for the dirt nap. Allowing you to kill off their anchor and win the match. That’s the ideal way to do it. If you feel confident in fighting their anchor without XF you can always XF1 kill the first character and then dirt nap down the second and then just 3 on 1 the anchor without XF.

3. X-23 in second spot with some type of strong meter building point character and neutral assist providing anchor. This is another solid way of playing X-23. You don’t get to have access to 2 assists to get as much versatility in your neutral and relaunch options but activating XF2 pretty much offsets not having a relaunch assist. You can activate XF2 just like Wolvie off any situation like air throws, hard knockdowns etc. and build the dirt nap meter you need to kill off 2 people easily. Now that people are finding that meaty air d+H and H crescent scythe setups are nearly as reliable as assist based setups for dirt naps (if a bit harder to time) this is definitely a good spot for X-23 still.

In some ways it’s an even better spot for X-23 now due to the buff to her talon attacks where any move normal or special moves wise that makes her airborne can now be cancelled into the talon attacks. This of course falls into choosing her crescent scythe assist so you can give your point character a very unique option. The ability to basically have a one meter safe reversal against pressure that with correct placement and timing can even convert into combos. Even if you don’t get the combo conversion at least you basically get a one meter guard cancel which is huge in a game with some much pressure and death always near anytime you get touched. If your point character doesn’t have a safe on block super this helps them out a lot as well although it might be preferable that they have a safe on block super so they don’t always have to rely on the crossover counter to safely get out of a match if you need to save them.

Though in the end the ultimate goal of this team is to use X-23 in XF2 to build up dirt nap meters quickly on any touch and get two people out of the fight quickly. If you already killed the first character this is pretty much a game win strategy. If you gotta fight 3 people this ensures that at bare minimum you take down 2 characters on their team free pretty free and only have to deal with their anchor after your XF is burnt.

4. X-23 as anchor. Now this is an interesting spot since at first I thought this was a mostly useless spot for her but her ability to self cross up off her M feint and some other tools make this spot for her a bit more viable. The big thing making this spot more viable for her also is again…the crescent scythe assist which allows X-23 to finally be a character that can safely get a character into the reserve/assist spot. Which if that character provides a strong neutral assist like Iron Fist, Magneto or Akuma…you can then play X-23 in the XF2 as well if you choose to.

This team set up is kinda gimmicky though and mostly revolves around the point character just being a really strong character that can do most of the work on their own with one strong neutral assist. The team pretty much forces you to go hard with dirt naps since you’re either going to TAC into X-23 to set up dirt naps from the 2nd character or just have the second character fight on their own and then X-23 will try to dirt nap down the rest of the team in XF3.

I would say probably the least solid of X-23’s team structures but very rewarding if things go right from the front often enough.

Whichever way you go, as long as you build X-23 around resets or heavy damage relaunch combos to set up meter for dirt naps you’ll be good to go.

I’ve had enough of trying to come up with teams for this character. Literally tired of getting my arse kicked constantly. I’m just gonna pick up X-23/Taskmaster/Wesker, or X-23/Ironman/Sentinel. Those are the only teams I can think of that cover near enough everything and have synergy front-to-back and back-to-front.

If they didn’t fuck around with the assist hitscaling, I’d have a MUCH easier time in terms of team composition.

Yeah I think the assist scaling is a big deal as far as messing up X-23’s Vanilla team synergy. I wouldn’t be struggling with my team set up as much as I am now if they didn’t nerf the damn HSD. It is ultimately teaching me to be more creative with my team and be able to play it in more orders effectively throughout the match. Which is probably more powerful to know in the long run any way.

I like the X-23/Task/Wesker team a lot because it gives you pretty much everything you need without having to do too much run around. You can also switch in Wesker in XF2 with an assist plus the glasses off which can take down teams more solidly than XF3 Wesker if X-23 dies. You can try to wait for the XF3 durp out with Taskmaster but I feel X-23 is too reliant on assists himself where simply providing him an OTG assist is going to do a lot even if Wesker is the anchor.

Taskmaster is a solid anchor simply because even though he doesn’t have gdlk mix ups he can air throw and poke people with dumb sword normals into huge damage or TOD’s all day. Plus he provides a neutral assist that Wesker sorely needs to be more than just a gimmick teleport character with strong footsies as anchor.

The one neutral assist one OTG assist has been very successful with characters like Masta CJ’s Dormammu’s team so if we do see an X-23 team be successful in tourneys eventually it will most likely be with that set up. Mainly because it’s simply the easiest to win with if X-23 touches somebody.

I prefer playing around mix ups and resets and love having jam session as an assist (PLUS LOVE playing Dante still) so I can’t give up the 2 neutral assist set up. It’s a bit of a struggle for damage but it’s the only way I feel like I can have fun with X-23 and I don’t mind her at worst just building meter for Dante with an assist which is still great for coming back and winning matches I feel (once I get used to Iron Man and possibly using Dante as anchor sometimes).

So I’ve been scrolling through the threads and using X-23 as 2nd character came up alot, but wasn’t really discussed too much.
I personally never tried it and I’m not good enough to judge, but seeing you all like Laura as a character but being frustrated with her On-point capability, what speaks against putting her 2nd?
I guess that ANchor Laura can easily be dismissed because of her reliance on an assist, but using her as an assist doesn’t seem too bad. You get Ankle Slice for unblockables or Crescent which also is not a bad assist at all. Also if you choose a point character that can build alot of meter you can kill somebody with a hyper, DHC into Dirt Nap and still kill the next character with it.
As I said, I’m not really into this game enough to judge yet, but I’ve been watching almost all recent tourneys, and while not the best assist in the game, it seems like a decent option just to keep her because you like her.

I did a nice description of X-23 in the second spot in my last post. It’s a very viable spot if you play around XF and just stay really patient against characters that stay up at the top of the screen all day. Ideally you’ll want to have X-23 with crescent scythe assist in that spot though if the point character ABSOLUTELY needs an OTG assist then you can set them up with ankle slice. Hopefully the 3rd character will provide a strong neutral assist because you’re going to need it in that spot.

Woops! Guess i left that reply window open for a little too long. Sorry about that

As I said i tried X-23,Cap,something (Hawkeye,Chris,Task, any projectile really) and I’ve been thinking that Cap with X-23 Assist seems pretty good. CS Assist helps Cap and Shield Slash helps Laura. Probably not the best team evar, but for some casual-ish online play it seems fun enough for me.
Of course you can basically put anything you like in the third spot that helps getting in, I just seem to have a dislike of characters with flight-mode for some reason, except for maybe Storm.

Edit: lots of brainfarts today <.<
Well I just checked and Hyper Charging Star into Rage Trigger works if you sacrifice 1hit of the HCS of Cap. Also you can DHC into Gimlet after if you want obviously.
Furthermore with Cap’s regular BnB you can LMHS,Hyper Jump Shield Slash;
Then land, call X-23, jump back up, hit the falling opponent with j.H and CS will hit. Not too sure if this is usefull because a) I couldn’t combo off of it yet. and b) Maybe the assist scaling will make it do less damage than the regular BnB

Overall, I believe that Cap is the strongest option for an X-23 teammate, giving her both a neutral assist with a relaunch option in one assist, Shield Slash.

Now, yeah, you have to actually like Cap… and the relaunch he gives Laura is direct (mash S after C.A.S.), unlike Nova which lets you poke a bit before the launch. So, with Cap, all you need is something to help you vertically, so you have Task Vertical Arrows, Dante Jam Session, Strider Vajra, Doom Missiles, Trish’s ground trap one, and a few others.

Putting forth now that Cap and X-23 are the new best friends.

Yeah the only big issue I see with Cap + X-23 is having no safe on block DHC between either character. The shield slash assist has decent durability with 5 points of durability per hit. Though it comes out quickly enough to sometimes stuff out the start up of other assists or projectiles. Plus the gapped block stun it provides allows for a lot of double mix up shenanigans plus the relaunch options.

The DHC issue you can overcome I feel you can overcome by simply using Captain America’s supers as a way to bully through anything X-23 can’t get through on her own. Captain America may not have a safe on block DHC super option (unless you do something gimmicky like put hidden missiles on your team) but the unique thing about Captain America DHC wise is that he has 2 level 1’s that can bully through most of the shit in the game. His hyper stars and stripes super is invincible after the flash from frame 0 (after 12 pre freeze start up frames) so if you combine that with the 1st frame invincibility of rage trigger or the 6 frame start up 60 frames of invincibility from weapon x prime…you can get X-23 through almost any attack situation with 2 meters with just that alone.

Plus if you have to get through a mine field of projectiles or get past something like Storm’s hail storm, you can start up rage trigger or weapon x prime and then DHC into hyper charging star and Captain America will blow through just about any arrangement of projectiles on the screen for free. As long as the opponent’s team doesn’t have a DHC option to counter this you can pretty much give X-23 the ability to always get in on her own or get in by DHCing into a character that never has much trouble getting in on their own.

The only thing you’ll really need to provide Captain America with is some fast horizontal assist or something like hidden missiles to cover his unsafe on block special moves. Although they are unsafe on block that have really strong frame and hit box properties during start up that allow him to blow through most of the normal pressure and mix ups that people can’t stand in this game. He just needs an assist to make them safe so he can bully through most things for free. Captain America does a boat load of damage on his own and always carries people to corners in his combos so he’s easy to DHC into during combos also.

The team I’m training on lately is Wesker/X-23/Dante, in that order. But I’m also not absolutely sure about that yet, I still like Vergil but I actually think Dante is a better fit.

I’ll probably still run my Ghost Rider/X-23/Vergil team as an alt, and I also want a Vajra team to counter zoning teams, on which I don’t think X-23 can be a participant.

I’ll be in Vancouver for a month for business, bringing my PS3 and just gonna woodshed on UMvC3 and do whatever tournaments/casuals I can while I’m there… then I’m gonna enter in Final Round when I get back to Atlanta in early March. Wish me luck, and let me know if you wanna do some training online.