MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

It seems like whenever I want to focus on trapping my opponents for sure derp naps, I end up sacrificing a beam/projectile assist for a relaunch/etc. I guess that’s the price I have to pay for being stuck with this game online ATM. So as of late I’ve been thinking about X23/Iron Man/Taskmaster, and I generally cater to teams that provide my X23 a relaunch AND projectile. But, at least this time I can gain the benefits of sure derp naps to complete X23’s potential for durpy shit. I think the DHC synergy would fare great, and XF3 Tasky isn’t the best but can still get the job done.

I still work with Doom, but seemingly less now that I’ve slotted Wesker as anchor (who IMO is the better anchor of the two). I think X23/Viper/Doom can be a strong team, but I would put doom at missiles for the pressure/lockdown that both X23 and Viper can benefit from.

Hmm…depends on how much damage you want your DHCs to do. There’s a a few characters I’d put in the 2nd slot actually. My first choice would be Taskmaster, then Sentinel, Doom, Dante, Akuma and so on. The thing is, Deadpool’s assist’s don’t help out the 2nd character too well aside from combo extensions unfortunately, which is kinda the issue I’m having with putting Deadpool in the team. An ideal 2nd would be a character who’s self sufficient and has a good assist to help X-23 get in too.

Unless you put Deadpool 2nd.

Thanks for the input!
Yeah, I’m not to hooked on putting anyone anywhere yet, I don’t even know how to combo with anyone except X-23 properly, so all I’m saying are just random newbie thoughts. So I guess Tasky would also be a good third? Seen a couple of people use him as anchor. Not too fond of the rest of the ones you posted, maybe Dante but he looks so complicated.
Guess I’ll try around a bit with Deapool second, maybe try Vergil or Storm on 3rd again.

Tasky’s would be decent as a 3rd due to XF bonuses and him being more self-sufficient than other characters on their loneseome, yeah, go for it. :slight_smile: And yeah, Dante’s quite complicated combo-wise, there’s some basic combos you can do, but you’d be losing out on damage. But if you don’t mind that, I definitely give him a go. He’s got a lot of options and Deadpool’s Katana-rama can help him get extra groundbounces and junk.

Storm’s not a bad idea if you like her actually. I was thinking of X-23/Storm/Deadpool or Storm last.

More on Derp Napping: GTFO assist (Tatsu, Lariat, etc) can still work for derp napping, you can either watch them land into the incredible amount of hitstun or preform the meaty super jump talon dive strategy in combination. Pretty much any assist that causes a duration of hitstun can be worked with, this includes eye of agamoto/tracking disc/etc. Assist that cover the air like Shoryuken, Vjara, etc. are optional but don’t cause enough hitstun to be considered reliable.

Today I worked with X23(AS),Hulk(GW),Iron Man(RB). Strong team, RB helps both relaunch and keeps some of Hulks shit safe. GW can help X23 relaunch in the corner, but the timing is kinda strict due to GW’s startup. Great DHC synergy, also.

Thor’s Mighty Smash relaunches too, plus X-23 and him DHC well together, so he’s another solid candidate for the typical team set-up of X-23+relauncher assist/projectile assist/good DHC.

On the Dirt Nap, I really recommend trying the TK CS H (I posted vid proof maybe 2 weeks back). The timing is pretty lenient and it’s stupid how effective it is and it saves you a team spot.

On the X23/Hulk/IM I think that team works better with Hulk on point. You can DHC into WXP from a full screen gamma Tsunami and off the last hit of Gamma Crush, he gets an easy relaunch off X23’s otg for an absurd amount of damage and you get almost 3 meters just from dying. X-23 comes in with xf2 where she can kill most people off any touch then dirt nap the next and usually relaunch before xf runs out so you’ve pretty much won at that point. It’s also possible to relaunch off Repulsor Blast though it’s probably better to just use it to get the first hit.

Now that I think about it your right. X23 ankle slice gives Hulk unblockables, and 1 million dmg corner setups for 1 meter. As for Dirt Napping, yeah I already planned on trying your method. I hope I can gain something from it :3

I’ve been trying to use raw TK CS to set up for dirt nap, but I’ve been having a lot of trouble timing it properly, especially while in X-factor. Anyone have tips? Maybe it’s easier offline and I just need to practice more, lol.

Can someone theoryfighter a X-23 (Ankle Slice)/Jill (Arrow Kick)/Viper (Seismo) team for me real quick?

Not a terrible team online but not gonna have a lot of fun in tournaments with that team.

Let me put it this way. The opposing team will only need 3 meters total to win.

rushdown like a boss, otherwise it gets zoned/lamed out pretty bad.

Oh yeah sorry for double post but about that TK CS Derp Nap…I can get it to work decently enough actually. But, I wanted to see if this would be pracitcal to use anywhere, and I have got it to work even with no corners in range. But generally, I guess you would want to do this near a corner because it is easier to setup X23 Ankle Slice into XF. I tried wave dashing into an ankle slicerxxxXF, and it’s still pretty hard to pull off.

Another thing is that I’ve tested 3 characters in getting this trick to work: a mirror X23, Ghost Rider, and Wolverine. Simply put, I could not get it to work on Wolverine at all after like 50 tries. He would always advance guard X23 out, and I am not sure but Wolverine is one those interesting characters to practice with (he’s one of the few characters that still gets hit by Dorm’s corner Dark Hole off an OTG). Maybe I was just doing it wrong, but it worked on the others decently enough. If it turns out that is the case, we should test the entire cast if this character specific.

I’ve always just used TK Talon Dive H for meaty Dirt Naps, catches people trying to air dash up too. They’re probably comparable as far as active frames go.

Funny thing is no one will ever know what you’re doing unless you tell them, the invisibility is just there to F w/ them.

The big downsides here are gonna be the lack of health, none of the assist helping with your neutral game and not having strong control of superjump height. Trish-style matchups are gonna be annoying for almost everyone in the team. I would probably put either X23 on CS for the invincible Alpha Counter or Viper on Burning Kick for hi+low hard-to-blockable resets since I can’t see Jill getting use from 2 otg assist. X-23 might edge out viper for the otg since it also hits low making it viable for hi+low stuff.

Actually getting the hit would be hard, but you could probably manage a 900k+ off an X-23 2 meter bnb with combo combo combo > seismo relaunch > wall bounce relaunch > Super > DHC Jill’s AA (raven spike?) That’s assuming I’m remembering the move names right and it’s possible to arrow kick off X23’s otg and Jill’s AA super off of Rage trigger. I haven’t touched Jill since early vanilla so I can’t really say whether or not having that otg will add much to her game tho I’m pretty sure she has a nice ground bounce > wall bounce > hard tag tech that viper should be able to pick up from for some decent extra damage.

You might have a hard time getting in unless you can use arrow kick as a poor man’s horizontal assist and get used to getting killed off a single hit cause it’s gonna happen A LOT…Also, as you get better with viper you’ll probably see people tagging her in to avoid dealing with her in xf3 and Jill and X23 are decent, but not great at xf3.

Depending on how well Arrow Kick can relaunch for x23, it might be worth choosing either Jill or Viper and replacing the 3rd with a dedicated horizontal assist. X23/Jill/Frank West might work since Jill can level frank meterless with her hard tag tech setup and both of them would would benefit from shopping cart shenanigans. X23/Viper/Taskmaster or some other hori. assist that doesn’t put them in a juggle state would probably be the best bet for maximizing damage on viper’s combo (her TK loops) and helping with X23s mixup game.

Edit: Good find, Ephidel. I’ll check it out and see if I can replicate that

@MoFro: My only beef with using any of the Talon Attacks is that it’s only single hitting so there’s less leniency. I was able to jab mash my way out of them pretty regularly too when I was running them in the lab. Also, nice added bonus that if you screw up with the CS you still have the option to TA down which I like in case I jump the gun and CS too early after a kill.

Hm, yeah you have a good point there. Guess I’ll have to TK CS after all lol

Has anyone tried taskmasters up arrows assist? I thought it could be useful if someone is camping at superjump height. I think you can set it up to hit incoming characters also. And if you call it just as you hit launcher and immediately hit H->Talon dive you land in time to relaunch off the otg. Probably the least damaging assist for relaunches out there but might come in handy, helps corner carry anyway. (Was trying the same thing with Storm’s typhoon but it’s too finicky.)

I’d like to have someone in second who covers Laura’s bad match-ups, which for me anyway means someone who can zone out the heavies, and someone who can hit the top of the stage. So I think Task or Ammy are the best fit.

Speaking of Taskmaster, I’ve been looking at Taskmaster’s Parabolic assist, it seems really good. It’s slow to come down, but it rains on a large majority of the field and covers you well. If you can relaunch with one of his assists, that’s even better for me, that means I can use X-23/Taskmaster/Felicia with Rolling Buckler.

The only problem I have with Taskmaster is that he almost has to be behind X23 for him to be effective for her. If you point X23, then Taskmaster would more than likely be slotted second, in which case I would prefer to burn XF2 for X23 and NOT Taskmaster. If you slot X23 second for XF2, then Taskmaster becomes a capable anchor but obviously not the best option available.

I still think he covers a lot of X23 bad matchups, but X23 has more derpy options and needs his assist to become more threatening. Simply put, if Taskmaster is ever in front of X23 (excluding something like DHC/TAC), you messed up somewhere.