MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

So I’ve been using X-23/Felicia/Storm alot lately, and it’s hella fun to play.
Sadly I’m not good enough to judge how good they work together as team. Any input if it would be worth learning or should i swap out storm for someone else?

Felicia’s OTG works really well for X-23 (exactly the same as what you can do with Wesker). The only trick is making sure you are holding back for just a fraction of a second before you call assist + neck slicer or Felicia will jump into the corner and drop the combo. I play x-23 with CS for the invincible alpha counter and it helps Felicia since she doesn’t have the greatest AAs (might try ankle slicer for unblockable hi/low setups, also tho.)
I would try to make a point in match of tagging out Felicia once she’s at ~half health since she is absolutely nuts on anchor. You might also like trying Felicia on point and playing her as a reset character since she batteries really well for X-23 and dirt nap setups. X-23 and Felicia both get a nice damage boost doing team hypers with Storm (Felicia doubly so since you don’t have to worry about the finicky timing on the dash back sand splash > hyper.) I haven’t played around with it,personally, but apparently whirlwind is servicable as your hori. assist but I personally thinks it’s a much better assist for strong zoning teams. Storms slot can half pretty much anyone that’s a strong horizontal assist that you feel comfortable playing (mid-range speed seems to work best for covering your left/rights with x23 and felix.) Depending on my mood/match-up , I’ll swap out my 3rd slot for Tasky, Doom, Frank, Arthur, etc.

I need some help with X-23/Vergil/Ryu.

  1. My assists are set at ankle slice, rapid slash, and tatsu. I want to know if this assist set up is nice because i think that two ground based moves for X-23 is redundant, but the problem is what other assists should i put Vergil or Ryu in?

  2. Any various tricks i can do with X/Vergil, and X23/Ryu?

  3. Why can’t Ryu work with X-23’s otg assist? For some reason, i’m having a problem getting X-23’s otg assist to connect after i do an AC with Ryu but i’m not having this problem with Vergil. Why?

  1. I kind of agree with having too much ground coverage. It’s gonna make those trish/firebrand style matchups really hard to counter, but for those match-ups on the ground you’ll probably be set.

  2. I haven’t actually went into training mode with him yet but I’m pretty sure you could do combo combo combo > WXP > Vergil Sword super nonsense for TOD. Also, not really practical, but you can relaunch mid-combo with vergils rapid slash from midscreen and in the corner with something along the lines of S launch + call assist > m > talon attack > relaunch

  3. As far as the assists, there are lots of them that don’t work off of ankle slicer. I don’t know about Ryu’s Tatsu off hand but for akuma’s tatsu, the hitstun scaling on assist really messed him up for late combo extension. On the faster ones that do work you still have to press d+assist,df,f+M to get the assist to come out fast enough (if it’s just a matter of Ryu coming out too slowly). They said they were gonna make it more lenient in ult…I don’t really see it though.

ok thanks. Do you have assist suggestions? Should I put ryu or vergil on their AAA’s instead?

Yeah I figured as much. Simply placing Felicia on Anchor is not a good choice then I guess? Especially since I can’t play her too wel. But she’s just too damn fun.
And for your other assist suggestion, I noticed the same thing, only that I’ve been swapping Storm with Chris and Frank mostly.

Felicia’s an awesome battery, meter user, assist and anchor with xf3. X23 is great on point, meter user and is starting to look pretty solid as an xf anchor too. One of the things I’m still working on in my game is not getting so hung up on team order and just getting characters out when they need to heal up.

I think x23 really starts to shine once she can relaunch off air throws so it’s nice to have felicia alive behind her. Also, getting felicia’s sand splash > super is annoyingly tight but you can easily thc with a super that otgs if you have meter to burn (which is why having storm behind her is nice.)

I think that team is essentially 2 point characters that double as anchor with an assist character in the mix.

I’m really liking X-23 backed with Iron Fist assist. It’s a ghetto version of Wolverine’s 50/50 mix ups, but I like it because I don’t need to use meter to keep it safe, hit confirms are ridiculously easy, and wake up supers won’t hurt X-23 since she won’t be attacking.

Team: I keep my pimp hand strong. X-23-B/Nova-B/Viper-B (Nova’s the pimp…)

It’s taken me since day 1 vanilla to find my team but I’ve finally done it. Normally I don’t play without a beam assist, even if the team would be better with a different assist type, and I’d like to get out of that. The synergy between X-23/Nova and X-23/Viper has been explained countless times, no need to regurgitate it. However, it’s been a bit harder developing Nova/Viper into a competent duo, they DHC together well enough, and Viper backed with Gravemetric Rush is good, Nova backed by Siesmo on the other hand doesn’t seem so useful, he would make better use out of a horizontal assist I’m sure. All I can think of is maybe it can extend combos in the corner, or if he used his overhead/ground-bounce to open the opponent up, it might help with air-throw resets due to how high it pops them up. If anyone’s got any ideas that would be awesome.

All in all it’s a very fun team to play I recommended anyone that’s having an identity crisis try it out.

So eh, are there any assists other than jam session that give her free derp naps on incoming characters?

Iron Man’s repulsor blast and Skrull’s AA tenderizer assists would be the other best assists for such purpose. Stuck in the air so they can’t use invincible supers (minus 3 characters Morrigan/Sentinel/Phoenix but Phoenix still dies).

If you call hidden missiles pre emptively and go for the dirt nap as the missiles rain down on them that can work too. There’s other assists like Ammy’s cold star that aren’t bad for it but Jam Session, Repulsor Blast and AA Tenderizer are the only anti air style multi hitting assists that work well for it so you don’t have to worry about any invincible supers before they touch the ground and lock them in.

If you don’t want to use one of those 3 assists you can just practice setting up meaty super jump to talon dive (j.d+H) and call an assist just so that you can keep something on the screen if they try to escape.

I posted this over in one of the other threads maybe a week or so back. I’m of the opinion that you don’t need an assist to guarantee it anymore. The only think I eventually found is, if you don’t time your TK’d CS H to hit meaty, they can pop xfactor before they get hit and sometimes it will mess up the timing/spacing so the S won’t always connect. However, if they try to xf guard cancel into a throw/poke/super it’s already too late and they’ll still eat the dirt nap and they popped their xf early.

That all being said historically the top derp assist were Dante’s Jam Session, Iron Man’s Repulsor Blast, Skrull’s Tenderizer, Doom Missiles (timing makes it harder than the other derp options.). Ammy’s Cold Star and Dante’s Weasel Shot can work as semi-guarantees on incoming (wrong angle for incoming means air mobility character can get away from them) but guaranteed dirt nap setups mid-match. OTG assists allow for easy Dirt Naps at the end of combos and I’m sure you could work out setups from wall bounce and ground bounce assists, just not as derp…ily? I’ve heard of people using Dorm’s Pillar, Rocket Raccoon’s Log Trap and other various AA Assists passably.

Like I said though, I’m pretty confident that the assist is just extra fluff and we should all just be using TK’d CS H (You’ll hear her say, ‘You like that?’ for the TK version. ‘Weak’ is the grounded version and doesn’t seem to work the same. Not sure why though…) Most of the assists I’ve named here are really good for her neutral game so if you like them you may as well call them when you’re going to for the dirt nap but you shouldn’t feel like you’re at a disadvantage if you don’t have them, IMO.

TL;DR: Forget the assist, use a meaty TK CS H.
Edit: DJ ninja’d me. :confused:

Ugh, I hate playing online, but it’s my only way to get EXP in the meantime. So I need a team with cheap assists and an OTG.

X-23/Sent/insert OTG/extender assist here
X-23/Taskmaster/insert OTG/extender assist here
X-23/Super Skrull/insert cheap assist here.

Ugh, I dunno what to do. At least I’ve got X-23’s alt costume now. Softens the fact that I’m currently not doing well lol. What do you guys think?

This is what I try to do when the situation presents itself, and like the vid above I am definitely open to finding some more ways to derp nap the opponent into oblivion. I thought about putting X23/Morrigan together for the free meter build, then some kind of assist lockdown like HM or RB. Team Derp Nap.

I think those are good options for online play. Yeah I agree I hate online X23, but I’ve come to the conclusion that an OTG assist for her online is almost needed lol. Those underwater feints are tough and sometimes you gotta keep it simple.

I think Sentinel Bombs is a very underrated assist that never gets used, and it could still be helpful for filling the screen up with shit for X23 to move around.

Thanks! I’m thinking of giving Sentinel Bombs a go too, especially if it OTGs quick enough.

Now, the problem is giving Sentinel a good assist lol. Can’t have him last, need someone with a good hyper to DHC into, like his. Would use Ironman 2nd and Sent 3rd, but using someone like Ironman online would be the biggest mistake of all time.

Could have Sent with Rocket Punch but…nah lol. Plus it’s slow to OTG, which means lag delay would throw off the timing. :frowning: I’m almost tempted to just run Dante/Trish/Sent and save X-23 for offline, but I’ll see how it goes one last time.

I went into the lab with X23/Viper today, and it’s a nice pairing but for somebody like me who can fuck up resets/combos not so much. I just want to get my X23 to the point where sure derp naps happen EVERY match, and really put fear into my opponents that if they lose one character then the next one is sure follow.

Tenderizer can work, but I have no experience with Skrull at all. Iron Man’s RB is appealing, and I’ll have a little grasp of his maneuver patterns from vanilla if nothing too extreme has changed. I feel like there’s still some other stuff I can work out, like maybe Hulk’s Anti-Air assist or Strange’s Tracking Disc. We’ll see.

There’s always X-23/Spencer, if you’ve watched Jacob’s X-23 vids, you’ll get crazy resets for free with Slant Shot.(is that the assist name?) For meter, maybe X-23 and a meter building assist, like Morrigan’s, plus something to help you get in and you’re set.

If Ammy’s Cold Star was better at helping you get in, X-23/Morrigan/Ammy could work well. Cold Star should help extend Morrigan’s combos and pin down for X-23.

I talked about X-23/Chun before, it might work. Hyakuretsu assist relaunches with Ankle Slice, and Kikosho actually does a lot of damage as a mashed hyper. You can TAC into Chun for an infinite too. And if you have an OTG THC like Storm’s, Chun can deal more damage. But Chun can apparently deal 800K 1 bar with assists anyway. Chun needs a lot of support though.

I’m looking at X-23/Vergil due to their DHC compatibility, but Rapid Slash isn’t that good of an assist for X-23 IMO, and Vergil needs an OTG.

But yeah, for conventional teams, I think some solid ones in terms of helping X-23 relaunch, giving her cover and providing optimal damage in terms of DHCs are:

  1. X-23/Taskmaster/Wesker. X-23 gets Taskmaster’s projectiles assists to help her in and Wesker’s assist for relaunches, Taskmaster gets Wesker’s low assist for unblockables, and Wesker’s a braindead anchor(but stronger with assists IMO.) X-23 DHCs into Taskmaster well too.

Some other alternatives to Wesker are Felicia and Deadpool.

  1. X-23/Viper(Seismo)/Doom/insert good projectile assist here.

X-23 and Viper DHC well into each in combos, but not for safety. Doom helps them both get in, and can be a capable anchor.

  1. X-23/Ironman/Sent. X-23 and Ironman DHC well into each in combos. Sent helps Ironman get into position for offence and gives X-23 cover. Ironman’s Repulsor Blast helps X-23 relaunch and lockdown for Silent Kill. I think Repulsor destroys Drones as well.

I would’ve including Nova and some others for relaunching, but their assists’re inconsistent when it comes to fully connecting on Dormammu(why??)

The Bruiser/X-23/Repulsor Blast setup is a very solid team setup for X-23. For the most part, any damage you get with the first character is just gravy. Even if you don’t land a combo you’re likely to have at least 2.5 meters if not 3 just from dying unless your opponent pops xf and whips out the big guns. X-23 with repulsor blast is pretty rediculous and you should be able to manage getting 4 bars off of a single combo or just pop xfactor if you’re okay with dirt napping the second character. Plus it’s really derpy to call RB then just dash spam under them on incoming. Wandles is a hardcore believer in RB but even he says if Iron Man has to come out, you’ve already lost.

Quick edit: I’ve been using the TK CS H for dirt naps in matches and have been having really great results. Catching the timing off kills rather than snaps takes some getting used to, but I would say my success rate has gone up at least 25% compared to TA and TS methods.

Yeah, which is why IMO, Ironman should have an assist to back him up. I know Deviljin would disagree with me about Anchorman(his term, not mine LOL) but I’m so paranoid about covering bases, plus Ironman’s a tough char to get going with without assists.

I wasn’t paying attention to how much Ironman’s Lv.3 XF bonuses affect his mobility though, if it speeds it up enough, he could probably run some of his old tactics, like bullying people with tri-jump attacks. Until it runs out that is. :frowning:

I’m also liking Deadpool with X-23 (as you may notice I still haven’t found a team for myself, just sure i wanna have X-23 on point :3)
What would be a good 2nd for X-23(AnkleSlice)/xxx/Deapool(Katana-Rama)? Been trying Frank (Shopping Cart), but I don’t think I’m good enough for anything like that yet because I’m simply unable to levelup Frank. DHCs were good tho