MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

As long as you have a good projectile/beam assist to get you in, go for it. Morrigan can build meter for X-23 with Dark Harmonizer so you can get X-23’s level 3 quickly and that makes her scary. You won’t be netting much damage, but if you’re fine with that, then yeah, Morrigan/X-23 are fine, as long as you have a good assist to help X-23 get in, and it wouldn’t hurt Morrigan either.

Hey everybody! I’m new to the forums and new to UMvC3 (in fact, i odered the game but don’t own it yet), but I think I know enough about it to start theorycrafting a little.
So far my favorite characters are Laura and Chris, so I was wondering if there is any way the two would work together in a team? Do they have any assists that help each other or DHC possibilitys? Chris’ b assist seems like decent coverage as its beam-like If so, what would be a good third character? I was thinking maybe Dante?? Vergil? I’m not too fond of Doom,Strider and i don’t wanna use Wesker, anyone else is fine tho.
I want Laura on Point for sure even though that’s a good position for Chris also, don’t care if Chris is gonna be anchor or not!

Edit: Also, do those DHCs at ~2:43 and 3:10 still work?

Plus this one: [media=youtube]4tOAR0zBPz8[/media]

Thanks in advance!

Yeah, all those DHCs will work.

The X-23/Chris/Dante team in those vids looks like it would work fine. Dante Jam Session is great for setting up Dirt Nap and could also help Chris control the screen. Vergil could work too, since his Rapid Slash assist takes up so much of the screen and keeps people away for Chris, and also can be useful to cover X-23 as well. Plus, X-23 is one of the few characters with the speed necessary to combo off a full-screen Vergil assist. I used Vergil as anchor on my Ghost Rider/X-23/Vergil team and I imagine Chris’s objectives would be similar to Ghost Rider’s.

I dunno who else you would want on anchor, depends on your preference I guess.

Morrigan and X-23 work okay together, I toyed around with them both early in Vanilla. Shadow Servant (Morrigan’s DP hyper) combos well into X-23’s Weapon X Prime, if I recall correctly. Anything aerial ending in Finishing Shower will not be good for X-23 though. As mentioned previously, Morrigan’s meter building assist will benefit X-23 nicely, but you’re giving up one of the two assists commonly recommended for X-23 play - a cover/beam/get-in assist, and an OTG assist or lockdown assist to use for combo extension.

There’s also the question of who to use X-factor with. X-23 for her menacing combos? Morrigan for her clone projectile shenanigans? Your anchor for mega comeback ability? I guess it depends on the match and the matchup, but I’m not sure how to answer that question really. You’d have to be very careful since it’s tempting to burn X-factor in any of those situations, and making the wrong decisions will almost certainly lead to a loss.

What if I used Morrigan’s projectile assist instead of Dark Harmonizer? I’m pretty new to this so I don’t know if it’ll work as cover, but if it does, and if Cold Star works with combos (which I think I’ve seen it does), seems like that’d give me all the assists I’d need.

Edit: Actually, let me just ask what exactly I’m looking for in a good projectile/beam cover for X-23. Would something like Dormammu’s Dark Hole work? Chun-Li’s Kikoken? Etc.?

Oh man that’s frustrating…I did a whole post in response to the hulk/x-23/dorm question and my stupid work computer said it posted…UGH…

Hulk / X23 are great together. Gamma wave for otg/hori assist for x23. Ankle slicer for easy hulk relaunch and for DHC WXP can catch a full screen gamma wave super and connect off of his meteor super (gamma crush?) you may have to dhc before the last hit for that to connect.

Dorm can work for combo extension and lockdown with dark hole. While he doesn’t win this match, unfortunately theres not a lot of vids of his matches online, Wandles runs a really strong hulk(gamma wave)/x-23(ankle slicer)/Iron Man(repulsor blast) team. Repulsor Blast and Dark hole can kind of fill the same gap so you can run the same kind of combos and whatnot. Check the 3rd match on the vid. All the combos are still there in Ultimate. I would say use your 3rd slot for some kind of space control assist since hulk really gets a lot out of that and gamma wave acts as an otg and a horizontal assist for x-23.

The North Alabama group has started running little local tourneys and we’ve got a setup for recording now so hopefully I can post some more recent stuff. Wandles has won both of the locals we’ve ran the past few weeks and Perfected 2nd (a really annoying zero/dante/strider team) and 3rd(wesker/doom/strider I think…) place with his team this past week so it’s a really beasty effective team. TMNTemps ran a vid a few pages back about x-23/hulk synergy and (sorry, but I’m drawing a blank on who posted the vid) someone else posted a vid using dorm for combo extension in the x23 combo forum a day or 2 back if you’re still looking to run dorm. I would personally recommend running a strong space control lockdown assist to help hulk get free hits into TOD combos and set up dirt naps for x23.


Alright, thanks alot.
If I use Vergil over Dante do you think I can still DHC smiliar to what I posted before with Dante?
Apart from that I’ll just wait and try for myself I guess :3

Yeah Hulk/X23 has some really impressive corner setups that do insane dmg(with little practice I might add). For anchor I like an assist that will help Hulk stay in (task arrows or hawk’s arrows, drones, etc.) Hulk/Laura/Tasky or Hawkeye on paper looks solid enough. I guess Frank’s cart works also, but I just don’t like Frank as an anchor. Though a lot of people just start X23 nowadays, the second slot is still really good for her to be in. You could use Hulk as some sort of battery because his combos already do enough dmg without meter.


That vid was pretty cool to watch. I was already looking to learn Iron Man simply because, out the suggestions, I like his character more and that influences me more then anything. I chose X-23 because I love her in the comics. She’s a tragic heroine and I love those. Hulk is the same minus the heroine part. So the fact that someone does well with this team is inspiring to me as I really like the Iron Man character, admittedly more because of the movies, and I think that will make learning him ultimately easier.

Alright, I think I’ve (finally) got this figured out. Chun-Li (Hyakuretsukyaku)/X-23 (Ankle Slice)/Hawkeye (Quick Shot).

Chun’s assist can help X relaunch after a charged ankle slice, and they DHC well together, too. Hawkeye has the projectile assist to cover X on her approach. Also, Chun-Li builds a ton of meter.

Hi guys! so ive got my team of x-23, dante, spencer and i think its pretty good! jam session can clear out some air space bringing the fight to the ground where x-23 shines. it also sets up some fun left right mixups with mirages and nifty dirt naps. but spencer is what makes this team so great. i posted a while back about the bionic resets his slant grapple can set up and i finally made a video showing what it can do. basically it gives you the options of left low, left high, right low, right high, crossup talon, fake crossup talon, command grab, and instant overhead(character specific, and crossup instant overhead can be unreliable. doing one from the front is a pretty good option though!) every option leads right back into another reset, but you usually wont need more than one. in most situations one wrong guess from your opponent ends up with 2 dead characters(the video shows an example of this) this team pretty much revolves around this 2 for 1. anyways its a pretty fun team. sorry for the shitty video quality but i guess its better than nothing


How tight are those resets? If they’re tight, then that’s pretty messed up. Very nice stuff anyway.

Does anyone here run Dormammu with X-23? Does she get anything out of his assists?

Well its all about your timing. If you do it too fast you can still combo off of it before they leave stun from the grapple. The overhead stuff works even if theyre crouching because with the right timing you catch them before their animation even changes from standing to crouch. I think its pretty cheap

This is something I would like to know as well,

I am new to X-23 and was wondering if she can work with Hawkeye and Dorm or even just one of them. I’m trying to find a good team for her without using dante if possible

Dorm is decent for combo extension and relaunches off air throws and his pillar is a decent AA and might (don’t quote me on this, tho) be able to set up dirt naps if you get the timing down, it also causes a spinning knockdown which could give you free combos. The spacing on his assists are a little weird tho you can use dark hole decently for x23’s mirage feint mixups and once again, not 100% sure, but I think it locks down long enough to allow you to get a free dirt nap mid match. I would personally recommend dark hole unless you have a better lockdown assist on your 3rd character since you can use that for incoming dirt naps on characters with bad air mobility, relaunch and left/right. In theory, his liberation assist could be awesome but it’s a bit impractical to power him up then tag him out…

Hawkeye and Dorm both anchor really well and x23 always likes a strong horizontal assist for her mixup game. His poison arrow is a lousy assist and with x23, you end up in the corner so often that is up arrows end up being worthless but x23 gets a lot more off his horizontal arrows anyways so it’s a bit silly to use anything else unless your other assist covers it.

hello everyone iv been playing since vanilla. i used x-23 akuma in mvc3 and now im currently using vergil,zero,x23 in that order.
the reason i use x-23 on anchor is because i can “usually” beat my opponents first second characters so i save her for last. i like vergil alot on point because his combos are very strong and i can use x-23’s otg to extend them to be even longer. i suppose zero is the weakest part of my team i usually switch between him and vergil because he can build up meter really quickly. i dont really use his assists tho they suck for both vergil and x-23. this is the team i use for ranked matches and i have had alot of success with it. i sometimes use wesker x-23 and akuma but im crappy with wesker and akuma. im thinking of investing more time with wesker and maybe changing out akuma for chun-li but im not sure what tips do you guys have?
Gamertag= powerfail01

I sort of play a Chun-Li/X-23 team. They DHC really well into each other and get a lot of mileage out of each other’s assists, so it seems like a viable team in my admittedly uninformed opinion. Chun’s just really difficult to use for the amount of damage you’ll get out of her, and I’ve actually been toying around with Viper as a possible replacement for her. Not that Viper’s any easier to use…

Crap, why do I always gravitate toward execution heavy characters? My execution sucks.

Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of viper’s OTG for X-23. It knocks them so high that you can connect a full charge neck slicer all the time (stupidly tight timing) and it seems inconsistent mid-screen…

I just started messing around with X-23/Storm/Doom and I love it. The DHC options are amazing. Having trouble deciding on assists though. Do any of Storm’s or Doom’s assists allow X-23 to relaunch? I tried playing around with Hidden Missle OTG but it seems to knock the opponent too high to really do anything with. My basic bnb so far is:

:m:, :h:, :qcb:+:h:, j.:m:, j.:h:, :dp:+:l:, :qcf:+:l:, :a2:+:m:(2 hits), :h:, :qcb:+:h:, j.:m:, j.:h:, :qcf:+:l:, :m:(1 hit), :h:, :s:, SJ, j.:m:, j.:h:, :dp:+:h:, :qcf:+:l:, OTG Ankle Slice, Ender.

Does 505k damage and builds ~120% meter.

:a2: = Doom Beam Assist, when you hit :a2:+:m: you have to get 2 hits from the :m: or the combo drops. Also, after the launcher you might have to drop the j.:m: depending on the height difference between you and them.

I think HM are the only real options for relaunching on that squad, and even though they have OTG properties they should really be used for pressuring the opponent into some heavy block stun/mixups. The thing I didn’t like about X23/Storm/Doom was that I felt Doom was unneeded, Dorm/Wesker will still give you relaunch options for X23 and still make effective anchors should the need arises. Depends on what you fear the most I guess; you get cheesy unblockables with Storm/Wesker, but Storm/Dorm have better DHC synergy and options against laming out. Whirlwind is NOT Plasma Beam, but it still covers the ground effectively for getting in. From what I usually see, there’s people who depend on a assist to help X23 get in/hitconfirms and then there’s people who ideally have mastered X23’s capabilities so much that an assist for that purpose is unneeded.