MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Anyone know if Laura and Phoenix Wright could ever work on the same team?

I’m a huge fan of both, but I’m having trouble finding the synergy. I really want to get both of them to work.

you could make them work on the same team, but it wouldn’t be a good team.

x-23 anti-air assist would be a good one to help protect Phoenix as he puts up his shield and tries to find evidence. would also give you a good crossover counter when Phoenix inevitably starts getting pressured and dying. you could use the OTG to extend combos and land your Objection, and then setup half screen unblockables in turnabout mode. turnabout Press the Witness assist works for combo extension since the wallbounce will almost always hit. too bad about the invincibility getting taken completely away because that would help out X-23’s rushdown hugely.

DHC from Weapon X Prime into Maya helper super would give Phoenix all the time he needs to get his evidence as well I think. dunno how you’d land Weapon X though.

as far as a third, I’d go with akuma since he kinda works as a GTFO assist, lockdown, and lets you start up some pressure. he’s also a good anchor and every Phoenix Wright team is going to need to be able to make xf3 comebacks so there is that.

I finally got my hori pad so now I can test out crap again. Like I said, I wanted to test out X23/Storm/Wesker, but I’m not exactly that good with Storm yet. But, I do think this team is ok. Great DHC synergy off simple combos for some impressive dmg, unblockable setups with storm/wesker, anchor support, etc.

I’m gonna lab Felicia also, and I thought about making something like X23/Frank West/Felicia.

Speaking of Storm, how good do you think Whirlwind is for helping X-23 get in? It seems pretty decent.

If I had the execution for Seismo chains(I know people say you don’t require them, but I just like to be complete execution-wise with a char lol), my team would be X-23/Taskmaster/Viper, easily.

Or, I could do X-23/Taskmaster/Deadpool/insert OTG assist here, plus Deadpool’s Katana-Rama hits low, I think? Good for Tasky. I saw a Japanese player called Y-T-A(I think that’s his name anyway) use a team of X-23/Taskmaster/Wesker which is a solid team. But while Wesker’s utterly braindead as an anchor, I’d prefer Deadpool because I think he’s more versatile and less likely to get lamed out(though so far, that hasn’t stopped Wesker from cleaning up people.)

I think X-23/Taskmaster/Deadpool’s going to be my final team, if I can be bothered to learn it lol. Was toying with the thought of using Thor, but his beam assist’s too slow for X-23. A shame, because you can tag it at the end of Ankle Slice for a good amount of extra damage.

X-23, Nova, Wesker aka team hurt soooo gooooooood. Kinda took what someone else posted on here and rolled with it, managed to squeeze in more one more s.H and j.H and depending on my mashing ability, with 2 relaunches and dhc to power of the Nova force, I get up to 1.072 mill. I suspect that if I mash like a BAWSE, I can get to 1.1 haha.

I like this team. X-23 has no beam assist to get in but Centurion Rush is awesome when timed well. It + Ankle slice = half-screen unblockable woo. Centurian rush in general and X-23’s M hitting twice makes for an easy unblockable even if mistimed or delayed. I also like the fact that it’s impossible for X-23 to bullshit her way into a win on this team. Gotta be smart, let your opponent screw up, and punish accordingly. The match starts for me at the character select screen. I find myself identifying the “problem” on the other team, as if I was playing Phoenix and make sure that I kill whatever I predict to be the problem (usually assists or characters that are gay in lvl3 x-factor). After taking out my opponent’s way of getting in, and having Nova dhc in. H Gravimetric Pulse + energy javelin all day and after my opponent is frustrated trying to get in, I sneak in a c.M lol. I need to learn Nova’s grown ass man combos -.-

Ryuga: Whirlwind is very servicable for X23. It’s no beam assist, but it still covers about 3/4’s of the screen. It gives X23 plenty of time to wave dash or talon in for feint combos and mixups.

Yeah, Whirlwind always seemed like a decent assist to me. Was going to pair up Storm and X-23 at some point, but decided against it, since I may have found a better replacement.

Was gonna use Taskmaster and Deadpool/anyone else with an OTG assist. Now, I’m exploring Ironman! Ironman’s Repulsor Blast is great stuff IMO. Helps X-23 relaunch AND lockdowns for Silent Kill, if I wanna be stingy with meter, and relaunches with Repulsor do a large amount of meterless damage. X-23 and Ironman can hit 1,050,000dmg together with the right combo.Plus I’ve always wanted an excuse to use Ironman anyway.

Now, 1) Ironman’s gonna take me a while to fully grasp since he’s such an awkward char to use and 2) he also needs assists to back him up. Putting him in third…nah lol. Went to the Ironman boards, they said Drones, Jam Session or any good beam projectile/lock assist’s good for him, so I’ve got a lot of options to choose from right now.

So now I can finally have a team that I might actually like that has a lockdown assist, a combo extender and an extra assist to get in. Time to start learning Ironman so he isn’t just an assist char. But it looks like this team’s gonna be strictly offline only…

You guys think X-23/C.Viper/Dr.Doom can work well?

IMO, 100% yes.

Viper grants X-23 an OTG and a good hyper to DHC into from Rage Trigger for the high damage she needs. Doom grants X-23 and Viper a beam assist. The only issues is that you don’t have a safe DHC when X-23’s getting beat up, which is easily solved by cross-over countering, or puttting Doom 2nd at the cost of some damage loss(Doom’s hypers do less than Viper’s when DHC’d from Rage Trigger.)

Real solid team IMO.

That team is def. a top notch team. The only thing I would say is X-23 and Viper (and even Doom, in some ways) are pretty execution heavy. If your not already good with x-23 or Viper to begin with you might want to pick one or the other just while you’re learning. All three of em are the kind of characters that suck a bit until you get a good chunk of lab time with all of em.

Does Morrigan/X-23/Ammy work? At a glance, it doesn’t seem like Morrigan can DHC into X-23 very well.

So…back to square 1ish… X-23/Trish/Felicia didn’t really work out unless you want to play Trish with Low Voltage and I think there are better horizontal assists. Peekaboo doesn’t do much for Dirt Nap setups that you can’t do with solo X-23 and a TK’d CS H. I think there might be some promise in this team but I had a hell of a time getting in on anyone without a horizontal assist.

X-23/Felix/Frank has a LOT of promise…but aside from that one combo into WXP I haven’t found any great ways to level up frank so I keep ending up with level 1 anchor frank and that shit DOES NOT FLY. More often than not, I’ll end up picking X-23/Felix/Doom during the local tourney matches we have but I’m not crazy about Doom anymore (thus the digging through new characters and whatnot.)

So where I stand now…I really like X-23/Felix… The OTG is really nice and Felix is a whole lot like X-23 just a bit more self sufficient and missing a dirt nap. At this point I’m thinking either Iron Man (repulsor blast) either 2nd or 3rd for decent space control and free stupid dead character derp naps or Ammy (cold star) as a faux hori. assist / dirt nap lockdown assist. With either option I think I would eventually try to change my team around to x-23/viper/New guy for dirt nap AND focus attack unblockables into rediculous combos but I’m not up to snuff with ammy and I don’t think I have the brainpower to learn 2 new characters especially if one of them is viper.

Iron Man can DHC into angled Proton Cannon and Ammy can DCH into shuffle for decent extension if you need it and I feel like with X23/(Felix or Viper)/Ammy pretty much any of them are scary anchors…Iron Man is a rough proposition if he gets stuck anchoring, imo but his Dirt Nap is guaranteed unless you really fuck it up and a Dirtnap is pretty close to a won match when you hit it.

So to my questions to the group.

  1. Does anyone know off hand if cold star or repulsor blast can lead to a reliable relaunch or know any nice setups using either one.
  2. Does anyone know any other assists aside from Cold Star, Repulsor Blast, Jam Session, Missiles, Log Trap that can be used for Dirt Nap setups?
  3. Any other input / thoughts on either x-23/felix/xxx or x-23/viper/xxx aside from the usual suspects (hulk/doom/dante/tasky/hawkeye?)

Gonna be honest, you won’t be getting much out of X-23. X-23 needs something a bit better than Cold Star for cover. Cold Star’s more of a pinning assist. Though you could make it work.

Cold Star isn’t that reliable for longer combos anymore I believe.

Repulsor Blast is a reliable relauncher (but I haven’t tried it midscreen though) and it’s damaging too. It’s probably one of the best assists for X-23 right now, since it also locks down. You get to have the best of both worlds…but it comes with an awkward character lol. I’m gonna learn Ironman too, need a good assist for him too.

Tenderizer could be used for unblockables. Not great for relaunching unless you dumb the combo down. Maaaaaaybe Chun’s Hyakuretsu(but probably not.) Probably more but those are the ones that come to mind right now.

The team I might be working on is X-23/Ironman/Sent. I just hate Sent in 3rd but it’s better than Ironman in 3rd.

Hmm, how about X-23/Felicia/Akuma? If you wanna be really different…maybe Arthur, Daggers are cool. Arthur works on anchor too I hear.

I’m new to this game but would love to use X-23 as I love her in the comics. After looking at a bunch of stuff about her and practicing it a bit in training mode, I was curious how the team of Hulk, Dorm, X-23 would be. I was thinking she would be a decent anchor with lame out characters like Morrigan being a problem but if it came to that, I could try to get Dorm in and get him into the anchor spot through tags and DHCing.

One tournament X-23 player(Howtoread) as well a few others have had some success with X-23 on anchor.The problem is, X-23’s very assist-reliant to in order to get in/get people down from laming her out in the air more easily as well as covering her offence(Mirage Feints and so on.)

You could get her into position through tags/exchanges/whatever, but you might not always get that opportunity. Also, I think your team needs something to take care of lame play, ideally some form projectile/beam assist for both Hulk and X-23. Dorm’s Dark Hole is a good pinning assist, but from afar, I’d prefer a projectile/beam assist, especially for Hulk.

On the plus side, you can use Dark Hole for combo extensions and Gamma Wave to get in and for extensions too, but it’s really hard to OTG with Gamma Wave. Or you can put Hulk first and I think X-23’s Ankle Slice might be able to help Hulk relaunch, not sure.

My preferred orders would be Hulk/X-23/Dorm or X-23/Hulk/Dorm. But ultimately, it’s your team so go with what you feel’s best.

Who would be some good beam assists to try in your opinion then? I know Doom has a really good one and I’ve seen quite a few people use Magneto. Other then them I’m not sure who has good ones.

For beam assists, Doom/Hawkeye/Ironman are great. Other projectile assists like Taskmaster’s are pretty good too.

Hmm, I got a lot to test and play with then. Thank you very much for the suggestions and help.

Aurthur Golden armor daggers plows through beams and projectiles

But the Morrigan/X-23 part is fine? I’m not married to Ammy, I can find a better anchor.