MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Thor can get in without assists technically since he has a projectile invincible dive kick style special move that’s plus on block (mighty strike). The issue with Thor more so is that Thor can’t STAY in without assists. Without assists you get one guess at a mix up once you get in and if you guess wrong you get push blocked away and have to force your way in again.

With X-23 you’re not getting in on any team that has solid ranged tools without an assist. A team of Wolverine/Wesker/Akuma X-23 won’t have much of a problem getting in. One of the nice things about X-23 is that she has a command normal (talon dive), a bunch of special moves and her MFC’d s.H that allow her to stay in easily even without an assist.

The problem is when you run into Magneto + Sent drones or other long ranged assist. During Vanilla people used to complain all day about how X-23 could do nothing to get in against Mag + Drones. Which was hardly the case you just needed an assist that didn’t suck. Doom beam shuts down Sent drones and then X-23’s wave dashing or M/H talon attack takes care of the rest. Wall jumping helps also when your assist isn’t charged up. Dashing forward with Akuma assist (which absorbs all low and medium durability projectiles) is another great answer. Unless you’re fighting Dormammu blowing meters and creation/destruction spells all over the screen you’re going to get in on most anything as long as you have a good assist. Weapon X Prime safe DHC into other character will always get your team in somehow if you’re in that much of a bind.

Trish shitting at the top corner of the screen after activating flight mode and calling assists and dive kicking down is another big issue. A bigger issue than Mag+Drones easily. To the point where you’re looking at needing an AA assist to not run into traps or high priority cancellable dive kicks that will end you easily.

So I’m still messing with RR, but have decided to look for another 3rd to go with X and Viper. Aside from Viper there’s just too little health for me I feel. I’m kinda leaning towards Chris. I can already see its going to be a process, I shall post if I have any note worthy discoveries with this team.

not to derail the thread, but thor’s air m and h mighty strikes have so much frame advantage on them, he can dash thru ground pushblock and negate it, ending up right in front of his opponent in a favorable position. ok, back to x.:wonder:

I can’t remember if you had said that you didn’t want to use him but Doom is always a good choice. I don’t need to go into detail on Doom considering that it has been done before. Some other options are Dormammu and Taskmaster. Dormammu has some weird ways of helping people get in but I don’t know how useful he is in helping X23 or Viper. Taskmaster probably helps a little more due to the arrows being a projectile that moves across the screen instead of being in one place. I don’t know much on this subject I am just trying to help in the brainstorming process.

Any and all advice is appreciated, plus believe me, I don’t know much either. I’m simply learning. I’ll give Taskmaster a try though, Dorm, umm, well, probably not.

See I tried him actually, but it feels so freaking weird to go from a character like X, fast and all over the place to someone (to me) as slow as Dorm. Then again I feel Magento is slow also, then I see people flying all over the place like a fighter jet with him.

Last night I was going with either Chris or Cap. on my X/Viper team, Chris seems to have some upside with them.

I’ll tell you what though, trying out all these characters will help me be serviceable when I do all random with friends. No more “But I dont know how to use (blank)”. :wink:

Thor/ X-23/ Amaterasu. Thor loves cold stars. Big meat shield reset battery point. Gets sick setups with help of otg.

My only question is if Cold Star is sufficient for X-23

Cold star isn’t bad at all for X-23. It’s a solid assist for locking people down for her dirt naps especially if they’re in the corner. Doesn’t have as much vertical range as repulsor blast or jam session but if you jump up and attack them first you should be able to put enough hit boxes on the screen to set it up. It also locks the person down longer giving her better access to her H mirage feint high/low game (the only real high/low games she has).

Mixing that up with instant talon dive left/rights you gotta a lot of mix up potential. The idea is time a mix up so it hits just after the last cold star projectile touches them. That way if you hit them your damage won’t get scaled due to the assist and you get maximum damage.

Running morrigan, x-23, akuma.

Playing characters I like to use now lol. x-23 works better on second slot with a battery character tho.

I thought you liked Dante? I guess you were just using him for the nap setups? How you liking the akuma assist + talon dive stuff for the nap?

I feel Morrigan is one of the hardest characters to land a clean hit on in the game so that’ll be interesting. She can build meter just by landing hits multiple times without dying.

Shes actually real good at landing hits now. Her jumping S set-ups air to air all the time if she lands a hit now. Instant overheads with flight. I think shes honestly high or top tier in the game now. Shes got one of the best zone and runaway game now.

I feel like dante doesn’t build enough meter or does enough damage anymore. His combos require so much work too. Plus I feel like dante was made for slot 2 on teams. He feels weird on point. I really wanna build a team where I can use x-23 and her xfactor to kill two characters with one touch.

The team is mad unconventional, but I like it.

I’ve got set-ups to gurantee dirtnap on characters… I gotta experiment with it more. Akuma assist +Meaty heavy or down+heavy works pretty well for now.

Well Dante could get by on slot one on point in Vanilla I think cuz of DHC glitch, more meter build, better damage from the easier BC combos and frame 4 invincible hammer. Now that all of that is gone you need someone to build him meters now that his Devil Trigger is actually required for buffing him up. I was thinking about working on my execution more with Dante cuz he still gets the old power if you do more shit execution wise but…his mix up game is strong enough where I feel I can just come up with mix ups to make up for it.

I had a feeling you weren’t going to like Dante on point because I was struggling with Dante on point after a while in VANILLA. As soon as Ultimate came out i was like “8 frame normals start of round, weaker hammer and less meter/damage build? 2nd spot for sure”. X-23 feels pretty natural on point to me now that I’m more comfortable with her across all matchups.

I’m guessing the flight instant overhead stuff with Morrigan is similar to the Magneto fly j.S stuff. I’ll have to see that.

The teams that seem to be doing the best in tourneys are the ones that people put their heart into so far any ways. DjHuoshen’s shit, Justin Wong’s shit, even Noel Brown’s shit with fucking Frank West randomly in there.

For people just starting out with x23 (since there seem to be a few posts asking for decent beginners teams), I ran X23(otg or neck slicer)/Taskmaster(hori arrows)/Doom(missiles) for the longest time in vanilla and I think it’s a great team for learning her basics.
[]For X-23, as long as you get the hang of calling assists safely you’re pretty much free to zip around the screen without worrying about playing super safe and missiles are great for combo breaking, dirt nap setups(have to learn the timing on the assist call tho), otgs/relaunch if you launch with missiles + S>j.H>CS(H)>TA(L) fast enough and, if you get them blocking the missiles on the ground, free command grabs. Then it’s pretty brainless to DHC rage trigger > Up Legion Arrows > Sphere Flame and throw in an x-factor in there somewhere if you just absolutely gotta get that kill. If you need to get x-23 out, UP legion arrows is a safe DHC and a lot of people like to run in because it looks deceptively punishable.
]Tasky handle’s the zoning match-ups well enough and missiles still complement him well enough and can get you sword master unblockable on incoming characters and if you still have x23 around I’m pretty sure you can still relaunch with j. down arrows + neck slicker or maybe ankle slicer if it’s fast enough. Taskmaster is also a great character to level up your air throw game on since his reach is rediculous and he OS into web swing which you can cancel into arrows now to make safe.
[]Then anchor Doom handles himself well enough once you take the time to lab his movement options but there’s a few matchups (FREAKING HAWKEYE) that I really hate anchoring him on. You def. need to get your bnbs down consistently or those dropped combos will cost you the match really quickly. Also, learn the range on that x-factor doom time cause that punish is stupid easy for the damage.
For Ult. I’ve switched over to X23(Crescent scythe)/Trish(Peekaboo or Low Voltage depending on matchup)/Felicia(Sand Splash for OTG and psuedo horizontal). Trish is the only one that even got a partial nerf out of these three and they all got bullshit to balance out their overall game.
]This team can run a lot of wesker style throw resets (THANK GOD FOR THE PATCH TODAY TO GET RID OF THAT TECH MASH NONSENSE) and Felicia can OTG fast enough to get x23 free combos off most of her throws even after being called in to set up the OTG for the reset. Also, resetting off of peekaboo or otg means you aren’t killing your meter gain or damage by resetting before your launch chains so faster snap back into dirt nap setups using peekaboo (which you also don’t have to pop xfactor to relaunch for the kill since you can OTG).
[]Trish can still cover zoning match-ups well and like everyone has been mentioning, chilling in the sky and peppering opponents with her lame game is nice for x23s weak matchups. She also has some pretty nasty Round Harvest setups off this team. x23/felix unblockables for no meter, x23 dirt nap, felix self unblockable with kitty helper, etc.
]I imagine most of the people here really like high pressure technical rushdown (since we all like X-23) and Felicia is very similar except she can run her own reset setups, her hell cat command throw is fucking sick, she can pick up off of almost every throw for full damage by herself, self unblockables with kitty helper, full screen super with Please Help Me that can be used as a counter punish with follow up combo AND she is an absolute speed demon in XF3. IMO she’s one of the better anchors in the game and she can run bullshit that would make Wesker blush and her assist does wonders for x23 and Trish’s damage output and meter gain.
Not to mention it’s not a bad team to have to spend time in the lab looking at. Max Stalker Face ;{P

Last thought on new teams that are looking good is x23/felicia(otg)/Frank W. (shopping cart). This is mostly around the fact that shopping cart is stupid and gdlk for your left/right/throw mixup game though I’m not sure how much I would like anchoring with Frank W. unless you wanna play him on point then switch him out after leveling up a bit.

P.S.: Sorry for always having long posts…I work 3rd shift at a hotel and have WAAAAAY too much free time with nothing better to do. Stay Frosty, Guys and Gals!

you know X23/Felicia is something I wanted to try out, but I never played Felicia. I know she’s a incredible anchor, and really good in the hands of somebody who knows what they’re doing. I think that’s worth some lab time whenever I get free time.

I’m familiar with Trish and I really like her on point than anchor. My friend runs something like Trish/X23/Doom, and he always gets cheap unblockables off me. There’s a patch coming soon and there’s a lot of speculation about Wesker’s shades buff and some other things, but I just feel like I should make another X23 team without X23/Doom lol. I don’t think X23/Dante are BLF unlike in vanilla, but the duo is still very practical.

Hey guys,
how do you think X-23, Tron, and Morrigan fare as a team in UMvC3?

Assists of Choice:

  • Ankle Slice
  • Bandit Boulder
  • Dark Harmonizer

what’s Tron’s role on the team exacty? I use to play a lot of Tron in vanilla but now with her nerfs she is incredibly hard to build around.

Hey Ephidel,
I had Tron as my 2nd character since a lot of her moves build good meter.
I actually would like for X-23 and Tron to be on the same team.
With this team, I actually would want a 3rd that works with these two.

I play Tron. In vanilla she was a great assist and anchor, but in ultimate, I think she does best on point. Ankle slice helps Tron get either unblockables, or set up high damage combo enders (interestingly, Ankle slice OTG + King Kobun knocks them high enough for a second King Kobun + Lunchtime if you want - don’t use the beacon bomb).

With the order switched around, Boulder throw is a serviceable projectile assist, but will pretty much lose to anything fast enough to beat it (which is a lot). Flame assist is still good offensively when you’re already in.

As for Morrigan, the simple fact that you can DHC lunchtime into clone super + meter stealing fireball x2 is extremely valuable.

Bonus: Tron + x-23 together have a guaranteed kill setup for Phoenix. If you’ve got Morrigan stealing meter, you should be able to shut down Phoenix teams pretty well.

Thanks for the input, Jaytoo!
I do like the pairing of X-23 and Tron.
Since Tron does better with assists, I was now thinking of switching out Morrigan for a better anchor.
What do you think of this combination?
Tron(Gustaff)/X-23(Ankle Slice)/Doom(Hidden Missles)

Was in training mode for a bit, Chun’s Hyakuretsu Kyaku and Skrull’s Stone Smite can also help X-23 relaunch. Chun’s assist is harder to utilize but it can act as a mini lockdown tool. Both have decent DHC options after Rage Trigger too.

X-23/Chun is something I’d love to make work, but I know it wouldn’t turn out well haha. But they could work out. Aside from relaunches, X-23 can TAC into Chun for the infinite. X-23’s OTG assist might be a little too slow for Chun to make use of, not sure. Like mentioned above, Chun’s assist can sort of lockdown. Kikosho is a decent DHC ender.

The problem is, Chun ideally need both an OTG and a projectile/beam assist to stop herself getting lamed out. Was toying around with the idea of X-23/Chun/Hawkeye/any projectile assist. Storm might be a good choice, Whirlwind is alright for cover I suppose and importantly, she gives Chun an OTG THC.

glen: with that team you can relaunch ankle slice assist into light beacon bomb, and hm will provide some help with air control and rushdown capabilities. It sets up unescapable corner dirt naps very well for X23, or you can DHC a RT into XF2 Sphere Flames for some good dmg. What hm also does is provide some lockdown in keeping moves that would otherwise be punishable somewhat safe (considering tron still has moves you don’t wanna throw out randomly accidently)