MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

You don’t have to worry about how glass your team is in this game really. Glass teams actually have the benefit of not allowing the other team to build as much meter since low health characters die faster any ways. If your character dies fast that’s less power given to the other team. Dante or Wolverine resetting all over a big health character’s ass and then killing them is just a big meter fuel for their team when the next character comes in any way. The whole game is basically about getting your gameplan together before they get theirs together. Most of the characters that have big health in this game aren’t that hot any way.

Besides Doom is far from glass at 1 million health but how much health you have as an anchor doesn’t really matter either because in the back everyone’s got their TOD XF character waiting any way unless for some reason they burnt their XF early.

It sounds like it should work alright. I can’t say for sure if the DHC combo synergy between X-23 and Strider is going to be awesome but since X-23 wants to reset and build meter for her dirt nap any ways you might as well just play X-23 for the resets and not burn meter everytime you hit someone. Mainly because if you build the 3 meters that gives you dirt nap for X-23 and if X-23 dies before being able to burn the meter…as long as she landed a combo that’s pretty much a free Ouro ready for Strider. Doom doesn’t need meter to come back as an anchor he just pretty much needs to get in and land a combo. He has easy mode TOD combos anywhere on the screen in XF and even without XF as long as you can carry them to the corner you can kill off half the cast no matter how much meter you have and if you have enough meter pretty much the whole cast. Doom still builds 2 plus meters by himself in the corner so you always have a way of killing someone with Doom as anchor as long as you hit them.

I would imagine Strider’s legion super is a relatively safe DHC for DHCing into if you need to get X-23 out of trouble. Plus if you build up meters again with Strider in front if Strider somehow gets in a bad situation you can spend just one meter and block an attack and perform a crossover counter into X-23. Once X-23 appears on screen you can cancel the CS into talon attack and possibly even get a combo if the talon attack lands. CS is definitely the best assist for X-23 now that she can cancel it into talon attack since it basically turns X-23 into a one meter version of an XF guard cancel.

A lot of people are pointing X23 now because of her dmg buffs and potential focus off resets/mixups. Getting 3 meters at point and killing a character puts you in a really good position to silent kill the next one (you already begin the match with one meter already built), and if the opponent doesn’t have some crazy anchor you pretty much have sealed the match. She can easily get 800+ combos with 2 assist, and the only setback from putting her on point now is not being able to burn a really good XF2 for her.

@ meepxzero

I’m sorry but Lady X is designed to be point, middle and last. Everything about her is perfect, please take back what you said and maybe, just maybe she will forgive you.

I’ve been trying to use Nova’s centurion arts assist as a combo extender for X-23, but I find sometimes that I don’t get the full ground bounce. I think it must be because he hits to early and the active frames of the ankle slicer interfere. I’m not sure how to avoid it though, it seems to be more or less likely depending on what I do with the air combo. In general I find ankle slicer a really annoying otg, assist have to be slow enough to hit after it charges up, and hold them in place long enough until it’s done recovering.

One assist that completely reliable is Ammy’s cold star. I was thinking of running X-23/Doom/Ammy. It’d be kind of like a homage to the Assist me series since its a team of Maximilian’s sister, his flat mate and his dog. Not sure about that assist though, I see clockwork using it really well with Doom but I find Ammy get’s picked up a lot since she’s out there a fair while.

Nova assist doesn’t seem to work against big characters like Sent, Dorm and Nemesis

You just have to make sure you have the opponent locked down or are generally next to them before calling Ammy cold star assist first. The assist is not a good assist to just call from far away and expect to not get Ammy in big trouble. The last Ammy assist player I fought against pretty much beasted a tournament I was in with Zero/Ammy/Tron just making sure he was in a situation where I was already locked down before calling Ammy and then there’s just hit boxes all over the place and not much you can do. It’s not a good far range assist unless you’re fighting like a team of straight up melee characters. It’s also not a very good assist to call if the opponent is sitting on XF or has full screen supers.

Clockwork was generally calling the assist at bad times like when he was in the corner and when people were ready to blow XF that was getting the assist blown up. Long as you’re more careful about when you call Ammy you should be fine. Your main focus with X-23 up front any ways is to use doom beam to help you get in any way. Then once you get in you can force mix ups after the block stun wears off from cold star.

Good advice dude, thanks. I’ll try and work on it. Even after 6 months of Marvel I still don’t get quite get the assist thing, it’s kind of like choosing when to throw a fireball in street fighter, if the fireball was thrown by a temporary clone with it’s own hitbox and health bar, so… completely different then. I find plasma beam very noob friendly since Doom keeps himself pretty safe.

Yeah that’s why I like doom beam so much for X-23 because it just lets her get in so free against most of the zone the game presents and shuts down other assists. The only real counters to beam assist I’ve found are Sent’s s.H spits, Nova putting up grav + drones assist and well timed akuma assist. Other than that it has great recovery allowing you to get it out often and basically shoots a lightning bolt across the screen allowing X-23 to get in extremely easily no matter what shit is being shot at her most of the time.

It also has more durability than some characters point projectiles and pretty much makes sent drones assist without a ton of projectile cover extremely easy to deal with.

Yeah I really like the assist mechanic in UMVC. It basically allows you to call an extra character to help footsie for you in battle when you need it. You’ll get more used to it with time and assists are especially important in this game since they stop people from mashing advance guard on you all day.

Lol she is perfect… not for point anymore tho :frowning:

Its like putting strider on point. You have so many teams designed to take off 850-900k off of one combo. She is also a character that you have to approach with as well.

X-23 can do about 850k one bar one assist now. OTG or Nova floor bounce. only 800k off a normal starter tho, you need the up front dive kick for the really big damage

I don’t think she needs assists to get in all that badly. you can duck under beams and arrows with c.H and then either feint cancel or do a special depending what they do. her ground mobility is so good plus walljump is better than tri-dash for getting in now.

imo you only need a beam assist to counterpick drones or missiles. otherwise you might as well just maximize combo damage by adding an OTG assist that belongs to a strong anchor (wesker or viper)… maybe Akuma assist if you think her mixup needs help but I don’t really think it does. I have an idea for combo extension & corner carry with akuma too I’m testing tonight

What do you guys think about Deadpool/X-23/Doom? Deadpool and x-23 have an unblockable setup I believe and doom helps them both out.

I use to run that team but with X23 on point. Hidden Missiles can lock the opponent down for a mixups and they also work well with deadpool’s game. Katana-rama assist can extended X23’s combos.

I felt that plasma beam assist is not really needed for that team because it focuses more on pressure.

A friend of mine said “Why don’t you go back to your old team?”

So that’s exactly what I did. X-23/Trish/Dante.

No need to have OTG/ground-bounce assists to OTG. Hit them with a basic MFC combo(enough to build 1 bar), DHC from Rage Trigger into Trish, tag in Dante and let loose. 1,050,000 damage, but very expensive. Dante on anchor’s not the best position, but oh well. Weasel Shot covers X-23 and Trish. If X-23’s getting banged up, DHC into Round Harvest safely, get in Dante for an easy unblockable.

This isn’t what I’d call an ideal team lol. Has some issues I’m not fond of. But I didn’t feel comfortable with anyone else, so might as well work on leveling up.

At least the BFF of X23 is on the team, which would give you the ability to do the Dirt Nap Setup (or DNS). Also, Trish would probably end up on Anchor if you do the RT into RH into HT Dante that is of course you don’t do a TAC or a HT into X23. All three characters are good with X Factor (I think) and they have ways to get around general zoning/keep away. As for the assists, are you going with Peekaboo or Low Voltage with Trish? I feel the Peekaboo could do something for combo extension in the non basic way while Low Voltage give you some coverage. Overall, if it feels good to you then just roll with it.

Yeah I could use the DNS set-up with Jam Session, but against stronger zoning teams(Taskmaster, Dormammu) I’ll probably run Weasel Shot but I suppose I could sorta use Weasel Shot for the set-up too, with a bit of adjusting.

I was thinking of running Peekaboo after I saw Merkly’s videos with him/her using it for X-23’s resets. But another weaknesses with my team is that Weasel Shot doesn’t do particularly well against Drones, or reach fullscreen either. Low Voltage could probably negate Drones to an extent, although it’s slow. And yeah, Trish is a somewhat capable anchor if I end up switching the order for the RH combo.

Basically, I think the perfect team for me would probably be X-23/Doom/Wesker. Unfortunately, I have to be stupid and stubborn; I dislike using Doom and Wesker, 'cause I can’t click with them playstyle(that’s right, I can’t click with Wesker of all chars LOL.)

With my team, I almost get to eat my cake and have it too, since I actually like the characters I’m using, they’re all good chars, they have nifty tricks, I don’t have to rely on OTG assists and I can hit or higher if I choose to. Just can’t cover all the bases assist-wise and though I can slap people for at the start of the match instantly, it’s expensive and gives the opponent a good amount of meter. So after the TOD, depending on who the next char is, I’d probably use X-23 to get the meter back.

I don’t know much about Trish or how her assists work (I just don’t like her in general), so you have a better idea than I do on that subject. I am curious if the Peekaboo assist picks up from a OTG Ankle Slice. I am in the same boat for the Doom and Whisker situation, because I can’t click with Doom and Whisker completely (I understand what is going on and what is being used but I can’t do it yet). Not being able to cover all the bases assist wise is ok considering that you have a 1 million damage combo that you can use. Yeah sure it is expensive but it’s worth it. I feel your mid game with X23 is probably gonna be reset based (I don’t know if that is a change for you). It should be a decent team that is decent all around (I know I basically said that in the last post but I couldn’t think of a way to close out this post).

Unfortunately, the assist doesn’t pick up from an OTG well enough for X-23 to combo off it. :frowning: I agree, my mid game with X-23’s definitely gonna be either reset or meterless based after the TOD. I was prepared to run a reset/meterless game with X-23 for UMVC3 since I thought her damage was going down(it went up lol) so yeah, I’ll work on getting as much meterless damage as possible so I can at least KO in 2 hits.

Thanks for the comments, I pretty much need all the advice I can get haha. Gonna run this team again and just work on improving my overall MVC3 game, and learn some Rocket Raccoon too.

If you end up training into (or have a) meterless X23 that is frequently getting in and killing characters off (without assits), then you my man (or woman) have one helluva of a good X23. Add in some Hypers and you got yourself a killing machine. Hell you have a 1 mil combo already, I bet there are some other ones out there, but the only thing I can think of are doing some sort of combo into a DN jump cancel. I am happy to help

I still don’t have this game (uni is kicking my ass right now), but I think I will stick with my Vanilla team.

Thor (mighty smash)/X-23 (ankle slice)/Trish (Low voltage).

One interesting change is that Thor’s super grab have how invincible start up, meaning I can safety DHC into WXP… super safe for blowing through things. All the usual benefits are still there though. Nice synergy with supers, Thor’s cross over counter invincibility, Trish allowing unescapable Dirt Naps etc…

I like the team. Low Voltage is probably the best choice assist wise for Trish unless you are going for a more reset based game then maybe Peekaboo is a better assist. That is for you to decide, but there is info at your use considering that Ryuga and I were talking about that and there has been a chunk of posts recently concerning if X23 really needs an assist to get in. I would assume that Thor doesn’t need an assist to get in with his air mobility (I just started messing around with him so I have limited knowledge on this). Super safe DHCs are always good and with the invincible start up on Mighty Punish DHCing in WXP means almost full screen punishes. The one thing that I am curious about is if Mighty Smash is such a great idea for an assist now with assists contributing to the HSD. Though if you need a combo extender that would be your best bet. Only time in the lab once you get the game will tell.