MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Ok, so now I feel like an idiot. Ha!

Thanks man.

Has anybody tried Storms whirlwind assist? with X-23? I was messing with it a little bit and I like how you can follow the pushback of that assist with mirage feint m and switch sides…might be useful. I’ve been struggling to find a team for x-23 that allows her to function well but consists of characters I like, it’s so hard!

Might work, I’m just not a Storm fan. Not of her video game character at least. I’m pretty content with Viper and Raccoon going along with her. However with X and the fuzzy guy having not much health at all, well the search continues.

And I hear you, it should be someone you like. Of course that’s what makes it so hard to find a team. :sweat:

Very nice stuff. I’ve been using X-23/Ghost Rider/Nova as a fun team and I’m thinking about taking it a bit more seriously. This video really makes me think it could work, GR’s OTG seems to work just as well as Wesker’s, though it wouldn’t give me the second unblockable. How do you handle feints with X-23? I’ve had some luck backing up M feints with Nova’s divekick assist, but I haven’t really played with it that much.

I always use the L+S button so I can feint on demand… I’ve been trying to get in the habit of feinting absolutely everything. makes her way better. With the Nova assist I usually use c.H feints because it has so much range. The combo I do in there is a feinted c.H straight to s.H which is kinda tough and probably doesn’t work against everybody.

Right now I’m messing around with Hulk… gamma wave OTGs, and a two relaunch combo into gamma crush does a million damage. It seems like a good projectile plus Hulk is a MONSTER on point now

What do you guys think about X-23/Dante/Doom?

I never tried Storm with X23, but would imagine the DHC synergy to be really good between both. I think X23/Storm/Wesker could work out with some lab time.

Man, Temps. The damage I’m getting on slightly modified versions of your combos is insane.

:h: -> :h: -> .:h: -> :s: -> j.:h: -> j.:dp::l: -> j.:qcf::l: ->.:qcf::m: + Nova Assist -> :h: -> :s: -> j.:h: -> j.:dp::h: -> j.:qcf::l: ->.:qcf::l: + Ghost Rider Assist -> :s: -> j.:h: -> j.:dp::h: -> j.:qcf::l: -> :qcf::m: -> :qcf::atk::atk:

Nets me 881,000 in the corner and builds more than 1 and a half meters. Ghost Rider doesn’t DHC as well with X-23 as Nova does, but I still get 937,600 for it.

It’s probably the best X-23 team on paper. Look up DevilJin’s matches, he uses that team.

haha… just wait!


1 mil damage for 2 bars. for one bar I with Hulk & Viper I got just under 900k, you could probably get that with Nova as well. I’ll test that out tomorrow

meh x-23 is really designed for second slot and not a point character :confused:

gonna put dante for point from now on.

LOL. Kinda funny how we’re swapping spots with X-23. I ran Dante first in Vanilla because I just wasn’t comfortable with X-23 in certain matchups up first at the time. Now I’m really comfortable with her and since I feel Dante is more reliant on Devil Trigger now that his hurp durp tools have been nerfed she works as a solid battery for him and if I end up resetting enough that gets me the 3 bars for the dirt nap if the character has a higher health threshold. I tried to make it work but I just hated fighting Zeros at the start of the round with Dante and it got to the point where I figured it would just be better playing a character with faster normals at the start of the round and X-23 starts right where she would ever want to be against Zero any ways which is right next to him. That’s the only spot she can be remotely comfortable against him any way.

I hope you make it work out though cuz I really tried and there was just some matches where I just hated having to start the round with 8 frame normals. I would say your best bet is probably to just try jumping backwards at the start of the round to get space and then let an air play go to stop an air throw attempt as soon as the round starts.

If X-23 is second and has to fight a character that can lame out towards the far top corner of the screen she’s pretty much SOL without an AA assist unless you really force a mistake. She’s definitely deadly in XF with a lockdown assist but there’s some matchups that hard counter it without an AA assist IMO.

I dont mind dantes normals. I actually play a really lame zone out dante and rush in if i need to. I just use dante to build meters for x-23 to dirtnap set-up with down heavy meaty + akuma assist after xf2 kills. There so many match-ups now I’d never wanna start x-23 with mainly hulk, haggar, nemesis, storm, and etc. I dont really mind people laming out on top of the screen. I usually lame out on the ground. If i ever catch anyone in akumas tatsu for lock down I can guarantee ill open them up and kill them and the next incoming character.

Yeah I know people have been talking about the air d+H set up for the dirt nap but I guess I just haven’t practiced it enough to really wanna depend on it especially since it puts X-23’s body out there. That’s probably the next step though now that Dante takes up a spot you need if you want X-23 to have access to a relaunch.

Usually with my dirtnap set-ups I snap in the opponent. So the timing they come in is consistent (Most of the time if dante dies I’ll have 4 meters after an xfactor combo). That way I can cripple the character thats in and kill whoever i want (anchor or second character) off of one touch. I just like dante first to feel out the opponent I’m playing. It’s really hard to feel out people with x-23 especially if it’s against a point character who reacts to your movements and has better air mobility.

Best 2nd character that isn’t Dante for X-23/???/Doom?

I tried Magneto but from what I’ve seen here it’s not so good a choice.

I would say Iron Man. Get the same Dirt Nap set up with repulsor blast assist and repulsor blast assist which makes it double as a solid AA assist to keep people out of the air. He doesn’t really provide any safe DHC’s like Dante does if you’re in a bind but as far as AA and setting up dirt naps hes’s pretty top notch for that. Doom already gives you your left/right assist for your mirage feints and helps you get in.

X-23 can’t really use Magneto’s beam assist since the recovery on her M feint is too long to combo off the short hit stun of the beam. They don’t really compliment each other too well considering it requires enough work to hit confirm off doom’s beam as it is.

Why don’t you start with Magneto first, or are you adamant with X-23 on point?

Magneto on point doesn’t seem like so bad an idea.

Any words on the possibility on Dormammu or Strange in the 2nd slot also?
EDIT: I see that Dark Hole or Eye of Agamotto have proven useful

Yeah you could have Magneto on point with doom beam assist anchor and X-23 second. X-23 gives Magneto an OTG assist which Magneto loves since he can’t OTG normally with anything but his supers. It hits low too but the slow start up means there’s only going to be small situations where you really get any use of it. X-23 second is great for XF2 kills and setting up dirt nap as long as you’re fine dealing with those inevitable matchups where people are just going to be laming it up at the top of the sky.

DevilJin, how do you feel about X-23 (Crescent scythe) Strider (Vajra) and Doom (Plasma Beam) ? I picked CS with X-23 because strider or doom doesn’t need an otg and maybe CS could help out strider on point.

I feel like if I play x-23 on point strider assist would help keep people out of the air and Doom’s assist is obvious lol. Then When/if X-23 goes down you have strider who can also make good use of Dooms beam. Only downside is this is definitely team glass Lol.