MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

That sounds good to me. I have done Rage Trigger into Haggar before and it does decent damage. The only reason why I am using Haggar is because he is my best character (Dat Pipe!). I will have to good into the Lab with this team and find if there are some decent combos and/or DHCs that I can do (Not that I will need to figure out BnBs with Doom considering he was used a lot in Vanilla and is seeing some hefty play in UMvC3). Thanks for the Help!

EDIT–I have to try in the Lab if OTG Ankle Slice will work with the Steel Pipe Assist. As we all know, Ground Bounces are always wanted and X23 has lack there of.

I’ll probably put together a team vid showcasing some of my stuff later this week. Look forward to some fun Ghost Rider/X-23/Vergil stuff :slight_smile:

we gotta straighten out the threads we are kinda all over the place right now. just posting this here too

X-23/Nova/Wesker. two different unblockables, dirty tag in mixups, very high damage output. wesker might not be the only char you could run in anchor spot - for certain matchups it would be worth it to put Strider (vajra full screen control), Doom (hidden missiles or beam for lockdown) or Viper (seismo assist for OTG and some AA/Dark Viper) back there instead.


x23/dante…still one of the better two-man duos in the game IMO.


x23 and akuma put in work. x23 with nemesis is not meant to be slept on.


grow a pair. x23 and arthur is imo, one of arthur’s better pairings.



forget about gustaffe. drop bow…lders on 'em.:wink: tron with rocket raccoon is great, but i also have a liking for magneto with tron. in general, tron seems to be at her best with two types of assists: a low assist, and a wallbounce assist. she gets both with x23 and rocket raccoon.:tup: as an alternative to this alternate, there’s spiderman/storm/x23, which is a doppleganger of dlc x23’s SUPER CHEAP team.



this team will grow on you.:tup:


FANTASTIC TEAM! as already stated, SUPER CHEAP!:tup:

I agree, it’s time for that ultimate X23 thread to be updated with some good strats/technology

oh good stuff on that video. Nova/X23 synergy is very impressive, and I stopped using reflector for that assist also.

Im on it, I’ll try to have everything in there by the end of the week (its finals week =S)

So I am trying to put together an X-23 team and I know she is very reliant on assists to get her left right mixups going but the problem I’m having is that most of the great assist characters like doom and sentinel are characters that I have no interest in playing. So I’m wondering if anyone has had any luck with other assists that help her mix up game?


What about X-23/Dante/Nova? I think she benefits more from Dante than Wesker, but I’m not that sure since I haven’t played a lot of her in Ultimate.

Dante gives you the Dirt Nap lockdown with Jam Session. Weasel Shot is a great assist too, but I haven’t tested it out yet… it might actually work for combo extension on top of mixups. I personally absolutely detest Dante though, so I’m not the guy to ask about this :wink: DevilJin does rock a X-23/Dante team though so he could say more.

Wesker is just there for the easy OTG assist. You could use a wallbouncing assist like Strider’s Gram too, except since X-23’s OTG hits twice, usually the first hit lands - then wallbounce lands - second hit lands, overrides the wallbounce and ends the combo. I don’t think there are any reliable setups to OTG into a wallbounce. The only assist I’ve seen with enough hitstun to allow for a relaunch is Wesker’s Jaguar Dash assist… the one where he runs forward into a launching kick. It has a full spinning knockdown state on it, so you can always relaunch with it.

But that assist is slow and doesn’t have much utility outside of combos, so I’m not sure if it’d be useful at all. Other alternatives:

  • Felicia Sand Splash. This is a projectile that starts up just as fast as Doom’s plasma beam. reaches 3/4s of the screen, 3 hits x 3 low durability points… and it OTGs.
  • Eye of Agamotto. 10 hit projectile, tons of lockdown. Extremely slow startup to the point you need specific setups for it after knockdowns etc. Allows for relaunches in the corner.
  • (untested) Peekaboo. great assist but I don’t think it will allow for combo extension
  • (untested) Sentinel bombs OTG and can set up un-seeable left/right mixups but they are slow and Sentinel is difficult for X-23 to cover. at least bombs will always come out, unlike drones which disappear if Sent is hit
  • (untested) Iron Man Repulsor Blast. great AA, guaranteed Dirt Nap setup, don’t think it works for combo extension. pretty iffy to get it to beat out projectiles
  • (untested) Hidden Missiles. OTGs on the way down and up, can be used as a Dirt Nap setup. always cheap as hell. might actually let X-23 relaunch four times in one combo

I’m still on the fence about if X-23 really does need a “get me in” type of assist. her mobility is so good now I don’t think it is quite as important as it was in vanilla.

Lady X, Rocket Raccoon, and Viper is what I’m running with.

I think X-23 still needs a get-me in assist against zoners or anyone running drones.

I was going to run Rocket Raccoon with X-23 too since Pendulum(log trap) relaunches with Ankle Slice. His Spitfire assist would be nice for X-23, but it doesn’t allow for extensions. Rocket Raccoon’s also a character that needs assists, and I think Drones would be the best fit for him.

Unfortunately, you won’t be getting TODs off X-23’s combos and I personally hate Sentinel in the 3rd spot, but Rocket’s no better in the 3rd spot either IMO.

You are correct sir. The Pendulum(log trap) assist works great with her. Truth be told I have only been using it to catch them with her 2nd Ultra. (Sorry, dont know the name. Not the cartwheel one) Edit: I’m not exactly all that great, decent I’d say. I run with him in the 2nd spot, and Viper as my finisher.

Its been an up and down battle. With many highs, but just as many lows. I dont want to go the projectile route but it seems almost needed.

Sent just turns me off and not for any other reason then his slow movement.

The way you feel about the projectile route is the same way I feel about the OTG route lol. You need OTGs for big damage since most assists don’t relaunch anymore. In terms of solid chars and best DHC options, my best options seem to be Viper, Felicia or Wesker. I would use Viper, but I can barely Seismo chain 3-4. :frowning: And I’d use Wesker, but, I seriously dislike that character lol. And I was having some issues with Felicia’s OTG whiffing in the corner, or maybe that’s because it was against Dormammu.

Well, you could run RR with a beam/projectile assist instead of Drones or something and that’ll serve him well.

Ha, I feel the same way about Wesker. I think its his smug attitude. And Viper does seem to be a nice compliment for X, however I’m pretty basic with what I do with her.

It seems like you have the same problem I have. Have 2 but need a 3rd. I’ve been looking for one since launch of reg MvC3. Ever think about Strange for your X and Felicia?

Maybe I’ll give Felicia a try.

Last night I was trying Trish out on the team of X, and Viper. It was going ok.

Trial and error I guess, right?

Yeah, I’ve got a 2nd, but can’t find a 3rd. :frowning: Trish gives you decent cover with Low Voltage(shame it doesn’t extend much.) Trish and Viper go well together too. Round Trip sets up unblockables for Viper’s FA too. :slight_smile:

Was also thinking about Morrigan.

So far a possible 3rd member for my team is:

Rocket Raccoon

One of them has to work. Or at least should. Maybe…perhaps…hopefully. o_O

Perhaps you should try Nova or Strange.

Strange seems like he needs a specific team for him to work properly. I was considering Nova+Dante actually, Nova with Centurion and Dante with Weasel Shot. Though I don’t get the best out of Nova(apparently, Spencer’s his best buddy), he’s a solid character anyway, same with Dante.

if you want to play Viper you only really need to have to be able to do two rapid fire seismos. maybe three. and even then it depends on which assist you are playing with. with Strider assist the assited combo ender is call Strider, seismo seismo (strider lands) seismo xx super. with Dante the assisted ender is call Dante, seismo seismo seismo xx super

With her zoning game it is more important to be able to FADC seismo to position them where you need. doing one well placed seismo > spamming random seismo chains. FADC seismo is easy. seismo, hold up, press L+S then M+H for the dash shortcut.

Viper is a good DHC for any character too. does so much damage, she builds tons of meter, has so many dirty tricks. people are really making a big deal out of Dark Wesker right now but that is because not many people are using Dark Viper yet. you can also use Viper’s seismo assist outside of combos - on tag in, you can call Viper to force the other guy into blockstun and falling to the ground without putting X-23 in harm’s way.

Also as far as getting around zoning goes, if they are zoning from the ground with beams and the like… c.H xx feint cancel. try it out :wink: goes cleanly underneath pretty much everything I’ve tested it against. I think X’s biggest problem is still sword characters, and I’ve never seen an assist help much against them.

Ok, so your comment really made me see how much I actually don’t know how to do. As I said before I’m very basic in my Viper play. I can keep the pressure on pretty good though. However seismo is something I need to work on.

If I may though, Dark Viper? I keep seeing this but find no where that tells me how to. Even though I’m pretty sure its staring me in the face.

Dark anybody = somebody who is a menace in level 3 x-factor, as a nod to how Dark Phoenix was way too good in vanilla. So, Dark Wesker and Dark Viper. She absolutely murders people in lvl3 x-factor off very basic stuff, she’s incredibly fast. she has multiple overhead mixups, her trijump gets to be totally out of control, she has fully invincible moves that start death combos, and random seismos in lvl3 do something like 250k damage on hit, 50k+ chip (iirc) so you can just chain seismos and wipe out characters without even having to close the distance.

Then with a double jump, air dash, and BK feints she has great air mobility. Doesn’t need assists to run her gameplan. So, she’s an ideal anchor