MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

On Modok: Aside from Psionic Blaster…perhaps Barrier, and even then, I can’t comment on the usefulness(mainly 'cause I’ve hardly touched Modok.)

And yeah, Modok’s a character where you need to build a team around him, even more than most chars. He needs specific assists for combo extensions so he can get the most out of cube combos. I’d rather not use him with X-23.

Yeah, on the subject of Modok I think I’ve resigned from using him with X-23. Maybe later I’ll try to build a Modok team though, from the few days I spent practicing him he really is a blast to do. His combos are so satisfying to land. Looking at the new cast I see an awful lot of potential for better partners. Strange, Rocket, and Hawkeye all look like they could benefit Laura in some way or another, and I still think it’s worth looking into Frank West. His cart rush assist just looks like it could be a great lockdown tool.

Yo, I’m loving X-23 + Eye of Agamotto assist. Really good lockdown. It’s awesome in the corner. Right now my team is looking like X-23, Nova (dive kick assist), Dr. Strange.

I love my new team of X-23 (Crescent)/Rocket (Log Trap)/Hawkeye (H Arrows). Log trap puts a stop to tridashers, jump aways, and gets me Dirt Naps in the corner. H Arrows are perfect for closing the distance and getting feint mixups. If X-23 goes down then I have Rocket backed by H Arrows for teleport mixups and better space controlling.

I’m a little iffy on how good an anchor Hawkeye is, but so far it’s working out.

I’ve been testing X23/Dorm/Vergil and this team is pretty boss. Relaunch off Dark Hole, great DHC synergy, plus Dorm/Vergil oddly work well together. I was also Dorm player in vanilla and I wasn’t sure how I would get him in a team with the Tron nerf, but I think I found my solution xD

I just like how I can get more teams to work for X23 now, I don’t feel that I have to always use Doom and the latter.

Hawkeye seems to me that he’s best as an anchor, so that should work with your X/Doom/him. XF3 with his triple arrow spam looks braindeadbroken

Yeah X-23 is diverse but standard at the same time, solid. I like!

I’m running X-23/Hsien-Ko/Ironman with her, just like I was in Vanilla. It’s still great!

I’m running Ghost Rider, X-23, and Vergil. Not really sure what order to put them in yet, but I think I like Ghost Rider on point because X-23 makes a good DHC option and Ghost Rider gives me time to figure out what the opponent’s game is.

The team isn’t as battle-tested as I’d like (training mode is just so much fun!) but the DHC options are excellent. Ghost Rider’s Hellfire Maelstrom does great damage and ends in a hard knockdown if you don’t use an air S to spike, and X-23 can WXP from any distance and pick up the opponent. If you do end up using an air S or if Hellfire OTG isn’t feasible for whatever reason, Spirit of Vengence + S creates a hard knockdown as well and X-23 can pick up with WXP or Rage Trigger. If you land Penance Stare, then you can raw tag into X-23 and do her thing.

Vergil’s Dimension Slash works great after Rage Trigger or WXP, and the other way around works great into WXP because it causes a hard knockdown too.

Also, because of all the hard knockdowns going around, you can DHC into X-23’s Silent Kill while the opponent is on their way to the ground, OTG with fully charged Ankle Slice and land Dirt Nap for some real nasty damage at the end of a combo.

The assists are pretty good too. Ghost Rider’s beta - Heartless Spire - serves as a nice defensive barrier for X-23 if needed, and also extends combos with its OTG properties. It can also be used to set up a Dirt Nap on an incoming character, but not as good as other assists like Jam Session.

Vergil’s gamma - Rapid Slash - causes a spinning knockdown from full screen if it hits, and X-23 is fast enough to wavedash in and start a combo after it (few characters would be, it’s a long distance to cover!) It’s also good for corner lockdown, and it’s a nasty tool for Ghost Rider since it pushes people full screen if they block it.

I feel like I might miss having a better assist like Vajra, Plasma Beam or Tatsu, but so far it seems to be working out for me. The biggest issue is that any of the characters on their own don’t really hold their own well - Vergil is okay thanks to his crossup DT stuff but still not the greatest. One pro is that all three characters are beasts in Lv3 X-factor; Ghost Rider and Vergil get 185% damage and we all know that a glowing-red X-23 is monstrous.

Any feedback here? I think it’s a good team but like I said I need to test it a little more before I’m totally decided.

Are you playing X-23 on point or Ghost Rider on point?

wasn’t that the same team eb was using?

Ok, trying to figure out assists that will let X-23 either relaunch or (at least) follow up with something other than super from OTG ankle slice. Unfortunately, my stick is all kinds of FUBAR so I’m trying to do this with a normal 360 pad… let’s just say I don’t trust the results.

I used to be able to follow up with Doom’s beam, not a full relaunch but tacked on some extra damage, in vanilla. I’ve seen that this is no longer the case, same with Akuma’s tatsu (which, same as Wolvie, led to full relaunch). At any rate, the only one that I’ve been able to find that is reliable in this regard with my horrible pad skills is Rocket Racoon’s Log Trap. Mystic Ray from Shuma and Eye of Aggamotto from Strange look promising…

I’m wondering if you guys know off hand any others that will allow this? I’d hate to lose the potential of more damage for relaunch much less have to lose an assist for a different OTG when she can do it herself.

you can still relaunch with Akuma. do a 4 hit combo (s.H s.S sj.H xx qcf+L), dash back, Akuma + OTG, relaunch with H into S. it is hard as fuck, to the point it is not match practical imo. maybe there are setups for it or something. but if you hit the OTG super late you can still do it.

Vergil’s rapid slash assist and Wesker’s jaguar dash both work for relaunches. full spinning knockdown on jaguar dash, rapid slash does scale eventually but you can usually still connect an S. midscreen it might push them too far away.

Like I said I’m not 100% sure, but I’m heavily leaning toward Ghost Rider on point. I think he generally has better matchups and the DHC to X-23 is more effective than the one from X-23 to Ghost Rider.

I don’t see how Vergil’s Rapid Slash will work for relaunches if you have any amount of hit stun decay in your combo. Opponents flip out of it very high in the air and it would be difficult to get a hit on them with X-23. Maybe if you are just doing LMHS LMHS and then relaunch, but otherwise I don’t think it works.

If you catch someone with it raw, then you can definitely wavedash over to the opponent in time to start a combo.

So my friend is trying to create a team that revolves around X-23; essentially, the only character he likes is X-23, and he’ll play whoever he needs to make her the most effective. I understand that that’s what this thread is for is to discuss who’s good with her, but are there characters that everybody agrees are going to be very effective? From what I’ve read, Dante seems to be one of the best thanks to Jam Session; who else should I suggest to him? He does like Ammy a bit, but I don’t know the first thing about X-23 and don’t know if they’re effective together or not.

In vanilla, Dante helped her get the most damage out of her combos, control vertical space (which she was really bad at), and set up unavoidable level 3 hypers in the corner. The first one is no longer true, and she’s slightly better vertically as a result of the Crescent Scythe cancel buff. IMO she and Dante aren’t really “best friends” anymore like they were in vanilla. She needs a relatively quick startup horizontal assist to make her left/right mixup work, some good examples are Doom beam, Akuma tatsu, Hulk horizontal charge. The other assist can either (or both) something for locking down (Frank’s shopping cart, Akuma tatsu, Amaterasu’s Cold Star) or combo extension (anything that causes wall bounce or has a lot of hitstun/slow startup). Other nice things for assists are vertical space control (Doom’s hidden missiles, Hulk’s AA Gamma Charge, Jam Session, Strider’s Vajra). If she’s on point, it’s nice to have a second character with a vertical hyper (Rage Trigger is both easier to combo into and does more damage than Weapon X Prime) to DHC into, like Doom’s Sphere Flame, Hulk’s Gamma Crush, or Ryu’s beam. As you can tell from these lists, a lot of people run Doom with her; they have a lot of synergy with both assists and hypers. She’s best as either a point character running mixups and resets, or as 2nd where she can use the extra meter to setup unavoidable level 3 hypers. She’s a bad anchor because of her need for strong assists to make her mixups work.

Recently I’ve been trying out Trish(Peekaboo)/X-23(Ankle Slice)/Hawkeye(H. Arrows)

Not sure if I’ll keep hawkeye over doom for long though since I really like doom as a character. Basically you can use X-23s otg to either extend trish’s combos or to set up unblockables after a hard knockdown. X-23 and Trish also have some synergy if you can keep trish alive and tag her out as you can go from either of x-23s hypers into trish’s. Hawkeye on anchor seems pretty good and practically any hyper can DHC into him. And instead of doing a simple DHC from trish to x-23, you can just do combo into OTG + round harvest hyper then super jump and use another hyper if you want to use 2 bars.

I’ve also been liking x-23 in the 2nd spot more than the 1st since UMVC3 came out so your point character can build some bar so you can hopefully kill someone and go for a level 2 x-factor nap combo on the incoming character.

@Omicron Austin: I would say that X-23/Doom(plasma beam) is a really strong combination and then just try to make someone else you like work on the team too like vergil on point or strider on anchor or whoever else you think would work.

I decided to stay with my vanilla X-23 team - X-23, Taskmaster, Deadpool I didn’t felt that the new characters could bring what I wanted into the team.

I initially used Wesker (as anchor of course), but the sad thing is that his OTG assist is limited and random. For one, it can only pick up one character, and two, you never know you you’re going to pick up. From watching Hori l Tatsu’s tourney plays, Deadpool is actually not a bad assist for X-23. Deadpool for Katana-Rama of course, and can bring up more than one character.

Regarding Taskmaster, I’ve considered using Doom (his beam assist), but I just can’t get to grips with Doom (I play on a controller). I also tried to test out Hawkeye and his poison arrow assist, but it’s actually quite useless, unless for crossing up (I can’t find any uses for it in extending combos). I think it OTGs though. I also didn’t like the fact that Hawkeye doesn’t really have good air to ground zoning tools like Taskmaster has. Taskmaster has the good aim master assist, which can set up for cross ups in a number of ways, including mirage feint, talon claw and their respective mix ups. I’m still very split between these two though. I know Hawkeye has that amazing Gimmlet hyper, but that’s assuming he has meter.

I really like this team compared to the one I’m really trying to play (Vergil, Taskmaster, Wesker), which isn’t amounting to anything so far. It has a pressure/zoning mixture in the team, with pressure starting from X-23, and if she’s down, Taskmaster and Deadpool will then take care of the zoning, though both are equally capable of exerting pressure as well.

I was thinking about using X23 and Haggar, but I need another Character. I was thinking about either Doom or Magneto because they are all around good characters and they both have beam assists (With mags, I would probably use Hyper grav for combo extension), though I don’t know how good they are on anchor. So I am seeing if someone could help me by recommending either one of those two characters or just bringing up someone new that would be decent on anchor.

You don’t want Magneto in there because his beam doesn’t stun long enough for X-23 to hit confirm combos after any of her left/right special moves (M/H talon attack or M mirage feint). Magneto is better for characters with teleports like Dante.

Doom or Iron Man would be better fits. Iron Man beam being easier to hit confirm off of than Doom’s, but both work and I would argue that Doom is definitely a better anchor once you get used to him and much better to safely DHC into.

From there it kinda depends on what your team order is going to be before I give you any more advice.

My team Order would then be X23/Haggar/Doom or X23/Haggar/Iron Man. I have tried to use Doom before and I can get a loop that will kill under X-Factor Level 3 but I never could get my head around his BnB (Not that putting more time into it wouldn’t hurt). As for Iron Man, he just seems weird to me, something about his normals just doesn’t feel right.

Yeah that’s a good set up for that team. I’m sure the DHC from rage trigger into body press does some pretty hefty damage. I don’t think X-23 needs Haggar assist that much although I’m sure it’s not a bad set up for dirt nap and resets after rage trigger or other specials that keep the opponent airborne. Just switch left/right under them and call Haggar and see what happens.

Haggar with Doom beam isn’t exactly the best shit ever if X-23 happens to die but…beam assist helps everybody do a bit better so Haggar will be thankful for the assist to help stop advance guards and help get him in. d+H into call beam and roll I’m sure is not a terrible way to get in where you want to be with Haggar also. Just be careful of random supers blowing Haggar and Doom up. If Haggar dies, Doom is a great anchor and doesn’t need assists to stay in if people advance guard him. Can also still kill people in one combo as long as they’re near the corner even without XF.