MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Hawkeye, Firebrand and Vergil definitely all look like they got some go to assists for X-23 also.

I lost 14-1 to my friend’s team of Wolverine/Dormammu/Taskmaster last week lol. Anyway, Akuma’s Tatsu assist is really good, but I want a projectile assist that that holds them in place for a long time so X-23 gets free reign. So I’m thinking of switching out Akuma for Amaterasu’s Cold Star and in UMVC3, I might switch to Amaterasu full time.

Only problem is spending time learning Amaterasu haha. I’m also looking at Firebrand and Hawkeye. Firebrand’s assists can go through projectiles I’m assuming? I need to take a look at Max’s UMVC3 rundown again.

personally i found the best projectile assists to be Doom, Taskmaster and Sentinel. Ammy’s is good too but it shouldnt really count as a projectile coz the whole point of a projectile assist is to get you full-screen coverage and well, Ammy’s cold star doesnt do that lol.

plus arent you using Dante? Jam session is godlike enough to work as your projectile assist.

Yup I use Dante. But Jam Session doesn’t have the range, and it pushes them back. Plus Amaterasu’s pretty solid as a char, more solid than Akuma at least.

I wanted to avoid Doom since he seems pretty awkward, but I’ll give him a shot since he’s got the best beam assist, thanks. Time to x-copy Deviljin. :wink: Taskmaster’s a good choice too.

Plus I hate Akuma gameplay-wise so I wanna kick him to the curb at some point

Unibeam is very serviceable, just putting that out there. It doesn’t force a knock back like Doom’s beam does, instead it locks the opponent in place with major hitstun. At this point, I think the best projectile assist for X23 are Unibeam, Doom Beam, and Aim Master just my opinion. My issue with Drones is that they get blown up way too easily against other projectiles or hard rush down. I was fighting P.Gorath sometime back and EVERY time I called Drones Shuma Gorath blew them up, or he knocked Sentinel out of it. If Drones really did recieve buffs in Ultimate, maybe I’ll start using Drones assist again. I wish I would of learned Ammy seriously because I love her Cold Star setups for X23, but that was around Week 2 shit where nobody push blocked f.H

lol i happened to X-copy deviljin on his last 2 teams iirc (Not purposely i swear LOL), we both ran x-23/Wesker/Akuma then switched to x-23/Dante/Doom (he has Dante first though =p), my point is; x-copying him wont be such a bad idea xD

as for Dante, you can always use Weasel shot >.> but you’ll lose the awesome Dirtnap setup with jam session so its all to u in the end ='D

I was looking at Ironman as well, I think I’d prefer him to Doom, though Ironman’s not as good. Gonna see how it goes, thanks!

@Eternal Blaze: Depending on the opposing team, I run Weasel Shot+Tatsu as well for extra cover. :)Though, it seemingly can’t clear Drones out as well as other assists as well as other issues, but for the extra cover, I’ll take it lol.

But yeah, Akuma’s getting kicked out at some point. I don’t particularly like using him and even though’s he got an awesome assist, I feel Akuma’s a char where he needs two assists for himself to make the best out of him, otherwise, he’s kinda derp. Sentinel…same issue for me. Unless I put him 2nd. Fuck it, I’ll try out all 4 of those chars lol. See how that works out.

Yeah I tried the 23/Dante/Akuma for a while and Akuma assist is S tier as shit once you get in but from a range Dante and X-23 can get lamed out. Once you get back in you’re great but it’s a lot of taking random chip and stray hits and not being able to do anything to the opposing team until you get within melee range again.

I love how Doom’s beam makes Dante a freaking monster from any range and adds to both his rushdown and zone. It basically allows him to start rushdown from like full freaking screen. When X-23 gets out there it basically turns X-23 into a projectile chucking character and covers her talon attacks really well. Plus long ranged M feint mix ups. If I kill the first character with Dante I love switching X-23 in so she has both horizontal projectile and vertical projectile to bring down super jump/flying characters. If I lose Dante then I use X-23 for the level 2 XF which can tear down a team or save it for XF3 Doom who’s no slouch on speed and damage.

I remember when I first started using X-23/Wesker/Doom and realized that Sakeido was using the same team. Then I noticed Eternal Blaze and like one other guy also use the team. I think we just figured it was a good set up and liked the assists and DHC glitch synergy. With X-23 being able to start the DHC glitch I guess always looked for powerful characters that could follow up the glitch and then have strong assist in the back. Seeing how Dante is a perfect fit for X-23’s dirt nap and can also follow up the DHC glitch…I guess it was only natural that Dante replaced Wesker for me considering I wanted to use him since the game came out. I find it hard to the decide who I like playing more between X-23 and Dante and the only reason I gravitate towards X-23 a bit more is because of her playing a lot like Ibuki or Cammy and being the little bad ass girl character that I always love playing as.

I like to run Dante first because he just covers more matchups and if I kill a character without burning meter on super I can just tag X-23 in and dirt nap the second character before they come in from the welcome. Even if I don’t build enough meter for the XF1 kill on the 2ndI usually just put X-23 in any ways because she doesn’t screw up the order of the team after a triple DHC like tagging back in Dante does. If Dante dies early then I really like X-23’s strength with XF2 to start taking down teams and if she dies before I get to activate that then XF3 Doom is a power house and really scares off people pressing buttons at him with XF guard cancel level 3.

Plus the DHC between million dollars, weapon x prime and sphere flame does like near 1.1 million damage after bold cancel combo.

I have no problem with people copying my team. It’s a good team that I spent a lot of time making work the way it does and still trying to put new shit together. Considering Doom is getting nothing but buffs in Ultimate I see more people gravitating towards Doom as an assist and general character any way. Plus the things he allows X-23 and Dante to do on point with the assist are great. He allows X-23 to be a threat from full screen away which is impossible with other assists. His assist covers a big hole in X-23’s gameplay that she normally has to deal with when using other assists. Not being afraid of people calling drones or other projectile assists is really comforting when you’re trying to go in and bust them up with MFC’s and XF2.

That’s exactly the issue I’m having with my current team. I get in range for a cross-up Mirage Feint+assist, it’s all good. Outside of that range, it’s hard getting anything going, so I’m definitely gonna run a beam assist.

Though Doom’s a bit weird to play as, his assist keeps him right far back, it’s sooooo durable and yeah, I’m getting a bit tired of other people’s projectiles assists too haha. Narrowed it down to Ironman/Doom, I’ll learn both and mix things up.

EDIT: Oh yeah, any assist other than Tatsu that takes care of Flame Carpet, I’ll take too please.

Well flame carpet is getting nerfed in Ultimate so you don’t have to worry about that too much. If X-23 hits Dorm in Ultimate the carpet goes away so once you get in you’ll stay in now. In Ultimate it will knock you away now instead of getting you put in combos like in Vanilla. Makes the match easier in general for baby wolvie and makes it so Hulk doesn’t die like 2-8 to him. LOL.

Iron Man and Doom are both weird to play for their own reasons but I like Doom simply because if you put somebody in a corner with him, even without XF you can do pretty simple combos that will kill offf most of the cast. His mid screen combos are kinda tough without XF but with XF (especially XF3) you can just do basic launch, air M, f+H dive, air M, land sphere flame and kill everybody including Thor if the XF was already active first. Plus he can dash through advance guards without an assist allowing you to stay in on people mashing on it instead of being pushed to death like Haggar. The only issue is having to jump in order to dash which makes him susceptible to random air throws. Luckily his getting buffs to his j.H butter gun and his S dive now causes hard knockdown and is much faster so people will be air throwing him much less often.

Yeah the whole Doom staying behind the point character thing is a really good trait similar to Taskmaster so he stays off screen and gets hurt less. Also allows X-23 to set up pressure while making it visibly hard for the opponent to tell that he was even called. Plus he yells “EEEEEYAAAH” like a power ranger for some reason when he uses it as assist. LOL

Yeah, I heard about the Flame Carpet nerfs, stops him from converting into some stupidness, but pushes her out into zoning range. I’d much rather have that. And yeah, with all the buffs Doom’s getting, plus his assist, I’ll probably run your team in UMVC3 too and I’m probably gonna hop on Strange too. :smiley: Thank guys! And of course, Doom’s Power Ranger yells are definitely a plus LOL.

For now, I’m gonna set this game aside and wait for UMVC3 like other people’re doing.

I dropped akuma because of his normals, they seemed pretty shitty to me and I noticed my M feints weren’t getting put to major use. At one time, I figured M feints were worthless in general haha that’s when I was running X23/Wesker/Akuma. But you guys have gave me so much intel on how to get this shit right, I know I’m not the best X23 player in here but thanks to reading up on stuff I have made my laura way better than before.

Like I mentioned before, I went with Iron Man because grasping Doom in the lab takes work than him. I went into matches with Iron Man at anchor and would always burn XF2 on laura. After watching some Doom vids and some intense practice, I figured Doom is more than capable of winning matches even without XF3 and even moreso now that he’s getting buffs. I could still kill a character by Rage TriggerxxXF Sphere Flames using 3 bars to the equivalent of a Silent Kill setup. Or, WXP into XF Sphere Flames just so many options better than I was getting out of Iron Man. I’m not fond of XF3 Iron Man, I like silly things that can kill characters with little effort.

Yeah as fun as it is to do technical stuff…it is MVC3 and you gotta have some durp, easy kill stuff to stay alive in this game. I like how my team works because all the characters are technical and mix up based which fits my play style but they also all have some durp easy stuff when I need to just run something and get profit quick.

It’s pretty much once you learn how assists makes all of X-23’s special moves like twice as good, you kinda just take it from there. X-23 DHC’s into Doom so well. It’s fun just having Doom appear after a super and XF flaming them to death.

Ephidel it’s good to hear you’re figuring out more about how Laura works and I really like how she forces you to learn how to utilize the game mechanics to be more effective with her. I literally feel like you don’t truly understand every aspect of Marvel through any character faster than X-23. Once you learn X-23 you can learn any character because she requires you to be knowledgeable of all the game’s mechanics outside of maybe air dashes to get the most out of her. I literally didn’t feel like I was really understanding the game till I learned X-23. She just uses so much of it when she fights.

It’s good to have momentum going on with people playing X-23 more in and out of tournaments and having people relate strats in the thread. You guys definitely all keep Laura in the game and can’t wait to carry our momentum into Ultimate…with Dante and Doom of course. :sunglasses:

Hey guys what do you think about X-23/Ammy/Tron?

That was MoFro’s team he was maining way back. It’s a good team utilizing the synergy between X23/Ammy setups, and having Tron assist as your GTFO. Since Tron assist is getting nerfed this team won’t be as good as it is in vanilla.

Yeah, (un)fortunately, Tron’s assist’s getting nerfed in Ultimate. Cold Star is great at helping pinning down people, but Amaterasu stays out for a long time, which can leave her vulnerable if called improperly. X-23 also DHCs safely into Amaterasu and X-23 can start the DHC glitch for Amatarasu(glitch is getting removed in Ultimate.) Amaterasu is pretty solid in general.

Can X-23 and Tron use the DHC glitch? Can’t remember. My order for the team would be X-23/Tron/Ammy, since I’d rather not have Tron last, but many people prefer Tron last, so yeah.

Only reason people have Tron last is coz it lets have 2 characters covered by that bullshit assist rather than 1…

My brother tried X-23 into Tron DHC glitch and it just doesn’t work. Tron doesn’t recovery from any of her supers fast enough to hit them and they generally start up too slow.

You can, however, DHC glitch from Tron into X-23’s level 3 easily. Extra meters for being extra rad.

but thats 4 meters homie, kinda negates the whole point of the DHC glitch >__>