MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

But he has a point, there is nothing in this game cooler than DHCing into Silent Kill and landing a long invisible juggle before activating. Dante’s got nothing on X-23’s invisi-styling.

Apparently tatsu assist for akuma has a soft knockdown REAL low before they start flipping out. I saw a video of magneto hit confirming off of his down heavy slide kick. The tatsu assist MAY have not gotten nerfed as hard as people said. Either that or they changed when they flipped out in the recent builds.

Yeah that’s why I have Akuma as S tier still in my predicted assist tier list for Ultimate. I heard it’s not that much harder to hit confirm off of than Vanilla so until I hear otherwise I’ll assume it’s the same. The only real big difference will be the fact that assist will now add to his stun deterioration so if you call akuma for a relaunch you most likely won’t be able to get as long of a combo as you used to.

Now I’m just wondering how good Ryu’s hadou mode tatsu and Vergil’s Devil Trigger rapid slash assists are. Maybe if you power them up they’re even better than akuma tatsu? LOL.

You can DHC glitch from Tron to X-23 WXP, it’s just a little tight (possibly character specific). The opponent just needs to be high enough in the air on the beacon bomb capture, so they’ll spin out high enough so X-23 whiffs when the DHC happens.

The damage isn’t that great, though, since King Servbot ends up hitting post-glitch, and scales X-23’s combo heavily. If you’ve popped the opponent high enough for a WXP DHC glitch, you also have the option of doing King Servbot twice, end with lunchtime instead.

You can DHC out of Tron before the Servbot transforms, it just has to be done very early.

I thought I remembered that if you don’t let the servbot hit, X23 doesn’t recover from wxp fast enough to continue the combo. Don’t really remember though - I don’t use the setup too often.

I had written a big post about my team on Friday but it looks like it never actually posted… le sigh

anyway just a quick summary. Wesker (OTG)/X-23 (OTG)/Akuma (Tatsu)

Wesker puts in most the work on this team… make no mistake. He is way better than X-23 is. But the chemistry between them is really good - Wesker can have problems happy birthdaying people for big no meter damage because his OTG only hits one char, but X-23 fixes that. Best part is, you don’t even need to land the hit with your point char to get the combo - picking somebody up with Akuma assist is more than enough to kill somebody, and Akuma is always picking ppl up. the guy is a real slut.

all these combos have been adjusted so they are guaranteed to hit a small point char + Sentinel

I’m just going off memory too. I’ll double check the notation when I get home

Wesker happy birthday combo, starting with Wesker
[INDENT=1]c.M s.H xx qcf+L XFC dash in, X-23 assist, dash in s.H xx qcf+M, dash in c.H s.S sj.M sj.M sj.H xx qcf+LM, DHC to X-23 Rage Trigger (let them fall longer than you would think so you get every hit out of it)[/INDENT]
if you do this combo vs. Sentinel you can end with sj.M sj.M sj.H sj.S (Sent dies) OTG w/Wesker into Akuma assist, s.H xx 236L to kill 950k point chars for no meter. When you do qcf+L XFC dash in to X-23 OTG, do the dash then call X-23. Wait til she appears, then dash in again to get as close as possible after she picks them up. Same after the wallbounce, otherwise you run the risk of their smaller point char popping out of the combo while you beat on Sent.

Wesker happy birthday combo, starting with Akuma assist
[INDENT=1]Akuma hits, wavedash, c.M s.H x qcf+M XFC dash in, c.H s.S sj.M sj.M sj.H sj.S, X-23 assist, dash in c.H s.S sj.M sj.M sj.H xx qcf+LM, DHC to X-23 Rage Trigger[/INDENT]

**X-23 happy birthday combo, starting with X-23 **
[INDENT=1]c.M s.H s.S sj.M sj.M sj.H xx qcf+L, dash in qcf+M (full charge, 2 hits) XFC qcb+L s.H s.S sj.M sj.M sj.H sj.d+H xx 236L, Akuma assist, qcf+M (full charge, 2 hits) s.H s.S sj.H xx dp+H[/INDENT]
this one will pretty much always kill the assist but not necessarily the point. the qcb+L after XFC is to get your spacing right anywhere on the screen - it will never cross up, unlike a dash, and always puts you in perfect position to get s.H s.S

[INDENT=1]c.M s.H s.S sj.M sj.M sj.H xx qcf+L, Akuma assist + dash in, qcf+M (full charge, 2 hits) XFC qcb+L, s.H s.S sj.M sj.M sj.H sj.d+H xx 236L, qcf+M (full charge, 2 hits) xx Rage Trigger[/INDENT]
a DHC to Wesker may be necessary to kill 950k+ health point chars. if you do this combo on Sentinel assist, he will die when you spike him back to the ground. In that case, OTG with Wesker into a full charged qcf+L instead, then s.H s.S sj.H xx 623H to kill 950k points for no meter. then enjoy your free lvl3 on their last char.

**X-23 happy birthday starting with Akuma **
[INDENT=1]Akuma hits, wave dash in, c.M s.H s.S sj.H xx qcf+L, dash in, qcf+M (full charge, 2 hits) XFC qcb+L, s.H s.S sj.M sj.M sj.H sj.d+H xx qcf+L, Wesker assist, qcf+M (full charge, 2 hits) xx Rage Trigger[/INDENT]
The Wesker OTG + X-23 OTG is just to get a tiny bit of extra meter gain and damage on one character. Same thing goes here - if their assist expires before you do the finisher, use Wesker into qcf+L to save meter. With this one since your spacing can be weird, you have to keep your first air series to just sj.H xx qcf+L so you don’t cross up one of their characters and have them drop out. You can try wave dashing most of the way in, then doing qcb+L to set your spacing to squeeze in more attacks on the first air series.

With all X-23 happy birthdays, either shorten your air chain as much as possible (sj.H xx qcf+L) or do it as quickly as possible (sj.M sj.M sj.H sj.d+H xx qcf+L) to prevent one char from popping out. d+H in particular will usually only hit one character unless you are right in the corner. If you are comboing Ammy or Wolverine plus an assist, don’t use d+H.

**X-23 & Akuma Tag In Mixup **
[INDENT=1]Normal jump towards, meaty d+H, call Akuma + 236L[/INDENT]

The meaty d+H is to make it so they can’t press any buttons, while you can still call assists. So you call Akuma, and do the Talon Attack to force them to fall into him. Done properly, they have to block every hit of Akuma which lets you do:
[INDENT=1]Multiple Overhead Mixup w/qcb+H, j.M j.M j.H - just how it sounds. Most chars don’t have to block this at all.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Overhead Mixup w/qcb+H, j.S xx qcf+L - not all that tricky, but at least it hits all crouchers[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Crossup Mixup w/qcb+M - they can barely see you. Go for it.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Crossup Mixup w/qcb+M, qcb+H - use d+H xx qcf+L for a nice left/right mixup[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Block Confirm into lvl3 - if you got your timing down pat, you can activate upon landing from your qcf+L, dash in, take your combo. You will have both assists available for your combo afterwards.[/INDENT]
Or you can do your lvl3 before they come in and do all these mixups while invisible, hit confirm into a short combo, then lvl3.

X-23 & Wesker Corner Reset
Requires the opponent to be perfectly cornered - for neutral/back techs
[INDENT=1]c.M (2 hits) s.H xx qcb+H s.M s.H xx qcf+L, s.M (2 hits) s.H s.S sj.H xx qcf+L, call Akuma, qcf+M (fully charged, 2 hits), s.H s.S sj.H xx qcf+L, call Wesker, qcb+M then hold up[/INDENT]

This combo will always corner the other character - it works corner to corner, and does about 440k after the gunshot. If you do the last qcb+M early, they will have enough time to see you cross them up - the gunshot will hit them, and you will be behind them. Then you neutral jump into a j.H xx qcf+L and you will magically appear in front of them, even if they neutral tech. If you do the qcb+M late, you will never be clearly behind them but when you hold up you will appear behind them, even on a back tech (getting the cross up seems a little wonky to me and still needs more testing).

One of these resets into a three launch combo is enough to kill most point chars for no meter.

Wesker & X-23 Corner Reset/Tag In Mixup
[INDENT=1]Jump towards, j.L + X-23 assist, j.H late j.S[/INDENT]

You make them block the j.L, X-23 starts coming out, you force them down to the ground but you are still in the air - then X-23 & Wesker’s late j.S hit at the same time for an unblockable. Works on resets and tag-ins. Only problem is… if you do the j.L j.H j.S with the normal timing (so on hit you get the jump loop), they can chicken block out of this setup because there is too big of a gap between the H and S. Even worse, sometimes they can land, jump, then throw you. If you do the j.L j.H j.S a little slower so they can’t do that, it won’t confirm on hit. j.M then? Never seems as reliable to me.

[INDENT=1]Jump towards, j.H j.S + X-23 assist xx dp+L, falling j.S[/INDENT]

Another unblockable setup that looks very similar to the popular Akuma tatsu mixup but harder to pull off and not as safe.

I knew Rocket Raccoon would have teef assists lol. Plus he’s just mad. Definitely wanna try and make him work with X-23, and even if he doesn’t work well with her, I’ll put him in another team for sure. His log assist’s looking hot.

Hit scaling wont effect me too much since my air series is only heavy to talon dive. I really wish her medium hitbox in the air was bigger its dumb how small hitboxes will miss.

Yeah I think they purposely designed her aerial hit boxes to only go a certain height on purpose. i think they purposely wanted to give her bad matchups against characters that can lame out at the top of the screen. All of her stuff that’s scary is ground based generally around regular jump height. Her aerial stuff at best will get her in fast but then you still have to find a way to hit whoever is laming out at the top corner. Which is why a vertical assist like jam session or hidden missiles really helps on point characters like Trish.

It also makes characters like Zero really hard to flying screen after a launch also like you said. If her air throw range was bigger and she could self relaunch without XF it wouldn’t be as bad. Felicia can air throw shit all day with her huge air throw range. X-23 has stubby air normals and sub par at best air throw range. Luckily she’s the fastest and most agile of the ground pixie characters to make up. Once you get in you’re good in most matchups unless it’s a character that can totally lame it out at the top right then you need a couple assists or have to just kinda pray super jump or talon attack into air throw.

What do you guys think of the new guys? I’m definitely seeing some potential with X-23 and Rocket with either his log assist or his double fireball assist. Not too sure about Frank.

I know the ones I like and I already have a team for them in my sig. I spent a lot of time figuring the right team to use with X-23 and I just like the team I have with her now the best. I’ll just make that my main team and then the other teams I make will most likely focus on Vergil who I like as my new main point based main along with Dante and X-23. Unless one of the new character’s assists ends up being more gdlk for X-23 than beam or tatsu I’ll just keep her where she is.

I mean if I were to try a character with her…it would definitely be one of the ones that look like they have strong assists. Log assist could probably create inescapable setups for dirt nap and even work really well with her talon attacks. If Frank West’s camera assist shoots really fast and does enough stun…maybe that could work for mirage feint set ups? LOL. I personally see Hawkeye as the best go to character for making X-23’s special moves stronger. I’ll have to see more from the other characters when the game hits. Long as she has a solid DHC into Hawkeye I can’t see things going wrong.

I was thinking she could have some good setups with Strange too. Snap someone in, call discs, they float awhile, character comes in and immediately gets hit by them. X-23/Strange/Hawkeye sounds like the best combination of new characters to me. Really can’t wait to learn more about Nova and RR’s assists though. I spent all of Vanilla in a character crisis when it came to who to pair X-23 with and I am determined to find an ideal Ultimate team ASAP.

Yeah I’m kinda done finding stuff that works for X-23. LOL. Spent too much time trying to understand how she works to care anymore. I’ll leave the rest of the assist synergy for everyone else now that people generally know how she works.

Now that I know that Jam Session is great for dirt nap and plasma beam is good for making X-23 a threat outside of close range and gives her specials way more utility…I’m done doing all that searching stuff with her. Wanna do searching with other characters now and the way the team works in general I like too much to really change.

I still want Dante to be the main battery/meter builder on the team and then when he kills somebody in the corner, raw tag into X-23 so I can dirt nap the second one down with XF. If Dante dies early I like the way X-23 works with Doom well enough. Their DHC game plus XF is really strong and now I’ll be able to get X-23 in safely if Doom is on point with crescent scythe crossover counter.

Strange obviously could work well with X-23. A homing assist sounds like it would make her M feint really easy to use for cross ups. Especially if it can do enough stun to reliably hit confirm off of. I noticed from the video that the stun didn’t look too long but the assist is so fast you should be able to at least try to get something ala Mags Disruptor. Long as it doesn’t scale damage too much I see it working.

honestly I feel Hawkeye/X23 will have some of the best synergy out the gates. Triple Arrow will cover M feints, Poison Arrow can OTG and cause status, not sure about Scatter Shot because it has no homing properties for X23 to gain from. The second character I’m looking at is Nova because of his strong point potential and opportunities to setup a silent kill with his reflector assist.

Speaking of Nova, have you seen his divekick assist? It looks like it might be the perfect angle to setup a silent kill on an incoming character, provided it’s not too easy to knock him out of it.

Unless Nova’s assists do a ton of blockstun that I’m not aware of, I don’t see the point in using them for silent kill setups over assists that are active for a long time (and therefore easier to use) like Jam Session or Repulsor Blast or something.
I didn’t know OTG poison arrow was one of Hawkeye’s assists. It’ll definitely be good to make X-23 deal more damage. Pop one of those and end the combo with WXP and the poison is sure to deal full damage, if that is how it works. Does it mean she can potentially do easy 800k combos with one meter?

One assist no one is talking about is Press the Witness (at least that’s what I think it’s called) from Phoenix Wright. Everyone’s attention seems to be put into Missile, but depending on the hitbox size and speed of the PtW assist, it might end up great for pressuring and buying time.

There’s really not a point outside of trying to make X-23 work with new and fun characters. As long as she’s got a good assist for M feint mixups, might as well try to get a bit creative with the other one right?

I was thinking about Press the Witness too. That and Frank West’s shopping cart assists are two pressure tools that are getting pretty overlooked right now.

I just wish people would get a little more creative with characters like X to shed some light on some of her other great qualities.

M feint is hardly her end all be all move for mixups.

I mean sure it can work, but with proper assist she can be whatever you want her to be. Dormmamu’s black hole assist, for instance, makes every dive kick, neck slice, feint string and entrance mixup a 40+ frame mixup situation (or potential dirt nap) and given the nature of those moves, they arent that hard to connect. If opponent gets hit, it’s a combo, if he blocks go crazy and set up for more blindingly fast mixups. Plus with the way X moves, it covers her really well to the point where opponents can’t touch her for fear of touching the ball.

I’m sure some of the new characters will have other assists that can put other aspects of X in the spotlight instead of beam + derp crossup. Nova’s Aegis could be crazy for corner lockdown.

My point is, is that X isn’t necessarily designed to get openings off M feints alone, she is a frame advantages pressure beast with solid normals, good OS’s, and great reset ability.

She just dies very fast is all :frowning:

Traumatisch, can you give video examples of what you’re talking about?


“Dormmamu’s black hole assist, for instance, makes every dive kick, neck slice, feint string and entrance mixup a 40+ frame mixup situation”
“if he blocks go crazy and set up for more blindingly fast mixups”

I’d just like to see examples of a good X player making use of an assist like Dorm’s black hole to apply this kind of reliable pressure (without an assist such as drones, tatsus, beams, arrows, shots, or dantes…) against upper-level players with effective pressure teams of their own. (That may include the likes of Magnus, Wesker, Wolverine, Zero, Taskmaster, Ammy, Spencer, She-Hulk, Dante, etc… backed up by previously mentioned assists.) And not have a survival rate of worse than 50% at 15 seconds in on point…