MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Well, actually, wouldn’t mind that haha.

And yeah, I agree Deviljin, I think it all depends on how strong Level 1 X-Factor’s like now, and also, how much they’ve affected hitstun decay and meter gain. If they’ve touched those things to a significant effect, X-23 won’t be able to merk off the top end of the health spectrum with an XF combo and nail the next one cold. Also, I dunno how long Level 1 lasts now, that might affect things a bit. Right now, even against chars with 1.1mil she can spark them off with a Level 1 combo and still have enough XF by the end of Silent Kill, allowing her to combo off Silent Kill into a hyper(she gains mad meter lol) for at the very least, 800,000-900,000 damage. X-23 can just gobble up teams like nobody’s business, guaranteed from the first touch.

Man, I could imagine the feint potential+silent kill rotations if she were visible during her LV3. Capcom assumed that everybody would play X23 last when making the character, so making her invisible while in XF3 to them would be appropriate as to how much of the killing machine she would already be

It’s hard to play a character last that needs assists to amount mix ups or safe offense with any of their screen clearance specials. Even in the strategy guide they specifically talk about using her level 3 with assists. They also go into how limited her move set is without assists. She just doesn’t function without assists minus mashing on L talon attacks and talon dives and using some c.L or MFC strings if you somehow find a way to get close without an assist. I wouldn’t say Capcom assumed anything. They more so forced X-23 to be a character where you have to call an assist practically anytime you do any special move with her and is probably the only character in the game that uses assists to set up traps for her level 3. Which all of her specials gain much stronger properties when assists are called with them.

Anyone trying to run X-23 as anchor would run into more problems in Ultimate with characters like Strange and Ghost Rider that have full screen projectiles/normals that will keep X-23 visible and taking damage during her level 3 without assists.

When I tried out ultimate at evo she could talon attack out of grounded crescents as well.

That’s quite awesome. :slight_smile:

Speaking of Strange, I can just tell he’s gonna be jarring for X-23 MU-wise. Luckily he doesn’t have air dashes(I think) but he fills up the screen with so much crap, has a teleport and more. Also wary of Hawkeye backed up with a good assist that helps his zoning somewhat.

Yeah I’m playing Strange on my side team and it’s just so obvious that if that guy gets like 2 projectiles on the screen he’ll be able to put you in a mix up that will start a combo if it hits you. Even if you try to super jump he has the discs of denak which is like a self assisted hit box so that he can just frame mix you up even if you try to run away. It has a bit of start up but once it activates it immediately tracks the opponent at a fast speed. Which since Strange’s teleports track you’re going to be forced into Phoenix style mix ups except at a much faster rate even if you try to run away.

To suffice he may not have the most high priority normals but the getting in is definitely going to be hard and the longer it takes for you to get in the easier it is for him to get in. Plus he has a high or mid attack counter that’s a command normal if you get too antsy with talon dives and attacks. X-23 will most likely tear him to shreds once she gets in outside of mash counter, mash spell of vishanti or mash assist but she’ll have to get in first.

Why’d they feel the need to give him a high/mid counter that’s a command normal lol?

Anyway, I’m gonna check out what Strange’s assists are saying for X-23, pretty sure he’s got some good stuff projectile-wise. Have to check some vids.

I’ve been using X-23 and Captain America together for awhile and I’ve really been happy with the results of using Shield Slash for M feint, H feint, and overall combo extenders, but I’m having a bit of trouble working out a solid 3rd character. I’ve been using Dormammu with the Dark Hole assist but I was thinking about changing him out for Iron Man so that I could use the Repulsor Blast for Dirt Nap setups or use Unibeam for keepaway teams that I have a lot of trouble getting in on. Anyone have any success with that kind of setup?

Dormammu’s Dark Hole assist does allow for Dirt Nap setups. Since it’s out for so long, it’s great for lockdown in general and it can also help a bit in combos, but not much. The thing about it is that it’s pretty slow and that means you’ll have to use it at very exact times to set it up. If you were to replace him with IM, I’d definitely do it with Repulsor Blast. After all, can’t Shield Slash help against keepaway teams already?

It does allow for the setups, but I just find it really difficult to corner really mobile characters with it. It doesn’t help that if I use it in the corner it usually goes offscreen. And the thing about Shield Slash is I can never really reach far enough with it to deal with characters like Trish or Deadpool backed with assists like Hidden Missiles, it’s been a real problem lately.

Hey guys first time posting here and its gonna be a long one.
So the team I’ve been running is X-23/ammy/spencer and I feel like this is one of the better combinations for X-23. Ammy is changeable depending on how you wanna play but Spencer is really vital to 23. Pretty much the only time you’ll use meter with 23 is for dirt nap setups using this team.
With Ammy:
cold star assist sets up for tons of mixups. using 23’s mobility(wall jump, good wave dash, using mirage stance to duck under beams) getting in isnt too bad. calling ammy while doing a blockstring and using M mirage to cross up or get back in their face if they pushblock is really handy. also if you ever catch them blocking and you have 3 bars, call ammy to keep them locked down and you have enough time to activate and land a dirt nap for free. the best part about this team is that getting meter for dirtnaps is fast and easy, and thats thanks to Spencer.
With Spencer:
Spencer is X-23’s bff, and the reason for this is “Bionic Resets”
Using 23’s large number of ground loops, you can call spencers angled grapple assist to set up some reeeeally nice resets. So far I use three main resets

  1. s.MH qcb.H, j.MMdH qcf.L, s.MH qcb.H, j.MMH, j.MMHS qcf.L, s.M+spencer assist. at this point you can cancel the standing medium into crossup mirage and spencer’s grapple will snatch them out of the air. this works if they recover neutral or back but not forward so use it sparingly.
  2. This one is character specific. s.MH qcb.H, j.MMH, j.MMHS+spencer assist, j.M. The jumping medium will stun them enough for the grapple to hit them. At this point you put them in a 50/50. you can land when they recover from the grappled animation and hit them with a low or do an instant over head. Because the grapple animation has them standing, if they are crouch blocking their hitbox will still be large enough to hit them with an instant jM,d.H qcf.L before the animation can change to crouching. This works on taller characters like wesker, taskmaster, etc.
  3. Pretty much any ground loop into s.MH+spencer assist. My favorite to use is s.MH qcb.H, j.MMd.H qcf.L, s.MH qcb.H, j.MMd.H qcf.L, s.MH+spencer assist. Spencer will grapple the opponent and put them right in front of you to do whatever you want. You can cancel the s.H into M mirage and cross them up, which puts you at a perfect distance to hit them with a crouching M. you can cancel the s.H into H mirage to hit them with an overhead, or do a late S out of the mirage so it whiffs and you hit them with a surprise low. You can do a command grab. The possibilities are pretty much limitless because the grapple keeps them stunned and standing in place for so long. The best part is that going into another ground loop off of the reset gives enough time for the spencer assist to recover, putting them right back into another reset. You can average around 300,000 damage per reset, so for most low life characters two resets equal death.
    Spencers assist also works great against incoming characters. You can call the assist, M mirage to cross up, and if the grapple hits you can go into the combo of your choice.

Since X-23 doesnt need any meter to kill, that means if she dies you have ammy with a full 5 bars. With ammy you can do any combo into slow, dhc into bionic arm and hit them with as many arms as you want. You can even cancel full screen ice shots into slow and dhc into an arm that will connect allowing you to hit them with as many arms as you want. After that you just x-factor and kill with spencer.

So yeah I think the team works very well. If anyone has any questions just ask!

I have actually been thinking about the X-23/Spencer combo and the possibility of endless resets lately. The fact that she has so many mixup options out of a H mirage feint that the resets are almost assured.

Great job actually implementing it and doing it in the most inventive ways, it does seem like it makes a very strong team. I really want to see it in action.

i used x-23/Spence for a while, pretty neat combination, Dante w/weasel shot was my third.
lol the Bionic Resets sound pretty awesome, gonna have to try those out, plus you can DHC glitch with that team (WXP, wait a bit then DHC to Bionic maneuvers>c.LP or C.MP). but when i used it a used the horizontal grapple coz it also works to cover you when you do Mirage crossups.
making Spencer go first isnt bad either, Zipline> j.S+ Laura’s ankle slice is a free unblockable and sooo easy to time.

Sounds dirty.

Alright so in my post where I said 2 resets will equal a dead character for characters with low hp, welllll I just ran the numbers and it turns out I lied. Using the loop I described in the #3 reset, you get 338,500. Now after the 2nd reset, you can go into a bnb. Instead of canceling the s.H into mirage for a mixup, cancel into a fully charged qcf.L, s.HS, sj.MMHd.H qcf.L, ammy assist+qcf.M, fully charged qcf.L, S, sj.H for a total of 573,800. So doing a loop, reset, loop, reset, bnb ends with a total of 1,250,800. Thats enough to kill the god of thunder for no meter and no x-factor. All together, youll gain about 4 bars. Add that to the fact that the bnb I just described goes corner to corner, youre in a perfect position to activate dirt nap, land it on the next incoming character,otg,x-factor and kill. So in theory, 2 wrong guesses from the opponent could end with 2 dead characters. Id say x-23 has a pretty comfy spot in the top tier.

You don’t actually need X-factor to combo off of dirtnap in the corner.

Dirtnap->wavedash s.LMH->Hfeint->j.MH2H->qcfL->s.MHS works from normal jump height.

You can stick in an x-factor somewhere in there to make sure you you do enough damage to kill them without additional meter though.

X23 can be silly sometimes

Hmmm…I’ll have to try out the non XF combo stuff of Dirt Nap.

It only works in the corner and is easier the lower you do Dirt Nap.

Thought I should mention that.

Well, lots of characters are silly almost all the time. :stuck_out_tongue: So I say more power to her~

Edit: Yeah it’s easy once you figure it out, but the dash into A is quite quick… fun to do, especially if you catch someone on character-in and you can have full use of your assists instead of wasting X-factor. Fun fun.

I’ve been playing X-23 on and off since day 1, but I’ve been rockin’ it in scrub mode and just picking random characters and never really created a solid team, and I’m ready to change that.

I’m really digging Nova for Ultimate, so I’d like to incorporate him into a team, and while it’s hard to say for sure how well he’ll work with X-23, just based off what I’ve seen it looks like they’ll have good DHC synergy, and assists as well.

With that said, my current team build idea is either X-23 / Nova / Dr. Doom, or Nova / X-23 / Dr. Doom.

I’m thinking X-23 possibly on point, because I think Nova’s Aegis Reflector type assist may possibly lock incoming enemies down for dirt nap kills, and overall since Nova has tons of self OTGs, I don’t think he’d benefit as much from having X-23s assist, though the low hit for mix-ups would be nice.

Doom is just there as a good anchor and beam assist.

Anyways, any suggestions for my team as far as order, possible replacements for Doom or anything of the sort, let me know. :smiley:
