MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Hulk’s assists work as GTFO assists, don’t they? They sound useful even if only for that. And Plasma Beam is nearly everything that X-23 needs to be minimally effective in her offense (even though having a lockdown assist might also help). But the best thing about that team is that it must have some killer DHCs with Sphere Flame and Gamma Crush (maybe it needs a different order to maximize damage) and that is pretty valuable. If you feel the team is working so far you should continue developing it, if not, change.

I would definitely put Hulk second with gamma charge assist and doom 3rd with the beam. Doom’s beam assist is easily one of the best in the game and you definitely want that shared between 2 characters and not just one. Plus Hulk has the most damaging level 1 in the game in gamma crush and Doom’s sphere flame level 1 can easily follow up afterwards which does pretty big damage as well. Doom’s sphere flame level 1 becomes the most damaging level 1 in the game if you XF cancel it also since the projectile stays active and gets XF benefits on every hit. Level 3 XF sphere flame does like 830,000 damage and if you XF cancel into another one it’s just like way too much LOL.

You can kinda choose between which assists you wanna use. I would say a couple good routes to go would get you one horizontal assist and one vertical assist to cover X23’s ability to get in. Like you can do Hulk’s anti air assist to protect you from taking damage and hit people that are jumping or flying around in the air while having doom beam assist set up M feint left right mix ups and allowing you to get left right mix ups and cover your approach with the M and H talon attacks. Doom beam combined with just about any of her special moves makes her special moves immediately stronger.

You could use Hulk’s gamma wave assist for the same purpose as Doom beam and then use doom’s hidden missiles assist to protect you from taking damage and take care of airborne people. Hulk’s gamma wave assist works well for converting into combos off of M feint although it doesn’t work quite as well for converting into combos after landing it from an M talon attack like with Doom’s beam. Doom’s missiles are also really nice for setting up H feint mix ups due to the long lockdown from the missiles. If they try to jump in the air set up an attack/throw mix up once they’re done blocking or being hit by the missiles.

I run X-23/Hulk (Ground Charge)/Akuma, pretty similar to your team. X-23 and Hulk are amazing together, and I have some really strong mixups that use the ground charge assist. If you’re on XBL, hit me up sometime (gt remura) and I can show you (I don’t have recording capabilities).

so, Dat Vergil.
I’m currently planning on running x-23 (ankle slicer)/G.Rider (Heartless Spire)/Vergil (Rapid Slash)
Rider’s Spire works perfectly as a Wesker OTG replacement for extending combos and comboing into WXP
for Vergil, we still dont know what his other assists are but theyre probably Judgment Cut and Lunar Phase .
how do you guys see Rapid Slash for Laura? does it seem like a good assist to cover her left/right mixups? do you think comboing off of it will be simple ala Akuma’s tatsu or Doom’s Beam?

I currently use Dante with jam session and Doom’s Beam, and I’m hoping one of Vergil’s assists will be good for x-23 so i can replace Doom with him.

For Vergil, I can’t remember if Rapid Slash launches or staggers them. I think it staggers them on the ground, right? If so, it shouldn’t be hard for X23 to combo off it. I’m more concerned about whether it’d cover X-23’s advances well enough if she isn’t in range though. So I’m also hoping that Vergil has an assist that helps in that area. Speaking of Tatsu, how easy is it to combo off the assist now, does anyone know? I know it got nerfed up pretty bad.

Rapid slashes looks pretty solid considering its properties dont change up as an assist or anything. I’m making another team around Vergil so he won’t be seeing much X23 use. I like Dante and Doom’s synergy with X23 well enough.

What do you u guys think of X-23/Strider will play like?

I don’t see the point of having two similar, rushdown characters with so very little life in the same team. It’s kind of redundant. I guess you can go for easy unblockable setups with Strider’s teleports and X-23 assist, but that might be it, at least as far as the obvious goes.

Personally, I think we shouldn’t be speculating this much about character synergy when most haven’t tried them. We can’t really know the more obscure little things that make a team good until we sit with the characters for a few hours in training mode.

lol i know its a bit ridiculous to do that so early but i want to have my team finalized as soon as day 1 so that i stick with it through the game’s lifespan =p
i switched through like 14 teams in Vanilla and i dont wanna do that in Ultimate >.<

Considering that Strider’s teleport kick assist is supposed to track people I can see potential in in using his assist for dirt nap setups and putting Strider as anchor for that purpose. Especially if the hit box is large enough and the active frames for it are long enough to make it viable for that purpose. Then just have somebody in the middle with a good horizontal assist for X23’s feints and talon attacks.

next game I’ll probably still run Wesker/X-23/Akuma
X-23 has some unwinnable matchups imo, like vs. Dante, that Wesker doesn’t have any problems in. even with the health nerf, no big deal, the gun is just too good. She is definitely best at 2nd spot on a team. Akuma I want to switch out for somebody more self-sufficient on point. I’ve been trying out Magneto anchor lately with either disrupter for l/r mixups or hypergrav for combos… but me and Magneto don’t really get along. I still can’t get hypergrav loop down to save my life. he’s sick in x-factor, but I still struggle to run good tri jump offense without drones out to make me look like a hero

Vergil does look like he’ll have an awesome assist to help out laura. Strange too, should have some stuff. I really want to get Iron Fist on a team somehow, but he looks really bad.

I probably won’t run any akuma/laura synergy in ultimate. The tatsu nerf isn’t a big reason, because I figured it would get nerfed down from eating up everything in vanilla. Dr Strange will more likely have trapping assist like Trish, but if he has a projectile with some hit stun properties to lock the opponent down I can see some use with getting him and X23 together. Plus he’ll make a terrific anchor for X23 to be in front of.

I don’t think Iron Fist and Laura will have much synergy. Iron Fist hits hard but looks rather slow in mobility, he reminds me of Jin. Hawkeye’s Triple Arrow will more likely be an assist which screams mixup potential for laura’s feints. I hope that’s the case, it looks faster yet slightly weaker than Aim Master. I’m still down with finding any synergy between Nemesis and laura, but I’m more likely to settle for Strange or Hawkeye.

I’d like to still run X-23/Dante/Akuma, but I’d like to use the new chars with X-23 as well, so yeah, whichever one’s got good assists, they’re getting in. Preferably Vergil since he’s cool, but I can make separate teams for the new chars(liking Ironfist too atm.)

I was also thinking about swapping Akuma out for Amaterasu’s Cold Star occasionally. Pins them down forever, perfect for X-23 since she can run mix-ups and blockstrings for ages. Right now, my team’s assists pushes the opponent away from X-23(unless in the corner) so I’m usually just doing left-right mix-ups. Would probably be good at clearing out Drones too(though Akuma’s Tatsu/Dante’s Weasel Shot can get the job done as well.) Akuma also has really shitty normals that I’d wish they fix in Ultimate, since Tatsu is getting the nerf-bat.

X-23/Dante/Akuma’s actually hilarious at times. Was playing my friend, killed Magneto off with a Level 1 Mirage Loop XF combo+Tatsu Assist. Gained 3 bars, called out Jam Session on incoming Dante, Silent Kill, combo’d off Silent Kill, killed off Dante. Somehow managed to keep ahold of 1 bar, left-right mix-up with Tatsu assist when the last character came in, DHC glitched them off the mix-up.

He wasn’t too happy about that so I ended up losing the set 32-37 lol.

I’m really hoping X23/Strider/Vergil will work good. I don’t want to leave my girl, but she will have to go if she and strider can’t work together. I hope she had some good buffs, if she does can anybody tell me what her new buffs are?

You can do Talon attacks after Crescent Scythe now(can’t remember the specifics though), whereas before you couldn’t, you’d just land and get owned lol. It’s decent I guess. Only buff I’ve heard of so far concerning X-23.

I think you can only Talon after air-scythes. If we get used to doing tk scythes, it could be pretty useful, actually.

Also, ankle slice gets to max charge faster now. Should help immensely with consistency (especially against weird hitbox chars like Tron), as well as possibly opening up some OTG + assist possibilities.

Ah, it’s only after an air one? Seen. Both buffs are sounding good for X-23, wonder if she’s got any more stuff to play with. BTW, please Capcom, don’t touch Silent Kill. Just leave it alone.

You know what? I’d love it if they made her slightly visible. Would definitely help X-23 more than it would help the opponent.

I personally don’t even know why they make her invisible during the super. The super’s best use is that it puts the opponent into situations where even if they block they’re still fucked unless they turn on XF and have a quick invincible super to mash. That’s considering when they’re on the ground. If they’re still in the air during welcome setups there’s nothing they can do and they lose that character for the most part.The jam session dirt nap trap stuff should work relatively the same even with air XF since most characters don’t have invincible air supers to mash to get out after the XFC. The only 2 characters that can do that (Sentinel and Morrigan) can already escape without air XF any way.

I don’t really see them buffing X-23 much because if you play her around her level 3 she can crumble whole teams from the start of the round. Not everybody likes to play her that way (I don’t even really…she’s got too much fun shit outside of that) but if you do you pretty much only need to turn on level 1 XF after hitting someone and call an assist or two during the combo and you’ve basically already won the match. That’s pretty much how they ultimately wanted X-23 to work and the fact that she can do that period gives her a unique way to tear down entire teams that no other character can do. It’s basically a completely guaranteed version of Wolverine’s 2 character kill BS which is crazy. It’s only completely guaranteed with 2 or 3 character’s assists but if you like X-23 you’ll pick up those characters just so you can have the option on your team. The only thing that might tone it down is the slight nerf on level 1 XF but I doubt XF1 is so nerfed that you still can’t set up the same 2 character kill shit on anyone that doesn’t have Hulk health.

Most of the other stuff that makes X-23 strong outside of the level 3 can be done similarly well with other characters or requires execution that the average player just simply won’t care to put together. Which is most of why X-23 hasn’t seen a ton of tourney use even though she has cheap shit that can obviously take down entire teams just off one hit. Or at least leave the team down to a level 3 XF character that must fight down a perfect health full team.

I think having a faster ankle slicer would be awesome as far as giving us some more combo options so def. looking forward to that. I normally run the X-23/Dante(jam session)/Akuma(Tatsu) team but I’m looking forward to ultimate so I can mix things up.

I have a hell of a time landing consistent OTG > assist> WXP with those two though so I’m always tempted to swap out someone for a low assist (non-Wesker cause I really can’t get into his play-style) because I find it much easier to do low assist > Neck Slicer > WXP. The best I’ve been able to come up with for that setup is X23/Taskmaster(hori arrows)/Deadpool(Katanarama) for DHC synergy and glitch while it still exists.