MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Well which character assist would work well with X23 and Ryu because using Ryu Tatsu assist seems to be pretty good since I am always in the opponents face and just like Akuma Tatsu once he starts up I manage to catch my opponents assist as long as Ryu assist is called out first. At the same time if changing the order will help as well then I may need to practiced against the computer first to see the difference, but if Spiderman is going to be a problem for X23 and Ryu then I guess I need to hold another tryout session for a third character.

I was originally going to answer that but I wanted to see if you for sure were content with having a second team outside of Spider Man. I mean basically X23 is like Wolverine where if you just give her one solid assist that’s really all she needs to get going. She becomes even more potent if you play her on point and set her up with another assist that specifically shuts down characters coming in for a KO’d one into dirt nap XF kills. There’s generally 2 ways to have X23 on a team IMO.

  1. Have her on a team where you play her on point and she has 2 assists to utilize to take advantage of her mirage feints and help her get in. One assist that is projectile or attack based that is fast enough in start up so that she can set up legit left right mix ups with the M mirage feint and augments her M and H talon attack game. The other character preferably being a character that either locks down long enough to give her a solid H feint mix up (Dorm Dark Hole, Chun Li lightning legs etc) or a character with a lockdown assist big enough to set up inescapable dirt nap setups before they land (Dante Jam Session, Ammy Cold Star etc.)

  2. The other way to set up a team with her (my personal setup) is to have her second where the idea is to more so take advantage of her strength as an XF2 character with one solid assist that makes her most powerful mix up even stronger (M mirage feint). The character starting will just be just any strong character on point like Dante, Mags, Wesker etc. Just remember to have a strong projectile or horizontal assist in the anchor spot because X23’s assists are only going to provide combo extenders or unblockables for the first and X23 will totally need that strong assist to create a mix up once she gets in with the M feint.

If you’re going the first route you could do something where X23 is first with Dante second to set up dirt nap kills and or DHC glitch. This is a very powerful set up already because it basically gives you two ways to tear through a team. One is just go ahead and kill a character on a first hit by turning on XF1 in the middle of the combo so by the time they die the next character will die to a jam session dirt nap setup with XF to finish them off in the corner after the OTG. The second is to save your XF and kill based on DHC glitching into Dante instead which requires less meter and no XF but doesn’t quite kill off the team as fast as the dirt nap XF style. Then you could have Ryu as anchor since he’s a solid anchor that gets his own damage off throws. If you save XF for him can easily keep assists from being called on screen and unlike Akuma the trade off for having a slower start up super is that both the ground and air versions of the super are completely safe on block so as long as he has meter to throw around you can get in if you need to as anchor. If Ryu has to come in as anchor you should have pretty much already done your damage with X23 first any way since he will be providing the tatsu assist for her. Especially with Dante who’s still a very powerful character up second any way.

With the second set up you could do something like my team where Dante is up first since he does better in some point matchups that X23 may be more of a risk to utilize in (especially vs. Magneto/Zero/Wolvie on point although IMO Zero is the only one she nearly dies to). X23 will provide low hitting assist for Dante to vary his mix up a bit more and then you just have Ryu in the back providing the assist and anchorage. The idea with this team also is to essentially kill off one or 2 people because it’s very capable of doing so before Ryu has to fight. If Ryu has to fight you want him fighting one or 2 people at most. As long as you have someone generally solid on point who preferably has a lockdown based assist for X23 if she fights on point while the first character is still alive or can follow up the DHC glitch for her you’re pretty good to go.

Ryu being anchor also allows X23 to safely throw out Weapon X Prime or Rage Trigger to get through zoning. If she lands a hit, DHC into Ryu to do damage an turn on XF to kill off a character or 2 characters if you caught them up in rage trigger. If it’s blocked DHC into Ryu which unlike Akuma is completely safe on block after his beam super to allow you to do solid chip if needed without getting punished. Ryu’s beam normally has slow start up but DHCing on a whiff will have Ryu’s super start up in one frame to catch the start up of other long start up projectiles or moves from a long range.

Now to to go on the Dante Thread and learn some of his combos. I do like your setup 2 that you wrote, especially since your youtube videos and I saw how effective X23 can be as second instead of being first, so what I am going to do is practice with Dante first, X23 second and Ryu third against the computer then try setup 1 as well and see which I prefer before I play online. Also I saw that your friend has an amazing Zero/Captain America setup and I did not think Felicia was that scary in X-Factor level three, but you two played some amazing matches and I learned alot by watching your videos and from BB Hood 01 Zero/Captain team work. Just sad I cant play Zero since I play on pad and I cant do Zero buster shot combos.

Thanks. That friend of mine is actually my little brother and we’ve been playing fighting games against each other since like SF2 on the arcade and sega genesis. He wanted to pick up Captain America since the game came out and has stuck with him sense and placed pretty decent at some locals with him. He’s one of the few Captain players that actually relies on his strengths rather than just bitch about his weaknesses (although obviously he still will bitch about them LOL). He’s been wanting to play Zero since TVC and his execution is even better than mine being a regular anime fighter player so he has no problem using him and Felicia.

Well your brother has good taste in characters because I feel Captain is still an amazing character, you just need the right assist and patients. I still am playing with my day one team with Captain, Ironman, and Deadpool and I have done ok in a few casual matches and in a tournament I entered for my first time couple of months ago.

What do you guys think of X-23/Magneto/Haggar? I like Magneto’s Disruptor assist a lot, and X-23’s ankle slicer gives him unblockables.

The team will probably be pretty reliant on X23 staying alive since Haggar isn’t a super awesome anchor but the team makes X23 ridiculously hard to land a clean hit on like Haggar protecting Viscant’s Wesker on point. X23 has a lot of movement based tools to get in on zoning once you learn them all including crazy invincible Weapon X Prime which you can safe DHC into Magneto if it doesn’t hit anybody. If you play to build meter or kill the first character with XF you can create some tough to escape dirt nap setups with haggar assist especially against characters that cant double jump or air dash when they come in.

I haven’t really messed around with disruptor assist to see how good it would be for M feint mix ups but I do know that disruptor assist doesn’t do a lot of his stun or keep them in a juggle state for very long. It activates faster than Doom beam but not by much where it’s that big of a deal. Not as durable as Doom beam either but the speed can kinda make up. As long as you can reliably confirm combos off a disruptor assist into M feint cross up it shouldn’t be bad I guess.

How does Iron Man work with X23? Unibeam is slower than Plasma Beam, but still granted a good projectile assist. I normally run a lot of X23/Wesker Shenanigans and want to try out something like Wesker/X23/Iron Man. I could start X23 and focus on DHC glitch or Wesker for matchup purposes/relaunch off Unibeam. I could even start Iron Man allowing for more unblockable setups, and put Wesker at anchor in which he’s one of the best at the job. To me, anybody can start on this team based off the matchup and be a factor.

Iron Man works pretty similarly. The start up frames are practically the same on both plasma beam and unibeam assist but I don’t know if that corrolates to the beams actually appearing on screen at the same speed. Either way it’s going to more or less do the same thing plasma beam does for my X23 as far as covering the lower half of M/H talon attacks for aerial gap closing and lockdown and setting up M/H feint 50/50’s. Plus it locks them in the air unlike plasma beam so you get a bit more time to convert into combos on a hit. Plasma beam has a bit more durability but it’s not a huge difference. The only other advantage plasma beam has over unibeam is that doom’s assists all appear behind X23 instead of iron man appearing in front. Keeping him out of danger a bit more often.

If you’re going to want to play that team whatever order you wanna put that team in you definitely have to make sure that Wesker and X23 have beam assists. Both of those characters get nasty mix ups with unibeam assist and generally their movement isn’t as susceptible to punishment with unibeam. They’re both generally too reliant on projectile or fast horizontal assists for coverage.

My brother plays a really random but effective team of X23/Taskmaster (hori arrows)/Iron Man (repulsor blast). This is basically another 10 stars/Meep style team where you get one assist that covers X23’s talon attacks and M feints (hori arrows) and then Iron Man luckily has probably the only other assist that guarantees dirt nap XF kills in the corner on a majority of the cast (repulsor blast). This is a pretty complete team and even has tricky setups for DHC glitch into Taskmaster using the repulsor blast assist (though that’s not really required since playing for dirt nap on this team is more important). If you can kill one character with X23 by pushing then into the corner…you basically kill the next one for free with XF dirt nap via repulsor blast lockdown as they come in. X23 can self relaunch even in XF1 so you can either turn on XF early and kill off the first character to build 3 meters and then dirt nap them down before it wears off…or you can save the XF and kill them off towards the corner with standard bnb’s and then let the repulsor blast and dirt nap rip on them and activate XF off the dirt nap and self relaunch for a more guaranteed kill.

I just picked up MVC yesterday and I know I’m late with Ultimate right around the corner but after playing all the characters only a few clicked for me right off the bat. I would like to hear some opinions on whether or not X-23 would be complimented well by Chris Redfield and Lei-Lei or perhaps by Thor and Wesker.

I don’t really see what Chris can do to help X23. His assists aren’t very strong in general (even the gun one) and he’s generally designed to play on point with assists backing him up. Lei Lei is basically the worst character in the game because she’s hardest in the game to create any synergy around. You have to base the whole team around her and you already practically have to base your whole team around X-23. If you put Lei Lei second in front of X23 you can always DHC into Lei Lei’s armor super after building a meter so X23 can run around doing mix ups with Lei Lei’s armored assist. That isn’t bad but it’s not like it’s the best shit in the game either.

Overall I would say the best you team you could come up with those set of characters is X23/Lei Lei/Wesker. That way you have a point character with a solid assist for left right mix ups and dirt nap setups (lei lei senpu bu assist) and wesker gives you unblockable set ups off of X23’s H mirage feint (qcb+H) with his gun assist. Gun assist can also help X23 relaunch without having to turn on XF from her ankle slice and build extra meter for dirt nap. You can DHC glitch into Lei Lei’s armored super also to help kill off a character but Lei Lei’s DHC glitch follow up combos aren’t that great so I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Shit is going away in 3 months any ways and you’re better off just having that armored assist. If worst comes to worst you got XF3 Wesker in the back.

Your goal with the team is basically to try to build 3 meters by the time you kill the first character so you can kill their 2nd character with senpu bu assist + dirt nap and XF relaunch. Basically making it so you can kill off most of the opposing team just by hitting the first character once. You can check my assist thread in the general marvel forum to get ideas on how to set it up.

Any of those other characters you mentioned are basically point man characters and are reliant on 2 good assists to complete their offense and not get advance guarded out all day. You don’t want more than one person on your team that needs 2 assists to be a complete character so Lei Lei and Wesker are the only 2 that can kinda fit the bill on that. Lei Lei acts as like a weak Haggar/Tron assist so you don’t really need to worry so much about her point abilities. You wanna just kill the team off with her assist before she even has to come out. If you can manage you can armor her up so the assist is stronger but I have a feeling if the senpu bu can hit high enough in the air on a welcome situation it should set up dirt nap nicely also.

I need to test repulsor blast more I just couldn’t find how it would help X23 more than Unibeam. I’ve always like all versions of Aim Master assist but I generally don’t play Taskmaster well at all, he just seems “slow” to me and I never do well with him. At this point, I’ve pretty much taken Wesker out of my X23 teams just like Sentinel. It’s not like he was doing bad or anything, but I didn’t like how X23 AND Wesker needed Unibeam assist to solidify their game. Another thing that bothered me is the pathetic dmg Rage Trigger>Phantom Dance, making X23 almost reliant on DHC Trick to get Wesker in (I don’t TAC often, I go for sure dmg)

I used to think X23’s best spot was at lead, but I have her back in the second slot now just like at launch and believe again that this is the best place for her. I’ve been testing other leadoffs in combination of working with my X23/Iron Man game.

Hulk: I think Hulk brings something to this team. Him and X23 can setup unblockable combinations on a entering opponent and Unibeam helps his problems on getting in. Hulk/X23 have dangerous corner combos that lead to some big dmg, he also brings massive health and stability.

Dante: This is more or less running the team DJ runs alongside Doom, just a different anchor. Dante can build tremondous meter for Dirt Nap setups plus as a leadoff he handles so much shit well than what X23/others can. You could possibly run X23 at point and get an opponent into WXP, then DT for DHC Trick 1 millionk setups depending on how much meter you have. I still feel Plasma Beam is a bit faster, and more durable. Plasma Beam blows up other assist well, while Unibeam locks opponents down with its seemingly slight delay.

Captain America: I haven’t tried him as much as the other two, but I think he can be a solid leadoff for this team and good battery with those shield toss combos.

I’ve been messing around with X-23 (Ankle Slicer)/Captain America (Shield Slash)/Dormammu(Dark Hole) lately. Not the best combination of characters but I feel like they work pretty well together. I’m not entirely sure if I want to run Cap or X-23 on lead. I’ve been leaning more towards X-23 so she can make use of both assists, but I’m wondering if it would be better to lead off with Cap and build meter, then eventually swap out.

X-23’s ankle slice will give a much needed OTG assist so that Cap can land damage off ground back throws or any air throw and set up unblockables with his really strong air normals. Cap is great in the first spot because he is extremely reliant on assists to complete his offense.

What he brings to the table before the assists though is the ability to charge through any projectile based zone with charging star/hyper charging star. This is while he can already zone other characters out with his shield slash game and his shield slash can hit confirm into full big damage combos from more than half the screen away. Plus DP’s and a DP super to give him reliable reversals against attacks and mix ups that most of the other cast doesn’t have. The only thing you won’t get is a safe DHC if you whiff his supers but you can play a lot of gimmicks like do a charging star and wait till the move is into recovery phase. Usually people will try to press a button and when they do you can pop them with hyper stars and stripes. Plus…X-23 has a rather safe raw tag that stays towards the corner of the screen any way.

Once you get in with Captain Dorm’s Dark hole can set up left right mix ups with the cart wheel also. Make sure they’re not in block stun and then call dark hole and flip around them before the dark hole touches them. It’s literally a 50/50 whether you are going to be in front or behind them on the exact moment the dark hole is hitting them. By the time the hole hits you’ll still be half way into your backflip making it a complete guess.

Dark Hole is still a pretty solid assist for X-23. Doesn’t really set up left right mix ups with the M feint as well as beam or other forward moving assists do but it locks people down nicely for her H feint high lows (which can sometimes cross up also). Also not bad for covering your M and H talon attacks as you’re trying to move in.

Thanks man, I’ll try running Cap on point.

One thing I like doing but don’t know how long I’ll be able to get away with, is calling Shield Slash assist, M Feinting for the crossup, and if they block it waiting for it to come back for the second hit. It’ll either hit them during their attempted punish or get me a second mixup opportunity. It sounds gimmicky but it’s doing pretty cool stuff for me so far. Another thing is Dorm’s Dark Hole for the inescapable Dirt Nap setup in the corner after a snapback or a kill. Done normally it always whfifs, but if I backdash just a bit away from the corner and then call it, the opponent always comes right into it. I haven’t tested to see if it’s truly inescapable, but it hasn’t failed yet.

Yeah it’s unfortunate that Captain is so reliant on assists already to complete his offense that you probably won’t get to make use of that really good shield slash assist as much as you could. If you kill one character with a DHC into X23 then you could definitely start playing X-23 on point from there and then make use of the shield slash assist which is pretty much perfect for her M feint.

With Dorm’s dark hole I’m sure you can do pretty well with the unblockable especially against characters that don’t have an 8 way air dash or generally great air movement. For those that do you can still call dark hole out and then jump up and talon dive on top of them while mashing on S to cancel into level 3 when they come out.

I just found out that X23’s ankle slice is a bit slow for helping Captain OTG off his throws. At best you’ll just get OTG’s off his air S knockdown from juggles. As a matter of fact there’s only 3 real characters (Viper/Deadpool/Wesker) that have fast enough OTG assists for him to reliably land combos off his throw. Which means you may actually be better off with X23 first and have her just be the main meter builder. You could put Captain first depending on the matchup like if you know you’re playing against a nasty lame out team that Captain America will do a better job getting in on without instantly dying.

I think that’s what I’m gonna try to do. I find I’m really comfortable using Cap with assists against the top tier point characters, I feel like I have an easier time dealing with them as Cap than as X-23, but for midgame I’m definitely strongest with a fully metered fully assisted X-23.

How well do magneto and x-23 work together?

Outside of the assist I think it works pretty fine. You’ll need to have a 3rd character to utilize X23’s M/H feint mix ups since disruptah doesn’t do enough hit stun to reliably land combos during those moves. The nice thing Magneto gives X-23 is a safe DHC option if she gets in trouble to keep her in the match. You can still use disruptah assist if you don’t have a 3rd character with a beam assist to help X-23 get across the screen with her talon attacks though.

Your best set up is most likely to have X-23 go first as a meter build for Magneto, with Magneto 2nd so Magneto can take strong advantage of level 2 XF or save it up for the 3rd anchor whichever. Magneto’s assist still gives a bit of coverage for a few of her special moves that she rather relies on heavily so that always helps too.

I’ve been playing a X-23 [Slicer]/ Doom [Plasma]/ Hulk [Ground Charge]. I’ve noticed that I’m never getting any real mileage out of Hulk assist though. Hell, I don’t even know if Hulk is a good mix with the other two, anyway. I mostly just use him as an anchor (to which he performs very admirably).

Would Gamma Wave probably give me a better option, should I drop Hulk altogether, besides Dante who could fill that position well?