MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

yeah i really doubt x-23 is gonna get any sort of nerfs, maybe theyll add some sort of recovery to her charged neck slice coz I’ve heard people whine about that (i really hope not though… its her only awesome tool.

I’m mostly likely gonna switch out Wesker/Akuma from my team to new characters seeing as i suck with both of them. once my Laura is dead the match is practically over for me =/
I’m hoping to replace Wesker with G.Rider, I only have wesker on my team for the OTG assist and to DHC glitch, with the glitch gone he doesnt serve any purpose in my team. Plus i heard G.Rider has 2 OTG assists o__o so yeah he’ll definitely be a good replacement, OTG assist to WXP> DHC to Bike of death lol
i’m also hoping that Vergil has some sort of universally good assist so i can use him for the 3rd slot. maybe he’ll get his tracking swords LOL that’d be an AMAZING assist.

I find way too many awesome things about X23’s tools to say that her derpy charged neck slice is the only awesome one. Though I do like it.

If they nerf even one thing about X23 I’m going to toilet paper Niitsuma’s office.

the derpyness is what makes it awesome =[
LOL i like the toilet paper idea, if she does get nerfs I’m totally down for that.

No DHC trick or the lot, I won’t drop X23. With Wolverine catching nerfs maybe more players will accept X23 in their squads, especially if she gets some buffs.

Well the one reported buff is that rage trigger supposedly moves across the screen faster. I mean it was already fast and invincible from frame one so it was like a DP that costed one bar to use. I’ll take it though.

I still think X-23 in general requires a bit too much thought and is a bit too squishy for the average player to run her like some Wolverine/Dante shit online but the assist me series hopefully has helped to make her accessible to more people. I think the main thing holding people back from X-23 was that they just didn’t understand how her special moves worked or how to get in.

the only thing with rage trigger moving across the screen faster is that ppl will fall out of it more often. hopefully they fixed that… if you don’t pick somebody up right on the edge of its hitbox as it is, they will pop out before the big DP finish at the end because X-23 will roll underneath them and then past them.
I’m hoping for a buff to the command grab’s hitbox too, that thing going over crouching chars is fuckin bullshit. If that grab worked better X-23 would be so very high tier

I think that Chun-Li is a great partner for X-23. Chun’s Lightning Legs is a good lockdown assist and helps extend X-23’s combo after OTG. Also, X-23’s OTG works well because Chun has no OTG.

I just read this on CrossCounter’s site:


  • OTG slash seems to have a slightly larger window, making OTG + assists easier.
  • Air combo range seems slightly trickier.

I dunno what they mean by that second point, but it’s pretty awful if they made jM worse than it already is. Still four more months to go though, so I won’t fret on it too much for now.

I never really had much of a problem with the OTG shit so that’s whatever. It’s said that Dante’s combo game is changed up a bit so I’m not really surprised. Long as I can MFC s.M and s.H into combos easily that’s all i care about. I was hoping maybe like a bit faster start up on her L talon attack or charged neck slice (the few derpy specials she has that don’t require an assist) but probably not.

It sounds like Capcom pretty much still wants you to complete the character via assists since the scariest part of her game is mostly revolved around the speed of her M mirage feint with assists, command grab setups with assists, the safeness of her M and H talon attacks to close the gap with assists and her MFC game which allows her normals to lock down and blow up advance guards with the same power as most other character’s special moves. Pretty much only one of those things doesn’t require an assist but I feel as long as you give her a good assist and get her in with some frame trap based stuff that’s pretty much all she needs to open people up. Being in XF2 with one solid assist is strong enough to allow her to start shredding through a team.

Generally without utilizing her MFC’s you have to have an assist to make a real offensive with X23. She’s one of those characters that’s only a shell of herself without an assist since they basically are designed to work in conjunction with them to create some of the most impossible to react to mix ups in the game and get her in safely. Preferably a fast beam or long ranged projectile or attack assist. Sent drones assist is getting a substantial start up decrease (they release on screen faster more like the MVC2 version) so it’s ability to be used at close range to start up offense for her will be even better than it already is. The broken up strings allow her to do multiple M feint or H feint mix ups at the same time so he’s definitely an assist to consider by UMVC3. Akuma assist is getting a specific nerf with no longer having a soft knockdown but we’ll see if any combo opportunities can still arise off of it and if anything you can just put another strong assist on your team that can give you better set ups for combos.

All of her tools are awesome with assists but without assists you’re looking at random L talons and neck slices for your offense outside of MFC’s.

Ammy’s cold star is probably going to be the assist to go in ultimate. It actually scales/hit deteriorates better than akuma’s tatsu assist. Plus you have a longer range to do mix-ups. Plus her m and h talon can set up for nasty left-right mix-ups since it locks them down if they block.

Lol assuming it dont get nerfed, but it isnt really an OP assist.

Only thing I don’t like about Ammy is that she’s a pretty bad anchor. Arguably, I can run her on point and switch Taskmaster to anchor, but that would risk getting my WXP/mix-up assist killed.

if youre playing x 23, task ammy, you can pretty much play that team in any order and still make it work

personally I would say put your x 23 on anchor, she seems like the best for it on your team.

I think Ammy is one of the best anchors in the game actually. She doesn’t get any speed boost but she doesn’t really need it because her movement is very solid and she’s one of the hardest hit boxes to hit in the game any ways. She’s probably the most self sufficient character in the game and isn’t reliant on assist to combo off her air throws or generate an offense in general. Any time you kill a character you can just turn on slow mode with XF on and be able to move way faster than the next character coming in which sets them up for a free extremely hard to escape mix up that will probably kill them if they don’t do the right thing before they land. She has decent tools to get around advance guards without assists and has some tools as well that can keep Phoenix/Dark Phoenix in check.

X23 is barely a solid anchor if your intention is to have her comeback by herself at times. Most of her tools for mix up are reliant on assist minus her MFC tools which don’t really do much but stop the opponent from advance guarding all day and set up ground throw mix ups. Your command grab is a bit more viable with the speed of XF3 but most of your special moves are reliant on assists to be of any threat or create any mix up for her in general. XF2 X23 with an assist is a lot better than XF3 X23 doing random shit and not having any real mix up outside of random command grab or random h feint overheads. X23 is so much more of an issue with assists and she doesn’t really have any strong space control like wesker without an assist to warrant putting her in the back.

Characters that can control space with projectiles or have a bit more solid mix up/movement without an assist are generally better for anchor. Most of the characters that are strong anchors have a way to solidly get around the screen without an assist and can land damage off their ground or air throws easily. Without some type of projectile assist you’re just a character of random running around with the chance of maybe hitting somebody and that’s not really the point of X23 especially since her being an anchor provides little in assists for your team. Have X23 up first or second so she can have an assist backing and be complete as a character. Just like in the assist me video there’s literally no reason for X23 to be on the screen without an assist even with XF.

What do you guys think of X-23 (ankle slice)/Trish (peekaboo)/Dormammu (dark hole)? I’m thinking of switching out Trish, but I’m not sure who for, any tips on this team or on who would be a good replacement for Trish would be appreciated.

Well the main thing you wanna do with a team that has X23 as point is have assists that make her M mirage feint work as a faster berserker slash style left right mix up to get people off of block once you get in and help lockdown for possible H feint high low mix ups or cross ups. Assists that release quickly or cover most of the horitzontal screen quickly on release are strong for her M feint mix up. Assists that stay in one place and lock down for a long time are strong for her H feint mix up.

With the assists you have neither one really works well for her M mirage feint since dorm’s dark hole appears a bit too far away to cross someone up (especially smaller characters) as you get close and people will be looking to jump and super jump away from your mix up until you get in. It’s actually not bad at setting up the M feint from a long distance but that requires them to sit still from a range against X23 which isn’t going to happen realistically. Luckily at close range Dorm’s dark hole does enough block stun to support a strong H feint high low mix up once you get in. Which against smaller characters you can even get left right mix ups at times in the middle of it and still combo them. The main issue with dark hole is the way it hits makes it a bit tricky to hit confirm and launch off of reliably but once you get used to it it shouldn’t be terrible.

With Trish although her peekaboo assist is nice to help control screen space a bit it’s not necessarily warranted for a character like X23 who can close the gap so quickly any way. The assist also doesn’t really do anything to help create any strong left right mix ups with her M mirage feint which is her most important mix up since it’s the fastest starting left right mix up in the game with the right assist. Her other 2 assists don’t really warrant strong set ups for her M mirage feint either because although low voltage is a decent projectile assist it doesn’t do any hit stun at all or launch the opponent in the air on an M feint cross up making it useless for landing damage after the mix up. You’re probably best off using the trap assist to keep the opponent from being able to move as often but for X23 who can get in so easily with a decent projectile assist I don’t feel it’s really warranted. You can probably set up some funny gimmicks with peekaboo assist into H talon attack movements but nothing crazy. None of her assists really do anything to clear up projectiles or other assists effectively which is also important for getting X23 in without burning meter on supers or just doing generally risky stuff.

In general if you want to get the most out of X23’s mix up you’re probably gonna have to think about getting rid of Trish. None of her assists are particularly great at getting X23 in any more easily or more importantly add the required strengths to create a strong mix up off her M feint which is pretty vital. Her assists are better for characters that can zone but for a character that can get in quickly and doesn’t have any tools to lame with there’s no reason to have Trish backing up X23 since her assist will literally add nothing of strong value to X23. Dorm is probably a keeper because although his dark hole assist isn’t great for M feint and could probably be a bit better for her talon attacks it sets up strong H feint mix ups once you get in and get them grounded. If Dorm’s dark hole assist worked well for X23’s M mirage feint I would say keep Trish on but he only covers the H feint and not the more important M feint so Trish should probably get going and find another team unless you just like her that much.

As far who to replace Trish for I would generally replace her with any character that has an assist that will give X23 a solid left right mix up that she can hit confirm reliably off of. Characters like Akuma (tatsu), Dante (weasel shot), Doom (plasma beam), Taskmaster (horizontal arrows), Tron (fire assist), Sent (charge drones) and quite a few others i didn’t list are all characters that have assists that either start quickly enough or travel across the screen and the keep the opponent in the air long enough to reliably juggle after you cross them up. Akuma and Sentinel being the absolute best of the two as far as the strength of the mix up. Tron could double for X23 as an assist to set up her M feint reliably while also giving X23’s low health protection from instant death against landed hits from opponents.** The main thing to remember with the M feint based mix ups is that the opponent must not be blocking anything (including the assist) before you do them. If they are in block stun before you M feint they will not get crossed up. **The only exception to that would be Sent drones which force the opponent out of block stun inbetween hits allowing you to quickly M feint around and then H feint in again to create multiple mix ups before the drones leave. H feint mix ups allow you to still go for high lows if the opponent is in block stun.

Thanks, DevilJin, I appreciate the well thought out answer. I’ve decided to drop Trish definitively in favor of Akuma, event hough it’s sure to bring onslaught of “tier-whore” comments among my friends lol.

This new team should help a lot, even though I’m almost surely going to drop Akuma in favor of Iron Fist or Vergil in UMvC3 lol.

No probs. I wouldn’t worry about the tier whore comments much since X-23 is a character you have to build your team around or at least build one really strong assist around to get the most out of her. Which means you’ll have to favor certain characters over others if you want to open people up reliably with her. It helps if you just generally like X23 as a character so you can pick strong assists for her and have her be prominent in doing damage for your team. Hopefully Iron Fist has some solid assists to back up X23’s M feint game.

I hope so too, but its like likely (may as well be confirmed) that one of Vergil’s assists will be a version of Slash Dimension, which will likely be a GREAT assist for X-23. Not to mention I can’t really think of any assists they would give Iron Fist.

I have a team with Spiderman (Web Ball), Ryu (Tatsu), and X-23 (Ankle Slice). I have done somewhat ok but mostly because I know how to block but what I want to know is that a decent team because I really want to have a team that includes X-23 and Ryu. They seem to have some chemistry together from what I have seen and I want to find a third to make this team official or stick with Spiderman?

Well with the spider man team I assume you have x23 there to complete his combos and give him more mix up but X23 as anchor I don’t really like. She’s not a solid character without an assist backing her even with XF. It’s like XF3 Chun Li where when people don’t know how to block and runaway its not bad but as soon as they do you’re going to have problems unless you guess with air throws and just do random risky shit.

If you are going to use that team I would suggest X23 being second so X23 can have an assist to utilize for her mirage feints and XF2 X23 is basically more deadly than XF3 X23 any ways. Your spider man team could work fine as long as you change the order so x23 has an actual assist. Ryu’s assist will definitely help your rushdown but may still give you some trouble against certain 3 character based lame out teams. If you run into that you can always just go for Weapon X Prime and if that gets blocked just DHC into Ryu shinkuu to stay safe and get him in the match to fight the zone.