MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

iirc the other option you have is to do a H shoryuken and then do the S for dirt nap after the 3rd hit. that move has a huuuuge hitbox so it can work but if it gets pushblocked you are not going to land your lvl3 before it runs out

I’ve been tiger kneeing a Talon Attack H, and that’s been working out for me since it sort of gets around advancing guard. A super jumped Talon Dive looks like it would work better though.

Rofl wow didnt know x-23 can do any of her specials into dirtnap. You might not need dante for unblockable set-ups. If you get the timing down. But im sure characters with invincible supers on start-up can counter this whereas with dantes jam session to dirtnap they cant do anything about it.

I don’t know. With a well timed “meaty” Talon Dive or down+H, supposedly, they’ll be hit the moment they come on the screen. I don’t think that leaves any room to Hard Drive out.

Yeah, as I said before, L Talon Attack is what I use for this situation. I hate it when I screw up my timing, though. The level 3 activation always throws me off. Also, a concern of mine in this situation is to not accidentally cross up the KOd character on the floor. That’s why I personally don’t use down+H, but then again, I only really tried (and failed) once.

How many of you play with people that always know exactly what to do against the dirt nap set up?

I feel like a lot of you are putting a bit too much time and team building efforts into making the dirt nap 100% guaranteed, when just sitting on the ground and doing it naked as soon as they come in is like 90-95% uncounterable anyway. As far as phoenix goes, she takes too long to teleport, and her airdash only seems to get her away if the X player messes up the timing, so the only way she can for sure get out of it is to burn a meter for an invincible super. Which plays into our plan anyway right?

also, another hilarious dirt nap set up. if for whatever reason you have excess bar, or want to kill the other guy without x factor. You can do any normal bnb combo, end it with air S, land, activate, watch their roll, wavedash up to them and mash S

Also, My main team has x 23 and morrigan on it. and i find that they work really well together. the only problem is that the normal ‘bnb to otg assist/point otg to long hitting assist to WXP’ doesnt work with any of morrigans assists. it might just be because of my team set up tho. but i like the fact that I have 2 different characters that are very very dangerous and easy to use with either level 2 or 3 x factor. its funny that they are such opposites too. Laura is just all out dumb aggression. Morrigan in x factor pressures people to come to her or get chipped out by fireballs. their combos and dhc synergy is good, you just have to put it some work with it. besides, with the TAC to WXP thing, it really opens up lauras versatility to play her with alot more characters.

Which of Doom’s assist help X-23 out the most?

I play Doom and X-23 and plasma beam is the best for her easily. Neither of Doom’s other assists get her in as fast and X-23’s fast movement specials and wall jump benefit most from a projectile assist that activates quickly and is durable to get her through point and assist projectiles. Running her movement specials without assists can get you in trouble and helps make them a lot more difficult to defend against. Plus the main thing with the beam is that it gives you access to Wolvie style left right mix ups that you can learn more about by watching the left right mix up video in my tutorial.

Yeah, Beam is the most benificial. However, it’s the only assist that doesn’t allow to combo Weapon X Prime after an OTG. And Doom missiles could help on landing her level 3, supposedly. But with beam X-23 just becomes way more versatile.

I do that all the time, but the problem is that the beam goes too low, people are often able to just jump out of danger. Not as good as the actual Berserker Slash, which has a much better vertical hitbox.

Jumping is what you want them to do any way. If they jump that sets them up for air throws that you can do on reaction when they jump backwards. Jumping in general gets really unsafe once people learn to anti air effectively. You can always set up a left right dash mix up or just air throw them if they want to jump. Wolverine’s B Slash is more auto pilot but if you think slightly harder with X-23 (like do actual setups based on what they do instead of relying on a braindead special move) you can still set up a bunch of shit when they jump.

So with the DHC glitch and Exchange glitch gone, I’ve been trying to think of how that might affect Laura. Well, how do you guys feel about that, in regards to X-23?

I mean I wouldn’t have been playing X-23 if it wasn’t for the DHC glitch. She was the only character that could start it that I liked (and this was before I knew Dante could start it) so I went with her. You didn’t have to do anything weird like with Dante you just do the super and you get a set up for the glitch. Luckily I found out by playing the character that she plays like a Marvel version of Ibuki with a lot reliance on left right mix ups, cancelling normals to improve their strength in block strings and combos and feinting your attacks with command dash type moves and what not so I instantly clicked with her.

The exchange glitch only really mattered for like She Hulk any way so that doesn’t really matter. From there we’ve found out that X-23 is basically a parasitic character that has access to probably the cheapest level 3 super in the game. With assists like Akuma’s tatsu and especially Dante’s Jam Session you can set up nearly inescapable setups on the next character coming in and then turn on the X Factor and kill them off. Just like how Wolverine’s XF1 abilities are becoming scarier than the DHC glitch X23’s dirt nap set ups are becoming more dangerous than her DHC glitch capabilities also. She also has frame advantage on just about everything including her normals which using feint cancel techniques makes her block strings safe to XF guard cancels and allows her to consistently stay in people’s faces once she gets in. She probably has to worry about advance guard less than every other character in the game except for maybe Felicia especially when you combine all of her solo anti advance guard techniques with assists.

What really happens with Laura just like any upgrade to a fighting game revolves around what’s going to be changed for the better or worse concerning her and how that reflects against the changes the other characters got. She was already a ridiculously slept on character as it is and if she isn’t nerfed at all that’s really all it takes for her to be a real contender in Ultimate IMO. The fact that most people still don’t even know how good she is if you base your team around her is going to be a real factor going into Ultimate.

It’s already been said that Wolverine is getting the tone down. Nerfs on his dive kick hit box, he moves slower in general so that means slower dive kick and slower everything probably really and no more invincibility on b slash, a special move that does everything for him at one time. In return he got some Honda hands/Baraka slash type move where he says “swiss cheese” during it. It’s like they’re pretty much trolling Wolverine’s strength from the current game. LOL. Now that Wolverine won’t be so retarded braindead to use there will be even more reason to gravitate towards more thoughtful characters like X-23.

Not that it matters as much but supposedly Wesker got a big nerf in health (although all of his tools remain intact supposedly). Phoenix is generally weaker now that she can only get one H shot on the screen that most characters with a projectile can beat out in projectile durability and easily run away from. I’m not sure if her XF3 in DP got nerfed but I hear the time length for XF’s across the board got nerfed so that plus only one H shot will definitely have her on the officially less braindead list.

Since you guys said I should run beam with Doom, I’ll do just that. Now all I have to do is find a secondary character. I’m currently thinking Ammy.

I think a lot of people knew the DHC glitch wasn’t gonna stay around forever and preparations were made by us making use of ways to get Silent Kill early and learning XF combos, as well as mix-ups, resets, and other stuff that advanced the character. IMO, DHC glitch, while was really handy, just means we now have to use more of X-23’s tools. X-Factor taking a hit might affect her Level 1/2 XF stuff, but X-Factor’s apparently been nerfed across the board, so I guess it’s all good. Like mentioned above, Wolverine and Phoenix took a hit and so did Magneto, amongst other chars. If X-23 remains unchanged/actually gets buffs, then I think she’ll do fine and maybe we’ll actually see more X-23 players this time around haha.

I agree with Deviljin, she’s been criminally slept on pretty much since the start.

I didn’t use the DHC glitch, so that doesn’t affect me much. She’s still a character that can control a match from start to finish with the right assists, yet I don’t see Capcom nerfing anything of hers (my biggest fear). So whatever changes I make to my team will be regarding whatever changes will be made to assists. Here’s hoping Tron’s is still good.

She should also have something completely new, right? I wonder what it is.

I’m glad I decided to change the order of my team to Taskmaster on point before UMvC3 was announced, lol. That makes things less complicated for me. Also, I was wondering if Akuma Tatsu would still be a good assist for her even though it’s losing the soft knockdown. I’ve been thinking that because of how my team is, unless Taskmaster’s assists change, I won’t have an assist that’ll let me combo into Weapon X Prime. I know it’s not as important with the removal of the DHC glitch, but the extra damage is important to me.

Hopefully it’s not swiss cheese. Maybe it’ll be munster cheese.

Yeah luckily I’ll still have Dante on my team to give her the jam session to level 3 stuff. Long as Dirt Nap still works the same definitely am not going to pass up on that cheap ass set up. Even with the air XF guard cancel only 2 characters (Sentinel and Morrigan) will be able to get out of jam session to dirt nap unless some weird shit happens. I’ll still mostly be playing Dante on point because I generally like him in matchups better unless he gets nerfed to shit. The Akuma tatsu nerf means more reason to use beam assist with Doom to give her similar pressure options and allow her to stall the match if she needs to against zone types or use it to get in.

If Ryu’s Tatsu assist keeps its soft knockdown, I’ll probably switch to him with all those crazy new things they gave him. Here’s hoping. Crosses fingers

If neither of them work, I guess I’ll just have to learn some new characters. Firebrand looks amazingly fun, so hopefully he has a good assist. X-23 is the only character I’ll never drop from my main team.

Edit: I just saw Akuma’s Tatsu on stream. I don’t think it’s as bad as it sounded. It’ll just be a bit harder to hit confirm off of it. I’m still thinking about replacing him though.

Yeah, I just saw the Tatsu nerf as well haha. If you can combo if it, it seems like it’d be really tight.

And I don’t see myself dropping X-23 from my main team either, so I’ll see what the new characters are saying in terms of assists if my old ones aren’t cutting it anymore.

I’ll probably keep with X-23, doom still as one of my main teams. Maybe haggar, x-23, doom. I can never pick a third to stick with, maybe jill will get buffed(if capcom doesnt buff her at all then wtf) or I will like someone new.

Maybe some extra hope for X23 getting even better (which she probably will since most people still think she’s just weak wolvie). Some guy mentioned he went to Comic Con and noticed that Dante’s retarded ass normals now have faster start up. That was like the only thing holding Dante back. LOL. Now I can just swing around like an idiot? There’s gotta be some kind of catch we’ll see. I’m sure Dante is going to get 2 new special moves also that have some really random specific use. I’m sure as soon as I say this someone else is going to say that Dante does no damage anymore.

If they’re making obvious retardo characters like Dante better it’s obvious cute little mid tier X-23 is going to get some new shit to add to her sleeper hitness.